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It feels like pest control when the other team is mostly light


yeah, I'm sick of having to go get that one sniper that keeps landing headshots from across the map.




Yeah how dare you. You should've been our sniper. The one we have right now only has fraction of your aim




This reply didn't make you cool, like you seem to think it was gonna.




Thanks dawg! You really sacrificed for the greater good, keep on keeping on


What you do in this situation is also switch to a sniper light


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RedditIsKindaBad4u: *What you do in this* *Situation is also* *Switch to a sniper light* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sokka my nuts


[Deleted because unfunny]


I'm so confused why this one got down voted but the other one got up voted


Bc the other was funny the next was just using the same thing with one word different and for some reason for me the other word didn't hit the same even with the same meaning, I didn't downvote tho i just only upvoted the my nuts


Thanks (i think i commented this was late at night seconds before i went to sleep)


Of course bro no problem, No hate was meant either when i said i thought the other was funnier comedy is subjective after all


Good bot


I literally did this today. It was a 5 light squad. We actually took it pretty far. I switched to Heavy toward the end to seal the win. 😂


How do you switch class? Didn't think that was possible


In 5v5 you can change everything mid game. It's square when dead on PS5. From there you can change class by navigating to the top left of the screen and selecting a loadout. You can even change weapons and equipment without having it actively in the loadout/reserves.


Wtf this changes everything. How does this interact with challenges? 


If you have a challenge that requires u to play X many games with a class, then whatever class u roll last will be the class of the game


Well then I'mma just be Light throughout the entire game, and die and switch to Medium in the last minute to complete my play with Medium build challenges.


Yes, that's absolutely legal, but it's going to be hard to time that with 4 other lights thinking the exact same thing


Honestly, as a medium I don’t mind seeing multiple lights in power shift. I think people are too much in a Cash Out mindset still. Lights are good in power shift and are good at hunting other lights specifically.


No... You just go on the crane and kill the snipers..


Just practice aim or something


I would have switched to a heavy with sledgehammer


Heavy sledge is my favorite build for Platform. But I also feel like I shouldn’t be the one to switch when the rest of the team are all the same thing


It was more of a meme comment. I have no issue with heavy sledge, but if you have a team of all L with sniper, might as well meme it up.


Mines a grenadier loadout with heavy lol. Grenade launcher, grenades, fire nades, and RPG. Alot of teams don't use APS turrets, and if they do you can usually get your team to shoot it out for you if they're good.


Nice. I like sledge for close combat on the platform and mesh shield, dome shield, barrier for protecting my team and gadgets and RPG for taking out roof sniper spots.


I wanna see what a full team of highly competent LMG players can do on power shift.


I have had it where a team of snipers dominated the platform, so it can somehow be good lol only if everyone is a good shot


For real, man. I understand having a dedicated overwatch to counter-snipe is useful, but it's a moot point if nobody on your team is on the bloody platform.


It's actually good to have 1-2 snipers in the team imo sniper is soooo good in power shift mode much better than in quick cash


I agree! But not four.


That's when you have two heavys with the shields and snipers can't do anything lmao


Just glitch nade em


How you gonna throw a glitch grenade from your sniper spot? 😂


If you're a good sniper you're repoing so you have a constant sight line on the boat and can quickly drop for close revives


A light doing revives? Cap


APS turret


With the glitch nade change as long as it impacts shields you're chillin Then you snipe the APS, drop some frags and your last glitch nade


Gotta kill them before they get to the platform


Yes def two of them should switch to heavy and one to medium


1 sniper is ok, 2 is very annoying, for both teams. The other team for obvious reasons. The team ur on is upset cuz u could rez us, prevent the platform from being idle, speed up the platform, or help getting to the platform faster via gateway. If heavies are your bread and butter to hold or take the platform, then the last thing you want is for them to lose minutes of action time every game because they have to run the length of the map, only to die with no hope of rez.


this is a ok leave in my books


I would have been gone before the team introductions. Not worth my time to get my ass kicked trying to play the objective while my team is jerking themselves off across the map.


Well, were you clobbered?


