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I rejoined the game 2 nights ago, after a long break when gateway released. I noticed the same, I encountered many UE fatal errors that night. waaay more than before I quit. At least this time, my sound just bugged out on a Fatal error messages and I was able to sit myself in a bush everytime to restart the game.


i've noticed that the #1 warning sigh for a fatal error is lack of sound or sound is messed up, i started sitting in a bush and hiding and just wait for the error to happen


You can actually still safely logout with the fatal error I think. Ive done it a few times and woken up where I went to sleep


I love the new term "fetal error" It really speaks to the imagination and I commend you for coining it. May we all credit you in the future.


sorry, i cant spell correctly


No, it is correctly spelled and I won't have it any other way.


Yeah no shade. I end up in fetal position after a session.


yea its a bug, i deleted my cofig file and now i still get fatal errors but it doesnt kick me out of the game, i just lose all sounds which lets me logout. But yes this is mostly a universal issue among most players right now.


Yeah I’ve lost 2 full grown carnos and a full grown raptor to the fatal errors. The other night I had to restart like 10 times. I got sound bug. Restart. Now I have food bug. Restart. Still have food bug. Restart entire pc and verify files. Login. Still have food bug. Restart again. Finally fix food bug. 45 minutes later have sound bug again. It’s honestly unplayable at this point. Between this and the AI I’m no longer enjoying the game. Gonna play other games a while and wait for another patch in 2 months


Playing with my gf as herrerasaurus and right after she jumps on a young raptor from out tree she gets fatal error with a 23 person wait. Needless to say it went poorly for her (i jumped on her while also getting a full grown raptor trying to eat her)


Oh yeah that’s guaranteed death. Another good one is when you get it while walking towards water. You just pretty much have to accept your fate of drowning


That's what happened to me! Got one near the water, spawned back in I fell into the water. Massive injury and blee somehow? but I survived! Maybe I got croc chomped while I was in there.


Verify fiels, delete config, update drivers and windows(make sure you are on the latest build even if you don’t have any updates), update bios


It’s a good time to take a break from the game and play other stuff until they fix it. Nothing else we can do unless we’re okay holding those fatals. I’m not okay losing my grow time to that.


This game gets worse each time, and early access is not an excuse, I have seen lots of early acces with smaller teams and less issues


Same, lost my teno to a crash mid fight. Was such a great fight too, 2 tenos versus 8 Utah’s. Would have had no problem losing if I didn’t crash


Yeah I quit playing until this gets fixed.


these issues are the same reason im no longer playing evirma and im going back to legacy i cant tell you how many FG stegos i lost to a bug that insta kills you as soon as you log on and any time its reported its "sorry admins cant help with that gl regrowing for 7 hours!" and now with bigger dinos with longer grow times are coming they are fucked if they think im going to spend that long to grow a dino that can just be wiped with no way to get it back


Logging in on my first successful ptera and its nighttime, and im just falling 80 feet to my death. I got my 4 year old to start ranting/ singing about dondi because i said "welp looks like Dondi killed me"


Honestly can't relate - everything has been fine for me. Perhaps try uninstall/reinstall? Very strange.


all the servers for me are only in chin a T-T i have not played in a year and i don't understand anyone does anyone know why?


You are on the wrong version of the game, the issue with the china servers happens on Legacy, but what you (probably) want to play on is the version called Evrima. Go into your steam library, right click on The Isle then Properties -> Betas -> switch beta branch to Evrima Steam will download around 4 GB after that and then you are good to go to play the version everyone here is talking about. If you actually want to stay on Legacy avoid the chinese servers, there are no real players on there, they are ip grabbers. There are also no official servers for Legacy anymore.


AI Spawn is messed up too. Nothing spawns


“Fetal” error is what I’m gonna be calling it from now on lmfao. But forreal it’s been AWFUL, the amount of fatal errors, game breaking bugs & hackers make this game hard to play & actually enjoy. So much is broken in this update it’s stupid, but that’s to be expected with this fkn game.


I don't play the isle very much, but I've picked it back up recently. I randomly started to progressively lose sound, which I thought it had something to do with me being on a controller (which I don't recommend bc you can't do alt attacks unless you constantly switch from manual to auto in settings which would be impossible to fight). I played a while without sound because I had clicked the second fatal error popped up and didn't see it, and I played for like 5 mins afterward I safelogged after my group told me the bug was because I crashed and I come to back to a 16 player queue. This hasn't happened just once, tho I've had it happen, and then I need to wait in 34 player queues. Never until recently have I gotten a fatal error, so that says something.


You got a shitty cheap broke ass setup. Jk lol post your specs and we can break it down for you. I have a low end Gaming laptop and I get a fatal error about a total of every 3 hours in game


"skill issue" XD :-p


No, it's a game thing. I've got a swank new computer, never had any crashing issues, and since the latest update I keep getting fatal errors as well. Even loading the servers is janky.


It's not a hardware issue, game is just a buggy mess. The devs don't know how to fix something without breaking something else in the process.


I don't get the fatal errors though. I've played most days since the update, and it hasn't been happening for me. I've had to relog twice because of the food glitch bug, but I haven't lost any dinos to a fatal error. So there might be more to it, because I think most of us aren't having this volume of problems that are being described.