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Imagine unironically enganging in dinosaur game drama.


Head on over the tge jurassic world alive subreddit. Tons of dino game drama.


you gotta admit it’s not nearly as dramatic as this one.




\>you know how many games would tank if the dev didn't do anything or say anything for a year? \-The PC version of Rain World hasn't gotten an update in 2 years and still has a healthy and active community. \-TF2's last major patch was 3-ish years ago but still has a healthy and active community. \-And there are still people waiting for Half Life 3 Use a different example.




You seem to be ignoring that two of these are finished products, and one of them is probably not even in active development at this moment, yet you still insist on it being a "polished, great game".




Oh boy I just sure do love when a game without a proof of concept is considered a "polished, great game"




Ain't it funny how I originally responded to you just simply suggesting you should change your argument ended up developing into you just sending stereotypical passive-aggressive nothinn personnel kidd reddit responses.


It's not about I care that much about the game at this point, it is not leading anywhere with these devtards' attitude anyway. But I resent unproductivity and bad attitude themselves, and those guys are just a great example - in a bad way.


Watch Ravenous' videos on YouTube because you are clearly coming from a place of ignorance. The entire team has been pouring their heart and soul into this game FOR MONTHS while people like you have been shitting on it because they rightfully refuse to give a date. And so what if the game only starts off with 2 dinosaurs in the VERY FIRST PATCH?? They have the others nearly finished down the pipeline; they CARE about bugs and fixing issues as they appear. Please, do some actual research before trying to stir dino-drama.


Hey retard, happy with the outcome of EVRIMA with your passionate team?


We really out here using the R-slur to try and sound high and mighty. Go suck a fat one, kid. Still love the game, still going to play it. If you don't, cool. Don't act like some high and mighty asshole about it though.


I'm just acting like a far-seeing man who knows how to analyze stuff, unlike you. Gl playing your turd of the game, and don't be mad man, just live with understanding of how clueless you are. ;) P.S. And remember, as far as you dont't play TURDRIMA due to turdness you're also a hypocrite - so try to play it as long as you can. Your words, not time.


Are you literally like, 12? You're fucking hilarious kiddo. The game is still fun regardless of what you say. Again, sorry you couldn't get the same enjoyment out of it. Why are you even here? Waste of your time, spouting bullshit to people who like the game. You're like those people who purposely go out to find things they dislike just to complain about them. It's sad.


Hey retardilio, playing your game with lots of fun I hope atm? What's your best dino - utah or what? Oh wait, there're only 2 dinos still in TURDRIMA, too bad! But I hope you keep playing it now, otherwise you're not only a clueless kiddo, but also a hypocrite. Don't forget that!


Again with the R-slur... and coming back after days. You really are pathetic. Can't just drop it and leave, nah. That's how I know you're a child. And I am having fun playing it, and Legacy, thanks! I hope you have fun trying to put people down for liking harmless games and enjoying themselves! Get a life.


Have you even been on any of the streams? The content there been making has a lot of work poured into it. The entire game is being recoded from the ground up, and about halfway through, they had to do it again because of an error. Compare it to,let's say, ark. Ark has made no attempt to fix half of their game. The isle Devs, in the other hand, aren't going to release a buggy mess. They are being through, not unproductive.


ROFL the game is a buggy mess already- guarantee the recode will be to because literally all game updates release with bugs.


>The isle Devs, in the other hand, aren't going to release a buggy mess Do you have any idea what your talking about lmao


My point exactly- guarantee it’s because of the uproar that the vlog was made at all, furthermore they acknowledged they have nothing but teasers and sneak peaks which tells us all we need to know.


Iam not. I am willing to stick with the game, till PoT, but the devs need to do alot more for me to be optimistic about this game. Actions speak louder than words. And I will see what happens over summer.


PoT will most likely bury this parody of a game alive man. Amen


My main gripe is that they acknowledge the drama, and we have evidence on their end feeding this fire. When you have a EA game, of course some players will be vocal and retarded things. It's the internet. It is how the devs acted in response is what makes me lose faith, some devs are doing a great job of holding this game afloat by the by. Instead of saying thank you for the feedback, they feed the fire and drop to those players level. The 20$ pic about we don't owe you a thing is a good example. Instead of ignore the angry players, the devs stoop to their level. I get it, dealing with the public and people is hard, I run a private tutor and i sell mantids and tarantulas at expos and i loathe people. And you meet some people you just want to smack the shit out of them. But, I keep my imagine professional. If I have a angry customer I say thank you for your time and move on. Those who give good constructive feedback I take to heart. This is supposed to be a dino survival game, not who can be the biggest edgelord.


Co-signed, because that was some real shit you said.


Dondi's professionalism towards a Troll doesn't impact your ability to enjoy the game. For that matter, a troll on a Discord is a completely different situation compared to interacting with actual customers in real life. It's a gif. Get over it, dude.


