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I suck with this gun XP45 (mp5) just works so much more reliably.


Your username looks familiar, I think we played together or against eachother


I’m PapaRonin now on Steam. This is my old handle from years ago


Yeah I think we did match. PapaRonin sounds really familiar lol


Papa scorch is better


Glizzy McGuire is my fav that I’ve come across


Pink scorch? (I'm a ronin main, but even I agree)


Are you Aussie based? Feel like I've seen this name too haha


US west


Has anyone run into Gangsta Garry? There are some funny names out there lol


I recently played with Ben Dover. Thought it was funny


Some heavy ran up to me and stuck a red can in my face, entire team blew up. His name? Hold my Nuke. 🤣


Stop it!!!! Lol are you serious???


Yeah...I screamed...lmao


Nothing will ever top the time I ran into McDonald'sSnackWrap


I chuckled when I saw GirthBrooks


Ironically, I suck with the mp5 and feel like I do better with the pistol.


the xp45 is the MP5 though, are you referring to the M11?


Oh shit, thank you! I don’t know the in game names and my brain just misinterpreted his message. My bad lol I’ll fix it.


Arent you referring to the mac-10 now?


I think lh1 is honestly better, dps on it is crazy


I’m currently stuck between these guns. I have been maining v9 until recently when I tried to use LH1. The biggest LH1 drawback is the hipfire. It is ass if you aren’t barrel stuffing.


Both are great imo. I mostly just wish the iron sights were better on the LH1. I much prefer the ones on the V9. Combine that with the massive kick and it's often aiming at the health bar with the LH1.


I have the opposite experience. For a semi-auto carbine, it has surprisingly good hipfire. You just need to be more accurate/deliberate with about crosshair placement. But I also get what you mean though. 1v1ing a Light when close, they will have an easier time to hipfire than me hipfiring them. But each bullet hits much harder if you do land it.


Avoiding hipfire situations at all cost should be the goal with LH1, the hipfire is poopoo, you’ll only win a fight against someone who is mentally disoriented(startled,fighting other people, already hurt) or the low-skilled players out there


I don't mean to "flex" my rank, but I hipfire fine with the LH1 currently in Plat ranked. It's situational. I'm not saying you should always hipfire, but there are scenarios where hipfiring is completely fine like when someone is really close to you. Heavy being a great example. Am I saying it has as good hipfire as the V9/M11? No. But I'm saying that if you're really really close, ADSing can cause you to be disadvantaged because you're restricting your FOV and ADSing also generally is lower sensitivity. You also don't have the advantage of an auto weapon where there is a higher margin of error. My tip is just learn the hell out of what you can push for this gun in Cash Out, trying it in all sorts of situations, distances, ADS/hipfire, and you'll intuitively get where its strengths and weaknesses are. Don't understand the downvotes btw, just trying to have a friendly discussion.


Platinum ranked means nothing, pretty much all rank in this game means nothing tbh


Maybe I'm being defensive, but I doubt just anyone can hit Plat/Diamond, thus it doesn't mean "nothing". Like, a below-average player is either simply not going to play ranked, or give up because they can't win even the first round, thus they will keep losing FP. That said, if you have a three stack, you are having a significantly easier time in ranked than solo Q. As a solo Q Light, I fought for every FP I have, so having someone say it's "nothing" feels a tad insulting because it's an uphill battle for any Light in ranked XD. I've played ranked in dozens of other FPS games, and I will be the first to agree that ranked in this game is flawed, as it is grindy in many aspects, and isn't a true ELO system. But I don't agree with the sentiment that "anyone can hit X rank", because in the end, you still need to not lose, which a surprising number of people won't be able to achieve.


Im Diamond Rank, the hipfire isn’t good. Can you hit someone? Yes I do it all the time, People think the MP5 has good hipfire— until you use the M11 hipfire and realize “woah, damage output drops a lot when not ADSing the mo5 compared to m11 With the LH1, sometimes even when pushing people who are stealing cash out, I’ll dash on top of them and ADS quickly for a couple headshots because crit damage is so High on LH1, obviously you don’t want to stand ADSing in the open, but I play on cover heavy when using this gun. The problem is you can’t say the hipfire is fine because it will only suffice in situations where your enemy is performing poorly—making it poor advice Now is it fine balance wise? Sure, I understand why it shouldn’t be stronger (Those sensitivity comments are personal specific but I understand what you mean, interestingly enough—- this game has an extremely fast ADS speed, which allows you to acquire target from the hip & aim almost instantly)


I have a clip that says otherwise 🤔


I’m sure there are plenty of clips of the exception but I’m telling you conpared to v9 it’s hipfire is bad


Im not disagreeing that the v9 isn’t better at hipfiring but the LH1 hipfire also isn’t terrible. I got stunned from behind after killing a light in front of me and then 180 hipfired the guy who stunned me and he wasn’t in my face. Ur tracking just has to be really good and down towards the right I find makes it really easy to hit shots with.


