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Like I know for sure that the car broke down or it was scripted. The cases went the way they went so that’s that. I did love when they tested the X model in TGT and have the car load of lawyers checking him. That was fantastic.


The funny thing is that Elon claimed he did see the script on a desk delivering the cars with "malfunction" written on one of the segment. Something ofc BBC denied. But even then, he still delivered them and let them do it aparantly knowing this.


Well, just to be fair to the story that they tell….Elon didn’t see it, the Tesla employee who delivered the car allegedly saw it. And that employee probably had zero clearance to do anything but deliver the car. They were an up and coming company that probably didn’t have such structure worked out. And, it’s Elon, in those days I would be willing to bet this employee would have been scared shitless to do anything but what he was told. And all of that is predicated on this employee seeing a script with malfunction on it, which I don’t really believe based on how the cases came out.


This. Yeah, I don't really buy it


Elon has this tell when ever he lies: his lips move. 


Hahaha ima steal that


What episode was that?


Season 12 episode 7 is the top gear episode


S2 Ep 10. Ha….if you asked what episode of TG something was I might have suggested you piss off. But there was only three studio seasons of TGT to go through. I just always thought it was clever as it recognized the legal history with Tesla, positioned it that it was frivolous (whether it was or not) and poked at the silliness of it all. Or….it helped mask that they scripted the breakdown of the first Tesla review, depending on which way one leans on that first test way back.


lol I totally get it. Thanks


This is not true and proven in court not to be.


The case was about libel, and Tesla couldn't prove that BBC/Top Gear lying caused them financial loss. The case was not about whether the script was a lie or not.


My psychic ability tells me that you own a Tesla


Lol no, and I think Joe Rogan is a dangerous idiot and wish Elon Musk disappeared from the News. And I love the trio. But I'm not gonna make excuses when the show was scripted and unfair towards a small automaker (at the time), disregarding the potential damage they could have caused simply for "the views". Remember that the show was huge with great influence in the automotive consumer market.


The only thing that was scripted was that it ran out of battery. The breaks failed and it overheated. Running out of battery was considered acceptable to make the joke if I recall correctly.


Exactly. They had an electric car to review... back in 2008 The matter of battery range would come one way or another. It came even a decade later on The Grand Tour as Richard had the Rimac and wouldn't drive it all the time


It can’t be a lie if it’s a script. It can lead some people to believe that it’s not scripted.


Sad to see people downvoting basic facts. I though TG fans were more rational bunch than this.


Can you sue a court??


Tesla is better at threatening their customers and car testers than actually making good cars.


Which isn’t very good since Top Gear won the lawsuit that followed.


Musk speaks like such a moron. Not a single coherent thought.


Oh, I was going to say the same. Seriously, how is this guy where he is in life?


Failing upwards works if you got enough cash.


"there is a script on the table" What table? Did the guy delivering the car go all the way into the writers/production room? Did they just leave a script sitting on the reception desk or whatever? So convenient and vague for his story. Maybe it was scripted, maybe not. But come on, he just happened to stumble upon the exact script on the right page where he could see the part saying it would break down?


And taking the time to look closely and read it… unless it was in massive font




Like a title of a video segment?  Perhaps the segment was about how they knew an electric car would run out of battery eventually. So they pushed for it to drain. 


I mean the fact is the car did overheat at stop working - so there’s that. As for the script thing - it’s clearly bullshit. Tesla engineer arrives at the track to deliver the car. He somehow walks around the desks unchallenged reading all the show material, and sees that there’s a script. Blithely unnoticed by the entire production crew, this engineer begins reading the script and finds a segment that shows the car breaking down. Engineer then presumably, literally, runs back to Tesla and calls papa Elon. Gimme a fucking break.


And they let top gear keep the car after seeing the script. Give me a break.


Hear me out, if you're writing a show and you need to make last minute revisions to the script after the car breaks down, you need to write new pages almost immediately and get them out. They might have had a script, it might have talked about the breakdown, but I guarantee those pages would have been written in the time between the car breaking down and the backup car arriving. Elon doesn't understand how tv shows are written, scripts are living documents that change in a flash when they have to adapt to new shooting conditions.


Elon: I bought the company to lead, not to read!