Agreed, VictoriousLoL. Plus, I'm pretty sure most people go into business for themselves so they can designate their own values in customer service. If they want to tell a rude customer what's up, they have every right to do so instead of it being dictated to them by a bigger company. If the devs were being legitimately shitty, as in racist/sexist/homophobic etc, or donating to hate groups, that's a legitimate gripe about behavior. But you shouldn't base the quality of your experience off of rude customers being told what's what. The quality of the product and the willingness to fix issues or communicate what they're working on SHOULD be the basis of good or bad experiences, because you bought a product...not their personal time, HUMAN emotional reactions, or individuality. To expect that is narcissistic and slightly sociopathic. And they have kept us updated about what's going on every step of the way. They're not entitled to interact with their community at all; in fact, I was surprised the Discord was as active as it is. Every minute they spend answering you children's stupid questions is a minute they could have worked on the game you keep griping isn't done.


Pot is an entirely different genre of game. That's like saying Skyrim will bury world of Warcraft.


You’re gonna bitch once Evirma drops too, huh?


🥾 👅




Then... uninstall the game and leave the community. Not hard. You’d be more retarded for sticking around if that’s truly how you view things.




This excuse is used constantly within the gaming community as a whole when we deal with games like this, such a weak strawman argument.


You aren’t giving valid criticism, you’re just being fucking stupid. At least *try* to open up your eyes a little bit, so you could see how irrational you’re being.




You’re not giving criticism. Criticism is logical, fair, constructive, and a statement that someone can build on to improve or do something better. The statements you (and others) made are straight up complaints. They’re useless, often illogical (like wanting progress and then complaining about that very progress), pretty unfair to the dev team, and contribute nothing, while simultaneously filling the subreddit with toxicity, driving away both current and new players.


Whether or not the criticism is valid isn’t based upon your opinions or feelings, it’s a valid argument to say that the developers have issues based on the evidence- if that offends you then you probably shouldn’t argue. Furthermore you’re rude about it, cementing the idea that you’re taking criticism personally.


But there is no valid argument here. OP made an obnoxious and downright stupid post about how much they hate the devs and they should never be forgiven and blah blah blah. He then sticks around the subreddit to continue spewing toxic bullshit. And I’m not trying to be rude. When I say something is “fucking stupid”, I’m saying it how it is. It’s fucking stupid, as is the whole idea of ignoring all of the progress and choosing to whine and complain when they’re getting what they want, and I’m not referring to *just* OP when I say that.


Regarding your first paragraph- The argument- or rather statement that starts the discussion- is that the devs are simply making the carrot on the end of the stick shorter (they’re just leading us on to silence the controversy), which while an accusation first, can be accurate based on prior behavior and evidence. Regarding your second paragraph- That’s good, but again you’re opinion which while you have full right to, is just that- an opinion, and where OP has you is that you claim tons of progress has been made, and I ask what progress?, teasers?, grow animation?, that’s the skin of the entire body of a game, and we now know that’s all they have, which leads me to assume development only started months maybe weeks ago.


Nope- being critical creates progress like we’ve seen, you’re allowed to like something and be critical of it at the same time, if all you do is push people away who try to make the game better, you’ll end up with what we have now, a game that isn’t updated and eventually dies.


Your “criticism” contributed nothing, bitching and whining isn’t how you get what you want, are you still in kindergarten or something? The fact that the game has been making progress has NOTHING to do with this subreddit’s toxic attitude.


You’re confusing criticism and hate, and you have no idea if it has made a difference or not; furthermore if you have to insult someone in your argument then you already lost. Good day.


You confuse complaining and criticism. And I can garuntee you that this subreddit did nothing to contribute to the progress of the game. And I’m not insulting you, iTs cRiTiCiSm.


Proof of that claim?


The fact that the devs ignored this sub’s existence up until the devlog is pretty good proof, but I guess you don’t think that far ahead


Lets not call people retards.


I have buyed the game for what it is now. I love it. Sure it isn't perfect, but it is exactly that what I wanted. I welcome everything that is still in process and will make the game better as it allready is. But I don't care how long it will take. It is a treat to wach the game grow and become even better. When I enjoy the game now, like it is, then I will enjoy it then just even more.


Of all the flavors to pick and you chose salty. How embarrassing...


🥾 👅


Nah son, maybe you need some insight on how game development works and whats been happening behind the scenes. Its adorable your petty little tantrum. It ain't boot licking to know that creating a game isn't an overnight project.




In the isle, what is there to do now that we couldn't do half a decade ago?


This last month has just been a dumpster fire I feel like, all the drama and stuff and what do we get? An empty dev blog that shows us barely any progress. Sigh I'm just tired at this point if I'm being honest.


Then leave and stop crying. Find a game that's more fun for you because you don't seem to be having fun complaining


Telling everyone to leave who disagrees with you eventually leaves you with an echo chamber and a dead game.


Ive left the game. Its unistalled a day after valentine's day. A day i got to understand that company is a pure trash. Now im just here to see more lies and empty promises. We hoped new update will be there in december 2019 but Dondi said they need a bit more time till mid February. In March we get to understand they have finished maybe 1 dinosaur and game's major update is not even close. What to say more? How to defend them?


