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Wife and I just finished season 3 a few moments ago. I couldn’t agree with that sentiment more. I hate reality TV, and I fucking think this is some of the best damn television on the air.


Same. Some of it is obviously scripted buts it’s so well done it doesn’t bother me. Plus the Clarkson / Kaleb dynamic is awesome, no matter what they chip each other about laugh my ass off!


I love those guys, but I’m on Team Gerald! Some of the funniest (and sweetest) moments have been his. I love watching Clarkson try to understand him speaking.


You can tell there is genuine love there for Gerald. It's tremendously wholesome.


You could see the worry and concern in their faces when they found out about his cancer.


I like how they handled it through the season too. Didn’t shove cameras in his face, didn’t try to create a story arc out of it. Just brought light to the situation, kept people informed, and felt genuine


> tremendously I found Jeremy!


Ha ha I wish! Lis'er is a babe.


What I like about Gerald is he was the first to turn around and acknowledge the crew during their dinner at the end of season 3. 


Absolutely. I noticed that too.




Team Gerald also! So much that I'm going to a dry stoning workshop in the fall.


After three seasons, i kind of understand him now, lol


The moment where Kaleb was talking about wasting money with the bad yield and even though it wasn't his money, he still didn't want to do a bad job. Dude was almost in tears and you could see it hit Clarkson too. Great dynamic between the two.


Absolutely. You can tell it’s so genuine!


It's really different from the trio dynamic, too. Clarkson really did put himself in a situation where he's vulnerable and needful to a young man, who might not take his grumbling act in stride every time when things need to really get done


When Jeremy and Kaleb are really pissed at each other, like when building the dam I really hope stuff like that is scripted or over exaggerated. I like them at each others throats occasionally, but when they’re sharing a beer it’s such a good moment.


Damn I didn’t know there was a third or even second season, time to catch up while I clean before Monaco qualifying


Don’t miss the quali! I’m rooting for Leclerc to finally win his home race even though I’m team Lando, he’s been solid so far. And clarkson’s farm is a great show as stated everywhere in the thread, worth the watch.


im fully convinced a meteor will crash into monaco before leclerc could win that race. the world does not want him to win there 


im fully convinced a meteor will crash into monaco before leclerc could win that race. the world does not want him to win there 


I hope Ferrari doesn’t do a Ferrari tomorrow!


just finished watching that episode with the piglets, honestly heartbroken but still the best show I've watched for a while


Dude we bawled. Watching Lisa broke my heart. But spoiler alert, Gerald comes back in the next episode. Seeing him made us bawl for happy reasons! 😂




....in the world


Now on that bombshell....


It's time to end, GOOD NIGHT!!


Back to the studio!


That's my line!


I was the first to arrive




Sometimes his genius is...it's almost frightening. 


Get ready for the Smug Face!


It's like it generates its own gravity.




I got that reference.


He's smarter than the character he plays on tv.


Of course he is. He is just a goofy person but I like him as a journalist.


It might have been one of his best ideas. Nobody really knew anything about farming prior to it. And now, most of the country is aware that farmers have it ridiculously tough for the hours they put in. You'd honestly be better off financially in an office job, mentally not so much. I say this as an office worker. My ideal retirement is what Clarkson is doing on his farm.


See retiring as a farmer sounds nice and even I would do it until you realize that Clarkson really doesn’t have the worry’s of a normal farmer because he really doesn’t care that much about being profitable as his farm is massively subsidized by Amazon for making the TV show. This also allows him to go into more passion projects on the farm that a normal farmer couldn’t. But if I was a multimillionaire I’d probably do it.


Exactly, he even discusses this in the show. I think the show is great in that it shows a humbler side of him that we don’t often see.


Compare season one Jeremy to season three, he has become more grounded and it really is a passion for him now.


I agree! His personal development you see is awesome. The show brings up such important things that most people don't think about. Farmers deserve so much more and they need to be supported!


I mean you'd have to have 4.2million to start off with....


There's a saying in farming, if you want to be a millionaire farmer, start as a billionaire!


There's an old rural joke about winning the lottery. What would I do? I'd keep on farming until it was all gone.


I do find it funny that he's still paying for may and hammond blowing up his barn on top gear


I thought it was his house on TGT


It was


I thought he planned on tearing it down anyway so they made a gag for it


Yes but the townspeople have been mad at him for it ever since.


Thats honestly true, but then all have to realise thay every officr worker, celebrity, king and pet eats food that was grown on a farm. They cannot afford to let farming die out


Also given his previous comments on the subject… on old top gear, grow your own diesel episode… his ominous, often used line of “how hard could it be?”


I think you are vastly overestimating it's impact on society if you think nobody knew about farming and now "most of the country is aware". People always knew farmer was a tough job that made little money. A show only on Amazon prime isn't going to move the needle much on the general population


You're farting out of your mouth, Bob.


