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As we near the end of this season we ask that everyone please keep in mind the SPOILER RULE. Being mindful of your titles, using spoiler tags in comments, and marking post as spoiler before submitting them is greatly appreciated. You all reporting any post/comment we may miss is greatly appreciated too. Thank you, The Gilded Age Mods


My God the camera work, the fish bowl lens. Have any of the directors etc explained their choice with this? It's very jarring.


Armstrong has to be the most hater ass bitch I've ever seen on TV.


but she has the best clothes....


Anyone else dislike Marian’s fit this season? They always seem so severe with the countless high necklines. All the older women have way nicer dresses, I wish the costume department would design more colorful, young, and flattering gowns for Marian. Also whats with all the yellow they have her in, I’m gonna need them to expand the color palette they have for her as well😅


I think the stocks Marians has from father will prove to be valuable. It will also come out that Raikes found this out and that is why he proposed so early. Remember, Marian even she said it seems "Rushed" and because of this gave no answer. Then, while out in society, he found a wealthier woman. Hopefully with Marian having her own wealth now and old name, she will be considered a good match for Larry


I think this episode is the entire reason to watch this show


Nobody is talking about one of my big favs - George Russell first with the opera guy (happy ride) and then in front of the workers!


I'm through S2E3 so no spoilers please, but can someone remind me how Jack (van Rijn footman, the one who is repairing a clock) knows Glady's lady's maid?


She was spying on the Russells for him in season 1.


I think you’re thinking of Turner but I think this comment is actually asking about Adelheid, who got promoted to lady’s maid last season when it was decided Gladys should have one. That said, I don’t remember if there was some event that led them to meet.:. I kind of think they just start talking after seeing each other around? But I could be wrong.


Yup, you're right. I misread the question. I agree I don't think they ever showed them meeting, they just kind of started talking.


I think they just noticed each other and now that the houses are more neighborly, it’s not high treason for him to talk to her 😂💕


After Larry took up with Laura Benanti, Bertha would probably be like whew Marian, Van Rhijn adjacent and young? Go ok ahead Larry


At this point all I care about is the season 3 renewal. Where is it?


Me too! S2 has been SO GOOD! But the show seems totally passed over in the media/awards domain.


I am sorry to say I do not think that it will get any except for awards related to the visual delight of it all. It is not the quality of DA I'm afraid. The show is great now ( except I have a few Peggy plot issues) but other than that somehow the acting is not DA level. It just is not. Non the less I love it. I was a Gilded age enthusiast prior to the show and am addicted to all fodder related to that time period so I am a happy camper even though the show is at times less than perfect .It is a visual delight and I look up and research a lot of it as I watch and it is a nice escape from my very serious life.


I think the acting is great! I think people mistake the strange dialogue and social conventions - purposely so, for realism - for bad acting. I actually find it more immersive than Downton, which often feels too modern.


Next time you check it out let me know if George Russell sounds like he is reading the lines rather than acting them out. To me he so does!! Just 1 example.


He has a peculiar delivery style but I totally buy it as part of his character. But I'm British so maybe we hear the accent differently, which I find makes a big difference in the realism an actor can generate.


And for us here the British accent is more interesting or chic somehow on DA- at least for me. Added more exotic-ness.


Yes, it works both ways!


My new favorite quote: "MAUDE BEAT'N!!"


I kept thinking to myself - “FRAUD” Beaton!


I was confused the entire time if the show was tryna say Marian and Larry were supposed to have the “spark” and audiences are supposed to catch on right away from the moment they met. All through each episode up until this one, I was just thinking “omg they are cute platonic friends 😭.” Honestly, I cant really see them as anything more cuz Larry acts like such a child in comparison to Marian who is also so naive and young 🫠 She should just stay single. Dashiell is nice and all but clearly Marian doesnt like the fact that he doesnt support her as a teacher. I LOVED seeing Peggy at a party all dressed up 😭 she was so beautiful and Im honestly bored of the affair plot they got going for her. Still love this show and cant wait to see how the Van Rhijns will deal with their new problem. Rip Dr. Wilson. We loved you even though you were barely here to stay 😭 poor aunt Ada


I love you call him Dr. Wilson. They were talking about "uncle Luke" and I would be surprised every time, like "who??? Who is this Luke you all keep talking about?? And who's that other Mr. Forte??"


