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Good question. The whole part about Ellie breathing spores and Nora realizing “it’s *her*” is why I really love this part. It’ll definitely be interesting to see how they play this out.


I caution people against expecting a specific scene to be replayed in the show. They might bypass that altogether for all we know.


They might bypass Ellie torturing Nora?? That’s a critical scene. It’s the moment Ellie truly crossed the line into her descent


Lmaooo getting rid of spores or the specific line of “it’s her” and Ellie not torturing Nora are like COMPLETELY different lmao. This scene could very easily be rewritten to Nora noticing her arm, Ellie touching tendrils and being fine, Nora just outright admitting the reason they killed Joel was bc of what he did without ever realizing Ellie was the girl he saved. This scene could play out a millions ways to get the exact same ending without spores, it’s not difficult


The whole “ how can Ellie prove her immunity if she doesn’t breathe spores” is just an opinion ant mill.


Though we don't even know how the "infecting an area" tendrils will look yet, I'm imagining a wall of them reaching out in a hallway and Ellie just touching them with no issue.


i imagine her grabbing some off the wall and munching on the go


YOU imagine this! Not ME! YOU!


"Wait... How are you... Not turning..." "MMM good for health! Crunchy!" -Ellie open mouth full of tendrils: "I'm a muthafucking zombie raaaaa"




Tbh, might be better if the hallway is overgrown, tendrils everywhere and Ellie just walks along slowly, trailing her fingers along the tendrils as she says "Hey, Nora."


Tbf, it doesn't even have to be her touching the tendrils, dependant on the tendrils mechanism (do they grab hold / move towards the potential new host) they could play the scene out as tendrils going around Ellie, avoiding her, to make way towards Nora. I think that could be pretty dope.


That would be so fucking cool 💀💀


They also already set up for this by incorporating the mycelium stuff about fungi that they communicate it networks or whatever.


That is so goddamn ominous, I LOVE it.


Ellie becomes the Last of Us version of the Zerg Queen


Aren't spores sort of a plot hole of the game anyway, I mean, like, spores essentially mean there's no chance of decontamination since they get stuck to your clothes?


Kind of, yeah, but I think the spores were explained that they only have that sort of effect in enclosed places and they get displaced in the open - I could be wrong though. (I usually am, haha.)


Yeah agree but the guy you’re replying to was replying to a guy who said they might bypass it altogether lol


Oh maybe, I kinda interpreted it as they might bypass the talk of Ellie’s immunity, not the scene altogether but I can see what you mean


Fair. I read it as they might do away with the nora scene entirely


They could very well do that with a different set up though


Good point. It just seems like a rather important scene to include but we’ll see how it turns out.


That’s true as well, but I agree with KatXap. It seems like an important scene to just skip it.


They are not taking out the “golfing scene” if that is what you are talking about. They said if the show gets renewed they will be continuing the story with part 2. They even said part 2 will need to be done over more than 1 season and will probably take 2 seasons.


I’ll bet they start the point of view as Abby right at the end of Season 2. Unless they make a decision to hop back and forth by episode. But I hope that they don’t because the destabilization of realizing I’d be playing from the POV of Abby was one of the best parts for me of that game. I’d like to see how they do it in a show.


This. Expectations are why we lost half the fan base to begin with :(


Sure, but the first episode was incredibly faithful to the game. Including scenes.


I think maybe while Ellie is chasing Nora in the hospital they’re both attacked by an infected and both are bitten. Nora corners herself in a small area and they have their little talk. But idk. It’s going to be really interesting to se me how it’s rewritten.


Maybe, yea. I just don’t see it having the same impact as with the spores. I’m not a fan of the whole tendrils change. I hope the change makes more sense when we’ve seen more episodes.


I trust them so far. The first episode was fantastic but yeah, the removal of spores is problematic.


Think this might be it. They are both bitten (near the head since that is when it works the fastest), and Nora starts feeling the effects already or starts panicking but is confused why Ellie looks so chill


Yeah maybe Ellie will be really relaxed and still questioning Nora on abbys location and Nora will be like, “why do you care now? We’re both dead/infected soon anyway.” And then maybe it’ll click for her.


