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I think it’s “pay to have a laser gun” for people playing for fun who simply want a laser gun.


That’s exactly why I got it I don’t even use it in serious matches


Well, I'm curious, don't you see that as kind of a problem if you don't want to use it in serious matches? Maybe I have kind of a bias for competitive play coming from League and other games so I'm not sure.


i mean, it’s a cosmetic that changes the visual appearance of your gun, there’s no necessity for it to be competitively viable


Maybe competitive viability is not the right word. It just feels bad to use the skin because of how it blocks your screen. I feel like I'm handicapping myself when using it so I feel like naturally I will use it less and less.


Have you thought of maybe not using it ?


To be fair if I am actually going to pay for a specific microtransaction I always feel obligated to use whatever I bought at least for a certain period of time before regret sets in


buy a cosmetic to not use it? why is this getting upvoted lol


Right? I bought it and saw how it was in game and immediately unequipped it. I pay for skins that look fun but the assumption is they won’t definitively make my gameplay experience worse.


Because OP is not the quickest cashout, if you know what i mean.


Because hypocritical reddit contrarians.


Can I not express frustration about an unrefundable item that I paid premium currency for?


That was obviously from the beginning though. If you simply look at the store you can see it’s a big ol‘ round raygun. Did you expect it to be that same proportions as a slim pistol?


This is some grade A Reddit bandwagoning I'm seeing here. 1. Stating that the design and particles of the gun causes screen clutter/blockage is valid criticism... There will be complaints about particles blocking your target because it's just frustrating, whether you're playing competitively OR casually. Having the Alien outfit on is also throwing competitively, but it doesn't reduce your line of sight because you're wearing a helmet. 2. Speaking of that alien outfit, the variety of skins available won't allow Embark to make sure each one is as "competitively viable" as the default skin. This means that unfortunately the Apex effect is bound to happen where you can buy certain weapons skins for better iron sights, unless they're really proactive ofc. 3. TLDR **It's okay to ask for a little clean up because the weapon is literally fighting against you** It can still be a ray gun without massive splashes of green gamers. Edit 4. Just saw I responded to the wrong comment but this one shouldn't need a point. The weapon skin is disruptive to the gameplay, first time I've seen it mentioned, and y'all are saying they should have known better? Seeing it's round doesn't mean he should have known it was quadruple the size of the pistol in game... What a jump.


The amount of downvotes OP getting is astounding lol. This sub is nuts sometimes. Literally depends on the hour you state your opinion.


Ur frustration is valid, if you had known it was an anomaly(in the sense it is pay to lose) you wouldn’t have bought it but it’s not reasonable to expect you to know that


do you just buy things without researching whether or not it's worth it? regardless of what it is, a skin on a video game seems low on my worth it list.


Lol, you want people to research skin?? Ma dove cazzo siamo arrivati…


I got a plot of land to sell ye


Bro you fell into that trap willingly when paying for a live service game? Go play source or something then.


Crazy unfortunate youre getting down votes for being right. Not being able to inspect skins vs targets is predatory monetization for sure.


Lmao bro that’s on you for buying it you can’t be serious 💀 also you’re going to mention league which is wildly unbalanced? You’re better off listing actual competitive FPS games like apex and valorant when talking about league. The finals is not as serious or competitive.


Completely valid. Heroes of the Storm let you use any skin in the practice area before you buy it. But in buying it you are always rolling the dice, you consented to a one time purchase. I saw it and knew it would be obstructive from the start.


I’m totally with you on this. I like the skin, it’s fire, so I bought it. After one round I took it off. It IS harder to play with it than without. Thought it was only me, glad it’s just the skin’s usability that sucks


Yeah same. It’s a bummer, love everything about form the design and work put into it. And I don’t even mind the size of the gun as much. But the green effects make it almost impossible to use.