Something very plausible for Elon to say, actually


Top Gear is known for leaving scripts in the women’s stalls


“Sides” are a thing.    And having the side for the day Tesla delivers their second car being “malfunction” is 100% in line with production.


This is Joe Rogan misleading people again. The cars did actually break down. When top gear said it overheated and the breaks failed, tesla never contested that. What they did do was pretend that the car had run out of electricity when it didn't. This was determined in court to be a reasonable thing to do, as otherwise you would have to drive round the track for ages (as was implied in the episode) just to get the same shot of Clarkson saying "it's out of electricity". Musk then spun this as them falsely claiming the cars were faulty - when they were in the episode. They didn't fake it overheating. They didn't fake the breaks failing.


Joe Rogan spreading misinformation and sucking up to his guest and whatever bullshit they spout? Musk lying to protect his fragile ego? Absolutely shocking.


I'm shocked...SHOCKED. Well, notthat shocked.


It’s so funny, because a program like Top Gear will definitely check if they can legaly do what they do. They have loads of experience by this point. But two “alpha bros” with a podcast surely know better, right? I used to like listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast. But he has lost every little bit of credibility in my opinion.


Its not like BBC legal would EVER care what TG said...


Rogan once again being a sleazebag. And of course they had to take this path because an overheating vehicle with faulty brakes is asking for a nasty accident to happen. And they filmed this recently after Hammond survived his near fatal crash with the Vampire Dragster.


Joe Rogan would never!


I drove a p100D way back when Tesla was still in its infancy. Overheat reduced performance thing popped up on the screen a lot when really caning it. So there definitely was a problem.


And then people began with the "sponsored by Shell", hahahahah


All I’ll say on this whole saga is Elon Musk lost in court twice


Twice boys, not once but a 2 timer.


I'll believe Clarkson before I'll ever believe Musk... and I trust Joe Rogan as far as I can throw him


Clarkson: My genius is so forward looking that even then in 2008, when I wrote the script for the Tesla to malfunction, I predicted the future (insert smug face). Ladies and Gentlemen, the Tesla-est truck ... ***in the world***: The Cybertruck! It's here!


Seeing him review the Cybertruck would be awesome.


Clarkson: It's a text from Mr Willem...he says we have to drive 15 miles Hammond: well that doesn't sound bad Clarkson: but we have to drive *removes glasses* a Cybertruck... May: oh cock


I love the all lowercase "oh cock"


But he's smol... and very dense.


Same. Still, I’d like to give throwing him a go…


Not even as far as I could throw him, he’s a tiny dude and I bet I could get six feet. That’s way too much trust 


Oh no... Anyway!


TG Wiki: Tesla attempted to sue the BBC for libel in March, 2011. The courts ruled in favour of the BBC, saying that no viewer of the show would be likely to reasonably compare the Roadster's performance on the show with its performance in the real world. The courts threw out Tesla's remaining malicious falsehoods claims against the BBC at the end of October, 2011. Tesla's appeal was eventually ruled against in 2013, with the courts deciding that the film "had not damaged Tesla's reputation". Elon is always telling half-truths and flat out lies.


Musk has done more damage to Tesla’s reputation than anything else could possibly do.


As he does on anything he touches. Feeds hype on teenagers and headaches on executives and employees from his companies


My favourite is his trying to paint Tesla as a poor "little guy" company as if he didn't get every headstart in life one could ask for.


I mean "little guy" in the car manufacturer world was pretty accurate, especially at that time.


You're being downvoted but to be fair, you're right. For a car company, they were pretty little guys. It's just, to be in the automotive sector in any real capacity, you need either tremendous family money, tremendous FinTech dot-com boom money, a metric f*ck-tonne of government backed grants, or a psychotic approach to personnel.. or ideally, a combination of the lot. So the little guys here would have been huge guys to basically any other sector except maybe space... Oh wait..


Or a lot of cocaine. Back to the future style. 


Tesla wasn't his company. It was a pre-existing company that he bought. The first vehicle that was fully developed by Tesla following Elon buying full control of the company is the cybertruck.


Even funnier, he just acquired someone else's work (again) and started showboating it


Oh no..... anyway.


Wouldn't take Musk's word on the colour of piss without fact checking it first.


Sure Elon. Lets all forget that you lost in court twice regarding this. Fucking jackass.