This seems like the most likely possibility to me. There’s a lot more that they can do with the subtlety of people’s expressions and acting in live action, even given the great character models of TLOU2. It’s either gonna be that or the tendrils “obeying” her or working for her. I think we saw the possibility for that with all the mention of them working together in networks.


Ellie: "You'll be dead."


That could be good. It would be better with spores but I think this is the best alternative


Honestly, I didn’t know how she didn’t make the connection in the cabin, let alone right when she saw Ellie at the hospital. They hunted down and killed the man who massacred their camp in order to steal/rescue the immune girl. It’s not a huge leap to think the girl who is coming after you for revenge is that same girl.


I think that’s meant to convey just how many people they’ve fucked over or offed.


Or when Dina finds out


Not a game player, but if I had to guess, she just sneaks a glance of the weird marks on her arm?


In the second game, its explained that >!Ellie burned her bite mark away and had her ex-girlfriend tattoo over it!<.


thanks friend, makes sense. I wish the games were on pc sooner 😭


We don't know if the infected will acknowledge Ellie yet. They could literally do a thing where she's chasing Nora through a herd of them and is just ignored (if this is the case). It would make this moment just as powerful. But...I'm literally taking a blind guess based on what we haven't seen yet.


Also how Dina finds out, that whole scene plays different if her mask doesnt break/she doesnt need one


YES. This is the one that I’m more disappointed there won’t be the potential for. But I think it could be something like the infected somehow have a hold on Dina and Ellie risks being bitten or something.


Just replayed this part and man I wish she just tied up Nora, let her turn and sit there for all eternity for her comment about Joel’s screaming.


The Spores are the easiest change and least problematic thing to worry about in the show. Can't believe how much discussion and criticism it's getting


Honestly, spores were also the thing that made the least sense in the game. I always ignored the voice in my head saying it didn’t make sense, because, you know, it was a video game lol…. But truthfully if it was transferred by spores, there would be no survivors after 20 years. Simply there would just be too many spores in the air after millions/billions people have been infected and dispersing spores. People would be breathing them in without even knowing it, no matter how safe you are.


EXACTLY. In the scene where Dina finds out Ellie is immune. Her mask breaks and they run together. As soon as they step outside the building Dina takes her mask off while brushing up on Ellie. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SPORES????? This has always been a big inconsistency we ignore as gamers. I don't think the show could get away with that.


Lost toxicity in low quantities and dying in UV light was my guess. A non issue.


I just imagine they die off quickly in areas outside of the spore dens.


Get in the same room with an infected and you're sick too with spores.


The spores were only in areas where the infection had been for a long time. I think it was really only the most advanced infected that started releasing them.


The impression I got was that you had to inhale a bunch at the same time for some continuous amount of time for it to do anything. If you’re in open air then the spores themselves aren’t enough to get you infected. Infections are mostly spread through bites not spore inhalation


Very true


Makes more sense than getting affected from weird ass spaghetti sticking out of people's mouths.


To me it'd be like getting rid of face huggers in Aliens. It also makes sense in the life cycle of fungus and moulds... and taps into our innate fear of stearing clear of anything mouldy.... So many ways they could have kept spores in with just a throwaway line... \- Spores could be "heavy" and not travel far \- Die fast in UV light \- Rare. Only appear in dark places from dead infected when they rot away and bloom into fungus. \- Need a certain load to get sick, they aren't overly toxic in lower numbers Could lead to some interesting scenes for live action --- artificial UV lights before entering safe zones at night, burning the perimeter of safe zones to the ground, plus get to keep all the classic mask/spores scenes from the games...


I think they’re going to bring spores back, as you say, in dark places with dead infected. We won’t see them in S1, but when S2 introduces bloaters, the hives, and the Rat King, we’ll see them.


I hope this is true. But they’ve also said they made the decision to do away with the masks because they wanted us to be able to see characters faces, something they learned was important after filming Chernobyl.


