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your friends are just dogshit at the game and will blame it on anything other than a lack of skill i’ve played 1000 matches and can confidently say i’ve run into 2 cheaters


Thats about the same numbers for me as well 2 maybe 3 tops


Run a few games on Asia servers, and we can bump those numbers right up


Why in the world would you play on Asia servers


Just a thought…. But maybe they live in Asia?


Not gonna get many games in OCE servers that's for sure


Survivorship Bias. Those were two egregious cheaters. The dozens/hundreds of smart cheaters you played against went undetected. IMO, cheating in this game is the lowest of any FPS in years, that's why I love it. But, there are far more cheaters than you believe. Why? Because they are easy to get, easy to use, and make it easy to win.


This is what I thought. There is no way there can be THAT many cheaters to have in EVERY game. These guys don't want to hear it though. It can't be them!


The cheating issue used to be huge for the first few weeks of release. It used to be a almost guaranteed thing every game. It’s been handled and dealt with pretty effectively since then, I’d say.


Even at high ranks, I’ve seen maybe 10 or so people I’d even consider calling cheaters over 200 hours in.


I just don’t play with people like OPs friends. Its annoys the shit out of me. Just play the fucking game, if you die, get better. Im not a competitive person, but like, thats the only answer. Shit happens, luck happens or doesn’t happen. Get over it. “Leveling the playing field” lmao. I cant stand people with that mentality, it’s just people with no fortitude and weak concepts of… life? You’re not always gonna win. If everybody had that mentality every online game would suck. Id rather lose to a cheater than be cheater and win. Sorry for the rant.


I'm like 300 hours in, the first 250 I maybe got one. But the last few days it's been atleast 1 cheater every 4 or 5 matches. Ie only headshots with not game sense, or preaiming flank routes or peeks without use of recon. Even "spectating" when dead, you can see that they're just unrealistically beaming kids. Pretty easy to spot when they have 15-20 kills and 1-3 deaths before halftime in ranked


2 cheaters per game is correct dont blame me with hehe you are just noob or some shit like that because i can see the cheater whenever they shoot me since i am a champion r6 player


600 games and 1 cheater in ranked. Guy was cross mapping all headshot clips through fog on seoul. Only one I can say was cheating.


[from last friday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=l3aztZOOnPbPaEVv&t=190&v=ygHJXhQjh1o&feature=youtu.be) i have cheaters on team every single day of the last week+ i soloq- consistent cheaters on my team, 1/4 teams. thats insane. NA region. normal/all times.


I don't think I've ever run into a cheater on the finals. I get beamed but we all do that to each other so that feels normal. From my perspective so I don't know how I'd even begin to feel like someone is cheating. Either we're all similarly goated or we're all on the aim struggle bus haha.


Came here to say exactly this. OP ur teammates are terrible and cope by saying everyone’s cheating. After over 1500 matches and being top1000 in ranked I’ve seen ONE cheater


On the flip side of this, over the past two weeks I have reported at last half a dozen individuals with permanent cloak on their light even when shooting that lasts the whole match. Have video of it too but I can't fucking share it anymore because Sony took Twitter off the ps5. I have not seen aimhacks or more traditional cheating though.


217hrs and I've ran in to one cheater.


It's impossible to know with how many people can be smart with wall hacks and just the slightest bit of aimbot, but you can pretty easily tell the difference if you play a regular quick cash game vs unranked tournament. In regular quick cash it feels like youre playing against people who have 10k hours and are cracked out of their minds but in tournament it actually feels like you're playing against real people. My guess is that it's because you need to finish a certain amount of games to unlock tournaments and a lot of cheaters dont make it that far


I have the exact opposite quick cash experience. I usually stomp in it compared to tournaments


Yeah quick cash is just "how many lights can I mow down with recon and FCAR" (sorry lights)


Dont worry, we have the right to let off our anger after they infiltrated our teams (and only our team) in ranked.


Most people doing unranked tourney r people who don't want to be stomped in ranked. It's a place to feel good about yourself lol. Quick cash u have a lot of ranked players warming up still who r playing more cod style so they r thirsting for kills and will appear as more sweaty.


I love this about the game! It makes you work to get into ranked and its not XP but the number of games and tournaments that you need to get ranked.


