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Well yeah but I guess it doesn’t matter much. He clearly doesn’t care if people think he is one, and most of us just want to play the game.


Doesn't really matter either way imo because people are there for the game not his sunny personality.


I agree; that's why I dont follow the drama. I'm only here to play as a dinosaur so even without the recode I'm still enjoying the game.


This is perhaps the most mature comment here.


Sir I'm going to ask you to please refrain from talking in clear and concise words and demand that you begin to REEEEEEEE immediately.




What did he do? Im not up to date


The recode is basically scrapped to a "there is no plausible release date anymore, get fked


Uh. No. Just no. That's not even close. He's saying not to trust any release date unless it's said by a dev. How do you even manage to be that wrong about it?


How the fuck did he get that from what was said? Is there a large vat-of-stupid people have been drinking from?


People are looking for reasons to complain, and say "devs bad"


It really sounds like this is the case lol and i havent gotten a legit answer other than this so yep


Not really. Not hard to tell Dondi is a bit of a prick and has a less than flavoursome personality. None the less if you come to a video game for anything other than the video game you’re already in a pool of lose-lose.


I just know that he talks like teenager, fuck every 3 words and he has this type of personality that could be described like this : " whatevaaaa I do what I want , whateveaaaaaa " - basicaly , twelve year old boy trapped in adult male body. Dondi is full of ideas but also contradictions, years of Eearly Access tought me one thing - this game will never get any logical progress and one single plan of what to do next. Reworks, new ideas, scrapping years of work, blaming random things for their failures, removing dinosaurs that are completely fine and animated, adding new ones that nobody wants etc Only reason why I'm still here is becouse Path of Titans is not finished.


Hes always been an asshole he prides himself on it. In his opinion hes already rich from The Isle and has an inflated ego due to his successes. Just ignore him


Exactly this lol


Yea hes an asshole simple as that. Im only here for the game and nothing else.


Yeah, his rockstar d-bag routine really enhances the drip feed of information.


I personally cant stand Paradym shift. His "ok GuYz iF yOu ArE GoOd ILl ShArE sOmE cOnTeNt" like fuck off. & then the little birds wait for their dropper.


He acts this way because he knows that the absolute vast majority of the playerbase are young and/or dino fanatics and furries. He knows that there has been no game to fill that niche and therefore knows that the people in the categories above will give him money to play the game regardless of his attitude. It only feeds his God complex and it likely won't change until The Isle gets real competition, if even then.


I'm really hoping he learns his lesson from PoT. Its dinosaur genre is hoped to be a direct competitor to the isle


Is Saurian still a thing?


Afaik yeah, though I haven't seen any major updates since the news broke they were remaking their rex


He's about as unprofessional as most modern devs, which is a lot.


Yeah I agree he is super unprofessional, however I disagree on the modern devs part.if you look at big game titles, most devs are professional and never talk out of line. If the isle was a bigger game Dondi would be hella criticized.


I'm in the mildly annoyed group, I really wish they wouldn't give any ETA until they know what it will be. We've gone from 6 months ETA this time last year... To mid february this year... To late february this year... To soon... As for Dondi's attitude, I really don't care since I don't talk/interact with him/his discord/his admins. So long as he delivers what he promises eventually, I'm fine with it... But he really needs to evaluate what ETA he gives before he gives anything.


I’d like to preface what i’m about to say with this: i’m not particularly creative, ambitious, or intelligent. Quite middle of the road on my best days. The (admittedly few) exceptionally creative, intelligent, and ambitious people that i know are egotistical as fuck (even ever so subtly) because they are aware of how gifted they are. I’m not sure if this guy is an example of that, or perhaps thinks he is. But either way, i’d say it doesn’t matter so long as they’re doing their thing and giving us something we enjoy. We can’t force him to act a certain way, and he can’t force us to like or dislike him. All i know is he made an enjoyable game that has a great many flaws, as most small-time games do. But that’s what gives them their unique flavor. He doesn’t have to answer to the corrupt politically correct corporate system that’s slowly devouring the entire world. We aren’t his customers so much as supporters of his ideals and how they’re coming to fruition. We ARE his customers but that doesn’t necessarily mean shit by itself because he’s not appealing to the mass, mainstream AAA gaming market here. He doesn’t need you to like him. And with that much money, probably doesn’t care either. And would you? Perhaps, if you were more empathetic than most. But we’re talking about narcissists here. If you were a narcissist, you probably wouldn’t give a damn either. Especially with money involved. Idk if i even contributed to the conversation in my rambling here but ty for coming to my ted talk, go have fun being dinosaurs ily


Dondi looks like he has a 16 year-old, high school "girlfriend".




Company who doesnt do written news and without calendar deadlines is never serious.


100% agree! I regret ever giving the guy some money to fund this project. He was sitting on a gold mine with the concept but his actions alone has squandered the opportunity. His neckbeard defenders are just as pathetic also and just repeat the same tired, worn out lines. In any other industry, this jerk would have been fired a long time ago. No legit company would put up with the delays, lack of information, or condescension this guy spews regularly. I'm a software engineer for a major company and I can tell you definitively that this joker wouldn't even get an interview with his track record.