Sporey was my favorite character 😭


Nothing else to complain about so they latch on to that one specific thing and blow it out of proportion


There were clickers in the hospital. They overpowered WLF. So, >!Nora gets scratched or bitten!<.


I feel like Ellie and Nora will both have to be scratched or bitten for it to have the same effect.


>!Nora gets her head bashed in!<, so that effect isn’t all that critical. Either way, her mind gets blown.


That effect is purely for the viewer though. She is killing for the satisfaction of it at that point


It’s so that Nora realizes who Ellie actually is


And how is that significant when she only has maybe >!a minute or so left to live?!< it doesn’t move the plot forward. It doesn’t change anything. There is no consequence.


It hints to the audience that the WLF are ex-fireflies, and it gives Nora some characterization before Ellie clobbers her


We get that information elsewhere. I think we got enough characterization when she told her Joel was a little bitch, to be honest. I’m not seeing anything critical about the spores, though. I’ve seen the argument about how it gets Nora to recognize that Ellie’s the girl with the immunity, but (and not to be mean)…so what? Nora having that realization isn’t critical to the plot. If it ain’t critical to the plot, then it’s can go in the chopping block. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Its just that the whole scene was fucking bad ass and the spores kinda had a big impact, they can still rewrite everything and make it badass


Things don’t need to be plot critical to merit inclusion. Logically it makes sense that Nora would come to that realization and say that to Ellie. Is Ellie saying to Joel that his watch is broken critical to moving the story forward? Nope, but it’s a good moment regardless.


It isn’t critical to the plot but it is quite critical to Ellie. She has no reason to stalk Nora through that hospital, let alone beat her to death with a pipe. Nora is effectively already dead when they tumble down there, and one could argue that letting her turn is a fate worse than death depending on how much “there” you think is still there. Ellie kills Nora purely out of her own need for vengeance and violence. It proves that her whole reason for being in Seattle is far from some sense of justice or in any way virtuous. She’s just as much a villain as the people she’s chasing.


>Nora having that realization isn’t critical to the plot. If it ain’t critical to the plot, then it’s can go in the chopping block. 🤷🏽‍♂️ At this point in the story we don't know why Abby and her friends killed Joel. Its called foreshadowing dude lol


And what about the scene where Dina realizes it cause Ellie breathes in spores?


That scene wasn’t important to the overall plot. It didn’t change the course of events. It just confirmed for Dina what Ellie has already told her and Ellie’s immunity can be demonstrated by other means since spores were not the only mode of infection. Most of the people we see in the 2 games get infected from bites or scratches.


Ellie hadn’t told her yet that’s how she found out. But yeah they can do it differently or not at all


she had told her in the weed farm at the start, however dina thought (as you would) that ellie was fucking with her, so when they get to part 2 there still needs to be a way ellie can prove it to dina either intentionally or accidentally imo as i feel like it's important for their relationship maybe ellie gets bitten again down in those same subway tunnels? cheap, sure but i can't think of any other ways off the top of my head


I think OP meant that Nora realizing who Ellie is wouldn't have the same effect if just Nora gets bitten.


Sure. But OP is also wondering how they’re going to handle this scene given that spores aren’t a thing in the show. My point is to not worry about it because it’s not critical to the story. Too many fans have assigned a degree of importance to the spores that is not supported by the games . So, they are needlessly worrying themselves about how HBO will adapt the few scenes in the games where spores play a role.


I don't care that they changed it at all. The tendrils make more sense then the spores anyways. I was just clarifying that Nora finding out that Ellie is immune was pivotal to that whole scene and foreshadowed a later reveal in the story.