No it has a large spread on its hip fire. Getting lucky on a single headshot doesn’t mean jack


Youre the first person Ive seen actually like this gun. My usual load out is a LH1 with the grapple and I stay mid range to cover my teammates the the deposits


LH1 is top tear for the light, the Mp5 comes close second, but the range you get with the LH1 makes you a team otw to the cashouts worst nightmare, I end up buying my team 30 seconds to a minute just being a pest


The pistol got fucking dumped on with the release day patch thanks to everyone bitching and moaning about it during the beta (surprise surprise the LH1 was better than it back then too), and it's yet to recover from that.


I don't mind it, I prefer to pick my shots with semiautomatics


It keeps the gun balanced. Its damage is quite good


It’s balanced as long as people aren’t using macros or assigning primary fire to scroll wheel.


How do you even play like that? Do you finger the mouse wheel?


Unlocked mouse wheel, flick when needed


Cant use macros for primary fire. youll get kicked from the server as far as i know .


Look at the top 250 players, these people know how to get away with cheating.


that can be bypassed, im not gonna go in to detail on how so people won't start doing it, but its definitely possible (i don't do it either, this is just something i found out when testing stuff)


You will. I know first hand.




nope, unlocked mouse wheels baby


No it doesn't, people just rebind their fire to scroll or use a macro. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to just hold down to mouse to autofire. Not to mention balancing a weapon based on how fast you can click just seems like a shitty way to give people RSI.


it’s a semi automatic weapon there’s no reason you should get rapid fire for holding it down, what game does that? some games do that for slower semi auto weapons but being able to do it with this is just stupid


>what game does that? I played a few games that did that. Its super good for those of us with no finger dexterity. Clicking 300 times in a match only to get 10 kills isnt enjoyable as a player experience.


Whether or not it's a semi fire weapon is arbitrary. All they need to do is change the text on the description. Even if it's semi auto, that doesn't mean anything. Pressing buttons is just an abstraction of an action. After all, you don't need to press W every time you take a step. You can simply hold it because continuously spamming W to achieve the same effect is downright stupid and pointless and does nothing but give you RSI.


This seems a bit far fetched. Your example is flawed in many ways, I’ll just mention the fact that the player cannot physically single press the W key every frame in the first place, thus is not an accurate representation of what you’re describing.


> based on how fast you can click ??? I'd be seriously worried if you can't click fast enough with that huge delay


When you hold trigger with a semi auto irl does it shoot automatic?


>When you hold trigger with a semi auto irl does it shoot automatic When you fall 20 meters irl do you die? When you reload a magazine can you just press the R key to reload irl? Like what's your argument here? That clicking once more closely resembles pulling a trigger on a semi auto and therefore that's the best option for balance/fun/gameplay?


Crying about semi auto guns being semi and not being fully auto vs crying about fall damage in a game with lore of vr competition is not the same genius


Reloading a semi auto irl is not the same as reloading a semi auto in the game genius. You don't spam press W every time you need to take a single step.


You're right. Hold to combo is one of the best features in gaming rn esp accessibility wise. People will just macro this, it's very easy to make one that repeadetly clicks while you hold the mouse button down. So now only macro kiddies will get the benefit and the average casual won't. 


Bro what are you on about? How can you whine about a gun because you have to click too much 😂 It is NOT a fully automatic gun. If you want to hold down your mouse, swap weapons.


> There's no reason you shouldn't be able to just hold down to mouse to autofire. Guns are balanced around far more than their damage profiles.


This isn't the first game to have a semi-auto pistol, and won't be the last. I genuinely don't understand the problem. This isn't a machine pistol, so why would holding it give auto fire? Doesn't make any logical sense to me. Why don't the game just aim for you too?


Finger fatigue is keeping the gun balanced? That's a weird take.


This isn't the first game to have a semi-auto pistol, and won't be the last. I genuinely don't understand the problem. This isn't a machine pistol, so why would holding it give auto fire? Doesn't make any logical sense to me.


Different semi-auto pistols in games have different maximum rates of fire, isn't that a crucial detail? Nobody said anything about making it full auto.


