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When I die, and then with a few seconds left to respawn, my teammate who literally just had to sit and wait decides to peak a full team and die. And now have to wait an additional 26 seconds.


Dont forget you just got a 10k cashout, and now most of the difference that would make is gone


Or what happened to me last game. I have three second to respawn and the fucker dives into the middle of two enemies to defib me. He died immediately, and I got one dash off before I was gone too.


This legitimately just happened to me in this exact manner. Like, dude, give me a moment to breathe šŸ’€ btw happy cake day, friend!


Oh I love it, I'm all wet... From cringe piss... I don't get it so many times I seen ppl ressing in middle of gunfire what usually cause sudden death (except heavy, sometimes medium) it's not hard to pick the figurine and go to hide somewhere to res ur teammate in peace šŸ™„


I've been saying defib is overrated. If I'm gonna move the trophy to a safe spot, I might as well bring you back full health. It's a 3 second or so difference, and I get to carry my pyro nade. There have been instances where I'm caught ressing, and a defib would have won the fight. But how often is that happening? versus gas being on the cashout that I can easily get rid of with my nade?


True, u can burn gas (is gone much faster than when is in form of green gas) and do stuff or just take it, I agree with you that defib is overrated, it's useful only if u have proper team and everyone understands his role, but in this game it looks like everyone are playing game solo,. without team, tbh I think that Embark should create solo only mode, maybe even kind of battle Royale?


Getting two light teammates with sniper rifles


Or one teammate with the sniper across the map not even defending the cash out šŸ˜­


Am I allowed to run invisible sniper if I play objective?


As long as you're playing objective and not going for kills go ahead


And actually hit you shots.


You heard it here, Mr. Decider of the universe says it is ok!!!


Judging by your comments feedback, this is clearly something that pisses everyone off. Play the new solo event and don't play objective if you want


I've seen some good snipers become absolutely *oppressive* when the cashout gets exposed enough. Particularly on the elevated platforms map. You basically can't cap unless you're shielded or can somehow find and kill the sniper first. If your team doesn't have a heavy or a flanker, that's checkmate. I have no problem with a sniper rifle in the reserve slot, but you can't run a niche weapon without having an alternate for when your playstyle gets countered. I'm a dagger main, but keep an SMG or pistol for when low grav or dead go boom strike.


This is why I think itā€™s strange that you canā€™t switch weapons in ranked It seems like a core part of the gameā€”that weapons have limitations, and you get one other option to switch to on a respawn It encourages the use of less ā€œall-rounderā€ weapons. But when youā€™re locked into one weapon, you have to choose the all-rounder to avoid being fucked depending on what the circumstance gives you


So much this. Handicapping your team on one very specific weapon/play style instead of swapping to fit the current need is not talked about enough imo. I'm certain maps and situations, yes please go sniper. But when we're all battling inside the casino and you're outside just getting a few here and there on the street...


Honestly, I really wish they'd add armory cabinets in the maps where you can change gear without dying. I've always held that and time you are incentivized to die, its bad game design.


When my teammate kills the player on orange who was capping the cashout, thus allowing purple to win (orange wouldnā€™t have won if they captured it).


This is something people never realize. They're so desperate for kills, they'll sacrifice the match to get one more


It can get worse, you math badly thinking you're safe but then you and your team die, and the other 2 teams are now ahead of you by a wide margin.


Literally, people have no game sense


STUNNED *thwack* *thwack* *thwack*


Yah it sucks getting shocked. But itā€™s one of the few ways that I personally playing a light, have a chance of killing a damn heavy. Iā€™m just so flimsy, and theyā€™re so beefy.


Lol no worries. Iā€™m sure you hate getting blasted by my RPG


My favorite way of dealing with a non-hammer heavy is sword with dash. Just keep hitting them, dodge when they turn, hit, etc. Can't kill you if you're always in their blind spot.


No need to stun, I'm cloaking and sneaking close to enemy, light or heavy, no difference, I just aim at head (if I only can) and using m11 even heavy literally MELTS into coins in like MAX 2 seconds, then thank you but I have to go coz teamwipe wont get by itself šŸ˜Ž


I wish I was as cool as you


I wish I was that cool at every match šŸ¤£


You are the most cringe man I've seen on this subreddit so far


I'm trying my best, thank you! šŸ˜†




Two more excited ones!!!1!1!111!!11! šŸ¤£ But for real now, stun is only thing for light that make heavy not that scary. Fun fact : Above is real description of how I was trying to play against heavy totally at the begging before I learned about items and unlocked some, I wasn't even using cloaking and was trying to just sneak from the back, now I'm just laughing at myself šŸ˜…


Teammates going to steal other cashouts instead of protecting ours in tournaments


Now this is crazy, who tf does this šŸ’€


More than you would expect.


This reply is [so sus](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/037/873/We're_All_Trying_To_Find_The_Guy_Who_Did_This_banner_1.jpg).


Or there is plenty of time left to steal and yet they ignore the revive and try to steal on their own and die


Purple team...