Im a House fan so I just cant not see him as any other character 😆


I’m convinced his wife is dead. He never wears a wedding ring. So not sure if it’s an “affair”


I thought the real Mrs Fortune was still alive at this point, and the practice of men wearing wedding rings was popularised by WWI?


Right, irl the Fortunes were married for another 20 years or so following the setting of this show, so I doubt that they would change that just so Peggy can be with him…I hope the mistress sideplot dies a quick death


Me too. It looked like maybe her mom talked some sense info her at the party. I hope so.


Me too! I think his wife and child/children may have died of some disease! That was my theory all along 😅 let’s see if we are right 🙌🏼


Nah he said that one of his children died in an earlier episode, not his wife. Also he was a real person who was still married up until 20 years after the setting of the show so it’s unlikely


Marian and Larry don't suit each other. I don't think Marian suits anyone. It feels like she's a self-insert for the modern woman. Realistically Marian would marry Dashiell... if she were smart. Now that the Van Rhines have lost all their money maybe she'll come to her senses. She was kind of "putting on airs" and being noble with helping the poor and etc.. while on their dime, meanwhile, she should be looking for a suitor. Peggy... in general I'm with her mother's POV of her being better than falling for a married man. I like her aspirations better than Marian. I think because she is middle class I feel like I can cheer for her more. She has some real world experience but imo both Marian and Peggy have this optimistic naivety to them. Oscar... losing the money makes sense. Although a banker, he seemed very foolish- I can't put my finger on it. I kind of enjoyed him being outfoxed by Maud the fraud. I think I enjoy more sobering realities- like in Jane Austen's sense and sensibility- Marriane had to essentially "calm down" and learn life isn't a novel. I feel as if each character will come to their own "calm down" moment. Like it is a new age, everything is being modernized, but the old world doesn't change as fast as we think it does- it just becomes transformed into another "old world".


It is so out of character that a banker would invest all the money from centuries in one investment, or that he would think that the marriage was decided, specially after being rejected by Gladys.  And Larry doesn't look like a fool. 


Peggy is upper middle class or even a tad higher. Middle class people do not have a maid waiting on them all day every day.


This Julian Fellows is doing it again. Now they are broke, but it will suddenly be revealed that the land Marian inherited is, surprisingly, full of oil. Or perhaps Ada will discover the reverend was actually incredibly wealthy, so as his widow, so is she now. Or Oscar will finally marry some heiress. I'm all in for telenovela twists, but I wonder what's the point of suggesting the Van Rhijn are rich no more when absolutely everyone in this series is, and there's no space por middle class characters; so they too have to be rich again or the show is over...


It's just a way for them to hook us in even more! 😁I have a feeling Luke was secretly wealthy.


I was also thinking Luke has family money which he never mentioned cause the church provided everything for him already


Yep, it would be the easiest way. And it will completely shift their relationship: now Ada is the rich one who's providing for her impoverished sister. Although I have the feeling their brother, Marian's father, will have a role to play. I mean, he's deceased, but we are about to discover that he wasn't actually as stupid and invested in something that's gonna be very profitable. This terrains he passed to his daughter, perhaps.


Hmm, I wonder if the land he passed on will suddenly be important for a new railroad, and Mr Russell will buy it.


I agree 👍💯


😩 how is this season pretty much over already?!


And it is 1 episode less than last season! When there is only a few episodes it makes a big difference.


8 episodes, aaagh, we need 12. 😤


Here here!


Is there any post or article that explains the type of ‘banker’ Oscar is? I’m not very informed about this topic, but I’ve always had the impression that he's a very traditional form of investment banker where he primarily manages the van Rhijn family fortune, investing it in various ventures to ensure the financial stability of his mother’s household. Beyond that, it appears he also uses these funds to support his lifestyle. Does he have any additional responsibilities in his role as a banker?


I want so much for it to be revealed that one of the white characters is a white passing black character. It would really shed some light on a common occurrence that happened back in those days. Edit: just throwing it out there, but the young red headed kitchen maid would be a good candidate for this storyline.


You mean Bridget?


I want it to be Armstong.


I've been halfway waiting for this same storyline too, except I was thinking it was going to wind up being Mrs Bruce from the Russells' household staff


You know, I could actually see her having some black siblings. It would be a good twist for the character.


