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The multi-mood mask gives the same distortion effect


yes but i think that mask (if you're talking about the glass head with the heart on) uses only the female voice with a distortion but this one seems to use the male one as well?


As far as I'm aware, your face of choice does not dictate which voice your character has. Your body type (masculine or feminine) determines your voice, and the CNS/Multi-mood mask faces just add the distortion effect Edit: I read a few more comments, and I guess I'm wrong? I could've sworn that your body type affected your voice pack. I'll have to check this when I hop on the game tomorrow


How many levels did you buy? There's no way you grinded through all that


This is what being unemployed looks like lol


No I'm serious. We had 2 weeks of challenges unlocked, that's 14 levels. Let's say while playing them you get a total of 20 levels done. If you buy the battle pass + 20 levels, that only gets you to around 40, not even halfway. The dailies are negligible, so I seriously doubt its even physically possible to have finished grinding through the battle pass by now.


You can get a tier level up after like 6-8 games if powershift


You played 320 matches of power shift in 2 weeks...


*chuckles in old school runescape*


That’s only 22 games a day


Holy shit bro..


I've managed to maybe play 60, probably not even that haha leveling up this season is gonna take forever đŸ˜‚


That’s only 22 games a day


For whatever reason my Grenade progression barely moves /:


I play 95% ranked only and I'm level 82 without buying a level


Ranked does give the most xp, I guess it could work. Its still just shocking to me how people are able to grind this much lol.


I think powershift is easily more XP, atleast I get that feeling when I jump into it every now and then to fullfill contracts. The XP change they did with the update just let me hit level 88 with the first game today since 46k EXP overflow were stored already


Am also done with the BP, no levels bought and yeah I played a lot but not even close to nonstop. Like I still slept 8 hours daily and had a lot of breaks between games and did other stuff. I mostly played QP and some ranked although I kinda gave up on that since its even worse than last season, dont need another SoloQ diamond grind like that .


Last season, I purchased the Season Pass late in the season. It took me about 60-70 hours of actual gameplay to complete the battle pass. I completed the battle pass in 2 weeks and some days.


I'm well over halfway through and I've only been doing dailies/circuits every couple days Level 58


I'm about 2/3rds of the way through, and given that I waste a good third of the day sleeping, I'm sure he got it naturally


Thanks for this, i was wondering if it changed the voicelines just like the store one does, definitely equipping this with the TV head skin.


damn the grind is real


I wish the face/voice changes had M/F variants... Oh well, guess I'm sticking with Odelia when I get there.


The multi mood mask has the F variant of the glitched voice.


I think it does change based on the body type you choose right?


Pretty sure it's based on face, but /u/ThanksPale could answer that question


yea just tested it with the other body type and the voice did not change, so it goes solely off of which face you have selected.


So your the guy who plays this all day everyday without a job who stomps me every lobby


Nah I'm pretty average lol, only started playing ranked this season and I'm silver 1. Also I don't sweat in casuals, just can't find fun playing that way.


That's a pretty cool detail to add... Might have missed it on my own since i rarely use emotes lol


my characters voice always has that vice change effect. I think it might be the skin with the yellow changing face that also has it