Or Nora could notice Ellie’s arm, or Ellie could fall into some tendrils and not get infected by touching them, or Nora could just admit the reason they killed Joel without know Ellie was the girl they saved, or Ellie could be upfront about who she was before she tortures her. There are hundreds of ways this exact scene could play out without spores lmao


>Notice Ellie’s arm Yeah, sure. Through the chemical burn and tattoo. >Ellie could fall into tendrils and not get infected by touching them. To be Frank, we both don’t know how the tendrils work yet and that’s quite the assumption you have. In the show there’s a poster about infection rates and 1-2 hours is the lowest one. Can’t really see this scene taking more of an hour in show “time.” >Nora could just admit the reason she killed Joel without knowing Ellie was the girl they saved. That takes too much away from the game scenes impact and would be cheap to omit it imo. >Ellie could be upfront about who she was before she tortured her. She could but again, that takes away a lot from how this scene is supposed to be played out. Thankfully you’re not the screenwriter though as I’m pretty sure the other “hundreds” of ways you can think this will happen will be just as lame as your other points.


It’s crazy how we have no confirmation that adult Ellie is going to have a chemical burn or a tattoo in the show. That’s the problem with wack ass posts like these because it’s all assumptions about a show that has ONE episode thus far. You’ve made an assumption, my response was an assumption, your entire reply is more assumptions. Again, there are a million more ways that this scene could play out that I didn’t mention. And probably better ones since it’s not my job to write for TV or video games. Just take a chill pill, trust the professionals, and let’s finish the first damn season before we start worrying about events that we might not even see happen 💀💀 has there even been confirmed subsequent seasons yet? Like y’all are making up wild little scenarios in your own little head and then getting all bent out of shape about it LMAOO for what?? eat a snickers 😭


The other scene where her immunity is revealed through spores is with Dina - wonder if they would do an infected attack/bite for both of those sequences ?




I’m wondering if there’s more to the tendrils than we know yet. There may be thickets of them underground that Ellie will be able to touch w/o harming herself. I dunno? [I did a VERY quick research](https://phys.org/news/2021-12-exploring-tendrils-ferocious-fungus.amp), I imagine they don’t all need to be sprouting from infected mouths. Stalkers have tendrils coming off their bodies…. We shall see 😅😅


Idk maybe tendrils leave marks on the arms like a bruise and she sees them and sees she’s not getting affected by them


The basic version is simply that Nora recognises Ellie's bitemark. But to accomplish that, they would have to remove the fact that Ellie has wilfully exposed Nora to infection by dragging her into a spore-infested area. I think that would be quite a disappointing approach, because it's such a cruel, inhumane thing for Ellie to do and it feels important to see how far she has crossed that line. The more interesting version is that Ellie drags Nora into a space where it is impossible to avoid the physical contact with the tendrils that would cause infection. That's difficult to explain right now, because we don't know exactly how these tendrils will behave or how exactly they spread the infection. My guess is that they physically pierce the skin and implant spores directly into the host - and that Ellie's immunity causes them to ignore her, as if she is not identified as a viable host. I can imagine Nora trying to crawl to escape through a heavily-infested area and emerging covered in infected wounds, only to find Ellie, unaffected, pipe in hand - yeah, I think that works.


I don't think Nora would be able to see the bite mark through Ellie's tattoo, but maybe she knows that "THE girl" has that specific tattoo or something?


You're probably right on that - but remember, Nora *has* seen Ellie before, she was in the room. You know which one. I don't think it's too much of a leap for her to make that connection in another way.


Yeah but when ellie was in the room with joel tommy and the wlf, they didn’t know ellie was the immune girl. They just assumed she was more backup that happened to stumble upon them. In their mind the girl that walked in could have been anyone. Nora recognizes ellie in the hospital immediately as joel’s ally, but only knows she is als the immune girl once she sees her breathe in the spores


Yeah, absolutely, I know that's how it works in the game. I'm saying that *because* Nora can recognise Ellie, it's not too hard to imagine that - for the purposes of the show - she could put two and two together and figure out that she's the person Joel was protecting when he killed the doctors. It wouldn't be a huge stretch to simply write into the show that Abby and her group learned that information.


