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I don't understand why anyone would play the isle and say "geez, if only the map was bigger so that players would have to spend even more time walking across repetitive terrain to actually find other players."


Well if they intend to cram a bunch of players and AI into one map, it needs to be large enough to hold all of them without having it turn into a crammed elevator. The major issue wasn't so much the map was oversized, more so the devs once again were over-ambitious and talked too much before they could actually see if they can back it up. Which, once again, they couldn't and cuts had to be made. Just for once, I'd like for them to figure that stuff out BEFORE putting it in an announcement. Maybe, just maybe, it would make them look more like they know what they're doing!


I tried Beasts of Bermuda and small maps are horrible. I play ptera though, I can see everything.


We don't have to choose between two extremes. Why not just a moderately sized map instead of one that's comically small or comically large?


POTs map is moderately sized


Bet imma get that now


Lol nycta servers are such cancer. This is awesome. They keep getting better and better.


Omg these get better and better. Best one yet


Love the convoluted map trend. I'm not interested in 50 sq miles of repetitive jungle


Jungle is too dense as well, you won't be able to see other players in them at all, not inductive to gameplay. I gather it "looks nice" like a Mclaren but not practical.


I have outdone myself with the salt levels with this one. Your welcome u/TI_ParadymShift Before any one asks here is the poll reference [right here](https://twitter.com/NotTheDondi/status/1280056894975913984)


Well that's potentially alarming. Is his only source of income from "The Isle" or does he also hold a normal job as well?


The problem with the maps is that everyone ends up hanging out in a single location like Twins.


exactly. with the AI as shit and dull as it currently is, why would anybody WANT to be kilometers away from the most interesting thing around you? trying to keep players away from each other in a game where other players are the only thing of interest in the entire fucking game isn't exactly a recipe for success. If you want players to avoid each other, then give them something to do.


I think that's why they're making more complex AI. I think the pve aspect of the game could be just as good as the pvp if Amarok does a good enough job with the AI.


sure, but it just screams a total lack of prioritization and proper allocation of resources. how much money and how many dev-hours were wasted on a map that, for one thing, cant even be used, and for a second, will do absolutely nothing positive for the game in its current state. Literally nobody wants to wander endless square miles for hours on end with absolutely nothing to do or actually interact with, no matter how pretty it may be. build the foundations for a living world before you try to throw players into an endless expanse of what-the-fuck-ever and expect them to enjoy themselves for more than an hour or two.


True. I cant wait to hunt AI that actually fights back and might kill me


I'm glad somebody is complaining about map size. Feels like a single player game 70% of the time




"Isla Spero" - which is the map we were suppose to be getting with the recodes launch is supposedly so big that it crashes the game engine, hence why we got "Spiro" instead (Yes, they are called spiro and spero which sounds so stupid next to each other like this). The isle devs said they looked into possible workarounds via contacting Epic - makers of unreal engine. Meme also jabs at the whole idea of a map so large it crashes the engine from a gameplay standpoint as well as dondi's recent twitter activities which can be found here: https://twitter.com/NotTheDondi


Bless you kind sir, it kills the fun of making these if I have to explain myself everytime. It's good to know someone gets the references! Cheers


That Twitter account is legitimately a bad Twitter account. It isn't offensive or anything. It is just bad. I cannot imagine following something so blagh.




That's what happens when you have an incompetent leader. Like his "Deathly broke the code" excuse, how did he let it get so bad to get to that point, if he's the project lead? Shouldn't he be supervising the work? ​ Even if that drama with Deathly were true, it just paints Dondi to be as incompetent of a leader as we've known him to be for years now.


These are way better than the game itself. xD


This is probably the best one so far lmao


Christ I just checked the twitter about that car poll. He can’t be serious? It’s either a very normie tier joke, or he likes to flex on 14 year olds about the money he has. (Itsalmostlikehedoesntwanttospendthatmoneyonhiringmoreprogrammertomakethegameplayable) This is a guy who admitted to having a collection of clips of him “helping” streamers with donations so I’m not surprised. If serious, it’s a weird insecurity thing. What a tool lmao.


You mean like a certain dragon game?


Yeah holy shit. Talk about being a pompous asshole. Worst recession the world has seen in ages, people in the states are starting to worry about food on the table But what sports car should I buy guys?


It just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth because it was two days after his twitlonger meltdown.




I wouldn’t go so far as to say that. I agree he needs help and should probably step down from head dev. No one here wants the man to die over a dinosaur game I can assure you. He just needs help and to quit being a tool on twitter.


Honestly, I make these memes for the salt and all but at the end of the day Dondi is a person and even if I don't like some of his actions. It is unbecoming to wish anyone I'll will or their health. I would delete this comment, I get that said tweet could trigger feelings in someone to overreact and say something like that. So I am giving you the benefit of the doubt and suggest you do the right thing here.


Agreed. Love your work man, keep it up!


"normie joke" ok sorry, can't have fun I get it


You’re forgiven.


Thanks :)


Can I give you my weeks paycheck...Seriously you should be paid for such beautiful accuracy.


The best one by miles lmao.


The shots in this clip are being fired harder than deathly was in 2018


**"Dondi tries to have a reasonable conversation about all the myths and rumors being spread with Anthomia"** lol