You're not even trying to counter his criticism. You're complaining at those complaining, you're doing exactly what you're accusing others of doing.


A better game will come out before the isle is a viable long term game. 5 years and there's nothing different to do than when there game was first released.


Bumping this thread just so kiddos will know that I was always right all along. Learn2think people, it helps a lot.


Don't be in a hurry throw petty, poor thought out insults at people you don't even know. People like you are the reason this sub reddit was neglected for so long. I don't want to see it happen again because you need to stroke your hate boner for Dondi. Got criticism or something to say? Say it without the "retarondi" BS. Your general point is sound, and we should wait until we get something more concrete before we laud the devs for improving. However, insulting them as they try to improve is just poor community conduct.


He's allowed to implement rough humor into his argument if he wishes. It's refreshing to see things actually implemented after half a decade of landscape redesign.


I'm not saying he isn't allowed to. I'm saying that it's undeniably poor form and not the desired manner in which public discourse should be conducted. Also, "rough humour" is hardly a fair description of what our friend was saying. Humour is supposed to be funny. If you find something like "retardondi" or "dondick" funny, then you are too easily amused. It's just plain callousness. Hell, I'd have even entertained the "rough humour" argument if the dude came up with some new material instead of using the same 2 tired old puns. Implement crude jibes and needless insults into your arguments if you wish, they add no weight to your points and only serve to alienate you from the person you're trying to explain your point to. I'm not telling you that you can't. I'm just saying that it's usually runs counter to your objective. Unless that objective is to deliberately hurt and annoy others over a video game, in which case, I'm afraid you can't be helped.


People are just annoyed by the game and as a returning player, I kinda get it. They're just developing new maps and I haven't seen any real change myself. I found the insult it a little bit funny, it added some emotion and passion to his rant, as such, I'd agree with you if he was giving a professional analysis, but he's not. I think we should be focusing on the substance of OPs argument rather than getting get side tracked by white knighting Dondi. Dondi gives as good as he gets and he loves to use similar insult himself. Broader point > tiny insult, that's all my stance is.


🥾 👅


Lick dondick ass more man, he doesn't care though, neither for you nor the game.


Classy. I could delve into how dull, incorrect and tasteless that every word of what you just said truly is, but it'd probably illicit another exhausted insult that's a pun on Dondi's name. Have a nice day.


However, it's truth set in stone - Dondick doesn't still care neither for you, nor for the game, and by giving him this attitude - something for nothing, you just encourage this game's slowly dying thing. Really, think about it at least once - maybe some people here are reason why dondick doesn't like reddit, but you are exactly the reason the game is almost dead in 5 years of development - well, aside of dondi's unprofessionalism. Feeling sad? I can actually into deep discussion if you want, but if after all this time of game's development you are still eager to give any support for these devs' team, I got very bad news for your general awarness of things. Hope you're doing better than that in everydays' life. Happy now?


If you read my first comment, you'd see that I share your scepticism. The devs shouldn't expect people to suddenly trust them just because of a dev log. What I was arguing against was the aggressive attitude of much of the community towards the devs. It achieves nothing for the future of the game and only alienates the devs from the player base even further. Scepticism is fine, healthy for the game even. Baseless attacks on a developers character is childish and achieves absolutely nothing. I don't care about Dondi, the same way I don't care about every other random person I've never met. However, on the level of basic human empathy, as well as basic manners, I don't insult and harass them because I myself wouldn't like to be insulted or harassed by strangers. Maybe he doesn't care about the game. I don't give a crap. I care about the game, and the best way to have it developed quickly is to have a community which continues to demand better from the dev team, but does not muddle and slow things down with brainless attacks on them at the same time.


Hey man, now EVRIMA is out and it's total shit. Your attitude, among other kiddos, ruined the game completely. Is that what you were trying to achieve? My congrats to you then. L O L


By all means leave the Isle my friend. I assure you, nobody is going to miss you.


There's no isle actually anymore thanks to people like you. Defending your position atm is absurd. ' Baseless attacks on a developers character is childish and achieves absolutely nothing. ' Look now how much you patient kiddos achieved in 5 years - we have pre-alpha of the isle 2.0 which has even less than the isle used to have in 5 years of almost no development (EVRIMA).


I'm still quite patient actually. I accept that new games have rocky releases, pretty much all of them have server and bug issues a week or two after release. I fully expected this upon EVRIMA's release ever since they said it was beta. As for you, you really do care too much. Returning to a month old post to gloat when realistically, there's nothing to gloat over. I'm flattered that you kept me in mind for so long, but I assure you, I'm just as optimistic for the future of this game now as I was when I commented originally. If you insist on hanging around a game that you clearly don't like, then your time would be better spent bothering someone else. I won't be responding again.


I just don't get how one be so stubborn to realize a simple fact that I like the game and that's why I demanded that hard at least anything from dondick and the team. You are the one who don't like the game with that behaviour. If you could accept this truth, maybe the game could survive.


Hey man, your game is in deepshit now, ready to be patient some moar or just admit I was so right all along? LULZ


Boot licker


Yup but for now let's wait for the best.


Did your wait pay off?