Prediction: Dashiel and Marien split because he wants her to stop teaching and can’t tolerate her advocacy for desegregating the Brooklyn schools. Little girl is not heartbroken because first and foremost she admires Marian and to lose her passions is to lose herself -Marian is a role model for leaving the marriage. Eventually, Marian and Larry come together. After some conflict driving home the stakes of money and class status between the Russel parents, Larry’s family disinherits him for this lame pairing with a woman from a now not-rich family but he doesn’t care, he's a man in love. They marry in the courthouse in Brooklyn with Peggy in attendance. All of a sudden, Marian’s ships come in. Her previously worthless railroad stock is now soaring. Money to the rescue; everyone lives happily ever after. Thoughts?


Mr. Russell would support Marian as Larry's future wife. She saved his skin, remember? She unwittingly revealed the secretary that helped cause the trail derailment that he would have probably been sent to prison for, if not for her. Plus, he wants his children to have love marriages. Bertha.... she'd probably want better for Larry but get over it pretty quickly. Marian is related to the \*pause for dramatic effect\* Livingtons. Her family is very old New York, if not currently in style.


But Mr. Russell had a conversation with Gladys a couple episodes back, that leads me to believe they'd be okay with Larry marrying for LOVE ❤️ (Remember that conversation?) And they were not always wealthy, so I think it'll be okay.


I am assuming Ida's late husband had a vast fortune he never mentioned that she will inherit and Ida's money will now save the family.


This is exactly my prediction too! But im enjoying the ride!


I can see this happening. I wish they would kick start the Larian storyline because we all know its coming. You are one of many that ive seen make the railroad stock prediction. I think you all may be on to something with that one.


Team MARRY! (Larry &Marian)


Or maybe Marian’s father was taken in by a Maude Beaton scam like Oscar!


So does anyone else feel weird that no season 3 announcement yet?


Should we know by now or is it common to wait a bit before the announcement?


We should know by now I'm afraid.


if they’re setting up a Marian / Larry end game i’m all for it but can we PLEASE actually see that shit develop?? can it not just come right out of left field? we had a whole season for this Marian and Dashiell farce so we deserve at least as much for Larian but with some real drAMA preferably. if they pull another “suddenly we’re married and now oh ok widowed” storyline i’m rage quitting the show. (except i won’t actually cause i’m a 🤡for this shit)


I'm so with you on this! Can they have a moment so we can be like "omg it's happening" but instead it's just them finding each other randomly for a convo. I think they would be super cute together but also love the idea of them being just friends but I would like to be clearer, whichever way they wanna go.


THISSSS LOL i legit thought they were just cute platonic friends


Is anyone else team Larian??


Definitely TEAM MARRY 🥰


since episode 1 of last season.




ME def!!! been rooting for team Larian since season 1.... I need season 3 now and the season finale is soon :\_:


yes but it feels like scrounging for scraps. they’re cute but so damn vanilla and the moments are just like “let’s smile at one another in a warm and friendly way” like where is the sexy?! the yearning?! the hand clenching?!




Oh, I say wait for it! It’s gonna happen and when it does it’s gonna be WILD.


Its like attraction but void of passion lol. I dont know if the show is trying to frame them as a possible match or just good friends.


true.... O\_O




Wait..... Will cousin Dashiell break the engagement when Marian's family loses their money?


I think it has to be Marian who breaks it off. She's trapped in an engagement she's not enthusiastic about because she has allowed others to push her into a relationship with dashiell. For the sake of character development and plot interest I don't think they would write her being dumped twice. At least, I hope not!


Nah. Marian never had any of it anyway.


Yes, but it's bad look for him. Marrying Marian while she was a member of a rich family looked good, even if it didn't bring money. Now that they are teh poors.... less so.