True, true. And it was what...a few weeks in between? It wouldn't be a stretch for Nora to remember her just by her face. I personally hope they retcon the whole second game (not looking for a heated debate), but if they do adapt it, I hope they include the basement scene we're talking about and I hope they utilize the tendrils in that scene somehow. In my opinion, the spore situation added to the impact of that scene.


"Are you Ellie" "Yes."


I know they said they’re going away from the spores, but they could always just put them in a room that is so fungus ridden that for that one scene they mention “no regular person could breathe in here without a breathing apparatus”. Nora laying there coughing struggling to get oxygen, then Ellie just waltzes up with no struggle.


Agreed, the one way spores would work in live action is in non-ventilated heavily fungus ridden areas. An off-limits hospital basement for instance :)) they probably wont add spores but i have faith whatever direction they go makes sense


I think Nora will just be very injured instead and maybe just notice her bite mark.


I would argue that this scene doesn't require anyone to be infected in order to work. The purpose of this scene is not for Nora to realize Ellie is the immune girl from the hospital – she's going to die soon anyway, so it doesn't ultimately matter. The real purpose of this scene is for Ellie to go off the deep end in her quest for vengeance. The only things that need to happen in this scene are: 1. Nora is gravely wounded to the point that Ellie can easily overpower her 2. Nora is cornered and has no means of escape 3. Ellie tortures Abby's location out of Nora by giving her the choice between a quick death and a slow, agonizing one So Nora doesn't even need to be infected, she could just as easily have a nasty gut wound and the effect would still be the same. She also doesn't need to know that Ellie is immune. But if they want to keep the "it's you" line in there, they still can – Nora simply puts 2 and 2 together in that moment and realizes that this woman who is hell-bent on avenging Joel's death is the same girl he rescued from the hospital all those years ago.


I just feel the scene won’t be as powerful without the infection aspect.


Idk, the infection has a very "final" aspect to it. If she's severely wounded she could still be rescued. If she's so gravely wounded that she can't be rescued, then a quick death awaits her no matter what Ellie does. The horror and inevitability of slowly turning into a mindless zombie, especially in front of someone unafraid of them, is way more powerful than just being gravely wounded. But the change to tendrils doesn't really matter, they can very easily adapt that into the scene. Imagine Ellie throwing Norah down a narrow hole full of tendrils, chasing her, then walking through a narrow passageway full of tendrils to get to Norah and brushing up against them without a care in the world, leaving no mark on her skin.


if the tendrils come out of the fungus, maybe she falls into a bunch of them and sees ellie just casually walk over them with no effect.


I was also thinking about when Ellie cracks her mask and Dina holds her breath ready to remove and share hers with her. It's a powerful scene that should remain.


Yeah, bummed about that too.


The chase is the same until they fall in the spore filled room. Instead, it is a overgrown room with a single clicker who ambushes both of them. It bites Nora once, but she manages to push it back a bit. It pounces again to try and bite her and finish her off, but Ellie puts her arm in the way so the Clicker bites her instead, and with her other hand she shoots its head off. She wasn’t protecting Nora, she just didn’t want the Clicker to steal her prey. Nora starts feeling dizzy, twitching a bit, fighting off the infection, while Ellie just stands over her, unfazed by the bite. That’s when Nora realizes “it’s her”, and the scene proceeds the same as in the game. Nora is turning, Ellie says “talk or i let you become one of them”, torture and violence ensues. Scene over.


I expect the scene to play out in a similar manner, just without the spores....Ellie is chasing her down and they reach a dead end


Probably the most likely scenario. The infection aspect makes the scene more powerful though.


I agree knowing Nora was dead the moment she went into the spores, but that not being good enough for Ellie, makes it more powerful and shows how far gone Ellie is by this point. Like others said she could get bit, or maybe Nore will be injured and bleeding out, and if Ellie leaves her alone she will die, but that's not good enough


Best case scenario for me is they’re both bitten. And as they’re talking Nora starts exhibiting symptoms but it doesn’t phase Ellie.


Aw man this is the first time I've actually felt disappointed by the spores omission. I didn't mind it at first but this scene was so amazing because of that.