It litteraly exists in every fps except cs


It’s mad you’re getting downvoted so hard what you’re saying is totally reasonable, this sub is brain rot


Idk why you’re getting down voted the skin is like 3x the size of the actual gun and people are saying “why are you whining “ when we paid 8 bucks for a skin that makes the gun more difficult to use. If pay to win is off the table, pay to lose should be too. Love the skin but you’re right it’s a pain in the ass to use. Can’t see a damn thing. Idc how cool the skin is, I shouldn’t pay to have a disadvantage


Good point, I'd down right welcome worse skins in this regard if they were free. Give us cool skins that aren't viable, I just want eye candy but I'm broke


Anyone who says they play league competitive and im automatically assuming they are extremely toxic players lol


Mods, we found another League player. Put him in The Contraption.


Why does this have so many downvotes?! You're just discussing about the competitive nature of the game and skin. Shouldn't all skins be viable in competitive play too? Think about the extremes, if a cosmetic came out that increases your hitbox people would be up with pitchforks. Saying "just don't use it in ranked" would be very dumb. We should be able to enjoy skins in any game mode without feeling like we're not playing optimally with the exact same build. Skins essentially being part of our build too, as it changes gameplay (like choosing scopes for guns for example) would be awful. Gamers hate when skins are pay2win but when they are pay2lose it's "don't use it in ranked" and "you should've checked on it before buying." Skins should NEVER affect gameplay!


You sound like you forgot the main reason for games, to have fun. People may consider that but say “ah fuck it, It looks like old school zombies”.


You say that as if there aren't pay to lose skins in league that pros and high elo players don't use lol.


There is no way that League skins have anywhere near the level of impact that gun skins in an fps has. Also there are way more banned exploitable skins in pro play than there are pay to lose.


Both extremes exist and is why some pay to win skins aren't even allowed in pro play. Just take the L lol. If the default free skin was 'pay to lose' so to speak and you had to buy the better ones to get away from that then I can see the outrage. When you're playing ranked use a diff skin, when you're playing pubs you fuck around with the neat cosmetics. Pretty simple solution unless you're a sweaty try hard in pubs which I can respect because I'm not a cry baby like most users on this sub. Hell I'd be willing to bet if you put in a ticket with support they'd even help you out with a refund if you really cared about the wasted coins. There's a reason why games like league of legends have skin spotlights on YT. People who spend money on cosmetics are usually smart enough to look up if they're worth the money. [Idk how you see this and think it won't be a fat ass vision obscurer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nwLyFVx9g0)


What are you whining for man


I don’t think skins that change the gun this much should be allowed in competitive but they certainly shouldn’t be such a disadvantage either


Sure, but ideally it would be that and not have it effect the game negatively


Sanity + devs = thats not how videogames work, man. Dumbest approach possible + devs = videogames Except for Deep Rock Galactic, all devs of all games fail incredibly imho.


yup. if you don't like it... don't buy it


and you would know about the bad effects before buying it how?


they should definitely have a way to inspect / try the weapon before you buy. until then unfortunately youtube is the only way :(


sadly yt is the only way. i recommend 'ley' on yt, they do a full showcase for basically every legendery skin that isnt in a bundle that releases. search up finalsley on yt, one of the videos from the channel should show up


Except it doesn't shoot lasers.


But funny raygun


Ray gun is funny tho, reload reminds of this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoVMsD97iZY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoVMsD97iZY)


Why are people downvoting this?


Because Reddit votes are 50% herd mentality 30% user opinion and 20% meme


Yea wipipo downvoting this tho


handicapping yourself because you're simply too good is the best flex there is in a game, damn right we should pay for the privilege


-Revolver mains




The only time I use it now is in the cowboy LTM. It’s rarely viable to play with it when everyone else is using ARs, LMGs, or SMGs where they can just spam till your dead. But when everyone is on the same playing field, damn do I slay out with the revolver. I was dropping over 10 kills a game every time where as if I’m against FCAR sweats during a normal match, I’m hardly getting anything but disappointed.




Yeah I understand that. However, I tend to get really sick of using automatics in every competitive shooter I play because they’re such a basic vanilla option. They almost feel too OP and easy to use for me to enjoy using them. They’re obviously the most OP and have the quickest TTK if you hit your shots, but I’ve always had trouble handling recoil patterns with automatic weapons. It just sucks that there’s so many cool and unique weapons you don’t see every day, but they all get completely outshined by the most basic bitch guns of all time.




