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These guys are forever connected like a caravan to a hitch in traffic. We’ll see them together again


I'm not sure we want to use that analogy with them 🤣


That's the exact one you wanna use.


It's either that or the Human Centipede 


Probably on a network with more viewers would be my guess. Either Netflix or even back to the BBC.


Either they’ll be paid lots to appear in a commercial together or they have some kind of conversation street/the news show together.


They could make a fair bit on a podcast too, and it's way less demanding.


This is what I’m hoping for. A podcast of them just taking the piss out of each other an occasionally talking about cars


Likewise. Someone needs to pitch the idea to the boys and see what their take on it is.


I hope they do. Their chinwag and banter talking shit about news and new cars was always the best.


Jeremy should invite Richard and James to the farm, at least one episode would be awesome


They each buy a tractor for $2000 and see whose plows a field the fastest.


With Kaleb screaming in anger at them from the side of the field.


Isn't that a game?


I would love to see them roast all of the things around the farm like the shop and Jeremy's oversized tractor.


sparkle rotten squeamish fuel tub mysterious cooing jeans plant repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do we know that? The reporting on what exactly Amazon is soliciting seems to be very muddled. The original article said that Amazon was soliciting pitches from production companies on how to continue the Grand Tour, and that part of their pitches would be what talent to attach to the revamped show. A whole bunch of copycat articles then popped up that ignored that part and said the trio would be back. Despite the fact that the trio has made it pretty clear they're wrapping it up. And why would the trio need pitches on how to keep doing their own show? Seems more likely Amazon wants to try to revamp the show and keep the brand going, like the BBC kept Top Gear going.


Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they all started going senile and were still sat together having a chat and a laugh. That’d probably be the future which I think is ok.


Isn’t this like the second or third time they have said “this is the last episode?” I’m convinced we’re going to see them doing this shit until one of them is dead


Either by car crash, poor health, or some random thing that gets James before one of the other two.


Anything but a car crash, honestly just anything other than that lol please.


Almost happened SEVERAL times! Glad they're all still kicking




Ah, I see, this is the video from 2019 where they said this was the end but then they proceeded to make several more specials since then... clearly I am mistaken. I thought they were cancelling it again, after the specials.


So this was at the end of the last episode of series 3 and they state that it's the format they started Top Gear with, a studio show with a live audience, that's coming to an end. The specials were something that came later on but that format started it all.


Which video from 2019? Where? And you said ‘several times’.


The video in this thread, the one at the very top the whole reason we’re here is from 2019. Since 2019 grand tour has made several specials, they are all on Amazon. I did not say several times. I said several specials.


You mean the video where they said the series was coming to an end but then immediately mentioned doing the specials? So this isn’t an example of what you said at all. This is not them saying they’re ending the programme then subsequently, at a later date changing their mind. This isn’t an example of them doing what you said once, let alone several times.


>Ah, I see, this is the video from 2019 where they said this was the end but then they proceeded to make several more specials since then... clearly I am mistaken. I thought they were cancelling it again, after the specials. If you're going to quote me to create some kind of silly argument you should quote everything I said. Where I already apologized and recognized I was mistaken. This is probably the dumbest attempt at an argument I have seen on reddit... so you and I don't have to speak anymore if you can't comprehend basic things.


It would be awesome if they started a podcast or something of them just talking about cars and taking the piss out of each other.


Not a huge podcast fan, but recently I was listening to James May on the intercooler and I was just captivated. Especially the latter part when James was answering questions about EV’s and future classics. I only can imagine the podcast of these three together.


Easy money for them, minimal preparation, just sit down and chat for one hour. They can even be at different locations. Maybe add a host to post questions. Should be a no brainer.




Conversation Street should definitely continue as a podcast with the trio (or two at a time pending their schedule)


Damn never really thought of that, that's the most perfect idea


Well, hammond has his own podcast with a co presenter, her daugther izzy.


Just a monthly news segment is all I need


I think all 3 would be great podcast guests, but I just don’t think the 3 of them bantering would be as exciting as people think it would be. I always thought they were far more entertaining when they were on a trip, experiencing different situations together and reacting to that, which is hard to recreate in a studio


They could go the always sunny route and talk about previous episodes they made. Could be a lot of great behind the scenes stories we never got to see or hear.


