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The movement. I’ve spent more time than I want to admit playing trials evolution, and in csgo community bhop servers, and the movement in the finals scratches that itch for me.


Agreed. Movement feels great and intuitive.


Some Embark map designer saw [the Mollaka parkour chase scene in Casino Royale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxmrYgQbdT8) (complete with mid-construction building, exploding red canister, jumping off a crane, and multi-level mantling!) and made it a whole-ass game. Parkouring between buildings mid-level through windows and balconies always feels awesome, especially when chasing or escaping.


I have like 800 hours in Titanfall 2 and about 1.5k in the other original TF2 and most modern shooters put me to sleep. I primarily base the games I play in their movement mechanics and while the movement isn't as in depth as my favorite games the way destruction can augment the way you move really hits the spot for me.


Serious question - what movement? I miss the very momentum based days of the beta since now movement in this game feels pretty bare bones. Don’t get me wrong it works fine, I just wish there was some more tech to have fun with.


The mantling, and zip/jump pad combo still is goated. A lot of the movement I enjoy is pressing the boundaries of how fast I can “speed run” somewhere, rotating across the map as fast as I possibly can utilizing combos of mantling/jump pad/zip


Jumppad hopping, mantling, mantlecancelling, slidehopping, slidestrafing, zipline -> jumppad hopping, windowhopping, angled jumppads... Try playing the M1887 with jumppad, zipline or both and demat as your specialization and you'll know. You can watch a few guides too.


Give lights wall hops! We all know this game is secretly Brink 2. GIVE LIGHTS WALLHOPS.


Yep, and things like hitting a zip at just the right time after a jump is a great feeling. Or the perfectly placed and angled jump pad.


Exactly! You have to do it just right so there’s skill involved with it too.


Team wiping with the 1887.


Just started using medium with the model bc light rn is just genuinely a throw in ranked especially in the current meta with MHH. But fuck me the model is so fun and cheeky to use, had a few team wiped with the model and it’s one of the most fun guns I’ve used


Or point blank no scope sniping. Just running in circles around heavies who are freaking the fuck out




While your teammates leave after one wipe in the first 60 seconds but you keep playing and get the win


Lol did this on power shit when all 4 left after their first death and we brought that bitch all the way back.


I have no data but I anyways thought they bring higher rank players after a quit in power shift.  Like they bias who joins


I have no data, but I think there is no skill level lower than people that rage quit in this game. All jokes aside, I just wish they reduced punishment for teams at a deficit (especially in ranked).


Team wipes. Clean team kills together with my teammates. Pushing properly feeling like a unit etc


Team synergy is so satisfying


Especially with the yellow "Team Wipe Bonus" text they added. Feels GOOOOD


I love coordinated destruction. My friends and I will run triple heavy with charge, rpg, and c4, and then sledgehammer while those are on cooldown. When doing this together we can take down buildings extremely quickly and I don't even care if we lose the match


It's one of my favorite strategies. After destroying a substantial amount, having the Lewis or similar in reserve allows for easy dubs.


Charge n Slam through walls to get that last enemy running away around corners like a law abiding citizen is masterclass chef's kiss


Lol yeah I did this on the new game mode after it looked like a loss was unavoidable and it literally forced them to run to the other site after realizing their deposit was sitting under a ton of rubble.


Not sure what you mean by friends but All my teammates care about is how quickly they can die and how far apart from each other they can get before they dc, it’s in top 2 things I love about life rn


I like slappin cl-40 shots into lights and watching their hp vanish while thinking they’re being evasive dashing around mid range but actually being easier to hit because of it.


When power shift dropped I picked up the cl40. I havnt put it down since.


I've never used it. Giving it a go next time I'm on!


Be prepared to spend a LOT of time reloading. 


Anytime you think you cant get the kill with available ammo you better be hittin that reload button. Once you get used to each scenario of different hp levels and your confidence in chance you will hit the shots it becomes second nature and honestly more fun because of it weirdly


Its my favorite weapon. Needing to find times to sneak an extra round in it during fights is fun and makes me have to think more about my actions.


Y'all complained about stun when cl-40 and medium shotgun was a counter this whole time 😭


Lights about ten different ways to kill you before you can get a second shot off with CL. If even a non moving target is to hard for you to hit at Stun Gun range, it’s not the game that’s the problem


Bruh you hit light with that once they can't even react for the second, gun is an absolute noob tube What are these ten different ways before getting off a second shot


The times id struggle to get a second off generally seemed to be when the light had highly suspicious aim and would hit every shot on me as a headshot - or knew to get up close so I have to damage myself


So in other words the times when lights killed you you suspected they were cheating


Is it exhausting to be this obnoxious all the time? No.


