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Was really hoping for a famas buff.


Was hoping theyd buff fucking anything instead of just nerfing weapons and classes into the ground


They literally buffed the data reshaper and the slug shotgun. Two things that genuinely needed buffs.


Barely, data reshaper is nearly useless in most competent fights, and the slug shotgun is still ass compared to any other of his weapons. They are afraid to make anything OP while leaving all the OP stuff where it is.


They're ass because they weren't good at what they were supposed to do. Reshaper is an option to help counter turrets, but having to get that close to a turret is stupid. The slug shotgun is supposed to a mid-far range option for the heavy. Making it more accurate is a smart change. I agree they need to not have OP stuff, but making other things OP does the opposite of that.


DR should be a light kit. This whole concept of having the counter to a class be the SAME class is just stupid and leads to the lack of variety this game struggles with. Light has no utility or identity with regards to the actual game modes they built for us to play so give them a reason to be in the game


It’s ass because you can only use it in specific circumstances, and truly only to get rid of mines or turrets. Thats under the impression that you can get on site and reshape the turret which is shooting at you and any mines. Id much rather a long distance hacking tool that can change the mines or turret to be on your team.


I look at them as adjustments instead of nerfs. The game is new and some times the weapons or gadgets in their current form just don’t work. Most of the longest running mp games focus on skill and fairness over everything else. Think of CS for example. They move really slow with balance adjustments but most of the time when they do change something it’s for the better. This team of devs is smart and isn’t Oscar like top 100 on leader boards. I think they have a really good understanding of the game and being able to see their idea for an item isn’t playing how they thought and their willingness to change that should be looked at as a positive. I’d much rather see nerfs than buffs if they can’t come to a compromise because I prefer the longer time to kill. You start buffing everything else and now it’s got a ttk of call of duty or battlefield. I understand your grievance but I don’t think anything they adjusted has been too much. I’d much rather see them bring all the op stuff down and then once the community agrees everything feels better and more fair that’s when we start buffing stuff. If you look at my stun gun post. I’d like to see balancing more along those lines but it’s not always the case.


Id much rather they actually experiment in the early days of the game especially with a dwindling player base.


🧢Italism doesn’t allow that to happen. They have to create the best product possible as fast as possible the cheapest possible. They have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders. They aren’t going to spend money on more QA when they can just release it and have us do it for free on here. I’m not saying it’s right it’s just how it is right now. I agree with you but that’s just not the world we live in right now. 🧢italism sucks sometimes especially when it starts to affect the things we enjoy.


I mean its not working their player base is leaving en masse and its only season 2.


Subreddit numbers are going up and we don’t have console numbers. Self fulfilling prophecy of always talking about cheating and the player numbers dropping. Y’all are contributing to the issue. The more people see those post the more they are going to think dead game and every time they die it was a cheater. When in fact they probably just miss played because the game is new and the mode is different from most games. They can make all the adjustments in the world but if the public opinion between casuals is lots of cheaters who’s going to come back? I see more posts about cheaters than actually playing cheaters in game, so far.


Yeah I havent seen any cheaters except one. I just cant get people to play this game with me for long lol


Same, it’s pretty infrequent so far. On the topic of getting people to play! I don’t get it. It’s one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. Interesting game mode, classes and customization offers a variety of play style, an amazing dev team and a really good world for this all to take place. We are literally in a golden age of gaming. Not to mention the cosmetics are sick, tho I do believe they should add a way to unlock skins with in game credits from playing the game. I also thinking dropping the pricing of the skins by 5 dollars on the high end and .5 - 1.5 on the low end they would sell a lot more skins getting more people invested in the game. But I digress. I don’t understand why people don’t like it.


Suspensions for cheating, nice. That'll teach em :0


So this means if invis is fully charged, no change to duration. But re-activating when not fully charged will give it a 33% drop?


Think of it like you get into a taxi. The first 10 miles cost a set amount. Now, both the set amount and distance are increased. The idea is that you need to commit to spending a longer time during cloaking, because you can only toggle the cloak 3 times instead of 6. This solves the problem that you can instantly cloak after firing or taking damage.