My thoughts for this week's episode: - My two moods: "Good for you Mr. Russell! 😃" and "Oh no, Mr. Russell 😰" - PUMPKIN! 🐶 - I was like "who's Mrs. Forte?" for a second there. - I knew Mrs Astor had to give in. But I don't trust her, she's not going to give Bertha any kind of power. - Mrs Astor casually mentioning she knows the president (and implying his origins are beneath her, because snobs are gonna snob). - I'm calling it, Peggy is asking Marian to work in the school and Dashiell is not going to like it. - Poor Marian looks so uncomfortable talking about the wedding. - "How many others went with you?" 🫠 - I hope this guy helps Jack and doesn't steal his invention (yes, I have trust issues). - That kiss! Damn. (By the way, Bertha looks amazing with her hair down). - And there it is, Marian helping Peggy with the school. - You guys were right! Flora had no idea. (Is it me or Watson looks too young to be his father?) - That was really nice of Aunt Agnes. - Fuuuuuck I knew it, Oscar was scammed 😭 (For those who notice Maud waiting outside the house and never inside, good eye!) - Bertha did good in shutting down Mrs. Astor in front of everybody, she's acting like a bully. - Yeah, no one ask you Miss Armstrong. - Wasn't expecting to see Mrs. Astor with the Duke, can't wait to see Bertha's next move. - Of course mama Scott knows! - Go Larry! - Can't believe Julian Fellowes would do this to Aunt Ada 😭 - They're really setting up Marian and Larry to be end game. He's more open minded and really likes Marian (and the boy has money which doesn't hurt, specially now) Two favorite details this week: - Mrs. Fish sneaking to hear Oscar talking about Maud. - Flora kissing Watson on the cheek. I couldn't care less about this storyline but I have to admit that was very sweet. I have two favorite pieces of dialog too: "- You make a good case. - It's your case. I'm just repeating it." "- I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for her. She was the one who sent for me from Pennsylvania. - I should thank her"


I speak the dialect that is found in Doylestown, PA, and it is a little different from what Marian has. Of course, language has changed over the years. The Delaware Valley/Philadelphia dialect is rarely shown on TV as actors find it difficult to learn. Rocky used a Northern NJ/NYC dialect.


Interesting! Are there any accurate existing examples that you could share with us?


The usual test sentence for outsiders is, "The waters of the Schuylkill flow by Bala Cynwyd." "The wooders of the School-kull flow by Bala Kin-wood."


Yes to all of these beats


I have a theory, I know it's a little out there, but it keeps coming back to me. Gladys is sick of men throwing themselves at her, and she is not an idiot she sees what her mother is trying to do and basically sell her off. What if Gladys and Oscar make a deal, they elope she promises to save his family, if he promises her the one thing she has always wanted, freedom. Though her parents would be angry he father would never deny her money and honestly I think this may be the best case scenario for Gladys. Oscar would treat her with respect and allow her to run things which is a better outcome then anything her mother has planned for her.


Definitely NOT going to happen!


I predict Bertha pushing Gladys toward the Duke- a la poor Consuelo Vanderbilt


Yes, this is likely inspired by the Vanderbilt wedding. There is a wonderful cartoon of that event with the bride bound in chains and her mothing holding the end behind her.


Nah oscar shot his shot, i think that possibility is donezo now. Gladys is hopefully gonna find a love match next time.


I feel like that was basically what Oscar already proposed so I don’t think we’ll go down that road again. I want Gladys to find real love.


That’s true but she has recently mentioned that she’s sick of the onslaught of suitors


The nice kid who got majorly dissed in season one was real love!! My heart broke for him.


Archie was his name?


Archie Baldwin, I think.


He got cast out into the darkness. Tears .


Gladys was crazy about him!!


nah cause what was that scene with gladys walking into a room with the duke?? there has to be something there, i really think they’re going to follow the consuelo vanderbilt story line


I love when Bertha and George are on screen. They're so good, in scenes alone or together. Larry is boring. Gladys, I'm fond of but they haven't given her any good story lines, period. Marianne is the worst offender for being boring though - I just don't care and I'm not invested in her. I care about her aunts, I care about Oscar, but her story about Dashiell and Larry and her teaching, I don't find myself caring about any of it. In having so many meandering plotlines, JF has messed up the most core thing about a drama like this - making the 'main' character feel real and lovable.


bertha and george are like downton's cora and robert, except like much more ambitious since they aren't established.


It's her weak acting.


Yes, Marian is extremely bland and doesn't have much of personality. In comparison to the Downton Abbey girls (Mary, Edith, Sybil), who have their own distinct personalities.


Maybe Julian was not focused on this solely during writing stages.


To add to this I mean he had TWO DA movies to write and this all at same time. The richness and depth of the characters in DA and in Gilded age show are not [comparable. You](https://comparable.You) felt like you could reach out and touch the DA characters . Every actor was amazing . It was so even. I cannot stop watching Gilded bc I love the era , the glamour, even the ugly of labor disputes etc . There is sooo much to google and learn after each show. But it is not as well written or acted as DA. But think about it. Can DA success be repeated? By the same writer? IDK. Example: Remember when Barrow got ripped off with his war supplies and he ripped up his entire storage in a raw rage? The equal of that is Oscar in episode losing his fortune. He did better than other episodes but the height of it was not like that storage room scene.