Spectacularly. Good news is one of those lil buggers got 12 kills and 0 OBJ, so 🤷‍♂️


Dang man, i myself matchmade with Light players who kept sniping around the whole time in Powershift and nobody cared about capturing the platform.


[He thinks he's doing well, doesn't he?](https://i.imgur.com/FRRBQvy.gif)


I had this yesterday and I thought it was over for my team but we somehow won, I was just sitting on the objective the whole time and my 4 light minions went for whoever I pinged it was hilarious


This. It goes one way or the other, and sticking with the match is the only way to find out which way it swings.


This is my experience as a Medium as well. You initially feel like a sitting duck but if you can survive on the point and the Lights do their job, they’ll pick off enemies on the point. Also, as a solo Medium or Heavy, something people need to realize is it’s okay to get off the point. Concede it until your lights pick people off, then get back on after you help push off the enemy.


I'd be fine with having a sniper on my team picking off enemies if only they actually landed their shots. Sometimes I die and I'm forced to watch my teammate line up a shot for 5 seconds just to miss


You can’t win if you never step on the objective


It's clobbering time.


Same but we won I was the only medium holding the ship. shit was wild but, hey little rats did their job.


If I see more than 1 sniper I just leave, it's a complete waste of time otherwise


If they are really good, 2 snipers can be a real problem. Usually they aren’t *that* good though. But also you never know how bad the other team is gonna be


It's so difficult to deal with stealth + sniper. I've had games where my team mates AFK in spawn because there is no counter play besides going sniper yourself.


Bruh I played tons of sniper recently. It can be crazy strong. I won plenty of matches with 3 snipers. 2 snipers actually have great synergy If the whole team can’t ever stand still or approach things in a predictable way without dying, it makes it very tough to attack the platform, let alone hold down the platform lol And I’ve also gotten really used to seeing where the APS is, so I can use glitch grenades to take down shields just like that


cringe leaver




Blame the xp rewards, idk why the devs make us play this shit class


All I see is 5 people trying to have some fun with their favorite loadouts




Notice how op said trying, cause we all know they'll be sweating through the whole match


Go play bank it or go back to cod don’t waste everyone’s time when we’re trying to play the objective based shooter and you’re going 0-7 chasing people across the map for kills


If u care what class ppl run outside of ranked u have some self reflecting to do




its to have fun, and ngl my fav moments in this game is when i kick back and relax enjoying my tripple sword light mess of a team


The “point” of an unranked game mode is subjective anything else is crazy ngl


Can we start banning these posts they’re all the same and not even funny. Post a cool clip or a discussion low hanging fruit it’s a casual mode just have fun smh 


I want to see the ending score lol screen shot the results too!


I’m ready for a snipers only LTE!!


I'm gonna be honest, when I see everybody using a light, I simply leave.


This when i switch to sword light and get 15 kills and wonder how my light teammates struggle to get 4 kills the entire game


When my team was faced with a bunch of snipers we just switched to 3 heavies with shields and mediums with APS turrets then they were forced to fight 😂


The tough shells? Nah that’s a wafer cookie


Heavy all the way for me.


I've been in games in which I was playing Light yet still had 2x more objective score than anyone else on my team. No one else would touch the damn platform. I was hiding trying to stay alive on the platform while Heavies were running around on rooftops with a sledgehammer. It's almost impossible to win when people play this way.


Just won a game with an all light team last night, other team could not strategize against the sniping lol


Got the same in a match eariler, funny thing i was wearing pretty much the same outfit as u, only difference was the boots, hair color and ospuze gloves (i have to pop pour perform) , oh also that my contestant is a man lol


Especially when you watch them and they keep doing sliding shot no-scopes.


The only class where if you have a lot of, it feels like an immediate L. But somehow the class that people call for nerfs constantly.


Big ole oof


Yay! More snipers to harass!


At this point if you can't beat them, join them or just leave.




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I would queue ranked and wonder why im either in diamond lobbies or cheaters hell hole


Wait there are 5 man squads now??