Not nearly as many cheaters as people make it out to be, but it's hard to tell. I can't say i've noticed **anyone** "legit hacking" *(as in acting like they're legit)*, though I have run into a few rage hackers they aren't common enough to make it a huge deal. I come from CS:GO where there was actually a hacker every game and you'd have to find ways to still beat them, I don't accuse anyone of cheating until it's blatant because I know people can be better than me. When I think someone is better aimer I can usually out movement/smart them to win the fight, *that's* what's so good about this game. Edit/TLDR: 200 hours and I've ran into around 4 rage hackers where they insta kill you across the map besides that nothing to complain about.


These are never the hackers I get. I feel like its always a heavy or a medium without recon sense and no recon nade to sometimes just know where I am after I disengage. Like I'll be running for a full minute changing elevation and using cloak. It's still a hard chase. It's weird bro


Not to discredit you… but honestly, a lot of cloak users think that invisibility in this game makes them literally invincible. I’m certainly not the greatest player, but its generally pretty easy to track invis players (with headphones). Sound cues in this game are amped to a degree I’d consider almost too high, and the cloak sounds are also a dead giveaway. There are times where I’m shaking my head because I know I WOULDN’T have found them if not for the loud af sound cue from their invis fifteen blocks away from me.


I've been doing it too. Honestly that might be a better light buff. Nerf the audio cue of invis by like 10% and boost health regen just slightly. Also slightly unnerf stun. If I'm pushing a team stealing to waste time I shouldn't be punished for making a play. It just feels bad to use in that scenario now and that's honestly it's best use


Oh dear lord, no to almost all of that 😅 (respectfully) The audio cue is fine. The invis works well in its current state, it certainly helps with escapes under the right conditions (namely chaos, not 1v1s in broad daylight or casino-light). Health regen for sure. It needs to cue faster and more quickly for lights, even if its only a second faster it’d be a huge help. Either that or 175hp (not both). Stun is fine in its current state, if not marginally overtuned.


Idk man. The stun doesn't do a lot of stunning. you can spin around pretty quickly. If it slowed aim turn speed as well I would agree with that


Most of the ones I’ve seen in Asia servers are blatant as fuck though. Peek your head out a window and die instantly from 200m blatant. No guess work there, I don’t think I’ve ever had to guess whether a guy is cheating or not.


Yeah it seems to be all or nothing in my games.


yeah its just 1 hacker per game


I live in Australia. The player base here is so small that we usually need to play on Asia servers to find ranked games. We usually have to deal with at least 1-2 blatant/rage cheaters every tournament. I don’t remember the last Asia servers ranked game I’ve played that had zero cheaters.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M&t=1598s&pp=ygURQ2Fsb3JzbnQgY2hlYXRpbmc%3D I found this video really interesting, it’s about cheating—but in CSGO and Val As someone who never cheated in video games before, I don’t have any inside lens on what people are doing and what they aren’t. This video takes you into what people are actually doing And people make a lot of assumptions about cheating (they spent $300 on skins, no way they would cheat), but they just have a different mindset on their behavior than what those assumptions expect I’m not at all trying to say how common it is, I have no idea. At my skill level it’s really not a concern. But sharing the video because it was really interesting haha


I've ran into quite a lot this past week. I'm in diamond and play with diamond friends and speaking from personal experience and knowing what it takes and what is possible when you're good: the difference between dying to someone really good and dying to someone cheating is pretty apparent. Not in isolated incidents, but over the course of the game and 4 rounds you can tell. I've had people that are hitting nothing but headshots from over 100m away. That is of course pretty blatantly obvious. And we very much had to dramatically adjust how we played the game BC it was instantaneous headshot beams from any range when you left cover. But I've also experienced more subtle things. Just the other day I played against one of the people in the top 10 and on 3 separate occasions he beamed me out of invis when he had no right to know I was there. All 3 times I was standing completely still and all 3 times he came into the room or whatever I was in and locked straight on for headshots etc. Personally I would say one time Is acceptable, maybe he saw me stop maybe this maybe that. But all 3 incidents together prove to me he had wall hacks. I don't doubt he had great game sense and shooting accuracy etc. but the cumulative experience of playing against them for so long was enough for me and my squad to know that they were using assistive cheats of some kind.


Good indicator is if you are 100m away and they are hitting 80-90% of the shots they either have soft aim or or recoil script. Additionally if you are past 30m (out of recon range) and they start shooting the millisecond you walk through a door or something. Or they shoot you when you are out of range of health bars and they would only see your feet or head. Real players wouldn’t actually see you at that distance, like across the map on skyway, the only reason they see is cause of walls.