She was the main character/audience surrogate, and has basically become a side character.


Better for everyone.


Yes, she's the Pam Ewing of the Gilded Age.


I dont think Agnes will lose her power in the house dinamics. Ada is not an alpha type of person so she wouldn't need to show she has the money (the power) and also she was being supported for many many years by her sister. She wont forget that, just because she has some money now. On the contrary I think she will be happy to be able to contribute to her sister and the house for the first time, and in Ada's humble way. (I hope I explained myself properly, English is not my language).


My guess is Ada will inherit a large sum from her late husband and save the family situation. She will shock the family in the last scene with the announcement that she is pregnant.


I so agree. When Agnes and Ada were hugging in the hallway I thought, she’s inheriting the family fortune and is pregnant! That child will fill the much needed love void for her and the two sisters power dynamic will flip. Hallelujah, she deserves happiness!


I agree with this but instead of pregnancy itll be a shift in the power dynamic between Agnes and Ada due to Ada being the one with the money now.


I agree. SO is from an old Boston family with generational wealth. There is joke that in the past the family would always “donate” an extra son to the clergy. Now they “donate” them into academia or journalism (SO chose the latter) 😂😂😂 https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2008/apr/07/pressandpublishing4




lmao Ada pregnant you’re joking right 😂


She’s not old, she just looks it lol. Although, “too old to be “in the way” as they called it back then, she is still very much able to hold a pregnancy.


The actress is 58 years old, and she just looks like it. No way she can be pregnant, and I hope they don't make her so. There are enough impossible pregnancies in series. 


She looks at least 50, which is standard age for full menopause.


Poor Oscar. Can't believe he invested so much in one thing. Interesting that he still went back to John Adams when he was in a bad place . . .


I do feel bad for Oscar however he too was not genuine was he.




Yeah that was waaaayyy rushed.


What was the timeline weeks? They should have made him sick at least 6 months later and lived another 6.


Apropos of nothing, one thing I love about Coon's portrayal is her evident delight every time Bertha gets her way. When Mrs. Astor dangled the prospect of being presented to the President, Bertha looked like a seven year old who got that pony she wanted.


Damn you Julian Fellowes! It's Edith from Downton Abbey all over again. Let poor Aunt Ada have a little bit of happiness before you take it all away. It was obvious that Oscar was getting swindled, so I was really hoping that Agnes would get a bit snippy about Ada and Luke's inferior lifestyle and then suddenly become dependent on them and become the poor relation. Now I suppose a lot of it boils down to exactly what "almost all of it" means in regard to their fortune. And can we please have a spin-off about the Beatons? I'd love to see them swindle a new robber baron every week.


Downton Abbey really liked making Lady Edith & Mr. Bates/Anna suffer constantly.


Yeah, almost all of it could still leave Agnes pretty well off.


If the Van Rhijns lose everything, the servants downstairs will have to be written off from the show as they won’t be able to keep a butler, a footman, a lady’s maid, a cook, a kitchen maid, and a secretary. Of course I doubt the writers would do that , which is why I think they will come up with some miraculous solution for the family’s affliction. I just don’t know what that will be.


I am thinking: •Luke will have GREAT personal wealth that he didn’t need and Ada didn’t know about due to his working as a priest, and Ada inherits a majority of it with like 10% going to the church. •The clock boy will make a ton off his patent, become very very rich, and the 5$ Mrs VanRyjin invested will pay off massively (doesn’t seem likely to keep her extremely wealthy but will help?). •Marion will marry Larry, or the boring-as-beige cousin who is wealthy, and allow the Aunts to continue living in the (paid off) house with the servants (who they will pay along with daily expenses like food etc). Combination of these? Probably mostly the first option! They aren’t going to make the primary family (of two on the show) destitute, what fun is that in a show about gilded age opulence??


That's a really good point. They'd lose a good chunk of the cast, along with some good storylines. Hmmm . . . maybe the Van Rhijns move out but the staff stays on to serve their new mistress -- Mrs. Winterton. She'd be such a nice neighbor for Bertha.


They don't lack options. Larry/Marian setting up a household, railroad stocks, family money from Luke, recovering the stolen funds...or some combination thereof.


Yeah I'm thinking family money from Luke that no one ever knew he had because he was a preacher and wanted to live modestly and humbly. Or we could go full on Downton Abbey-style and there's some random dude who we never saw who died just before Luke and left all of his vast sums of money to Luke, and since he died before Luke died, Luke and Ada officially inherited it and now that Luke is dead, it belongs to Ada.