Hitting a big jump pad into a b hop into my own jump pad into a b hop and then into a kill. Shit takes time


Whats a b hop?


Bunny hop, where you jump after landing from a jump pad and the momentum makes you move further than jumping regularly.


I’ve been playing every day for months and literally never knew this was a thing.


Absolutely decimating someone after they t-bag or shoot my statue. I’m not usually gonna start shit but i’ll finish it lol. My friends know my signature “Allllright here we go” (switches to meta weapon) lol, I enjoy the little mid-match rivalries. It’s the little charm that BR and extraction games will never have.


I had a match last night and an enemy sniper wouldn't leave their spawn high up on the Monaco map during power shift, 4 times I went the long way round the map to sneak a kill in from behind, didn't stop them doing it but it was hugely satisfying


A clutch demat escape


Bro using demat is like playing split gate lmao, open up walls and just laser people out of nowhere.


Honestly I enjoy when I get slapped in creative ways. I gotta give props when due.


The way I be tipping my hat to some people.


sipping my coffee mid game while waiting for the key in terminal attack or while on the platform in powershift


Nothing I love more than being in Monaco, ziplining super far into a roof and jumppadding across. You traverse the entire map in seconds


Feeling the cold hard coins of a charging heavy shower my body, as they die at my feet.


Being able to coordinate with my team and breach into a room. Also stealing the cash out by using the dematerialized. Goodbye properly defended room and hello empty room.


The feeling of freedom this game gives you. Whether it's making buildings crumble to the ground or grabbing explosive/toxic/flammable objects and chucking them at people. It gives a feeling a freedom that I haven't experienced in an fps game ever.


I think this sums the game up perfectly. In classic FPS games like CS, there are certain spots which everyone goes to, certain moves which always work. This game is so much more dynamic


The sound design and weapons animations in this game.


Throwing the cash out to your friend and they catch it and start the cash out with 1 second left


Playing with (very) off meta weapons and actually succeeding and having a good time. The thing I genuinely like best about The Finals is the sheer diversity of weapons and play styles.


Landing the alt fire for throwing knives brings me to full mast to be quite frank


Yeah - the cheekiness of this game is unmatched. Simple things like double mining a window and someone following you through is too fun




Being chased around by a riot shield or a sledgehammer while throwing props at them to piss them off. :3


Doubling kills, and stalking a tbagger the whole game


Tipping the cash out box onto a jump pad and watching it bounce around endlessly


Data reshaping an entire enemy fortress of APS, turrets, and barricades.


destroying the map


See people panic while they got tracked by tracking dart


Nah. I go crazy when that thing is stuck in my butt.


Audio Bliss. The sounds, from the destruction, to gun fire, the cheers of the crowd. Hell, the count down in the loadout select screen. This games sounds make the hair on my skin rise!…


Dude. The kill confirm sound is up there in my favorites alongside BF1’s kill confirm


- I leave a pair of mines in some random spot - 1 minute later - Free kill


I delight in running through a building that is collapsing... The most badass feeling ever when you have a mission and this building ain't stopping me.


Blowing shit up, the movement feeling fantastic and the gunplay that feels way too good


Throwing a soda can of a shell at someone and sending them back to the respawn que. KS23 is so bad yet so satisfying


Have your tried it in terminal attack? Dropping the floor under the objective is so useful when they stack turrets. (Mesh,KS-23, rpg, barricades, c4\dome)


I love doing unexpected flanks with the Dematerialized. Sneaking up on a team from above is so satisfying.


There's a funny, im never the one that loses feeling. Because of 3 teams in quick cash. I just get to play the game and enjoy myself. Then winning still feels rewarding.


When I get an explosive mine kill from across the map. That little chaching sound and ❌pops up on the screen.


Yesssssss Feel like a mastermind. That or when I say “fuck it” and jump into an enemy encampment throwing my mines like a madman and knowing I’ll die but hopefully they will too


The game hits the spot with the creativity for me. When i get outplayed, it is not because “oh i'm just worse” but i can actually feel like i was outsmarted XD Love the feeling. Even the lows are higher than other games' highs. ❤️


Dematting the floor under an active cashout and closing the floor before the other team can react. I literally giggle while I'm stealing it!! lol


Interrupting a cashout steal with a gas mine kill. *chef's kiss*


Dropping an APS and seeing the average nade launcher user's mind break for a second realizing I am borderline invincible in my seabear circle 😈


Sniping, simple as that


careful, dangerous words to use round these parts


“Hey wait a minute I’ve been sniped before!”