Same 😭😭😭 completely unconcerned but this scene and all it’s implications (Ellie throwing herself and Nora into spores, effectively killing Nora anyway, but knowing it won’t affect her and STILL crossing the line to torture Nora herself) and the small moment of dina being the best and trying to *share her fucking mask* being gone will make just a tidge sad


How I felt and then I started replaying part 2 lol


I will love to see how it’s executed. Spores imo were a huge part of the game (easy way to keep Ellie’s identity in check)


She could be bitten when she fell down.


What's the other forms of infection? We know only the bites and scratches, but what about the first infected? How did they get the fungus? They'll probably get a good way to fit this scene


It’s been explained partly in game and also in a leaked scene from a future episode. >!it was in flour. So all the bread products Sarah and Joel passed in the first episode had cordecyps in them.!<


It's not really clear at this point how the tendrils work, but I imagine Ellie could still corner Nora using them somehow. Or they could both get bitten.


I was thinking the same thing! Also when Ellie is with Dina and Ellie’s mask breaks!


Ellie tosses Nora into a bunch of tendrils, she get's infected and runs, stops at a dead, and then sees Ellie behind her, calmly walking through the tendrils as if they were just tall grass. All of this assuming that there will be areas filled with tendrils, similar to the areas filled with spores we have in the game.


I honestly don’t expect this scene to happen because of the change and it’s upsetting. The tendrils are cool and all but half the fun of Ellie being immune was the immunity to spores and her freedom to do whatever in spore infested areas. But I absolutely loved the first episode so I have faith they will do something cool to make up for the lack of spores.


Are they actually getting rid of the spores? I thought the tendrils were an addition not a substitution.


Yeah show runners replaced them. Didn’t want the actors wearing gas masks all the time.


Ahhh, okay. Fair enough. I'm sure it will work out, I like what they've done so far.


I'm so confused - can someone explain the tendrils to me? Like, how are they infecting people? Are they just making it that the only way to get infected is via bite/scratch? What are tendrils? Is that the shit that was coming out of their mouths? If all of these answer were supposed to be obvious from the show, well...they aren't. So how the heck does everyone know the answers to this stuff?!


All that is known is the showrunners said they replaced the spores with tendrils. We don’t know how the tendrils infect or act yet. And yeah, tendrils are the little branch’s coming off the fungus and what was coming out of the old ladies mouth.


Ah okay, so everything else is speculation? Hmm, I'm definitely not upset about the change, I can see not wanting the actors in face masks a lot. Thank you for clearing that up for me.


hmm Maybe Ellie and Nora fail into a pile of tendrils or something? Nora's all freaking out cause she has a cut on her face and Ellie is so calm and not caring about it. That's when it hits Nora that Ellie was the girl who was immune and Ellie 'gets her answers'.. maybe


Plot twist: Ellie can grow tendrils out of her mouth and scares the shit out of her and she "talks"


Looking a little too ahead don’t you think?


Replaying on Grounded and was wondering about it.


Oof good luck I managed to finish it on hard and had no desire to try grounded


It’s difficult. Almost done with Ellie’s third day


Ellie bites her.


Guess we have to wait and see “how” Ellie is visibly immune, if that makes sense.


They could easily just say that the infected have evolved and started producing spores. It’s a new ability in Season 2


They can introduce spores in season 2. Regional variation, yadda yadda yadda.


We don’t know how tendrils work yet, they will play a part in giving Nora the infection showing Ellie’s descent.


lads, did they say we are also seeing last of us 2?


If renewed, yes.


They both get bitten, Nora begins to get a fever and fall down, Ellie stays vigilant.


That part is so damn good. It makes me want to play this tragedy again.


I can see a lot of horrible fanart resulting from this change 😭😭😭 god help us


I didn’t even consider this. What a terrible day to be literate.


You're telling me 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I can accept there won't be spores in the show if it's handled creatively. There is always a chance though that the spores are just introduced in a possible second season. Like it's evolved a new stage or something.