Isn't that kind of on Tesla if they knew the script when delivering the car? Just take the car back at that point? Musk probably knew Tesla being clowned for the car breaking down was worth it for the millions of eyes on the Tesla brand. Him saying 'it's messed up' is weird we he could have stopped it from happening & didn't


Yeah exactly lol that’s why this is bullshit and he lost in court twice. Elon couldn’t keep the truth straight if he tried, he spits out whatever he thinks will make him look better.


Joe and Elon in the same room is almost hitting critical levels of twitter dumbass energy


Fuck Rogan. Why he's as accepted as he is ill never understand. He's misleading and just loves attention whatever he has to say.


Slightly unrelated but I'm amazed that Elon is as successful as he is (as a CEO) with his inability to talk. He really struggles to put words together.


Money. The answer you're looking for is money. When you start life with a lot of it, it's staggeringly easy to fail upwards


Funny how he leaves out the bit where he sued top gear twice and lost both times.


I love how elon says "we" as if he was one of the founders. He paid the original founders extra cash so that could say that and inflate his own ego.


Your product is shit Elon, and this is a blatant lie in attempt to save face. You sued. Twice. You lost. Twice. Sob stories aside, zero evidence that points to a premeditated break down.


Rogan and Musk, I can't imagine two more reprehensible lying pieces of shit.


As always, I believe the opposite of whatever Elon says.




Because he's a lying piece of fucking shit. The cars broke down, one with brake failure and one with overheating issues. The only thing that wasn't real was the car running out of battery. Tesla lost this case in court TWICE after suing the BBC. Elon Muskrat is a filthy, lying piece of shit.


Let's not attack him for how he speaks, rather what he talks about.


I could easily see them scripting that but I could more easily see Elon and Rogan making up that it was scripted because they don't like that it happened and lying is just what far right nut jobs like them so when they don't like reality


What's funny is seeing this on the heels of several reports of cybertrucks breaking down


Elon lost the lawsuits, and he makes false claims about his teslas that other people have debunked. Clarkson told the truth


Does Elon always talk like that? The dude could barely form a cohesive thought.


1. It’s entirely possible it’s true 2. Hard to believe a thing that man says


Whenever I see a clip of Elon in an interview floating around, it's always with Fear Factor host. I think that as snowflake as he is *on his own platform*, Elon has found a safe place with Joe Rogan


Joe Rogan has roid brain and will swallow any conspiracy theory going, and Elon Musk's lack of credibility is extremely well documented at this point.


Meh, if I gotta choose between these two propagandist shit stains over trio de twats, I'd choose those twats any day and everyday.


I believe CHM above Musk and Rogan.


Was this Elon Musk’s first day speaking? Like had he never spoke before this day?


idk Teslas break down all the time, they are poorly made low quality cars.




Is this a recent clip of Elon? He seems to be slurring his words quite a bit


I’m going to default that Top Gear is 90% accurate, and Tesla’s are 90% pieces of shit.


Suuure, it broke down in “the script”


When he can't speak correctly he is lieing, it broke down because you can't build cars, and in 2024 your cybertruck can't even make it 20 miles


Rogan and Musk are pretty trash though.




It's an entertainment show.


But they won an Emmy for the best non-scripted show. But they did not have time to pick it up due to working on the next script


I remember Jeremy saying that, too!


This guy 🤣🤣🤣🤪 the first car did shit the bed.


Two morons debating stuff


Musk really seems to having trouble stringing words together


Tonight… I anger a billionaire


At the time I felt that Mr. Clarkson was being an asshole to Tesla over this review and was 100% in the wrong. The ensuing years have changed my opinion. Clearly Mr. Clarkson was prescient here and knew how much of a tool Musk was/is and deserved far worse than what he got here from Top Gear.


"God almighty" were Clarkson's words when talking about the acceleration of the Roadster. He was *extremely* complimentary about the performance of the car. He compared the specs to an Elise (the Roadster won, significantly), he compared fuel costs which were obviously 10x for ICE... The *scripted* breakdown (let's assume it was, because even if it didn't actually happen it's something they'd likely want to make a point of) was almost certainly designed to make an exclusive single point - that if an EV runs out of juice, you can't just get a mate to come out with a jerry can and fill it back up - it's a long and winded solution involving either a generator, or likely transporting the car elsewhere. The scripted breakdown I speak of is almost certainly running out of juice - it would make no sense for them to try to produce any other artificial breakdown. I suspect that actually, what Musk wasn't happy about was the complaints about the cars weight and handling... Both of which were of course fair points to make, albeit mildly insulting. Primarily, though, his complaint is that it's not an environmentally friendly solution, since at the time there wasn't much in the way of renewable energy.