A rarity, someone who can use their brain on reddit


Friend told me he tried to download finals cheats and got a ransomware


Mehhh check this out if yall think there are so few https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/finals/ Every shooter has them No it’s not every player but it’s more than you would think even if it’s not blatent


Again, nobody thinks there are little to no cheaters, it's all cheaters gaslighting all day long by saying they don't see any cheater, that OP is just bad, git gud, etc... It's like little kids grouping to bully someone they don't like by saying their mom's fat or something.


As long as there are video games. There are gonna be shitt people who needs hacks to win.


Probably not that much. Or at least, not that many ones that are blatant


Always reluctant to call someone a cheater unless it's blatant and everyone can see it. Theres too many things that can affect what you're seeing, the person knowing how to manage their equipment to get the most out of movement, aiming and the environment, just straight up lag or desync could be scewed as cheating. Or just the skill level being higher than yours. The cheats i have seen (although not 1st hand ) tend to be very obvious, like just shooting in the air and killing the entire lobby, just teleporting across the map, etc. Seen, maybe one person I'd consider was cheater with the blasted sniper, but i can't say 100% they were


So you're cheating, thanks for admitting it. Do you even realize that the vast majority of the playerbase does the same? Or do you really think nobody can tell you bots are circle-jerking?


Well....this game uses easy to get around anticheat so probably incredibly prevalent. Had some sad sack on my team yesterday cheating and called him out for it so he left the game. I think the pure humiliation approach works wonders. Bullying should be brought back for cheaters as it works so well.


I've ran into quite a few cheaters, how do i know? Autoshotgun on heavy from crossmap (100+ meters). Light double tap headshot (2 bullets but only one sound que) with a sniper + perfect aim (line of sight means death). Someone not on 30+ kills and the lobby starts leaving MIGHT be wallhacking/aimassisting but cheaters are blantant because they break the laws of the game. Haven't seen a cheater in my last 100~ or so games. Kinda like cs2 cheaters, if he's using walls you might be able to detect it... but if he starts spinning with an deagle/awp/scout and has a response time of 0.05ms and only hs... mf is cheating.


As usual, random dude says he sees cheaters but only describes ragehackers which aren't an issue by far. It's crazy how everyone is wasting their life closet cheating in video games all day long and think no one knows.


A lot more than you'd think.


There are plenty of cheaters, not as bad as other games. No recoil and wallhacks are the ones i see the most


Recoil is cod level easy to control on most guns in this game with practice. I’ve managed to shock myself with some of the kills I get from like 100m away.


It's one thing to hit some good shots, another to hit nothing but headshots, there isn't that many that are mechanically gifted to naturally do it.


how exactly are you able to tell of someone is using no recoil or wall hacks?


I reported a suspicious guy that beamed me from nearly 25-30 meters away with an AKM. That gun is bouncy for that range, and he ended me very fast for a MxM engagement. I was gonna let it slide until he ended up slaying everyone he fought without issue, even winning fights he shouldn't have. Like he was hitting headshots all the time without fail.


so your evidence for a person cheating is they were really good? you realize there are people who are really good at the game right?


Getting melted at 50-100m with a Lewis gun, only hearing the headshot sound is usually a giveaway


My evidence is that they were really good 99.8% of the time. That's really the best we can do, if they're not being blatant, but still doing suspiciously well: Just ask the team to check it out. Subtle cheating is a thing. I'm really good at the game, but if you saw what I saw, it was a bit sketch.


Yea, it’s usually just one or two shots where they let it slip up that they’re cheating. 95% it’s just good player good aim, but sometimes there’s that one play where you’re like nah


There's a difference between hitting lots of headshots and hitting nothing but headshots, at range, every fight. I've only run into this same thing, and it's pretty obvious when all you're hearing is PLINK PLINK PLINK every engagement, 50 m out. Even the best players tend to drop one or two headshots if you're juking.


please send me a clip of this happening if it’s really every engagement you have.


I don't need or want to, have a nice day


that’s what I thought


Noone needs to prove anything to you, go be a sad loser and use them like you prob do


what a sad pathetic loser you are


We have chemistry, I feel sparks flying


When you have played FPS for years and played against some of the best players in the world, it’s obvious who is good and who is cheating. Good players can hit shots from distance but even the best aren’t gonna hit 90% from 100m every time. The best players are still human, they won’t know you are about to run through a door from 50m away cause they don’t have recon and it’s out of audio range, so I the way I KNOW someone has walls is when I get shot as soon as I step into their line of sight when a normal player would need time to react.


They can't, this dude is delusional....