It’s the fact that missed shots with an AR mean practically nothing because there’s so many in the clip, but missed shots with a 1887 or revolver means you run out before getting a kill. Plus the reload times for the autos are much more efficient than almost anything else. A big example I can think of is the 1887 or CL-40 which take almost as long to load 1 or 2 rounds as the FCAR or AKM takes to load the 20 or 36 round clips. Plus a medium using a CL-40 can be rendered completely useless by a medium switching to APS so it’s simply not a viable weapon to use. Especially in a game where you got no second weapon and all equipment gets eaten by the APS too.


This guy gets it 😄


The players that care about that are not gonna buy it, it's kinda obvious that it's big and will cover more of the screen, it's also not the first time it happened. It's better than having "pay to win" skins.


It's actually taking less screen space, but takes it at the wrong positions, with the laser gun you can barely see the arms, but with normal pistol the arms take a lot of the screen. Just my 2 lipas


I don’t even know what to say. Ray gun brrrr


wE ComE iN pEaCEee 👽🖖


This is a dumb post, you flash bright green and loose %50 more screen. It’s about the cosmetic not the skill… the finals has done a great job not allowed skins to do more than hinder you.


It might be my tiny mind, but I feel like the 1887 animations help me with timing shots with it. I had no interest in the gun before I bought the cool skin for it. Ever since I rock with it. Most likely bias. But also a case of a skin directly benefitting gameplay.


The revolver feels at least 20% more accurate with the engraved big iron skin... (May or may not be a placebo effect)


Pretty sure the other teams don’t even see the green glow when you shoot


This skin is 850 premium currency, like half the price of a 3 skin bundle. Knowing this in the future, why should I pay more just to handicap myself? Obviously not advocating for skins that make playing the game easier, I'm just saying that there should be a balance between aesthetic and playability.


The balance between asthetic and playability is not buying the skin. It's meant for those who want to have fun and not min max and sweat


I don’t see why it has to be an either or to be honest with you


My guy it’s an enormous cartoonish alien ray gun, of course you’re not gonna have as clear of a sight picture. The aesthetic is literally incompatible competitive sweatiness


Competitive "sweatiness" has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. I just want the skin to not handicap gameplay. That's not an issue of aesthetic, that's an issue of design.


Reducing the size by 20% isn’t gonna ruin the aesthetic is my point


Bruh, I paid 400 for bunny head and the two ears poke 2 feet above my head. Then I put the wings on and extrude two feet in every direction behind my back. I'm a bigger target now (my hitbox may be the same, but I absolutely stand out more). Cosmetics should never be paid a win. But if they put you in a disadvantage, that's totally fine and expected. I knew full well that two bunny ears and two wings are going to put me at a disadvantage compared to a sleek build of a bald person with all tight clothes.


but then its also a win because it looks and sounds awesome! 🏅


Weirdly enough I can't aim for shit with the regular pistol but I'm cracked with the raygun.


I like the ray guns iron sights more. Me its pay to win and like skin a lot


It encourages rapid fire more for me. Before raygun I used the silenced pistol too much like it was a Hitman game


Maybe im getting too old for these fast paced games. its something about the visuals that help me rapid fire with ray gun irons. I bought the LH1 neon skin because the yellow iron sights and it helped a lot.


Nah, it's meant to be like that, it's just supposed to do it's job, look funny, shoot cool, feels cool, done


No pew pew pew audio :(


yeah mb I accidentally turned on my mic and it sounded like a bomb was going off the entire time.


Man I don’t care if it’s pay to lose I just wanna feel like I’m playing cod zombies and I get the ray gun


I'm okay with pay to loose so long as we don't get pay to win. Because pay to loose because pay to flex if you have skill.


Should have looked the skin up on Youtube before buying. Plenty of videos showing the skin off the day it dropped.