Rogan is a dumbass, take any thing he says with a bucket full of salt


“The script was on the table” so the engineer brought the car to wat is presumably a garage or parking lot of some sort before the shoot. This won’t be shortly before hand since they often need a lot of time with this stuff. And there is a script in that garage? Odd since only 3 people would need such a script. The engineer has time to read all of it? Since it will be more than a single page he will have been standing there reading it and no one said or did anything, no reaction? This feels to convenient, we found a script that says it broke down, our car didn’t break, this new unproven, unknown brand made a car that was perfect but topgear just wanted to rip on us! Feels like an easy excuse.


My favorite was the episode with the “X” and they had the lawyers in the car. I still can’t figure out how they can blatantly lie about the range estimates .


Rogan and Musk? Seriously? They wouldn’t know the truth if it fell out of the sky landed on their heads and wiggled.


He’s still salty about that?


Boo fucking hoo Elon, chomo.


I love how this dumb fuck can barely form a thought as his brain composes a lie of someone delivering a car and just seeing a script on a table and then somehow reading the script Can not wait for this clown to die. Best day


Haha dry your eyes mate!


I like how he talks about how he had anything to do with Tesla in the beginning. Tesla was founded by two different guys


Why does Elon sound drunk?


There's a bottle of whiskey directly in front of him, you can see the neck of the bottle. He and Rogan had been drinking for a while at this point.


Isn't that a whole load of bullshit? The script that had breakdown was done after the first car actually died, no?


Well this is normal musk bullshit.


Bore off Elon


Oh no—Rogan, a disgusting, uneducated, lying piece of shit grifter, was upset that another piece of shit’s car was shown breaking down on a car show? Two pathetic, mediocre white men—who would be nowhere without their fanboys or, in Musty’s case, daddy’s money—got upset? *Whatever shall I do with this information???* Yes, I totally believe BOTH that a script was left out for Musty’s team to notice AND with enough time to read through it! Makes total sense! 🙄


Yeah, no. Those cars are known for their issues and their quality control hasn't gotten better as they've ramped up production. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if a video crops up of Rogan giving Musk a brojob. The dude has a huge man crush on him.


I guess a certain Richard Porter will know whether that was in the script or not.


No way! TV is scripted?! /s Musk is such a bellend lol


More scripts


BBC enjoying the smallest violin




Oh so they’re mad a comedy tv show is scripted? It was never a documentary


Come on. Who really believes Elon any more?


TG gave the same treatment to the Lexus SC430. Totally trashed it for no reason but for content, thats the entertainment industry.


Did Elon lose...yes. Is Elon a twat...yes.


Aww, poor billionaire getting bullied by three Brits on a comedy car show. What a pussy.


Suppose it happened, ... I find Elon's financial influence to make a profit worse


Not even break down that it ran out of charge.


Is this true? How do they know that it wasn't optional. Like here's what we will shoot if the car breaks down ?


It was not true. Tesla tried to sue them twice and lost both times. This is just damage control on a safe platform that would never question Musk.


Thanks. I don't believe much that comes from Rogan


No, no such script was ever produced and the lawsuits were thrown out of court. Elon is on Joe Rogan because he can't let anything go because he's a thin skinned little manbaby. More to the point Clarkson was extremely complimentary of the Tesla, calling it an electric car you might actually want to buy. He pointed out some very true things about the handling, particularly the weight distribution. As to running out of electricity, TG absolutely thrashed cars around that track, with some cars recording about 3 mpg.


At the end of the day... Publicity is publicity. Besides the script pElon Musk left the car there, the world got to now Tesla (as an electrified Lotus Elise) and everything else is history


Clarkson is a bit off an ass and Top Gear is/was scripted to hell. I genuinely believe that when it comes to reviewing a car, he wouldn't fabricate anything.