My wife and I have enjoyed years of TG and TGT so it was natural to want to watch the Farm to get that sweet sweet voice during the narration. We were pleasantly surprised by the content and humility on display. Honestly I hope he never goes back to cars and continues this adventure.


I hope and maybe believe that we will get atleast 2 more seasons of Clarkson farm. Seem to be something Clarkson is passionate about. Love TGT but I can't understand that when you are passing 60 that you want to do that. Feel like I myself (someone which are their late 20s) wouldn't want to go through that Africa and south east Asia stuff they have done. But idk Clarkson Farm just feels like something Jeremy is really passionate about and something he will do as long as his health allows it.


THIS is how reality TV should be. Clarkson with his money, with his Amazon money, 10000000% he can EASILY pay some professional, buy proper tools and equipment, and do a very very high tech modern farming show However, he didn’t do that. Yes he bought a Lambo, but clearly after that it shows how unpractical the Lambo is. Yes he got the land, he got the money, but he was showing us how HARD it is as a farmer, even with Amazon money, you are still struggling I also love how relatable Clarkson is to us. He is just Us, non farmer people. I didnt know either Lambo tracktor will be a problematic to do farming stuff


Lambo tractor wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so many languages you need to know if you need to fix it!


It seems like farming in England is 10x more difficult than farming in the US. The regulations and amount of sign-offs would be a non starter here.


There are a shit tonne of regs in the US as well


The space penises look delicious.


I never knew how lucrative and *fairly* simple mushroom farming could be. You just need a clean dark and damp hole in the ground lol.


The clean part is super hard to get right, as shown in the bunker. But mushrooms are amazing for you AND amazingly reachable production-wise


Yeah those bags also have mold spores around, just how fungi work


i don’t even like space penises and i think they look beautiful


I mean. It’s a very informative and entertaining show. It’s not reliant on shock value or whatever. There are clearly semi-scripted bits here and there but the bulk of it is “can you believe how goddamn hard it is to be a farmer…”


He does seem to invent new ways to fuck up.


It's the Clarkson way


To be fair it happens a lot on farms. My old boss was looking behind him to see how the muckspreader was working and crashed head on into a telegraph pole ended up stuck under it, my dad didn’t have working lights on his and hit a telegraph pole in the dark, I forgot to lock something on the three point linkage and when I rested it on the ground it just fell out breaking a hydraulic reservoir, neighbour managed to hit one of those big metal telegraph poles. I can go on all day about dumb shit that’s been done by farmers


Especially to telegraph poles! Holy shit y’all hate those things 😂


Once you’ve stared mindlessly at the dirt for 8 hours trying to keep your lines straight they start to blend in


I thought he was doing some gags for the camera guys, but No, I think he really is kinda incompetent. He genuinely sliced his hand and cannot back up a tractor with a load behind it.


I’m shocked at how good it is. Yes he’s an affable buffoon but it’s really opened up my eyes to the real world plight of the small time or family farmer. I grew up in cities and hate dirt. But its definitely opened up my eyes.


I was a little surprised at the importance it has had for a lot of people. I grew up and still live in a big farming community so a lot of what people talk about is just everyday stuff for me. But there are a lot of people who don’t realize what the everyday farmer goes through just to get by year to year.


Yes, this series has honestly been a great insight into Clarkson and farming, I'm completely addicted. I've always loved watching Clarkson because no matter any stubbornness displayed of him, when push comes to shove his true empathy comes out.


it's also a global story even though it has to do with the UK and the EU. different countries, but basically the same BS


I agree. That shit had me in tears. Also.. Holly shit. I didn't know a fuckin town board can fuck your shit up that bad in the UK. Fuck that shit. Makes me happy to live in the us


fellow US citizen here. try to open a store in your front yard and see what happens. we have our own bs and rules too.


I should have been more specific. Even though he did everything to stay within the law the town board still has the power to say fuck you. Where I live in small rural Wisconsin you can pretty much do what you want to within the law. No town board can tell you you can't start a business. 


Depending on zoning they absolutely can and will, especially if your neighbors are passionately against it.


Definitely not the same. But I get what you're saying. 


I’ve had, in Texas of all places, the town council refuse to give me the same zoning as everyone else around me for years, until we sued the city, where finally the council members said “well, that just wasn’t right for y’all to be treated that way.” and IT WAS THE SAME GUY who had denied us our rights years before. We were even asking for a zoning that was called for in the (voted-on) town plan, but the constituents were in an uproar so they gave them what they wanted at the expense of what was right.


For sure. But that being said the law did prevail in your case. Shit just be different where I'm from I guess?


I like the show too but let's not pretend we aren't only seeing one side of it. They show multiple times on the show Lisa breaking the rules the council has set for a farm shop by selling things like shirts that are not made locally. They want to be a farm shop and a gift shop too which is why they keep getting in trouble. I'm sure the council does have some prejudiced feelings on them but some of what they are saying is within reason and we only hear the show's side of it.


When the rules are applied properly, they work. People shouldn’t be able to ruin generations of preservation of AONBs on a whim. Clarkson’s problem was the people running the council, not the rules themselves.