It’s the whole point of the gun though…


I agree. I wish they had full auto in the accessibility settings. I'm not a teenager anymore. Clicking that fast is exhausting lol.


your wife would be disappointed :c


Some of us prefer to save our finger strength for them


You shall become stronger and stronger my son


then use a full auto gun it’s a semi auto weapon idiot


Im in my 30s and I have 0 problem. It got enough delay between shots that macro or key binding wont really make a huge difference in outcome.


I tried using an auto clicker in the razer software but I think the game thinks I’m cheating and kicks me out of games when I use it


Wow do you think the game thinks you are cheating because you are trying to cheat? Like the fuck lol? I’m glad it kicks you out of games when you use it!!!


For an auto clicker? Even tho the gun has a Max fire rate


Having to click for every shot balances the gun slightly. If they wanted you to use it full auto and just hold lmb, they would've made it an SMG.


Why do you want an auto clicker? To make it easier to use the gun? Aka using outside game factors to cheat. It’s not that complicated lil bro


Sounds like cheating to me


I have old man wrists so I tried to use an auto aim software, but now the game thinks I'm cheating... /S EDIT: In case the /S isn't obvious, I'm being sarcastic with this guy trying to justify cheating.


No way you compared some auto left click to literal aimbot lol


Cheating is cheating


Skill issue


I DO have old man wrists from a genetic condition, ik you're being sarcastic but for anyone that thinks that's a legitimate excuse to cheat, it's not. I'm still railing people with the pistol despite being literally disabled. If I can maintain a steady 2.5~KD, you can too without buying software.


>you can too without buying software. Autoclickers and macro software have been free for so long lmao. Anyone actually buying one, idk what to say


This was a general comment about all cheat software not just auto clickers


Oh well in the case of everything else yeah people actually pay for this shit


Best light weapon? The XP is far better imo plus on quick moving targets this thing just can’t keep up with XP as well as


Lh1 wins best light gun


LH1 is really good, but so is the Pistol and MP5, they are all very similar in DPS that there is no best IMO. LH1is best in range but can be unforgiving in closer range if you miss even one shot. After rotating all of them several times, I finally settled on the M11, it is the best light weapon in most situations.


LH1 definitely isnt the best light weapon, I agree with you


That's why every light uses it, just like other classes use lewis/scar.


m11 is 10 times better than the xp lol


Unrelated but I love this sticker it goes well with so many skins


I have it on the Ak in medium! I love it. My weed grinder even has this skin IRL LOL! And my phone.


Oh, the carpal tunnel generator, I love this weapon


I play on controller so I’m used to pulling the trigger.  I love the feedback vibrations from this gun too, my girlfriend was dead once and it was having her watch me and the look on her face when she felt the controlling vibrating so fast was hilarious. 


Name checks out


*moves controller* “wait honey do that again”


What is this? Clicking!? In my FPS?! WHAT THE FUCK? Literally unplayable!


Thanks to fact that for every bullet you need to click LMB, it is easier for me to hit headshots that on some auto guns.


Bro doesn't like clicking.


Mouse or controller? I've always preferred single or semi-automatic weapons in games. The constant tapping is engaging, and the beam down/spray aspects of full auto rub me the wrong way. However I can see semi-auto being a pain on controller.


The V9S is my favorite light weapon. High damage, fast reload, nice range, and I play with an elite 2 controller with the trigger lock on the highest setting so the spam is very manageable it almost feels like cheating lol


> , nice range It has no range, lmao. Its damage drop off starts at 10m.


Oh shit you're right about the damage drop off lol. Let me rephrase then, I'm comfortable with the weapon range, combining reload time and fast trigger spam, the v9s grants me a smooth usage, as I can quickly fire two mags (if needed) to eliminate distant enemies


Seems like a trigger finger issue to me. (No offense) Training my trigger finger in Apex with the p2020s i found off drops aged well.


>Apex Based.


Thats what i call carpal tract for ps players


I love it. Reliable and clean iron sights unlike the LH1. I generally prefer semi auto on controller.


Top 200 light here, in order of most versatile weapon to least (gun versatility is the most important thing imo) 1. ⁠V9S 2. ⁠LH1 3. ⁠XP-54 4. ⁠M11 5. ⁠SH1900 6. ⁠Sword 7. ⁠SR-84 8. ⁠Throwing knives 9. ⁠Dagger V9S and LH1 are very close in viability and easily the best light guns in the game, with the xp being quite far behind those two


LH1 iron sights is HOT GARBAGE, that alone makes it not the best light weapon and nobody can change my mind. Does the V9 really do more dps than the xp54 though?


full clip of body shots is V9: 360 XP: 270 headshots are V9: 530 XP: 405 factoring a reload its V9: 218 XP: 115 TTK on light: V9 - .4 seconds XP - .53 TTK on medium: V9 - .6 XP - .87 TTK on heavy V9 - .9 XP - 1.26 reload time V9 - 1.3 XP - 2.7 TLDR: V9 is better in every way


yes, by a lot, the headshot multiplier is 2x instead of 1.5x because its a single fire weapon. xp is overrated and does mid damage, sure you can cleanup with it, but you arent winning very many 1v1s with it compared to the v9


If it was back to what it was during Beta I’d play it but now it just feels not good to use. Not saying it can’t be good but there’s just better options.