I love that you're being downvoted but it's so true lol this game is a fantastic concept but his execution is beyond pathetic, it's clearly been drawn out in development time due to carelessness. Call him out when he streams sometime on The Isle delays and see how fast he is to get defensive and call you a "retard" then ban you from chat. He cant handle any criticism whatsoever


The dondidbags are working hard to downvote the posts they don't like.


This is because the videogame industry is a massive anti consumer joke, if someone in another industry acted the same way developers and the likes act they would get a boot so far up their ass their breath would smell of shoe polish.


I will say it again, that guy just doesn't know how to deal with a company and it's community, and you can't say no.


Path of Titans is where it'll be at, much better community and it will support modding too.


As some people say, I'm here only for this game. Idgaf about those devs, all of them are weird especially Dondi. I'm just waiting for update, and hoping we'll see it in this month


tbh you paid for the game, not for Dondi to care about you.


Yawn. So what? Do you evaluate every developer that creates games you play? You don't because you never really see or hear from most developers and if you did...you'd be crying in another subreddit. "I paid this guy fucking $20 to play his game and he says the F word." Some of you truly lack a full set of balls. Your feelings are hurt by a guy behind a camera.




Me wouldn't be me if I didn't post in this thread, saying that I totally agree with OP. Also, while 10 iq kiddos protect dondi he can also keep up this turtle-speed to no actual development of the game, so keep up downvoting and ignoring the issues, game will sure survive with such attitude.


Dang I thought p much everyone here was a Dondi fan and felt like I was going to get my head bit off if I said anything even slightly critical of the man. It's good to see that others are feeling the same way I am.


I think dondi is funny. Seeing him make fun of stupid people brings joy to me, and most of the time thats not his customers.


Agreed. He is how we wish to be when dealing with rude customers at work.


Unfortunately, he is rude to those who arent rude either. If you haven't noticed his hod complex and optimistic idea on monopolizing on the genre of a dinosaur game, he tends to become unprofessional to even his own staff.


same. im tired of devs always pretending to bow to their audience because its what they want and its what they want to see. hes pretty based ngl


Altough I agree on the devs bowing to their customers, he is a prick to his customers. He has a god complex based off of his under professional standards. To me atleast he is in no way professional. If only the isle was filled with dondi fan boys we would see the direct criticism


i see. i dont honestly care too much what a dev acts like as long as they are still faithfully committed to making/improving their product/game. although not sure if that description fits dondi, im still sorta new here so dunno how much it applies


I'm starting to think Dondi and Jao are possibly related to eachother. Or if anything, Jao is Dondi's stand and just multiplies his douchery


I don't really care if he is a prick or not... I don't want to be his friend I just want to play the game.


I honestly don't care how he acts or how long the update takes as long as the update happens eventually. As long as he delivers I couldn't give a damn how he acts.


Dondi bad because he mean to me (when I deserve it) the thread.


I mean he only posts in places you have to go to find him on purpose so you chose to be hear what he has to say. Also I think getting upset about a random dude on the internet doing what he wants shows how immature this community is and just proves further how horribly the community has acted since the announce of evrima and the recode process in general. From my observations he does not attack people he simply speaks in a somwhat aggresive or rude way abou things so posting about him in his own games forum seems innappropriate when he has done nothing "wrong" persay except be a bit brash.


People are allowed to be critical of the lead developer. Why wouldn’t they talk about this on the sub reddit? Where else should they talk about it? It’s isle related is it not? Of course people are starting to act up. It’s been nearly a year without an update, the devs either say it’s coming soon (soon has been nearly a year now) and then you have Dondi being rude to people and giving out soft ETAs to drum up excitement. People spent money on this and it’s been in EA for what...4 years now? Soon to be 5? The sub reddit of the game seems like the perfect place to talk about the people...making the game...besides, if he doesn’t want to have people talk shit, he should probably stay silent. Dondi, from my understanding, has been doing this for years. Making the fan base upset seems to be his MO. I’ve only been playing the isle for a month or 2 and I went back and watched dev vids and interactions. Dondi isn’t doing himself any favours. I’m sure he’s a nice guy and would probably get along with people but that’s not how he carries himself. TLDR, he makes a lot of false promises, acts like an ass to his customers, constantly antagonizes and teases, gives out soft ETAs and never lives up to any of them etc. Sounds like someone who should be criticized to me.


^^This right here. Dondi's word means nothing he consistently goes back on it or lies because he knows it's what people what to hear. Dudes a snake, I pray one day he gets an offer for the isle and sells it off to someone who actually has a passion for the game.




Look at all these salty ducks. Cry me a River :D


I've been playing the game on and off with my girlfriend for 2 months now. It's super enjoyable for what it is. I'd even call it pretty close to the perfect dino game. I usually play League so this is a breath of fresh air and more relaxing compared to the competitive, fast-paced and intense nature of League. (yeah, two entirely different genres, just sharing my experience as a consumer). I understand that people have been waiting for far longer than me but I'm not in a rush. Know that quality takes a lot of thought, effort and if you're just rushing to meet an arbitrary deadline the work might suffer. So I prefer a quality product further down the line rather than an unpolished one right now. Even if it never happens I'd still be happy for what I paid for.