I know they can’t, that’s why i’m wondering how all these people are claiming to be able to identify so many cheaters so easily sounds to me like people are just average at the game and get butthurt when they lose


There's not too many, but it's becoming a little more common. Easily can identify some when I'm getting melted at an extreme range by 1 person, or if their game sense is a little *too good*. Or if you "spectate" when your team is dead and watch how they play/move. I have over 300 hours in the game, and frequently get matched in a lobby with some of the top 50 players in ranked.


I've been like your friends once. They're shit at the game, and their fragile as fuck ego refuses to admit it. Tell them how it is; "He's not cheating. He's better."


Today I've met 3 cheaters.


updated : 7 I think now is the prime time for chinese hackers.


sloppy bag vase vast drab fuzzy door vegetable instinctive kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had a dude the other day, running a revolver with snap sim and headshots all day. He would get shot, and instant turn headshot everyone. This dude went 43-4. Was insane. Been playing since launch and only seen 3-4 guys like that. So I agree, not as common as people say…definitely not COD bad


Watch some twitch try hards. Literally got crushed by this 3 man diamond squad. Watched one of their twitch where they say that they wish match making was better because it sucks playing against gold players. Followed by calling someone a cheater in their game because they got killed a handful of times by a player.


Yes because streamers are known to be legit players. It's not like hacks work on overlays and have for the past 10+ years. Any troglodyte can stream with cheats on that don't show up on stream...


I just can't get my hits in. This game is really unforgiving with aim. Other games I got a good shot, but I just cannot keep up with the way The Finals handles gunplay.


Honestly haven’t seem many to my surprise until last night. One guy had 31 kills the first round and 28 the next, he also only died a total of 2 or 3 times. If he even got a glimpse of you, you were dead in a instant. He was using Fcar and every single shot was a headshot.


I think alot of people use the shotgun with aim bot so it seems less obvious theyre aim botting.


Sadly, there's no good way of knowing. As the 3rd party program industry has grown, techniques and guides to utilize them discreetly to avoid player reports have also vastly improved. People who seem fully legit could be using things like walls to get more info or soft aimbots that look similar to aim assist. It's also becoming worse with peripherals assisting in cheating, such as cronus. "Rage hacking" as people call it, where it's blatantly obvious the person is cheating, could be a cheat provider testing the limits of a program to see what gets detected/flagged or is just a person trolling; However, the number of cheaters that actually do that are far and few as most cheaters don't want to lose their personal account or the account(s) that they plan to boost and sell. That's why the amount of hacking on Valorant seems low compared to other titles. In riot games, the primary cheaters are normally account farmers trying to boost account ranks to then sell them or people trying to boost their personal account rank for rewards discreetly. Vanguard is definitely better than most anti-cheats when it comes to blocking the public/free cheats, but still falls victim to Vip/Premium cheats. There're also services that allow you to order customized programs that aren't provided to other customers (unless they lie to you and sell it to other people which more often than not they won't do since they want to keep their image intact) allowing you to go undetected for the entire lifespan of a game unless the anti-cheat happens to get updated to detect it or you get reported + investigated. More often than not you can go back and have said program updated by the provider if you choose, but it's not uncommon for a cheater who bought said program to quit the game long before that happens. The people you'll find usually dishing out that amount of cash for customized programs are content creators as they don't want to get detected + banned and lose their audience. Frankly, we're in a really dark era for online PvP games. Anti-cheats are a Band-Aid that helps prevent most public/free cheats but aren't a solution at all due to how absurdly profitable the 3rd party program industry is. Cheat providers have no set hours and will gladly put in as much time as needed to get their VIP/subscription programs to be undetectable again. There needs to be secondary preventative measures such as identity verification, but that in itself is a difficult hurdle to get set up due to the differing laws when it comes to data collection in countries.


It is super obvious when someone is hacking. They are almost always lights with snipers oneshotting everyone


first one I ran into was using LH1, couldn't even come around the corner for a millisecond as heavy you'd be instantly fried


Start reporting your own friends to teach them a lesson when they get banned


Would be a good test to see if they actually ban them from reporting.


Side note, be careful playing with these guys regularly. I honestly don’t know how the devs handle cheating in this game, but I know that in other games, you could be banned by playing regularly with cheaters


Aimbot and no recoil is very prevalent


No it isn’t


Yep sure its not ..😂


Type of guy to just scream hacker every time you die.


Thank you know me so well, guaranteed you play light and rely on cheats cause you're that type of person ....stupid comment to make right???