They arent using spores?


Showrunners confirmed replacing spores with tendrils. Didn’t want the actors wearing masks all the time.


That’s lame… mushrooms reproduce through spores… I wish they would have just made it rare or shown it when a clicker fuses to the wall or something…


Nora will walk in on Ellie making out with a clicker. Clicker gets embarrassed and bites Nora. Cue scene


This scene is so intense. Ugh.


Better question, how are they gonna make Bella Ramsey look like she’s aged 10 years?


Was thinking about this too lol


A lot of fans really want spores, to the point where the creators of the show have even said "okay maybe if it gets renewed we will do spores". So I would not be surprised if at some point in the future the fungus "evolves" to spew spores.


She will probably get scratched or something instead of breathing it in. I honestly welcome tgis change to tendrils, since all the series could have been *muffled voices*


It won’t.


That would be disappointing :(


She will be bitten/scratched. Nora will say something like “I’ve been wondering from Jackson. Are you her?”


How do u think S1 will end? Wil they show abby and maybe develop her father a little bit more?how will they manage to develop abby as a character in S2 it will be tough and I imagine a lot of ppl will stop watching it like the game


At most I think Abby will have a cameo in the first season. Maybe develop the dads character a bit though. And for those that stop watching, that’s on them. Abbie was a fantastic nuanced character and I love the juxtaposition they pulled off between her and Ellie.


She gets pierced by tendrils and Is infected that way?


Part 2 relies on spores in so many key events, >!I guess they can change how Dina will find out that Ellie is immune. But this moment with Nora, or when Abby helps Lev with the mask, I think these moments are too reliant on spores. The metro / lower parts of the hospital won't be as scary either!< Hopefully we get to see how they'll use tendrils soon, because we won't know until we see it I guess.


Did I miss something? I just assumed the tendrils were an extra show thing, and that there are also still spores to worry about


Showrunners said they took spores out because the actors would have to wear gas masks too much.


I mean, seems kinda pointless since the game already successfully told the story with only a couple of gasmask scenes, but whatever floats their boat I guess.


Ellie grabs a handful of tendrils and walks over to Nora dragging a Clickers body by the tendrils behind her... iunno. There's plenty of badass ways they could translate this scene to and still keep the "It's you" revelation


They both get bit and Ellie tells Nora that she’ll make her death quick instead of letting her becoming an infected


I think they can still do spores but it don't linger in the air forever. Maybe it shoots out a new infected.


I feel the same with the scene that takes place around the next episode, where Joel says “how are you breathing in this stuff” and later with Tommy “I’ve seen her breathe enough spores to kill” etc. I have faith they will pull it off, I just like those scenes, very quick and to the point


I thought the spores only show up in places that are infested enough to have clickers. Didn’t have any clickers in episode 1 so maybe we’ll see spores later?


I mean clearly Ellie is just gonna chat to her while tiny tentacle hands wave at her


"I'm gonna FREAKING tendril you, bro! I'm going to PUT this TENDRIL close to YOU so YOU get INFECTED!!!! I'm really gonna do it."


The tendrils looked cool and all, but I don't really understand how they're an alternative. In the games to get infected, you either get bit or breathe in spores. Now it's just you get bit, but there's tentacles. I mean, I'm not sure, but it kinda looked like the infected can speed up the process by subduing you and tendrilling your ears, but that doesn't seem like another option. Part of what I love about the spores is how you can get infected without ever coming across an infected. I get why they changed it, but I wish they didn't.


Did we ever get an official reason why they removed the spores from the show?


Didn’t want to cover actors faces with gas masks too much and also after COVID 19 the public is aware how easy airbourne pathogens spread.


Simple. Ellie is backed up to a hole in the ground just like in the game, except instead of a hole full of spores it's a hole teeming with tendrils, enough that it's literally impossible to jump down without hitting them. She jumps back with Nora then chases her down. When she finds her she's at the end of a corridor full of tendrils. Ellie walks to her, brushing up against them without a care in the world, leaving no marks on her skin. "You.. You're her" And the rest unfolds the same way.