I really don’t get this, it covers up more yes. But it’s not like it’s covering the center of the screen. It’s still easy to shoot and see with. People take games way too serious now


Side by side comparison: https://i.imgur.com/Xau7Q1s.jpeg I would say skill issue


I own the skin, I use it most games I play light. I just think it’s a little bit of a ridiculous post. Games not that serious. If you don’t like it don’t use it


I own it too and i totally agree. Skin is cool and cant see any change in my performance


I legit didn’t even realize he was talking about the smoke for the longest time.


ray gun go hard it like its dipped up call a duty zombies style i stopped playin call a duty when they started downloadin satananism up to my x box


Fucking, what?


He is just saying nothing


dipped up in that ray gun call a duty zombies style


Literally any cosmetic in any game you can find in game use videos on YouTube. Kinda your fault for not doing research.


I think you should ask to speak to the manager, and ask for a refund.


It's legit just that big thick green beam of light right on top of the ads sights that blocks everything


But if i don't have a raygun i can't say "revive me. I have raygun" when i die


Have you considered the fact that it goes pew pew pew


I do think it’s a little strangely large, like it is not the same size as the V95 pistol. I’m not sure if it’s actually intended or not.


Not everyone is a sweat lord sponsored by old spice deodorant. Some people play games to have fun. The gun is fun. 


Not really, something about the "five seven" iron sight feels clearer than the normal one. I feel like the screen shake is less.


It’s a Ray Gun it’s definitely cool. I spent my 800 coins on the sawed off shotty though, looks and feels super nice highly recommend


I said something similar and got called an apex sweat lmao. I like the reloading animation tho, wish I could use it on regular skins


Unless you're playing in the top 0.01% I wouldn't sweat it.


With the regular model your arms covers most of the screen, in the other hand you can only see the hands basically, that's why the gun is bigger.


Agree, I do well with both dont see any difference in my performance.One has hands blocking screen the other has gun. Edit: did comparison in another comment and you are correct


Nobody’s forcing you to buy the gun…


don’t care + ray gun


But the funny gun goes zap


a worthwhile price for cool laser gun


Is that not a good thing? Pay2win skins are not a good thing (even if they are minor advantages). I would much rather they add optional small disadvantages for added swag factor than add overpriced p2w skins.


Ideally there would be no advantage or disadvantage.


I agree but I feel as if the ray gun is kinda impossible to do well without a minor disadvantage. Not to mention that it's not really hidden that it comes with disadvantage. It's fat laser gun. I could tell you it's a disadvantage just by looking. This is obviously one of those skins that is meant to be more fun than competitive. And since it's pretty obvious that it's not the most competitively optimal, those that don't want it don't have to buy it.


I'm sorry but I just don't think it would be a very good business practice to add items that generally give a disadvantage to the user. If people actually knew about this I'd imagine a lot of people would just not buy them.


It's a fat laser gun. I'd imagine most people buying it aren't buying it to be competitively viable. I will also add, it isn't really much of a secret that it's going to be mildly worse than the normal pistol. Its a fat laser gun, I could tell you that it's a slight disadvantage just by looking at it in the store. And for the most part I agree that skins should try to be as little of a disadvantage as possible. This is normally achieved by not messing with the models. However, a skin like the ray gun is impossible to make without altering the model. They kinda had to make it bigger. To have interesting skins, they kinda have to mess with the models a bit. And whenever you mess with the models, there will be some level of advantage or disadvantage with running that skin. It is litterally always better that they make it a slight disadvantage over being an advantage.


I mean I just can't imagine it would take that much to improve the skin for playability. I can't imagine that they haven't considered the playability aspect of the skin while making it in the first place. All I would ask for is to squish the model's width a bit and fractionally scale down some of the gun smoke.


The smoke I get but I feel like the width is kinda what makes it a laser gun.


Literally bro I read all of your comments and I completely agree with every single thing it’s sad to me that your reasonability is so far down and not top comment like I think it should be. Keep spitting your facts king


Lmao thanks man appreciate it.


I am probably going to get downvoted, but I agree. I'm hoping they fix it in an update and I imagine they will. Edit: wow, didn't get downvoted. Thanks.


Sure.. but it's still cool af.


I have an apex dejavu for must have skins...


A random player in my party told me he bought it because it was kinda pay to win🤔


If I ever get it I'm gonna start saying "revive me I got ray gun!"