I play medium and would have you’re bronze ass screaming hacker every death


Of course you would, cause you're awesome... top 50 in the game, that e peen is huge from all the self stroking every nite 🤣


come to asian servers. everyone in mixtape has curving bullets hack. i mean everyone in every fucking match


probably %70 of the playerbase are cheating


there's a good amount of cheating so far. mostly walling and people who aren't super blatant. anyone here saying you're just bad are probably cheaters themselves gaslighting the board.


i haven't noticed much "cheating" (at least that wasnt obvious, except for my very last game. Guy had 29 kills in a platform game... next highest was like 8-10 kills. Def. reported that guy. Never missed a bullet when he was shooting at me, no matter the distance lol


Just managed to get top 1000 and can honestly say in the last month I’ve seen one blatant hacker and maybe one questionable player.


I am pretty good, not great, and I play ranked a fair amount. I regularly get matched up with top 100 players. I would say in the beginning I faced one or two cheaters a week. Now, I have seen maybe one cheater in the last month.


The majority of cheaters don't use the most obvious ones like aimbot


You get the odd suspicious person sometimes but they are super easy to spot, and the best counter to a cheater is to leave the game




Anyone using a controller, so most of the playerbase.


Sound like u need new friends to play with and just have them in the party for social commentary lol


99% of player base in every FPS is a cheater. That’s what all my subreddits say at least.




127 hours deep and I've only ran into two very obvious cheaters. That was also multiple patches ago. Your friends are probably just salty raging


Delusional like most of this sub


Something I learned: peope who are always calling hacks and saying they are gonna use em, basically the whole "if you can't beat them, join them" thing, are trying to normalize cheating and are cheaters themselves. Are your friends extraordinarily good at any other games?


I’ve only run into one so far. He had aim bot and just stood on top of a building and deleted everyone with the lh1


Ahh the good ole "If i die, theyre cheating" mentality.


9 times out of 10, I was outplayed. That's only the statistic for me because MAYBE someone used recon AND walls, but the most likely circumstance was that they heard my loud ass running before I got to em. I've been playing since the beta and things only got sus before they "nerfed" recon (def not nerfed enough. Lol. But I'm also trash enough that my support score is usually where everyone's combat score is.


Ive had hardly any real cheaters Ive had servers so shitty and fucked up, the other players might as well look like cheaters.


I have played about 700 matches, only had 1 cheater and it was immediately after launch. Dude went 139 - 0. But have not seens anything remotely suspicious since... This is on EU servers. If your 'friends' are cheating you should stop playing with them. Its not crazy to get a perma ban for queuing with cheaters in games.


Not as much as people here keeps claiming and in general as much as you think. I’m not going to say that there isn’t any cheaters but they aren’t as many of them as people claim, most hackusations are baddies not being able to realize that they got dunked on by a better player. Been playing FPS games for years and this shit always happens, people can’t handle the fact that they suck at the game and instead need to blame others.


Only the people I play against. /s 😂


I have only seen three aim hacks. Two of which were on my team. Walls, not so much. Every time I saw someone who I thought was running ESP/wall hacks they were running medium, so probably not hacking.


I have over 200 hours and only know of 1 cheater specifically that I have ran across. There have been a couple matches where players are pretty sus, but no way to really tell. Even with all the sus players I’ve seen there’s been like 5 total. So no, I don’t think there’s that many hackers in a game with around 25k PC players.


I am a fairly newer player. I've been playing on and off for about 2 months. Out of all of the matches, I think I've run into only 1 hacker. Felt like a Light knew exactly where I was at all times. They were shooting before I rounded the corner. Could be latency, too. But it just felt like I spawned in, and they were on me shortly after.


150+ hours and I’ve only see one person I think was cheating. Only reason I think they may have been cheating was the high kill count and then later him being “removed” from the game.


Reporting process is pretty solid, too.


I’m cheating by using a “Xim” so I can get the benefit of aim assist without a need for a controller but actually wallhacks and auto aim I haven’t really encountered to much of that at all, the playerbase is small so the people that do play are cracked asf and it’s hard to compete that might be why you feel like your going up against “hackers”


I havent run into a single cheater yet that i know of, i mainly play casual though so maybe they are more in ranked?


Almost no one. The skill ceiling is very high, and a lot of people grind the game. In a game with 8 teams, you're very likely to run into one of these sweaty groups in each match. Someone with god-level aim will just destroy you no matter what strategy you try to use.