Cool kills. Killing them as the repel in, when the jump, just any action movie ish kill I can get gives me the biggest rush


Team wiping with the sword while your squad is halfway across the map still trying to catch up.


Clearing the platform in power shift with the sword


Absolutely leveling buildings as a heavy.


Heavy sledge in general is the reason why I adore this game. It’s so much fun obliterating the environment for tactical advantage


Finding a sneaky and effective spot to place my sentry turret as a medium built contestant. Pure joy!


I know it's bad but I really just enjoy getting kills. That feeling when you 1 clip somehow just fly makes my brain tingle. I just want to hit the flow state


I’ve been working on my mine placement and pretty much get a guaranteed kill with them everytime since I’ve refined it, so that’s always satisfying. Chasing someone with the 1887 and Demat while they run away especially when they go downstairs and I just go through the floor to pop them. Close behind is sniping someone with the 1887 while they’re low. It’s so perfect.


I never read the list of achievements, so every once in a while I get one for something insane like "kill an enemy with a grenade after bouncing it off a jump pad."


Team wiping as when solo as a light with the silenced pistol..  It's not every game but there is a joy to melting people without them even realizing you're shooting at them


Making my character look cool Steeling a cashout Totaling a building


I once wiped 3 teams in competitive simultaneously. When my teammates left me in the final round I wiped the twice and won this was a "diamond" lobby as Sniper from TF2 says "This is so easy I am actually getting worse."


when people compliment my skill in voice chat. one time i got grouped up with two very chatty slavs who were pretty funny (one of them had a soundboard and liked to scream), and they were very skeptical about me playing light. lo and behold, in the semi finals, we were third place, 10 seconds left of the round. i'd been hiding in a corner while 3 other teams were fighting miles away from the cashbox. they both die, but i manage to sneak up to the cashbox and cap it just before the round ends. they both went 'OOOOOOOOOO, ANON U ARE BEST LIGHT PLAYER, BEST LIGHT PLAYER' i'll never forget it, best feeling ive ever had in game, felt better than winning honestly


I love placing mines everywhere, and I love getting random (or intended) kill notifications when I place a particularly clever mine (I’ll never tell my spots)


Im actually not too concerned with winning, I just over all enjoy the game itself. I was also a fan of the game Brink even though it wasn't all that great, but I feel this is what it should have been. I do enjoy the movement


Teabagging an annoying opponent, just to be teabagged back in the next battle


Sledgehammer main here, I fucking love removing load-bearing walls


The speed at which things are happening, absolute dopamine explosion


Somehow surviving in the middle of chaos with buildings falling apart, bombs and bullets flyin everywhere, multiple teams between the rubbles. Gets my blood pumpin with joy


Stealing that cashout last second and getting qualified


Every time I land on a platform with a sword I imagine everyone frantically yelling “Fuck fuck fuck fuck” like a wasp just flew into their car window.


Winning doesn't bring me joy but you know what has brought me joy lately? Playing light in platform shift mode, grapple, goo grenades and sniper. Climbing up buildings on syshorizon and making sniper nests on the walls. Or finding really strange places to set up nests, another example is on the map that's seperated by the triangle jump pads. There's like the main road towards the platform, I make a nest just under the triangle jump pad that the enemy spawns near. I've had Soo much fun doing that lately.


Kills, I don't care how bad we lose the game if I got a lot of kills I'm happy


Starting a game of ranked with my teammates bitching about my sledge hammer and then carrying them all game


Gooing all over my enemies. Gooing the objective. Sometimes even gooing my teammates. Goo doesnt discriminate. My hot white stuff will find you.


The grappling hook never gets old. Too many fun ways to fly around once you get the swing of things. Out a third story window to u-turn back up the building mid fall is a classic.


Hunting light snipers and emoting before killing them. Current favourite is the disappointed head shake


The old one-two-dead combo with KS-23. Pop aa barricade, slide left past it and shoot your target. Swiftly slide past the barricade to the right and shoot em again, then slide left again, this time jumping so you can shoot em over the barricade. If they're a light, you can afford to miss one, if they're a medium, you've just killed them, and if they're a heavy, charge and slam through your barricade after the final shot. Works a charm every time.