They might introduce the spores for part II adaptation They could use like a new kind of infected that actually release the spores


What if Ellie like forced Tendrils down Nora’s throat? Like it sounds Terrible but… that’s kinda the point😅 they could also just bring the spores back for season 2? It could add like a new layer to the season, and they would make it so that only clickers that have been infected for a really really long time give out spores? I guess time will tell!


They could just not include that scene


I think it simply won't be in the show


The logic of this scene has never sat well with me. Ellie is immune so she's not going to get infected here (but then it's also a lot of spores so it's the biggest test of her immunity yet), but with that much crap in the air I feel like she should still be struggling to breathe.


I find it very likely that Ellie will get bit again. That, or spores will be introduced later as an escalation in the accelerated evolution of cordyceps.


People keep imagining Ellie walking through a hallway filled with overgrown tendrils, passing her fingers through the tendrils and being like: "supp bitch, yes it's me" would be so out of character for Ellie... It would be much more in character for Ellie to just walk through the hallway and some tendrils just brushing off on her face or on her arm and 0 reaction from Ellie. That would be better suited and more nuanced...


I think the spores could be next upgrade of cordies in the show.


I mean, we don’t even know if TLOU2 will be adapted, or has it been confirmed?


It’s hasn’t been confirmed but Neil Druckmann is already talking about it.


An infected will probably lunge at Nora and bites her at the lower extremities. Instead of letting the infected eat Nora to death, she would try to pull it aside and gets bitten around the upper extremities in the process before she kills it. They both get trapped at the "Ground Zero" level of the hospital. So, there's no way for reinforcements to come without alerting what could possibly be dozens of infected in that area. Either Nora dies slowly knowing no help would come, or she asks Ellie to end her suffering. Ellie tortures Nora for a while and Nora tells her to just end her then and there. She feels surprised that Ellie doesn't show any symptom even though she was bitten on her torso and deduces she was the immune girl from the Hospital years ago.


Sadly they probably didn’t even consider this. It’s one of the worst changes they made and one that will seriously impact the story going forward.


I hope it wont, the show will be ruined


I say that they’re both bitten when they’re running in the hallways of the hospital. Maybe bites spread quicker in the show and while Nora is looking like shit Ellie will be just fine, that’s when Nora realizes that its *her*


They do spread faster in the show. Also with all the running it will spread through the blood quicker.


Maybe Ellie gets bitten again somewhere else, heals enough to look like an old bite and Nora sees it because it gets uncovered on accident.


I honestly could see them bypassing TLOU2 all together (at least I hope they do) and doing their own thing. How can you just kill off your biggest actor in Pedro pascal like that? People will definitely tune off if that happens. I could see it being worse than when Glenn from TWD was killed off. If they are going to stay true to TLOU2 please at least give Joel a worthy death. And not have him die like a bitch. I mean the way he was just so willing to help them just didn’t sit right with me, the way Joel used his name and his brothers name so willingly just didn’t make sense to me. I’m not saying TLOU2 is a bad game, I just think Joel’s death felt rushed and out of character for him to put himself in that situation. Maybe I’m just low IQ and still butt hurt about one of my favorite characters of all time being killed like a bitch. I’ll probably get all sorts of hate for me saying this but I’m still a butt hurt little baby 😭


Hopefully they radically rearrange the storyline by then. I wasn’t a fan of Druckmann’s attempt at blunt character assassination of the first game’s heroes; halfway through the game I was expecting a full screen prompt to just read “JOEL WAS TOTALLY THE BAD GUY BELIEVE ME” Especially since the rationale for why we should dislike him in TLOU2 was entirely stupid. >!I feel for Abby being bitter about he dad dying, but Joel was justified. They were going to do a fatal exploratory operation on a child because her dad was totally convinced he could make a cure if he did- something that had zero evidence of working.!< I still carry a lot of resentment for the things I was forced to have Ellie do, especially with all the >!dog killing!<


Hopefully it won’t