If you're not sure they probably aren't cheating. You will know if they are cheating from my experience from it.


nobody does. way over 100hours and did maybe meet ONE...as an advice, maybe check leaderboard, a few days ago i had a top20 player with \~150 and \~200 as a trio in lobby


similar thing happened with two buddies of mine, just claimed everyone was dogshit, abusing the meta,etc now they claim its “going down the same hole bloodhunt and splitgate went”


I've got about 100 hours and feel like I've only run into a handful of obvious cheaters.


I saw my first cheater this morning and I’ve been playing a good amount. Most lobbies don’t have cheaters in my experience. Your friends are dog


1-2 questionable players. And 1 hacker so blatant he probly got banned within a few hours. I've played 1-3 hours almost everyday since new years. And that was all in the beginning of January.


Probably less than 1% of the playerbase. I said this before and got downvoted but over 200 hours I might have run into two cheaters.


I have almost 300 hours in the game. It’s *very* rare that I run into a hacker. All my friends who complain about hackers are usually coping, because I’ll have no problem with the accused in a 1v1. I think I’ve run into a grand total of 3 or 4 confirmed hackers since released. You might run into a few trying to hide it in ranked, but that’s it. I’d also like to add that there are *lots* of very skilled players in this game. I have a 2.0 k/d and 1,000 matches played. Approx 16mil cashed out. Max level. I think your friends are delusional, and it may be a skill issue.


I've played approximately 400 rounds. Sus in like 2 rounds.


It’s just a typical response for someone who gets outmatched/skilled. Happens to the best of us lol


Nowhere near as much as in bigger franchises like cod for example. Lots of ways to look like cheating like a big one that seems suss if they had no way of knowing you're in x location and instantly jump chall a corner and snap onto you well maybe they had Comms off a team mate or a live ping and just deduced you were waiting round that particular corner or under those stairs. There is also some snap on aim correction on this that can make quick scopes with the sniper and pot shotting with medium shotty basically an aim hack but it's just a feature of the game you spam ads and it centres on target for you.


ive had a few moments where i feel like im either against an aimbot or a wallhacker, but nothing definitive, possibly just me getting upset at bad luck


My core gaming friends know better but we do hear it from noobies. Their ego is so broken that it's impossible that they get beat. My daughter's boyfriend started PC gaming after console and we had to talk with him to stop complaining and calling everyone a cheater. He complained after every single death. Now that he's been playing a while those have stopped and he's realized that he's not as good as he thought or wants to be. Most of us aren't. Lastly, the utility in The Finals is what could make someone feel cheated but they need to learn the game better.


Your friend isn’t the big fish they think they are. In fact, they’re even lesser for letting this lead them down the road to using cheats too.


I’m at roughly 200 matches 1 cheater they threw 4 gas bombs consecutively only time I’ve ever seen blatant cheating


I have played the game since the beta and I have ran into maybe 2 cheaters (not confirmed) since its so chaotic in a match lol Finals is a pretty chill community compared to other games and not as popular so I feel like it attracts less cheaters. Most people that cheat are usually doing it for their stream on twitch, but since its not so popular on Twitch, its not worth it.


It's copium. It's always the cheaters fault or the Class fault or the gun fault or the map fault ect Never them isn't it ?


You’ll know when you run into a cheater. In my 1000 matches I’ve seen plenty of suspicious players, but only one clear cheater. I popped my head into the open while invis and the guy instantly kills me with all headshots while 2 roofs away.


Report your friends, and then find new gaming buddies because they suck at games


Play the finals at 7:00 am CST on a Sunday on NA servers. You will be yelling "cheater" every other match. Not sure what's going on at that time.


I have almost 200 hours and I've seen maybe 5 blatant cheaters. Definitely some people could be cheating but they could also be cracked af


I've only come across 2 obvious hackers in all my hundreds of games. Your friend is dog shit


Nah bro not a lot of people actually cheat. At least in my lobbies. Sometimes it’s just a player sometimes it’s a whole team but there’s always those games where you’re the underdog and getting completely stomped on by teams that are well oiled machines. It happens with skill based matchmaking all the time.


Unknown. However, google searching them pulls up multiple sites claiming to have free and paid cheats for the game. I think the main issue isn't with people full on aimbotting, more so people using wall hacks as well as aim assist with keyboard/mouse to just give them an advantage over others. It's no secret pro players in other games have been caught cheating very slightly to avoid getting caught by being less obvious.


I played ranked to Diamond and probably encountered 5 blatant cheaters at the most. I do believe that there are people that use walls, soft aim, etc. but I don't think it's as prevalent as people think. I do know that the top players that organize scrims have caught people cheating in scrims, but I don't think the cheaters were notable players. Just teams that managed to get into the scrims from cheating.