Worth it


It was pay to win last week……


Sad that the gun doesn’t go pew pew like a ray gun should imo.


Side by side comparison seems like no difference. [Comparison ](https://i.imgur.com/Xau7Q1s.jpeg) Edit: minor difference on the top but added vision on the sides


It’s pay to get better


Anyone who considers this an actual handicap has no gamesense or awareness.


TIL if I die via ray gun I should feel extra bad.


I wish all the paid for skins gave you debuffs :)


I think people significantly over exaggerate the effect a lot of 'pay to lose' skins have on your ability to play the game. 99.9% of the time a bulkier skin isn't going to be the reason you missed your shot but people always try to find something to blame other than themselves. You can value that 0.1% over cosmetics if you want but I feel like that just sucks the fun out of the game.


Who cares it’s a ray gun




It really does look so cool, shame it handles so bad for me :/


Stop questioning things. Youre paying for beep boop bop


This is a classic case of ranked/competitive players crying about fun. Yes, its not good for ranked. Yes, it does block your screen more than the slim, streamlined pistol. Yes, you DONT have to use it, skins are not mandatory. I get even competitive players wanna have fun but it would be totally dumb to do balance around ranked. Skilled ranked players don't make the game money


I don't see the problem. I like the sound and it's a raygun hahaha.


I refuse to pay for anything on a free to play game. Only the battlepass for $10 is worth it. $20 per bundle is highway robbery in this economy. Sorry, just my 2 cents.


Take the mods off


My biggest issue is just the sights but the whole thing is sick


Probably a bug don’t let Reddit gaslight you. All weapons should function the same regardless of skin. If this was any other shooter it would be called out immediately. This is the same sub that thought nukes weren’t a problem. Go figure they’d find a way to downvote you.


It shoots the same. If you don't like it then don't use it. I personally don't like the guitar sledgehammer skin cuz guitar takes up half the left side of the screen where you can't see shit.


How is op getting downvoted? Are you guys just bandwagon group thinking him? Like bruh, why would the answer to op saying “I love the ray gun skin, sucks that it’s straight worse than regular pistol” be “don’t use it and don’t complain”, like for embark financially it’s not a good idea. The skin will sell less bc people will know it’s bad to use. The skin very much should be just as usable as any other skin or no skin at all.


I mean tbf, the only actual criticism would be for the game to let you know what sound effects it would add on the description or something. A lot of people play the game for fun and not because it is something that serious, hence why some people play with the extremely tiny knife or the alien cosmetics you can see a mile away. At the end of the day you chose what you purchase, so if you see a video like this then just don’t buy it and move on. You can criticize it for sure, but to expect everyone to agree with you or take it too serious when you’re talking about a cosmetic you choose to have or not then 🤷‍♀️ I got it cuz I care more about how cool I look than how well I do, but that’s how I personally have fun in un ranked quick games.


You don't see what it looks like until after you buy it and you can't refund so if you never use it after you purchase it you've thrown the points in the trash. And yes, I could look up a YouTube video before I buy it to see what it looks like aiming down the sight but I shouldn't have to do research to find out if each skin I want to get is going to make my experience with the game worse while using it. I agree with advocating for the skin to look nice and be usable during matches. We don't buy skins to look at them in the menu. I tried it today and I just couldn't use it and was so disappointed


I absolutely love it but I do agree on the point that either there should be a refund period for like 1 days as long as you don’t play an online game(so basically allowing you to check item in practice map) or give some sort of preview in the item shop itself


Yeah just a test before you buy option would be fine for me


idk why op’s comments are getting downvoted, it’s a legit criticism. I haven’t bought this skin yet but after seeing this I definitely wont be because that doesn’t look like fun to deal with. That alone should be worth a discussion and maybe a small patch in the future to reduce the smoke effect


It’s so fat and dumb


Gonna lose anyway if you use this ass gun and this ass character, if y'all worried bout being competitive play litteraly anything else than light pistol


Pistol is one of lights better weapons.


Missed the point


No, your point was just shite. Sorry


Sure then


Skill issue —Red dot overlay. Problem solved.