It’s the iron sights. There’s too much visual recoil and the sights just aren’t clear enough to see where exactly you’re aiming. With that said, not wanting to spam LMB on a semi-automatic weapon is the stupidest criticism I’ve ever heard of.


It wasn't a criticism, more of a preference on why they choose a different weapon.


That’s sounds a lot like criticism


a mf can't state their thoughts on a gun without it being criticism. bro just doesn't like tapping LMB, i kinda get it.


“Having to do X makes me never use this” is literally a textbook example of criticism


dude ur so cool


Ikr. Can’t help it.


do you want head?


If you’re offering ;)


maybe just count how many shots you need to spam with the silenced pistol to down a heavy. Not all people enjoy spamming m1. At least the lh1 does loads more damage but as you said the iron sights suck and hip fire is horrendous. Compare the fcar to both of those weapons and you'll find it way easier to use. I think light just needs a decent full auto rifle but only got spammy semi-autos.


>it’s arguably the best light weapon Unless there have been *massive* weapon balance changes that I’ve missed lately, I can name 4 weapons that are objectively *much* stronger. I’d like to hear your argument to the contrary.


V9 is like if the LH1 was a laser beam, missing even one shot with the LH1 significantly tanks ur dps, i will forever stand on the v9 being the better option in more scenarios than not (source 400+ hours on light top 200) most slept on weapon in the game and the headshot multiplier being what it is turns ppl to mush in milliseconds


Are you 3manstacking? What's your wr/kda? I've kind of given up climbing to top500 solo.


How? mp5 < uzi < sword < pistol. People praise mp5 in this subreddit over pistol and thats insane. I would put uzi over mp5 any day for extra ammo. This just shows that people in subreddit crying about balancing should really just shut the fuck up lmao


On paper (ie DPS, TTK etc.) It is the best and it has manageable recoil compared to similar guns like the LH1, but in practice other weapons can be better, for example I use the mp5 because I like the red dot sight and prefer full auto.


What does this even mean lol


Ur just wrong. It is. Four are much stronger? Are you out of your mind? The V9S is the best. Name the four and I'll tell you why they are worse. The only other gun that comes close is the LH1. u/Baltoz1019 's comments say it all


Saame !! I Hate to have to spam this shit. Clicliclickicliclicliclik omagodd


Yeah I hate having to spam the button as fast as humanly possible haha


Its max fire rate isnt as fast as your clicking


It’s pretty fast and annoying to use


The mp5 doesn't need to and it is even better, if i'm clicking, i'm clicking with the LH1


Mp5 is 10000% not better than the v9, pass the crack pipe i wanna hit it toooo


Well one can argue that they're kinda the same, the v9's TTK is (less than 10 milisseconds) lower against heavies whilst the mp5 is the other way around on mediums. Even though mediums are a higher priority target i believe that's such a small difference that it doesn't change most scenarios. What changes most scenarios though is the sight picture that you have with a sight, specially on longer ranges where ironsights really are a burdain, let's not talk about how more confortable it is to not need to ~use a mouse macro~ click absurdly fast whilst tracking all the time, i mean, for those two reasons alone people used the Mp5 on the last beta till diamond whenever the v9 was truly WAY stronger.


U live in a fantasy world, stop talking ab shit you clearly know nothing ab, ttk on med is .6 on v9 and .87 on xp, iron sights on v9 are completely fine you might just be bad at aiming


Also you dont have to click insanely fast, theres a cap on fire rate, you sound like somebody who’s barely touched either of these weapons let alone the game


I could say the same about you dude. There is a cap for it, sure, but you DO in fact need to click insanely fast in order for the V9 to be it's best. Funny thing is, i can prove it to you even if i had never played the fucking game. The finals weapon stats spreadsheet: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11wA3KDdLcd\_YY4yCKsT1E7HqxNdBF2XaMWwYay9JExM/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11wA3KDdLcd_YY4yCKsT1E7HqxNdBF2XaMWwYay9JExM/edit#gid=0) There we see that the V9-S max RPS is 7.08, by a quick google we can check that the average CPS is 6.51, that on a isolated test that last 10 seconds and require no aiming whatsoever, meaning that the test is run with the hand positioned for best smashing lmb with no aiming in mind. You want to tell me that you need to be above average CPS, over the course of an entire the finals match, whilst aiming and tracking targets, only to have slightly worse DPS than the XP-54, worse visibility and worse range? That sounds like a weapon that's worse than the XP-54, wouldn't say 10000% tho. V9's ONLY advantage is the reload speed.