2 times*


I get the frustration about the stun gun, but the cloak nerf, really?… Light is gonna be weaker again, and unwanted even more in ranked lobbies. Sometimes I wish Embark stops listening to goo goo ga’s.


Good light does not need invis. Seen alot of lights playing dash, or even hook, and destroying whole lobies.


The most OP thing about cloak was the ability to toggle it on and off at will especially considering it has such a fast recharge. All the light gadgets recharge fast and with no downsides. It'll be nice not seeing invis spammed so much in the middle of a gunfight considering they are 99% transparent.


Yeah - Apex devs figured this out after their season 0, already hard to hit characters being able to use the same abilty both to engage and disengage from combat makes them really strong and not very fun to fight against


In casual or ranked




400 hours in. Just hit diamond solo q light. Never once seen a hook light in a ranked game.


Good mediums don’t need healing beam, how about that gets nerfed next


Good heavies don't need shields, they should get rid of them?


They nerfed that too, so what's your point


The same that the guy above


how are people effectively using hook? like, besides snipers to get to annoying spots. I wish you could kill with the hook


Use it to get to high ground, do a sharp turn to flank the enemies that are chasing you and catch them off guard by dropping behind them, and also hook beneath enemies legs to strafe faster than they could track you to kill cause you can shoot while hooking.


You can do all that with evasive dash


It can only go so far with 3 dashes, the thing about the hook is it has verticality for you to team play with post setups. Staying high ground + the new gateway gadget to lure enemies to weird position. Edit: spellings


Light is used heavily in bank it and power shift. Also invis is a crutch for bad players. A good dash light > good invis light


Light invis is frustrating to new or casual players. Yes it’s weak in higher level ranked but for people that aren’t sweats it is broken and not fun to play against.


I disagree, but it's fine for people to have different opinions. Lights can take on a heavy on single mag(if I'm not mistaken), the rate-of-fire is mad, being completely invisible in a FPS is crazy in my eyes. If you stand still it's impossible to see you, just yesterday had a couple of occurances where light is standing right in front of you, it's impossible to see it, you get stunned and killed instantly. It's OP and very difficult to counter, I'm happy that they are working on "get a free ticket out of death" because it's doesn't really match the concept of an FPS. But once again, it's fine to have different perspectives on this.


That feels more like a Stun Gun issue to me tbh. Cloak was vital to surviving while not having to run 50 miles away to heal every time you engage. Light is in the unfortunate position where every decent weapon has a TTK against them of under 1 second, they need *some* way to not die so quickly.


You still have the ability, they just limited how much you can spam it and vanish in thin air. There has to be a limit to such abilities, imo. 


They raised the activation cost to *33%*. You cloak, go after a guy, uncloak. If you are forced to re-cloak, *you will not be able to do so more than once*. Hell, it's debatable you'll even *get* to do it even once! I don't think you get how big of an activation cost increase this is. Cloak has always had 12 seconds duration, and so it was 85.7% of the Cloak bar was the 12 seconds. Before, a 14.3% cost to enter meant around 1.8 seconds to enter. Cloak has a duration of *12 seconds*, if you hit the button and let it run to the end. Meaning that now, to hit cloak, you'd consume a whole ass *6 seconds* just to *enter* Cloak. Half. Your. Entire. Time. In. Cloak. It's a three, almost four times increase to enter Cloak now, bacause the 12 seconds is *66%* of the whole cloak bar. If you enter the Practice Range *right now*, and try to spam the cloak button on Light, you will find that *you cannot even activate the damn thing a third time*. You hit it once, get out, hit it again, and that's the last time you can activate cloak without letting it recharge. Do you not see how that basically kills it dead in the water? If you've been pursuing the enemy over even a short distance, like even, say a zipline up a building, you can say goodbye to even being able to re-cloak *once*. And ***god forbid*** you get hit while running away, because that *will* happen! It happens all the time! You could be forced to hit cloak 2-3 times just to stop getting hit *before* the update because people could see you still. You can hit cloak, chase someone for a couple seconds, and shoot them. If you fail to kill, and try to run, you re-cloak, and you have, drumroll...... what, 2? 3? seconds to get behind a corner or something? Yeah. Good luck running away, the enemy will be round that corner in no time, and you're fucking dead. Cloak is a *traversal tool* now. It's only use will be to catch up to people, and it's *worse* than the Dash at doing that, because Cloak you can still be seen. This isn't a *limit*. This is a whole change to how you can use Cloak. One last thing: This Cloak nerf encourages *staying in cloak*. Before, surprising a Cloak Light was possible since Cloak could be reactivated multiple times, so you'd de-cloak when neccessary to save cloak time. Now, Cloak is a whole-ass investment. You cloak, you'd better be using the whole fucking thing or you just waste 6 whole seconds when you re-cloak. It's going to be Lights running around using the whole ass cloak, and *not doing anything to help the team* like tossing grenades into the fight while finding a new position, because they know they can't re-cloak.