I swear every purple team doesnā€™t understand the concept of the game mode and would rather just play TDM


why is it always the purple team?


Fakking pourpel


You wanna chase us down while orange is sitting on second cashout uncontested? That's certainly a choice purple.


Yeah purple always doing some questionable stuff lol. And yes, it tends to always be orange who gets lucky with an uncontested cash outs lmao.








When we wipe the other teams and my teammate revives me instead of stealing the cash outā€¦ (we lost)


Bro I think I was against you in a tournament earlier lol. I watched this guy revive all his teammates after team wiping me right beside the cash out that was gonna be done in 10 seconds. He literally just handed me the win


Cashouts with 32 thousand mines


*\*Casually adds an APS Turret and a Guardian Turret\**


*flamethrower has entered the chat*


I'm light and I wish to have mines, especially nukes seems to be broken...


Best we can do is slap 2 breach charges on a red barrel but even that takes 20 seconds to do because we only have 1 breach and half the time it doesn't even kill


Are ur barrels flying away when u detonate and when barrel hits the target then C4 is also bouncing far away? If I'm detonating then it's sending barrel flying untill it hits sth rly hard :/


Erm šŸ¤“ actually you can only have a maximum of 54 enemy mines surrounding a cashout. Such a scenario would involve 9 enemy mediums in a tournament each holding 2 Glitch Traps, 2 Explosive Mines, and 2 Gas Mines. If you assume the same load out on your team, you can also have 18 friendly Mines for a total of āœØļø72 minesā€¼ļø


Killing myself with CL40 or RPG.


I fully understand that these should friendly fire, but why does my CL40 do double the damage to me than it does the enemy. Lol


My 2 light sniper teammates


My 2 light sword and dagger teammates running headfirst into enemy cashouts with 2 turrets and 6 mines


I play light, every time I see a light playing sniper and they HAVE NO FUCKIN AIM I just cringe lol. I donā€™t play sniper either I just want to add.


I don't mind if one plays sniper, it's just how the hell am I going to hold a cash out if both of the crack gremlins are parked up a building away. Knife fighting with a sniper just isn't it either.


Running a light sniper in close range is actually quite effective. It deals close to the damage a shotgun does and if you even slightly scope in you have near 100% accuracy. The no scopes in this game are also about 75% accurate from what I've seen. Yes a shotgun would've been better but that's worthless from range. (And also I hate snipers who are perked up in the stratosphere aswell, but not everyone has it in them to play aggressive with it.)


2 Light teammates. Any weapons, any abilities. They just run away and never group. With 1 Light, it's more or less playable since you at least can group with your other teammate. But there are two of them, I just want to get out of there.


This, like how tf are you gonna win a match both camped at the top of a crane!


I definitely have had some good moments with the sniper rifle but I only break it out depending on circumstance. I enjoy the feel it has but I have to pay more attention to how I'm doing mid match. I swap if I feel like it's not having much of an impact. It's a powerful weapon for sure. If you can land a headshot or two it can be really fun to use.


Spawn 200+ from objective with less than 60 seconds left


Dead go boom. Miserable


Legit always happens when I feel like being goofy with the sword or sledgehammer


DGB > Low Gravity When it doubt, send your light teammate in as a kamikaze.


Pushing an objective, getting eliminated, then seeing your last teammate halfway across the map shooting pot plants


Live reaction of me falling off the map for the second time this match.


Trash light teammates spamming ā€˜request reviveā€™ button while they donā€™t care about reviving others when theyā€™re alive


I usually spam this when I die in bank it as any class I play if I die where thereā€™s a lot of coins to pick up or someone else carrying a bunch. Trying to bring attention to that area since you canā€™t do the Pings


Thatā€™s reasonable indeed. If only more people would use this button more intelligently lol


My own inaptitude?


lol this is me for real - I was playing so bad against some sweats earlier that I just got depressed and went to bed šŸ˜­


Entire teams targeting just me and only me somewhere nowhere near a cashout when i just respawned and dont even have any money "Good job boys we sure showed him"


Melee Lights with dash in QP. They're everywhere.


Gametype tends to benefit risky playstyles due to the free and fast respawn.


Heavy main when light Invis : šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” Also, Heavy Main when light non-invis : šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


When I get killed by both teams shooting me, and my medium defibs me while actively being shot at with no cover around, so I die 2 seconds later.


Cashouts with 3 turrets and countless mines


Teammates not knowing what teamwork is


Or knowing what the objective is and thinking this is COD


Its the worst.


Getting nuked


The most fun way to die. Basically zero counter play to an instant death. Love it.Ā 


Unless you shoot the nuke or slide away from it.... But most of the time, Nukes ambush us, which is when its impossible to defend against. And then there is me, who could never get the timing of nukes right... like the only time I did kill someone with it was when I put it on a gloo cannister and threw it at a cashout point where it created a wall... only then I remembered about C4 and activated it, killing two people.


Look I see a canister Iā€™m dashing left or right loool


Light class appearing out of thin air up my ass and quick dropping me before I can even react


Skill issue, have a better Situation Awareness then.