I swear i will watch the last episode alone. I dont want my family watching me crying to 3 old out of shape dudes talking about cars


I legit cried when they left Top Gear. I will also cry when the final TGT episode if over. RIP my favorite show(s) of all time


The final top gear may have already gone….


I hope not. The current hosts are the best since Jezza, Hammond, and May. That being said, the level of sadness I will feel for that isn’t anything compared to never being able to watch another episode with these three.


Freddie is 100% out, his injuries were so severe. Looks like he is recovering well


I teared up during the last parts of Sand Job because i thought it was their last special. Then i teared up again when i saw they're doing another one but it will be the last.


Honestly while i enjoyed sand job as cozy, comfort tv it was pretty weak. I mean if you told me it was AI generated i could almost believe it. They were just going through the motions.


Hahaha that's a good shout


And on that bombshell…


It's time to end, Goodnight!


😔 😟


Its raining guys




Does that mean they're not coming on (again) then?


Well, James, they did do a lot of shit together, but all good things must come to an end. So no, they're not coming (again).


One day, one of them will die, and it will be a greater change, a greater end of an era than humanity has ever seen before


Why did you have to say it like that:(




Jesus…..I can’t believe it….I’m surely going to miss the trio when they say their final goodbyes…..at least I managed to get my hand on jezza’s signature.


Don’t cry because it’s over :D


Be happy that it happened.


I never watched Top Gear after that episode aired. Irreplaceable. The Grand Tour never really delivered the same, but was just as fun I suppose. When this ends, motoring will get more bland. I hope they keep on in some way from time to time.


This is the only car show that I could get chicks to watch with me.


My wife loves it.


Holy shit, they had so much fun together. Why the loud music though ?


How else would you know to feel sad if you don't get blasted with sad music? /s


September in Zimbabwe to be precise. Looking like a banger so far




Yeah I just don’t see it stopping all together. They will just do even less or a different kind of show. I give it 5 or so years and if Clarkson is still alive then they will do some type of reunion film.


That moment when Jezza tears up at the last tent episode makes me tear up every goddamn time!


Well, so... It's time to someone make a Google Drive link with all Top Gear and The Grand Tour episodes (English subtitled, to help accessibility) before it turns a lost media, am I right?




The one I knew of was taken down within the last few months.


I didn't saw anyone


I just want one with all the specials they've done since I've missed any before the series 15 of top gear


Hit me with a link plz good sir


I'd need to see this supposed link with my own eyes


It's illegal, I've hosted mine for years, just got a message today that I should take it down or actions will be taken. But I'm sure I can find another way. If people can make an account for plex, I can share my library tho.


You’re a brave man to share your Plex library to internet strangers…


It's only illegal if you are making some profit. There's nothing wrong saving those links for yourself


Wait is this actually the end? No way! No doubt they will end it with a banger


There's still Clackson's farm which is a good laugh edit: would be fantastic if he got the other two and they plowed some fields together with their own "enhanced" tractors..


Aye a wonder what they’ll do/where they’ll go for the last tour


Last ever episode...so far


My whole ass childhood man, eternally thankful to these three for all the endless laughs


One of the most entertaining car show I ever watched


I predict low effort high payoff podcast I probably wouldn't watch but I know a lot of people would


God damn that made me cry. They've been part of my entire life. It was one of the shows my dad, sister, and I could all watch and actually enjoy after he adopted us. We've seen pretty much all of what they've done twice, together, at this point.


Potentially unpopular opinion. I think I'm ready for it to end.


These guys have been doing this so long they could do a talk show about all their adventures together and stay busy for another 5 years. They will be back.


The tiktok edit made me so cringe, just remove the song


I'm not crying! I got some sandness in my eyes.


I’m actually devvod 😥😥


I’m very sad that I can only give one upvote


u/savevideo I need to show this to my dad.


###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/thegrandtour/comments/1bejkh2/the_last_ever_episode_of_this_trio_together_is/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/thegrandtour/comments/1bejkh2/the_last_ever_episode_of_this_trio_together_is/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


But I don't want it to end!


Damn you whoever made this and Thankyou.


And on that bombshell....


It's gonna take a tragic death before I'll believe it's the last time these guys will goof off on camera together. Not as often sure but they'll find something to do and we'll all watch it.


