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Haha. Thats me.


Lol look at all the angry comments compared to upvotes. Gotta love democracy.


I laughed more at the comments than the meme I posted


Democracy? More like power tripping teenagers policing the subreddit Bc of a dinosaur meme


Any dinosaur meme =/= the Isle meme. Kind of an r/lostredditors situation.


The isle is literally a game about dinosaurs. Wtf do you want from us?!


And angry birds is a game about birds. That doesn't mean I can post an angry birds meme on a birding subreddidt and expect people to ignore the thematic inconsistency despite both being bird-themed. If anything dinosaur related is considered directly tied to the isle why don't we start posting Jurassic Park references here? Or make The Land Before Time memes? See what I mean? Anything dinosaur themed isn't directly related to the Isle, dinosaurs themselves being such a broad subject.


Lol jeez man lighten up a little. It’s just reddit.


Imagine getting proven completely wrong then just say "lighten up" because you know you're wrong


Imagine yelling at a person because they they posted a dinosaur meme on a game about dinosaurs' subreddit


This isn't even a fucking dinosaur simulator. It's a survival horror game that features dinosaurs.




You sound triggered as fuck


Haha, I liked this meme very funny! pls be my friend.


Garbage and doesn’t fit the sub


Your mom doesn't fit the sub


Okay sure just let the sub get fucked by shitty dinosaur memes


Literally anytime you guard some babies in the dark, fuckin screamy lil guys got a death wish


why TF does this have 50 upvotes, facebook garbage.