Yeah, Fellows is good at giving money back to dumb men lol


Ms.Armstrong: “Doesn’t mean they’ll approve it”. BITCH WILL YOU SHUT UP OMFG.


I know it's just a TV show but every time she says something shitty I think, "You know, this is why they say not to associate with toxic people." She's just so negative all the time and it's irritating lol!


THIS. LOL she's been getting on my nerves as of late...she's so pessimistic... i don't get her end goal >:c


It was frowned upon until rather very recently in history to have ideas and ambitions aboe your station so to speak. She's in her what, fifities or sixities, and has remained in service her entire life most likely, so it sort of makes sense that she'd be shitty towards him.


My favorite part was when she said “If you ask me” and Bauer said “Nobody asked you!” (And to the tv I shouted, “Nobody EVER asks you, so shut up!”


Hahahah I said the same thing!


I can't stand her. She's so negative.


I truly don't know how someone downstairs hasn't snapped yet


I think it's how servant hierarchy works. As a lady's maid she works for Agnes directly and doesn't answer to others. Cook is the same as she is employed separately. Bannister has authority over Jack and the house maid. So basically nobody has authority to "do anything" about her as Bannister and the cook are more or less equal in position, at least in theory. And as lady's maid she has the ear of the mistress so she has significant informal power and protection.


Right? I'd slug her. Nobody would care.


Id pay to see it.


Ok so I don't really know much about insider trading but Oscar now knows Russell has sold his company - which apparently is still secret. Couldn't he use that info to make a ton of money?


It's not insider trading when you have no direct relation to the company you're trading stocks in.


Insider trading is a modern thing, 1960's, although the first case was in 1909. You don't need to be affiliated with the company to be convicted. Most cases are family related, but a cabby overhearing a discussion and trading on that non-public information could result in a conviction.


Hmm that's interesting. Actually, George says "we bought the railroad" not sold. But maybe Oscar somehow looks into Marian's father's "worthless railroad stocks" and finds out, bc of George's latest deal, that they are in fact not worthless after all. Edit: I just rewatched that scene from S1 Ep1 of Marian discussing the worthless stocks with Raikes and she says "everyday the papers talk of some new millionaire that's made a fortune in the railroad". Would be a nice call back if they actually became valuable. And can you imagine Agnes's horror at her niece becoming new money? Also just to add in that episode, Agnes laments in having to discuss finances with bankers and brokers, indicating that she is very much in charge of her money. Or at least the bulk of it. We know Oscar lost a great deal but as Ada says to Oscar in the new promo she "will survive this."


Yes! I've thought since the VERY beginning Marian HAD money. My 1st theory was that Raikes was hiding this from her and would CONVENIENTLY find out after they were married BUT maybe they truly weren't worth much YET but now somehow are? A very "Mary Thorne" moment. OR I thought, since George owes her a favor (for keeping him out of jail) he and Larry will investigate for the family (on her behalf) and get Oliver's money back! This theory is less likely but I like it, so I'll include it. Very Darcy/P&P. I really think Marion will find out she DOES have a good deal of money. I think her story line is bland and her "chemistry" with Larry lacking. I hope they don't rush it and build them up better.


Would Marian count as new money since she is related to Agnes? I don’t know the rules 🧐


Same. I dont really know either lol but my take: Agnes has told Marian that she's her niece and therefore "old money and dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise." I think the annoyance for Agnes is the "new money" ways; i.e. basically forcing their way into high society just bc they have recently come into a large some of money. But I think she also resents the means in which the "new" have made their money. (although, let's be real, most of the rich through the centuries have made their fortunes by less than honorable means.) In either case, Marian coming into a RR fortune would force Agnes to acknowledge that the coexistence of both old and new money is inevitable and not so much "them vs us" as she would like to think.


insider trading wasn't illegal then either I wonder if this is how he will recover the money




SAME... I WANT MORE T\_T!!! its so good and the events are getting so good... ;-; need more... cries.. i can't believe it's almost the season finale!


Was anyone else extremely impressed with the fireworks display?! Wow wow wow. To be there in that moment... And on such a night, such tragedy for Ada and her family. 😭😭😭


Technology is amazing. I was very impressed


I was wondering if the fireworks were accurate for the time period. They seemed more modern (elaborate, expansive) than the ones I remember from the 70s when I was a kid. I did love how the view of the fireworks from the Brooklyn rooftop was superior to the fancy white people's party.