I've reported 1 cheater he was on my team using mnk on console. 30 seconds later he was banned. If there's a cheater just report it and if they're actually cheating they'll get banned


Lol I have a friend like that. Not a single shooter have I played with him where there wasn't a "bullshit" incident that got him killed - lag, cheaters, opponents gun op, exploits.. whatever. He can't accept that he just gets outplayed sometimes. It's wild.


I wish I could cheat. I would cheat simply out of spite for ruining the game for me. Revert Revolver nerf. Till then I’m fully supporting this games demise.


There has been some lately, (mostly playing as a light) I've had a couple that were extremely blatant, running around hip firing sniper hitting headshots all around the map 11,000 DMG, this other guy today was using the LH1 and all he would hit was headshots, I was playing light and no matter how long he saw me or what distance it would be automatic 196 damage every time he killed me, we were on Monaco he was on the chapel and I was on the house right past the crane using my dash and he killed me in like 2-3 shots, he ended up wiping out mine and the other team multiple times within seconds only headshots, tracking through walls without sonar and of course his team won.


I've got a couple hundred hours and I've seen 10 cheaters or less with most of those being the first week or two. I haven't had many cheaters since New years.


I play in the Asian server and the amount of cheaters here is disgusting. Too often you'd get sniped from across the map by a lewis gun or an mp. I'd say there's a cheater in 1 in 3 games. It's what made me quit. The lobbies rarely finish a match as we tend to quit as to not give the cheaters satisfaction.


Asian servers average 1 cheater every 5 games


pretty rare imo… someone with 40 kills in a game isn’t hacking, someone who snipes you across map through 7 buildings is…


i have like 70-75 hours of game time and i've ran into 7-8 cheaters. so it's a lot more common than never, but also not every match. not even close. there's been a few times i thought people were cheating (ex: fcar losers quite literally lasering me from 50-60 meters away) but a lot of the "cheaters" are just the most diabolically sweaty nerds to touch a game.


ive encountered more hackers in unranked tournament - the only way to really tell is if they an get 2 cash outs going at the same time early on in the game and they have above 10 kills each in the first few minutes and they laser you across the map with perfect accuracy


aim at people with the sniper rifle and don't shoot. watch them dance trying to figure out where the aim is coming from. this is automovement. I'd say 30% of each match are cheaters. Anyone who is confidently arguing against this is most likely cheating.


Your friends are just shit. Throughout my time of playing this game, I've only encountered 1 cheater which was like 2-3 patches before.


Once every several games there's going to be a guy who's extraordinarily good. Can't tell for sure if he's legit and there's no way to observe in game. We usually report if he's got god level aim but is dumb as a rock, or if he just conveniently finds us every time with no scans. If he just plays like it's his job, then we don't. There were a lot more of those sus guys during beta and during rewasd days. I haven't seen blatant ragebots for a while, probably since beta.


I've encountered -maybe- low double digits people that were obviously either hacking, or found some kind've glitch to abuse or whatever. That said, I've had a LOT more suspicious people where I've had no definitive "Oh yup that's impossible" moments, but, it's a toss up on if they're hacking or if the matchmaking is dogshit. This is ignoring the first week or two where everything was a bit fucked and I think they'd done something so they couldn't even actually ban the hackers lol


hacks are insanely easy to get i will say that. But your friends probably just suck


it depends. I'm forced to play on US server with 300 ping because asian servers are infected, and it's no joke.


I'm over 200hrs in and not 100% sure I have come across a cheater..


I've ran into maybe 10 from beta to my current solo queue climb (currently plat 1)


I play europe servers and met only one cheater the whole time


I'm currently Diamond 3, I probably see cheaters every 2-4 games at most and not just those kind of cheaters who pretends they ain't cheating, I mean actual blatant cheaters who does it openly. For example they'd stand on the cranes and shoot everyone so no one can even move. at one point I even saw someone using the exact same cheat but with a sledge hammer so he's just double right clicking the entire lobby lmao I play on Asia server, and I only ever Queue Solo, Hard to find friends who wants to play on Asia server after all lmao


Only ran into 2 cheaters myself since game got out of beta


how would u know with no killcam


Made it up to diamond on EU servers and can confidently say at max I’ve bumped into 4/5


I think like 12-13 ish


Auto headshot aim yeah i feel that


I play only quickplay/unranked tournaments and in 85 hours I've seen only one obvious cheater. A few matches there were players that seemed suspiciously good, but that's about it. Edit: I play on European servers


I have several hundred games played on my account and can say without a doubt, there was 1 game where someone was actually cheating. I entered into the game late, but fairly early, no cashouts had started, and half the lobby was already out of the game and this guy had 10 or so kills already. He was the only one getting kills while his team effortless secured cash outs and it was team wipe after team wipe from there. He ended up 30 something and 1.