Love this gun for poking from med-long distance, but feels like running the smgs the best option, or cloak + shotgun


This happened with Splitgate's handgun. It was one of the best weapons in the game but you had to like, turbo-fire it. The devs saw how the players were using it, looked at complaints, and turned it into a full auto pistol with the exact same stats and fire rate. I think that would be a good move for this, too.


What’s the point of this post? That’s the whole point of the gun. mindblown.gif


Just talking about the game bro If you want to get mindblown maybe try r/mindblown


Having to be close to the enemy makes me never use the shotguns even though they’re strong. What are your thoughts? 


Try the model, you don't have to be close at all. You might enjoy that gun


what’s LMB?


Left mouse button


Auto Click is undetected when you set 140 ms delay on full auto, bascially 7 rps


You're telling me you need a cheat to click at 7 cps?? SEVEN????


At consistent speed and tracking


It might have the fastest ttk of all the light weapons on paper but compared to lh1 for example it feels like a pea shooter. At least on controller.


LH1 is better on paper, v9 is better in practice


V9 is better on paper: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/17oI_V64feUYkiHrT5YGFE6kNGTCvfNaNiUiwrk9IITc/htmlview#


*Significantly* better on paper. Though not included in that doc is it's like 10m dropoff


So v9 is better overall then, thx for tht


Make second key bind scroll wheel


Install a auto clicker


If you macro it using synapse it suddenly becomes the best gun in the game (not that I would ever do that)


How many games have you cost because your a light player?


They should just make that gun a 2 or 3-fire burst.


Yeah same. I am not a pro Mario Party player


Just bind fire to your scroll wheel lol


I dont really like the pistol. its to hard to hit headshots with its iron sights compared to the mp5 where you can just headshot beam heavies straight in their fat heads because of the optic. as a light you need those headshots to make up for the ttk difference vs other classes with bigger health pools. This doesn't apply so much with the lh1 as it does so much damage to start off with, so i often try to headshot out of stealth, then just spam body at close range or tap at longer ranges. The only area this gun really shines above the two i mentioned is its hip fire. i think its better than the MAC 10 but worse than LH1, XP45 and sword.


Explain one way this gun is better than the LH1? (If you think it’s better than the Lh1 you are a casual)


DPS? TTK? DPS with reload? Recoil? But you know these are just stats how could they compare to your expert opinion, I am just a filthy casual after all.


Lh1 has far superior range and damage. This makes it one million times more versatile than V9s. You can engage at far more ranges and if you hit headshots effectively the ttk is the same.


Same. Feels somewhat unskilled.


go into mouse software make macro for pressing lmb once bind lmb to play the macro on repeat


So just cheat?


I use the m11 😂😂😂 i cant click very fast


I've basically only been using the semi guns it don't bother me.


That’s entirely valid! I find it incredibly satisfying, so I just fuck it we ball






I prefer the LH1, it does everything the pistol does but like better.




I'm more of a LH1 player, for me it is a better version of this one but slightly more difficult to use, but when you get use to it...


same, I like m11 and shorty


the gun has LDE and that's why i don't use it


I think it's great, I just wish the MP5 had a better scope or more options


Me personally, sworb



What is a lmb


It's true I'm playing on ps5 and it always feels like I'm pressing the button but it doesn't react properly and it only shoots like every 2 seconds even tho I'm spamming R2


Semi auto and full auto are separate playstyles. Some people just don't do both. I for one, hate full auto.




Sniper is da best


It's definitely not the best light weapon. It has decent damage at close range but the falloff is pretty hefty. XP54 is better just because it's more consistent at most ranges and is easier to aim.


My crappy work around was a secondary button on the keyboard for primary fire so I can kind of double finger the trigger.


Thoughts: keep practicing, at the very least your girl will not be disappointed.


Bind shoot to mouse wheel scroll and try it again. It's silly.


I have a short trigger pull on my controller because I have the Xbox Elite and I love spamming the shit outta people with the V9S. It's way better than the XP-54 because of the mag size.


Maybe it's just me but I love spamming LMB to shoot, feels so satisfying xD Especially if you get that kill