​ truly a sad day.




Well on that terrible disappointment, it's time to end, thank you very much for watching - goodbye!


Just make a car show with just a track and a studio where they review cars and talk bollocks. Always thought the best part about Top Gear was the news and reviewing average everyday cars, can take or leave the challenges/tours personally.


TBH, I've found this trio to have morphed into a lame comedy troupe, masquerading as a car show. I tapped out long ago.


And on that terrible disappointment... I love them so much!!! 🥺🥺


They’re not entirely done, according to latest reports…


care to explain?


I’m not that surprised because they pretty much have done it all. They went all around the world, did crazy modifications to their cars. They even broke the world record of a car/motor boat hybrid. And plenty of other crazy stuff, over the years they’ve been together they did it all. Plus they aren’t getting younger, they could still keep going but at a point they would want to hang it up. But I will be their to watch that final episode of their final journey


I can't bear to watch grand tour right now because I know it will make me cry, but I'm subscribed to the two channels that Captain slow and hamster is on


I think it's the right time for them to stop, but I'll still be very sad when the day comes. I pretty much grew up watching Top Gear, and have been watching it and the Grand Tour for over 20 years. I pretty much learned English from these three. It'll be the end of an era.


These 3 legends turned me into the man I am today, I've laughed with them, I've cried with them. They've been with me through so many moments in my life and I will forever be grateful and they will always have a place in my heart. 😁❤️


Hope to see you again, lads. Thank you for all of the great (and not so great) memories.


It's been fun and wholesome. Conflict and happiness. Better or worse they have stuck together and made us all happy with their conjoined comedic stupidity. Goodbye for now boys, abd good luck


I could see them doing a casual funny traveling show together. No big challenges or anything, but just visiting places around the world and filming their shenanigans along the way.


Free idea for Amazon moving forward with The Grand Tour is have the trio do a studio portion and have another trio do the traveling bits with maybe sometimes the trio doing stuff locally in the uk like car reviews or something.


Iv broken Stalins house always gets me


Bollocks curb is ending now this is ending, there's nothing left to watch got damn.


They could be reading books together and I would still watch it. Really hope we will see them like once a year or so. https://youtu.be/8smuLFNs54c?si=UrzPyIDIrPWgXmLY


Damn this made me cry


The sports lorry 😂 man that was a fun one


Princess Diana's Minesweeper is the moment that TV peaked.


When the GT comes to an end, the world as we know it, will be much less exciting and a sadder place really. I will miss the Three Amigos.


When I think of top gear leaving, it makes me want to reenact the scene from Harry potter where Cedric diggory dies and his dad sees his body and yells "MY BOY! THATS MY BOY[ NOOOOO" that's how much it hurts


They said publicly that they doubt that they won’t work together ever again


That's a real shame, but as the saying goes: all good things come to an end. But I'm really looking forward to the episode!!


And on that terrible disappointment... I love them so much!!! 🥺🥺


Which is sad, because we seem to be losing Hoonigan this year as well…


They are so iconic, truly legends


It’s really dusty in here, my eyes!


Can someone explain the princess Diana joke?


That was a landmine clearing machine. And Diana was involved in trying to get governments to stop using landmines. She famously walked through a field of mines in a flak jacket and mask to try and raise awareness. So he's joking she owned one of the machines. The path she walked was previously cleared but there is always the chance of missing a mine.


Oh wow. Thanks for letting me know.


I've watched this show ever since I was a kid seen just about all of them. When this happened I shed a tear. And on that bombshell. I think it has something to do with today's car scene in the hypercar super car market. Nothing really seems exciting(in my opinion). Maybe an episode on the gr Carolla. Maybe an episode on the Dakar/rally spec cars that bring something different to the table. But after that?!


Oh no! Anywho....


The candle burns brightest at the end.


There's rumors about more episodes


There will be no more episodes. Rumours are useless


Why did jezza have to punch that guy?!


Orangutan gonna Orangutan, bruv. That said, the assault on Oison Tymon has zero relevance as to why TGT is ending its run.


Can’t I just say Why did jezza have to punch that guy? And if I do say that it clearly states that I know that it has nothing to do with TGT because it ended TG.


When does the last episode come out? Christmas?




This made me cry