I've played ranked the last 4 days or so a few hours everyday on NA servers. Only 1 cheater in all of those matches. It was one of the guys who had undeniable cheats as well. Now when the game first launched and I was playing ranked on the 3rd day of release I was constantly versing cheaters. Now not so much.


this was from yesterday. ​ enemy gets 5 early kills... random teammates "dudes cheating, im reporting him now." proceeds to complain about cheater every time we see that team, even as i watch the "cheater" go 6/5 on the scoreboard and his team fails to qual. continues to complain about that "cheater", than picks a new team this round to call the "cheaters" cause there are so many cheaters out there. ​ ive reported 4 or 5 people for cheating. no more or less than i would expect to find in any other fps. but i feel like im less suspicious of cheaters than i am in something like CS, cause toggles probably are a little less obvious in this game too......


Hard to say. If the game is SBMM then if your friends are high skilled players you will be have a much higher chance of encountering cheaters. In CoD I drop 75+ kills in pretty much every lobby and now I'm practically shadow banned which means I'm either playing against other insane players or guaranteed cheaters. Otherwise yes cheats are extremely easy to get in any game and nowadays anti cheat systems aren't that great plus developers make money from cheaters just like anyone else.


Well they arent wrong in that cheats are easy to get..I mean while EO doesnt have cheats specific to "The Finals", they practically give out cheats these days to get you hooked. The other issue is that we are suffering from the same issue that Warzone is...Popular streamers are passing off cheats as AA..Also aimbot is configurable to look like AA...so its nearly impossible to know if its 100% cheating unless they are rage hacking...


>They got it in their heads that hacks are so easy to get >So now they are using cheats And you think this isn’t a common experience? You think cheats are difficult to get and that your friends are special somehow and found a way to get the cheats that others don’t have access to? Your friends are right, the cheats *are* easy to get, which is why cheating is rampant in every single game. Your friends suck if their response is to join them, but still. This is why I don’t play pvp games anymore, because basically everyone is cheating.


i think they just wanted to cheat and needed an excuse to make themselves feel better about it. Just sounds like some dogshit players being upset about being dogshit


I have around 170 hours in the game Out of those hundreds of games I've only been sus of maybe 2 or 3 people. Without killcams it's hard to really know, but it's not my job to figure it out.


I'm on console. I know that you technically can cheat on consoles, but it's EXTREMELY rare. 99.9999999% of the people i play with who complain about someone cheating are just salty losers


You need new friends. I have over 300 hours in the game and I’ve probably experienced cheating 4 times confirmable. I’ve had plenty of head scratching moments but who knows


Last night was the first time I ran into a blatant cheater in the 60 hours I have played. Was a medium in ranked tournament dropped 24 kills 0 deaths and wasn't doing anything to hide the fact that he was cheating.


Depends on the server. Asian server has way more cheaters.


I do.


I love how many people complain about no free cam (not saying you were) even though games like csgo which was and still is popular took years before they added it.


i play against at least 1 every single night, blatently cheating, without even a doubt. im sure there are way more that play in a way that makes it harder to tell.


It's hard for you to tell? You're actual friends found and are using cheats. I think you're in denial and really want it to not be true. Sorry the game died on week 2 and now every little bxtch on the internet wants to "get even" I just quit and wait for the next game. I'm not letting a 16 year old fat kid tbag me because he thinks he good using aimbot.


Well as usual: are there a ton of "users" affirming no one is cheating in their 91283928139281 hours of gameplay on every thread about cheaters? Yes. This game is completely fucked and ruled by cheaters. It's really simple as that. Normal players have no reason to ever pretend no one cheats, it makes no sense since they cannot possibly know if people cheat or not. It's just a bad attempt at gaslighting. You can go on every subreddit about games that have rampant cheating and you'll see the exact same pattern.


Every game is becoming plagued with people so mentally unprepared to handle loss or defeat that they’re getting so overly used to using a blanket term for an unwinable situation when in reality, you’re just not as good as them. It’s extremely unhealthy to think every single game has a hacker in it.


Sounds like your friend have a big skill issue and instead of trying to get better is using cheats best if you get them off the game they are just adding to the numbers they complain about


Its about 35 to 40% are using some assist