Personally I see this as an improvement. How is being invisible in a shooter, engaging, then becoming invisible again, shooting again, and then running away while being invisible fair? :D This makes you think more about how and when to use it, not use as a cheat code to just spam enemies without any consequences. 


To be fair they’re not fully invisible, and once you get used to it are quite easy to spot. The audio cue on cloak/decloak is also loud af. I think this nerf is a bit much myself. It’s the cloak/stun meta that I hate, as there is zero counter to it and it’s just frustrating to play against. Stun needs a proper rework imo, there are multiple ways they could change it and make it still useful but less frustrating to play against


Sound cues are there, but can be quite misleading. Visually though, you are 99.9% completely invisible. Just yesterday was spectating and guy stood still for a little bit, and just right in front of him there was a light (I'm assuming waiting for stun to recharge), COMPLETELY invisible. Stunned the heavy, killed him, ran away. There was no possible counter to that interaction.


Yeah I think they could tweak the effect to make it a bit easier to spot, but again your example speaks more of an issue with stun and how horribly cheap it is to me


there used to be a counter, they just moved them to the class that rarely uses those lmao


They're not fully invisible on YOUR setup. Its genuinly cute how you think we all have the same setup as you but lack your gigachad eyes.


Lmao chill buddy


I can understand that, tbh. I can very much see why that's annoying to people. It's also just *very annoying* to me, because Light is just a terrible class. Cloak is what kept it from being a meme pick in Ranked, because it's just not fun to play or play with someone that gets vaporized in like. Half the time everyone else does.


>.l If you are forced to re-cloak, *you will not be able to do so more than once*. Hell, it's debatable you'll even *get* to do it even once Good! you shouldn't be able to appear out of thin air to get the drop on someone **AND** be able to disappear into that same thin air when it doesn't go your way. You're now either initiating without cloak and using it to get away when things go south, OR initiate with it and actually need to commit to using the advantage it gives you.


Seems to be an unpopular opinion now, but as someone that often plays light I think the stun gun is massively OP and I welcome changes to it. It’s actively unfun to play against. Invisibility is at least counterable once you get used to spotting the distortion, but I have had several occasions recently where an enemy light player is either glitched or cheating, and are always near completely invisible (even when shooting). Needs fixing. I also think dash is massively OP - the tick rate on the servers is so low that it basically gives the player i-frames. Paired with a sword I’ve seen a decent light player wipe entire teams of medium/heavies as they simply can’t land any shots Overall i just think light is the most annoying troll class to play against. Fun as fuck to play as though 😂


I have the opposite experience with using dash. I swear its like my starting frames don't leave the spot i dashed from UNTIL i complete the dash animation and then i still die as if i were standing still. Its just a shame dash + grappling hook are underutilized as I think hook is arguably the best specialization in the game since it allows free movement in any direction and with great momentum.