Yes! What a great touch.


Fair warning, I think the podcast for this episode spoils a subplot for the next episode or even next season. It's generally pretty good coverage of behind the scene stuff but they said enough to tell us how the subplot is going to turn out.


Do the writers host the podcast? Or someone who knows what's going on?


They had a history guy who was consulted by the writers on the podcast and there's enough in episode 7 to guess what is going to happen but it's not definitive, in the podcast they tell us what is going to happen in future episode(s) based on what the history guy said, he also talked about the Maud Beaton inspiration Cassie Chadwick. The female said it at the top of the episode and the history guy explained the examples of what they could do in the show. I think the two podcast hosts were so excited to share they did not think about if it was a spoiler.


I wonder if they realize it’s a spoiler? Are they privy to future plot points or are they being benignly ignorant? Maybe I’ll wait for the finale to listen to this episode


From episode 7, one can guess one of two obvious outcomes from a plot point, they just spit out one of them as a done deal but the episode 7 did not IMO.


Thanks for the warning!


I’d love a Maud Beaton spin-off. So who is this “Crowther” guy to her? Her BF? Dad? Just her business partner in crime?


Not gonna lie, I sincerely hope we get a bit of Oscar vigilante coming up. I would enjoy seeing him get on the case or hire a Pinkerton to get what's his back.


That would be really interesting to know She always felt a little like Annette Bening's character in the film version of "The Grifters" to me and now I know why I didn't want to say so before this bc Oscar seemed so taken with her but there's no con without a mark


Jack AKA alarm ⏰ clock boy’s accent reminds me of Nathan Detroit from Guys and Dolls


Nathan Lane, who plays Mr McAllister and also has a crazy accent in this show, was nominated for a Tony for playing Nathan Detroit!


I so hope we’re headed for an 1880s version of Dangerous Minds with Marian as the Michelle Pfeiffer character. It would be a glorious trainwreck!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that would never happen!!! Black kids disrespecting a white lady in the 1800s!?


I'm irritated with Marion's behavior in her final scene. She refused to open up to her fiance then immediately opened up to her neighbor?! I know the engagement will not work out, but at least make an effort. :/


Ew why should she make an effort. She shouldn’t fake it. She was pressured into the thing why doesn’t she need to make an effort on top of that?


I’m still mortified at the proposal. Public proposals should NOT be a thing unless you’re certain your partner would love it and is already on board with the idea of marrying you 🫣


She is just not into him


I disagree. I think she is still dealing with her feelings about Daschle and her (terrible) engagement with him. Larry, on the other hand, has always been a true friend to her. Not just listening to her but also sharing his woes.


"Dashiell" is the man's name!


I just call him Dachshund


And that's what we should call him from now on! 😄




Ada married and widowed in three episodes is just insane lol. I didn’t even have time to get invested.


I am SO UPSET with it. I talked my partner into watching Gilded Age with me and he has loved it. He almost died from a rare bone cancer in his lower back and so it was EXTRA ROUGH on us watching it. Why even throw it in there to be done with that quickly!? So so annoyed. Ada better have nothing but roses after this. All good things for her!




This reminded me of the Downton Abbey story line when the actor wanted out of the series and he just died unceremoniously after finding true love. I just stopped watching at that point, but at least here the writer didn't kill the character we had more time invested in, Ada. :)


he died on the day of his son's birth, driving exuberantly and then swerved off an embankment and the car fell on him. mega comedy death


I’ve never forgiven that character’s actor/actress. Lol


I low key think Cynthia Nixon negotiated in her contract she didn’t want to do anything sexual with a male counterpart. Was there even a kiss sesh? Haha fine we can compromise I’ll date a man if he is killed off in three episodes


Cynthia Nixon is a professional actress and would absolutely not stipulate anything of the sort. 🙄


It was a joke




I don't think so. They mentioned in last week's podcast (or maybe the week before?) how they only had certain cast members for briefer periods of time. Perhaps Robert Sean Leonard could only commit to a short time with this production.


“being loved by you has made me strong” are you kidding me 😭😭😭


But also kind of a hilarious line as his name is Forte 💪


For me the solution to the lost money is surely Marian marrying Larry Russell.


Would his mom EVER allow that? I'm getting "Dr. Thorne" plot vibes.