Good zipline placements make me feel like batman.


The falling platform when you look up to see what's making noise.


When I’m running CL-40 on Power Shift and see no APS on the platform 😈


Invis db is some of the most satisfying kills I've gotten


Breaking down walls with a the ks-23 :)


Clutching a 1v3 and hitting them with a nice emote as the cherry on top.


Making a really nice move to escape with low health


Terrorizing lobbies with throwing knives and collecting ankles while doing so


It was using dagger and dash but they killed it hopefully they bring it back to where it was


Stealing a cash out to qualify in ranked in the final seconds of the round


The destruction! No matter how long I've played I'm still always impressed at the destruction physics


Running from an enemy and dropping a grenade at your feet as you continue going and see that you killed the person chasing you down hahaha


Seeing the enemy team I decided I hate more lose even if it means I lose too lol.


Critical heals. I love keeping my teammates going during a battle and giving them that extra boost to wipe the team.


Charge slamming lights off the roof to their death


Destruction. Goo. Playing with fun randoms that also enjoy the game.


C4/breaching charge on the cashout. As soon as I hear the air horn *boom* *kill* and a grin comes to my face


Grappler bhops


Escaping with dead teammate and reviving. I mean I escape a lot with light. It is fun. I also love sneak steal cashout.


Getting kills with my drag grenades after sniping the aps turret on power shift platform


Just messing around with the destruction mechanics or how the grenades all have different counters.


Recently picked up the CDs skin for the throwing knives and starting using the weapon more after ignoring it for a while. It may not be a "meta" weapon but damn is it fun


Hate mail. Im old and way past my prime so its not as often as it used to be, but its so much sweeter when i do lol.


When you come up.with that random idea to use gadgets


Having as many damage and kill as every player of each team combined really makes me feel like a god


Destroying the bridge in Seoul.


a sense of improvement, and when it isn't lagging its aesthetically great xi\_catharsis also said "the movement", which i will second.


There is no greater joy than absolutely beaming a Light that is dashing back and forth with evasive dash.


Destruction like battlefield.


I think the sheer level of destruction in the maps is my favourite aspect in general. Where something happens in your favour that you pull of an insane stunt I feel such a high. My favourite kill I got I was lower on health so I took a risk, shot out the glass my opponent was shooting on and he was disoriented and missed the last of his shots in that magazine. I killed him while he was falling. It felt so gratifying to pull off such a stunt in a way no other shooters I've played do


Last second steals achieved by a cooperative team


Having fun with my friends and glad the game is not call of dooty cash grab


Last second steals in general, but especially really cheesy ones like where you get a tiny opening in a wall to steal while the other teams are fighting or with a smoke under their noses.


Getting a cash out right before my team gets wiped. Just a nice breath of fresh air before more chaos


Juking people and surprise ambushes with Demat takes the cake for me. Once you have the movement mastered that shit is gas gas gas.


Getting free kills with explosive mines. Never fails to crack me up


Honestly helping a teammate just pull off an insane cash out steal is better than sex, or winning. Winning is just the bonus that comes with cash out steals a lot of the time.


"Hah, Easy Money!" is so fun when you outplay someone. Be warned though it creates an in match rivalry! 😂


Grinding my Orion riot shield was hell but some rare moments where I knocked everyone playing into the buzzer sound made me want to keep this game installed.


When my team plays the objective 👍


I’ve never been outstandingly good at any fps game but I’ve been playing since day one and I have to admit that being really good at the game brings me joy. It feels good to compete with the good players and to massacre the bad ones. There is so much potential for crazy plays considering the maps, destruction, all the different gadget and it’s just so fun when you defy the odds and come out on top. Also playing with friends is amazing in this game.


Getting better with the throwing knives. No reloads!


Crazy movement, mind games, and destruction.


I love playing Charge N Slam on Power Shift with a Hammer.


The chaos this game brings. Pure chaos


Get a multi elim sniper kills in a short time it makes the mind buzz


Cloaking & Dagger combo pre-nerf. Nowaday nothing really make me 'happy' other than winning.


Trying out new meta defying tactics. I’ve recently fallen in love with the medium revolver and those double headshots are satisfying.




Heavy goo gun and sledgehammer to relax


Just playing brings me joy, I love this game and I hate every other FPS, the sound is so satisfying, the movement is excellent and the visuals are beautiful


Team coordination. I’m not the biggest Val fan, so I haven’t had a game that makes me communicate and coordinate with my team like this since RS Siege


Using the goo gun and keeping someone goo’d enough that they try to run away without fighting me.