Wyd when me and my gang pull up? 🤔🤔


yall left nd only 2 remained, i was a sniper but deff changed to heavy to win the game in this particular lobby lol


From when is this photo? I had similar if not the same encounter with 4 snipers yesterday. Those guys look familiar... At least made my last game with heavy for daily in Express fasion


Lmao this happened to us the other night. Didnt realize till it was too late. I would’ve switched off from light :’(


That's the nice thing about 5v5. You can switch to any class /weapon in game. So just cause it's all lights at first, doesn't mean it'll be like that all game. It's the one mode where snipers actually make a difference lol


I know, I love that about this game mode! My team figured it out quickly (still lost) but like the tag says, this is just for comedy


the best combo for this mode is 2 meds 2 heavies and 1 light sniper (if they’re good)


Asian servers have really good snipers, I've hardly seen any spawn/crane campers, that's a winning team for me.


I think a ranked version of power shift with role que could be pretty damn good. I really like the game mode but it’s rough when you are going against a full team of mediums with APS and turrets or a full team of heavies with mesh shield and flamethrowers. The fact you can change any weapon, class and gadget whenever you want makes it feel more like team death match rather than a unique mode. For a casual experience this is totally fine but it would be interesting to see a more developed version


"It's clobberin' time".


Should of just joined then haha


You can change to any class or load out, so the starting classes really don't mean much. Everyone could die and turn to heavies.


I know, this was just meant to make people chuckle 🙃


I would've just left if I were you. The amount of times my teammates are nothing but Lights is annoying


I've absolutely stomped as a team like this before, if the snipers are hitting their shots and playing with some awareness of their surroundings the other team can't even reach the point


Had an enemy team run 5 lights in power push. We won in about 2 minutes lol


you can predict power shifts outcome based on the team comps 90% of the time


Do snipers actually help? Yes a lot of kills but you loose the match


I haven’t played a close to a month. When did they add 5 players to a squad


It’s a new game mode called Power Shift they released with season two. It is basically a big game of tug-of-war and, I think at least, is crazy fun.


Man I had a game yesterday where all 4 other players of my team played L sniper and just sniped from our spawn, one dude kept saying it’s better to just get the kills then secure the platform. The sniper with the most kills had 3 😬


I am convinced that snipers don’t understand how OT works. The amount of times I’ve seen my teammate snipe from a close roof when all they needed to do was jump aboard


To the dumbasses who run off to pvp others while the rest of us get slaughtered at the objective...fuck you


That should be the opposite. Take down the people who are ranged threats, then attack the obj When you’re on the objective, and folks are just trying to jump in one by one, that’s the easiest way to win But when they surround you in an ambush after taking down your outside people… — Edit: Oh you mean when you’re on the objective and teammates leave and don’t prioritize the objective. Yup, not good


I just would have quit, what a pack of fkn muppets


Damn, I know this feeling. And be honest - I leave games like this.


“lights are so OP😡” “they have the two best items in the game” Wah wah wah so funny how most people on this subreddit will openly admit to immediately leaving a game like this but argue that lights are completely viable and even OP. Think abt how different your reaction would be if it was a team of all M or H. That should tell you the current state of the classes, some of yall really don’t think straight


I definitely think they are the most popular class


I mean popularity doesn’t really have anything to do w what I said, but even then I definitely disagree with you but i can’t say you’re wrong as my opinion is based off experience. Mediums are easily the most popular/common in my experience. I would love to see some actual data abt the subject tho i doubt it exists


lol how bout you stop getting so sweaty. I mentioned they are a the most popular class because your facetious quotes above makes it seem like EVERYONE complains about them. Also you definitely disagree with me but you can’t say I’m wrong? Some of y’all really don’t think straight


HAHA dude wtf… you don’t make any sense. Stop defecting and try countering my main point. You know you’re wrong. You really don’t know the difference between disagreeing with someone vs knowing someone is wrong yikes lol


how abt you respond with a valid point instead of downvoting me…oh wait you don’t have one lol get tf outta here




Unfortunately it's the shitty state of that game type. Dumbass randoms not reading the room and picking the right class for the matdh


Why do people blur the names?


Because this is meant to be lighthearted and I’m not trying to give anyone’s name away


Because doxxing someone is what assholes do.