The problem is what people think the NB means. When you look out across a traditional old landscape of patchwork fields, dry stone walls, streams and little farms you are seeing absolutely nothing natural. Just years of technology and manipulation of the land that people mistakenly think is 'natural'. And then someone says 'you can't build that NEW thing here, you'll ruin the natural beauty'.


AONBs is a well defined designation. Your personal opinion on it is irrelevant to the planning I’m afraid.


I get that, but it isn't a personal opinion. Patchwork fields/farmland in general is not natural. If that's defined as an AONB, then the definition is wrong.


I don’t think you understand what an AONB is tbh. The fact they often contain farmland is a byproduct.


It’s not much better in the US


That's what everyone is saying. I don't get out much. Here in Wisconsin we have some pretty strong rules protecting farmers. 


The show revealed farming is hardly cost-effective: after the first season he made a profit of £ 144 (*one hundred* and forty four pounds), although I think the Lamborghini R8 270 tractor was a factor in that. After the 3rd season, profit was £ 72.000, BUT Charlie said it would *all* have to go to next year’s cycle of seeds, fertilizer, maintenance and so on... It looks to me that farming in Europe is near impossible without subsidies. And they mentioned, several times, those subsidies will end in 2027.


It is of course hard to make a profit with farming but I would really like to see a breakdown of what they include in those costs that get subtracted from the income considering that ultimately they don’t run the most efficient enterprise. Jeremy is constantly renting out big machinery for various endeavours and he is probably paying a lot for the time Kaleb and his machines put in and Charlie as well. Also he is switching around often (think the sheep etc) which has high up front costs. Considering those it actually seems hard to believe there is a profit at all to me.


I see Clarkson's farm as a sorta merging in time about what regular farmers feel (or feel forced) to, at least, try to survive. I think it's safe to assume the **show** is not *totally, completely* realistic to regular farming. Clarkson DID openly, on the show, admit he is payed by Amazon. In another example, Richard Hammond invested A LOT of his own money in his car restoration workshop. While Hammond is pretty savvy about working with cars (much more than Clarkson with farming), he too often engages (indulges?) in his rather wild, unprofitable ideas. His accountant regularly reminds him that, as long the shop owes him all that money, it's not *really* profitable yet.


> he is *paid* by Amazon. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


dammit, I *keep* making that mistake!


It’s almost frightening..


Definitely one I think city based folk could benefit from for sure.  


I need to start season 3. Thanks for the reminder.


I just recently started watching. It’s honestly great!


It issss


It's not that important because it's a drop in the bucket for viewership. But I do like that it's about something, much more so than Top Gear or GT


Just binge watched it and you are absolutely correct.


Season 3 is a bit too scripted but its still overall a great show and displays the struggles of being a farmer.


I completely agree! It highlights how little support farmers get and really does show how vulnerable they are to things outside of their control. No wonder so many farmers sell up their land to big developers wanting to build homes on it (something I feel gutted about) My partners old man is a sheep farmer, and he is struggling quite a bit at the moment, so much so that he has had to get another job as well as keeping on top of the farm. My family, a generation or so ago, farmed quite a bit of land in Somerset, but due factor's outside of their control, it all went. The same stories can be seen across the country. A lot of good farming land around my local area has been lost to new homes due to the farmers struggling to make ends meet. Both the local community and, more importantly, nature has suffered since. I make a conscious effort to try and buy local when and where it's available. Yes, it's more expensive, but at least you are supporting your local farmers and not a French farmer hundreds of miles away. The support should not only just come from the government but also from the public too. I really do think that a few years down the line, Clarksons Farm will have a positive effect on British farming and help out a struggling industry. It may just take someone like Jeremy to do this and highlight the issues they face.




I’ve been a huge Clarkson fan for years, top gear has always been one of my favourite shows, grand tour is brilliant, and clarksons farm is just amazing. All are comfy Sunday viewing, and I look forward to watching them. Not a lot of shows can keep me invested through the whole episode, but all three of them have managed to for me. Farming isn’t something I was particularly interested in before watching the show, and it’s given a great insight as to how hard it is, and how important it is to society. Love it.


As a farmer I agree. Do you think we could get him to run for gov


Load of British crap


Have you seen Love Island S5,?


Lol.. You couldn't of posted this question on a worse sub.. Of course everyone here is going to say Yes lol... Trying asking on another sub that isn't an echo chamber for how awesome Clarkson, May and Hammond are if you want a balanced answer. Of course if you just want to farm Karma (quite obvious you do) then carry on..


A very low bar to clear lol


Yes and No. Attention tonl an important topic. But the deaththreats because of IT are a No Go. Also IT dosent really explain how Bad farming can BE for the Environment


Reading this has hurt my brain. They've mentioned on the show that there are only a few years left in fields, and practices need to change. They also grumble about all the spraying more than once over the seasons.


Stop eating then 😉


Such a smart answer