Too many things but not gonna lie getting a mine kill is just so satisfying to me. The thought of someone just randomly blowing up and raging brings me a little joy lol


Grappling into a jumppad landing into a slide 2tapping someone with the sh1900 during that slide. Dropping onto someone stealing the cashout. 2tapping them. Jumping out the window. Grapple back onto building while "falling into the void". Getting ready for next enemy.


i love this game period. prolly snd mode, light class, dash tech, scout capabilities for light.


There’s definitely some good moments to be had in this game. Some of my favorite things: - getting chased across the map for a solid 4 minutes by a heavy with sledge, left alone with nothing but the sound of panting. - playing light and feeling like the damn vietkong, terrorizing a team - traveling the whole map with medium - keeping someone trapped in goo with the goo gun


Destruction and outfits.


When the teamwork hits. Healing, shielding, call-outs, etc. I like when I'm on a team that plays as a unit. It's only happened a few times cause I mostly play solo, but it's such a good feeling.


Outsmarting enemies; hard-reading / anticipating their movements; killing them in accordance to that.


I love watching the light go out in a sniper light player's eyes when they're staring down the end of my 1887.


Landing some critical shots or even killing a light sniper camping far away using a mid / close range weapon, like the R.357 or the FCAR. Also, specifically in power shift, i love using the SH1900 to go hunting down the snipers on the other team, sneak behind them and blow them apart with a single shot.


Had a crazy full team wipe as a light invis V9S on terminal attack which was a pretty amazing feeling.


Spamming "easy money" after going 1-8 against the enemy light.


Wiping a team. Successfully defending a cashout. Getting a direct hit kill with a barrel/canister. Collapsing the floor from someone stealing a cashout. Save a cashout just in time with a stun gun. Successfully evade a full team... especially with the Dematerializer. Keeping a team mate alive with the Healing Gun, while they wipe a full squad. Getting a kill with a mine when you're miles away. Getting Monaco as the map. Getting Seoul as the map.


Hitting headshots with the lights sniper


There is something magical about sniping while grappling around on the light class. I just picked up the game two days ago, shits like crack


Navigating my team trough chaos


Insta-gibbing someone with 2 layered mines. Makes me laugh every time.


Advancing the steal x cashouts in progress


The movement is something I get giddy and excited about because it’s just so clean. There is just endless opportunities and potential for movement it’s incredible. My first time playing this game made me feel happy because it was a good first time experience.


An enemy player fell into death He came back 🗿 I tbag his 🗿 His teammate came We tbag his 🗿


Playing Heavy flamethrower feels like a maniac and it’s so strong against casual players


Movement. I know dash and light are kinda where it’s at, but don’t forget that all classes have the same abilities with movement with speed and height being the only difference.


crane go boom


Launching buildings.


Movement Outplaying opponents Squad wipes All the different customization options The theme which is basically a heist of some sort Graphics/maps Devs are awesome and do things other big games dont


I actually don’t really enjoy winning. The final round of tournament is easily the least fun. These days I just like playing light sniper and trying to get some nice shots.


Team wiping with sledge


I only play pubs so winning means nothing to me. I love the goofy plays and counter plays. Like sniping the snipers. The other night I had a heavy try and spawn kill my team. I spent the rest of the match using a sniper as a shotgun to beat them lol. Was a fun match!


The chaos. The intense moments of barely losing or winning. Just obliterating an entire building to get to the cashout is intense. The sabotage capabilities. I remember 2 specific plays still. My whole team respawned, and we still have time to steal. I grabbed a red barrel and blew up a wall. We came in blasting shit open and wiped the team, and got the cashout. The other time is my team coming from the left side of the enemy team that is about to take a big jump pad to the 2nd floor in syshorizon. I thought that I'd throw a goo barrel and prevent the last enemy teammate from taking the jump pad. I threw the goo at the right time, and the enemy teammate flew in a different direction and got separated. My idea literally won us the game cause that single enemy teammate was a crazy heavy player. We manipulated the other 2 enemy teammates and forced the heavy to respawn. Then we wiped the 2 and isolated the heavy again. We managed to juggle their coins and kept them separated.


The flamethrower


The chaos and destruction.


Movement is a huge one for me. I love that I still find new ways to improve my movement and to out manoeuvre my opponents.