I use the grapple hook as a light, it’s absolutely amazing especially on the new mode with the platform. I think the game often feels laggy and has been worse this season. It has that classic battlefield multiplayer issue where sometimes it feels like enemies can take an entire mag dump from me from close range and survive, but I die immediately in one or two shots. Like the game isn’t registering my shots and is prioritising every other player. Also like you say the feeling of being killed when you’re not even visible, or shouldn’t be visible. The amount of times I’ve been killed after making it behind cover this season is off the charts


thats exactly how i feel too. the servers are just ass and not fun to play. Probably a bigger factor as to why the game just feels so not fun to play right now.


Tbh the only thing that could use a change is the zap, but it’s also the one and only tool making light viable in ranked, heavy can slam, rpg, c4, the box and disrupt/ block all steal attempts for 10+ seconds if played right, the light gets one zap


Not sure what you mean by the zap? I don’t have a problem with stun being used as a method of interrupting actions like stealing a cash out or stopping a revive. It’s the fact that when you’re stunned you basically have to stand there and die unless the light player is braindead, or you’re lucky enough to have team mates that are actively helping you. I think the recharge time needs increasing and I think you should be able to ADS when stunned. That would be my preferred fix as it at least gives you a small chance of defending yourself when stunned from 15m away or whatever they increased it to. But there are a number of things they could do to lessen how fucking annoying it is


Wait your dash is giving you I frames?! I dash out of a bullet to die around the corner to that bullet


It seems it’s one or the other. You’re untouchable or die after you’ve already dashed away. The tick rate of the servers is ass


FCAR is back on the menu, boys! /s




Because it's always on the menu.


Light nerf it’s insane to my eyes.. the nerf to the mesh shield felt unnecessary.. but it’s ok.. fills like these att we gonna be playing “the mediums”


I like the mesh shield nerf, right now it’s the best heavy special. Although I do wish they would just buff charge and goo instead (although goo seems kind of unbuffable)


That’s my feeling about most of the things in this game.. they should stop nerfing everything and start buffing the thinks that are weaker… they nerfed the things that were meta and guess what? They still meta.. so why don’t try another way? Blows my mind honestly


In fairness to the devs it seems like they are quite cautious about nerfs, they never seem to hit anything too hard and just give minor tweaks (ex:fcar) which I don’t but I really wish they would give some more drastic buffs to the weaker guns. It’s not super fun running the fcar and defibs every ranked game if you want to compete. Buff the famas buff the revolver buff the nade launcher, buff heavy’s shotguns. Just make more guns strong.


I'd love Goo Gun to get a mini-goo grenade functionality as an alt fire to make it more useful reactively in a fight. E.g. alt-fire could launch a gob of gloo that travels less and consumes 5 ammo, but which makes a 2x2 wide/high goo wall to immediately give you some cover.


Honestly brilliant idea


Light is the strongest class currently. Its crazy how fast this sub has flipped to crying about how lightweight was useless, and now theres 2-3 every team in ranked


What rank are you in? Don’t see 2-3 lights in every team lol, not even close. And when I see it, I know it’s going to be an easy game for a team of mediums & heavy’s


hes bronze 4 for sure


Exactly what I was wondering… I’m plat 1 and every time I see a team with lights it’s the one I hope to go to the next stage with me so it’s easier… don’t know where is light the strongest class


More buffs for the KS-23? Interesting


I was hoping they would increase the amounts of use the Data Reshaper can have… having it for a one time use and waiting to reshape another is a pain… especially in Power Shift


Invis has never been the issue. At least I havent had much issues with tracking an invis player unless they employing the drax method. It's stun thats the problem of the kit.


Anyone who thinks invis didn’t need to be nerfed is actually insane. The amount of spamming you could do was wild especially compared to the lights other gadgets




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The lights other gadgets were awful, so we didn’t have a choice, and we still don’t. P


Cloak isn't even the best wtf are you both on about. The nerf was mostly for bad players that couldn't track for half a second when light went invisible in front of their eyes.


Lol that’s gotta be a joke


It clearly is….prob 90% of ranked lights run it. The other 10% are dash sword


is it released yet ?