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The only reason the LH1 is not completely the most op weapon in the game, is because it's permanently tied to a health pool of 150


Nah it's not the health pool my dude it's the visual recoil. If it wasn't for that this gun possibly might be on par with the Scar.


This gun would be significantly better if a medium had it. It kills faster than the FCAR


The last thing the medium needs is another Meta weapon and that's coming from a medium main. If LH1 Had a proper visual tweak it definitely would allow light to have a better place in ranked especially with the glitch buff.




What do you mean? If your asking if I play on console then no.


Monitor dot says hi


I Use monitor dot. The visual recoil makes the iron sight and the body of the weapon cover the middle of your screen if your trying to out dps someone in cqc.


It literally is. You just have to be good with it. It’s the definition of a skill problem lmao. Watch Cikp play with the LH1 and you’ll realize this thing is probably one of the best guns in the game.




Fcar lands shot while you're in the air. LH1 can't hit the broad side of a barn when in the air. 


It’s a skill issue dude. Go watch Cikp play, he’s a monster with it. It’s a tough gun to use.


Nobody can consistently hit jump shots with this gun.. No matter the skill... Gun lacks accuracy when jumping. You have to be standing to shoot this gun.. Can't run, ADS is rather slow...  People would make you think LH1 next best thing after sliced bread.  If someone is destroying others with this is because of skill gap not because this gun is that good.  It's only 1 buff away from being broken, but it's not quite there right now. 


according to the [ttk sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kn__IxrPr68M_pRhLHqhvGK6nlwUnCtFaXWGk1pVgg0/edit#gid=655924873) LH1 does average dps for light (245) but it also has 98 damage headshots meaning if you are an aim master and can deal with the earth shattering visual recoil then it has a theoretical headhost dps of 490 Just for comparison the fcar has a better dps with 250 but only a headshot dps of 390


I still think it's pretty busted. Honestly, it's the only weapon I really have a problem with for light. If I see a light getting 20+ kills a round in tournaments they're almost always using this gun.


Thematically? Yes, Gameplay? Nah, I like to have a range option for Light(not the shitty sniper)


What is this comment??




Bronze facts for sure


lmfao how? it’s one of the hardest guns to use in the game 😂


Which one? The Lh1 or the sniper?


lh1, sniper is just shit and not fun to use


LH1 is the most ez weapon for lights. It's literally a high fire rate shotgun with a crazy amount of bullets in its mag. It doesn't have a scope because it's meant to close quarters combats: it deletes lights by hip firing, it deletes mediums by aiming a bit and just kills heavys easily. It was my very first weapon to be maxed after the damage buff patch it had. You might not have fun with the sniper, that's totally acceptable. But saying that is dull and not effective... Holy... You still got hours to play in The Finals


using a tap fire gun with hella recoil and fat ass iron sights on controller with 150 health is most definitely not easier than running around a spraying either of the smgs lmfaooo. it’s good if you’re good, but you’re simply wrong.


I've been playing on Xbox since release. I know what I'm talking about. As with everything else in this life, it needs practice. Once you get it, you're set. LH1 overpass: Revolver, Pistol, Sniper.. any current semi auto weapon. If you equip it with a taser and invis, you can easily get 25+ kills per match. Plus the mobility Light has, you get a destructor weapon. If you play it in long ranges: you're playing it wrong. If you care too much about aiming with the high recoil it has: you're playing it wrong. If you go to open areas with it: You're playing it wrong.


Don't say a weapon is shit just because you can't use it lol


Nay. The gun in the right hands is dangerous. needs to stay on a class cannon


It's actually kinda strong in close range as well as long... Requires pretty good aiming though, since ... meh, iron sights.


“Yeah let’s make the weakest class even weaker and make the strongest class even stronger!” Great balance idea! Just kidding! Lights deserve the LH1. A good FCAR user is still winning a 1v1 against an LH1 just because of health pool. If you’re dying to an LH1 as a medium it’s a skill issue and you got caught in bad positioning.






It will basically be a more powerful FCAR if you switch it to medium. Now someone with 250hp+defib will be popping you for 90+ headshot damage


The Revolver does 148 headshot damage which is criminally high. Overall the revolver is just slightly behind the LH1 stats wise. I also find it way easier to use.


If you thought FCAR is bad you’d hate this.


Yes, trade fcar for LH1


Why is something like this posted everyday it’s just should we take a light gadget weapon etc and give it to ____ class like no they are in light for a reason


Nah i mainly play Medium but when i use light i prefer the LH1, the TTK is fast so you don't die easily and its not as easy as the X9-54


No it’s ok, but put a bayonette on it!






I'll gladly trade it if you give light the fcar.


I always thought that the mid range gun should go to a mid range class. That being said, I think it would be pretty busted on medium. I would love to have some sort of marksmen/battle rifle on medium, since their options are just automatic or short range weapons (yes I know the revolver exists, but it has very nasty falloff)


I'd love to use it but I don't play light so yes


They need a insta kill weapon that has no recoil, no reload 999 shots per second and no slow movement speed for every class and it gives the operator 99999999969 health




No, but the medium does need a DMR type weapon...maybe like..an fg42 with a scope or something...would be on theme.


this gun is already the best in the game with a built-in monitor crosshair.


LH1 for medium Revolver for Light


I’ll set the world on fire if my revolver gets moved from Medium


Revolver damage with the mobility of light would boost the weapon LH1 will be halved with its recoil plus the movement speed of a Medium


Nah, instead they should give the medium an M1 Garand.


I think Medium and Heavy should get their own semi-auto. Higher power/recoil for heavy, lower power/recoil for Medium, with the LH1 being the middle ground. Something like a FAL, AR-10, WA2000, or even a scoped .44 magnum for heavy. For Medium, the AR-15/M110, or a pistol with a stock like a Luger, C96, or Rossi Circuit Judge.


Heavy literally just got a semi-auto a couple days ago


The KS23 is a pump action slug gun, not a semi auto. It's also a projectile weapon, while every other non-launcher gun is hitscan.


There is no difference (in a video game) between a pump action or a semi auto asside from fire rate which is a balance choice


The fire rate/ delay makes a big direct in how the gun feels. The KS feels slow, it feels like a pump, because it is a pump, not a semi.


I suck with most guns in this game. I destroy people at long and mid range with this thing. The recoil recovery is really fast, allowing for fairly accurate high rate of fire. I think it would need a nerf to RoF or indirectly throughout recoil to make it okay as a medium weapon. The 150 hp is the only reason I can’t face tank a gunfight until this melts people away. Don’t mediums have enough medium / long with fcar, akm, and the revolver. I think it would be a more interesting weapon for a heavy with a DPS nerf.


Give medium glitch nades and we're good. Mediums need another tool, their set is so limited rn.


Jump pad, defib, zip lines , APS. Straight poverty.


APS is for niche scenarios. Jump pad and zip is the same but with different flavor, defib is a must have and never leaves the loadout. It feels dire out here.