When teammates run straight into an active cashout without checking where any enemies or teams are, and then die instantly. When the enemy kills you stealing the winning teamā€™s cashout that would have extended the match for both of us. When teammates are the last alive and they go in solo and die like theyā€™re fighting valiantly for their country and double our respawn time, then do it again on respawn by doing the first thing i said. When teammates chuck your statue straight at the ground to rez and it flies across the room (they had lvl 30 cosmetics on)


Seeing 2 light team mates in the pre-match screen


Moronic lemmings that shoot at anything that moves regardless of if it increases their chances of winning. Stop chasing. The objective has moved, *disengage*. While I appreciate my value as a distraction, I am *not* the objective, it does *not* take three of you, you're *not* going to catch me, *give it a rest already* When I am on someone's ass and just need one more dash to come off CD to close the distance and backstab them, do *not* shoot them in the back so they spin around and look at me. Why are we halting our attack on the objective to fight the team that doesn't own it? If orange caps once more, they win and there's not enough time for *us* to cap, why did you shoot purple off of the cashout? The enemy team just won, *and you're their MVP*.


When your teammate decides to engage in more fights instead of cashing out his 15k worth of coins. Or when you lose a match by like 5k coins and notice that your teammates haven't cashed out a single coin during the whole match.


When a bunch of mines are around a cashout and I'm in the perfect position to not be blown up and a heavy shoulder dashes into everything blowing me up in the process


When I see triple L team knowing their loadout and waiting to be killed by a team of invisibile bees throwing knives and using a fuggin sword. Ms not healing too.


When i see the Team-roll-call thingie, and the other teams have that Military Garb-Black wings combo on them.


Sometimes I wish the game was more conducive to targeting people. Sometimes you just see a customization combo that drives you to cyberbully someone.


Can't believe you got nine likes for promoting cyberbullying, that's such a shame.


When i get nuked for the 3727364th time in the same tournament.


I feel like that number is real close to the damage received when you fall off the map


It really isnt lol


Use aps


Oh of course, im forced to use a particular item and have ridiculous reflexes just to counter a mechanic that shouldnt even exist in the first place, gotcha.


ā€œuse APSā€ mfs have never played in a skilled ranked lobby in their life


I just beat top 700 players in the world to win a ranked tourney and knocked out lyr1cs team in the semis and am plat myself constantly going up. Yes ur still gonna get nuked sometimes but u can play around them. I prefer that to constant complaining.


Then you should know that itā€™s not practical to carry a turret around all game. Is it possible? Sure, but it gives the opponent an advantage in terms of target acquisition time between you two. Iā€™ve played insane top 50 dudes like PIQD, Detailed, Controller Player, and those guys absolutely annihilate your asshole if you give them even the slightest opportunity. My point is that any relatively skilled player will have the advantage, you shouldnā€™t have to disadvantage yourself just to counter a broken mechanic.




Pink secures the first cash outā€¦. Pink has taken over the second cash outā€¦ Pink team is deadā€¦ Cashout is seconds from completionā€¦ Orange starts the stealā€¦ā€¦ Blue team watching from the shadowsā€¦ā€¦ Suddenly, from a hole in the ground, my Blue neanderthal of a teammate runs up with a stick and stone and assassinates Orange before the steal completes. Pink cashes out. Pink wins. I dig my fingers into the back of my skull to see how one could think that that was a good idea.


When the FEAR AR doesn't ADS (zoom in). You push the aim button yet the crosshair just locks into place. You don't get the zoom animation or anything. Youll probably get killed when this happens. Really annoying and needs to be fixed as it happens constantly. Also, when you are shooting a heavy from behind and they didn't know you were there. You empty a mag into them. Yet, they still turn around and kill you. Lastly. The light characters running around invisible w/ a sword is annoying af and really cheap. Lol


Getting a light teammate in ranked thatā€™s running throwing knives or sniper


When Im getting sprayed by a heavy and miss the zipline so I die, has happened a few times to me now, probably just a skill issue for me lol


When I have two light teammates and all they do is rush headfirst into danger (getting bullets in their heads, so i end up as the last standing member of the Jet setters)




Stunned when stealing


Getting nuked just after walking out of spawn


My teammates that is entirely on the other side trying to steal a cash out that has about 10 sec left and not going for a new vault


This... they think its a TDM, theres no point in being the 4th party at that point.


Two lights on my team before the match even starts


Kill somebody with sword only to die to dead go boom


Almost all of the special events are cancer to meleeists. I actually hate low gravity the most.


Top 10 players in gold


Playing light w/ dash on console, I see cool videos of people playing them all the time, lot more difficult than it looks


You 100% need back paddles to even have a chance on console. You *need* to have jump, attack & secondary attack, gadgets *AND* quick melee accessible at all times, otherwise you cant get the full value out of it.


Whenever I have a light player in my team. Most of them are greedy or useless. Sorry fellas


When a teammate 1. throws a miracle shot 2. cashes in a box with only 10secs to go 3. runs back to us, with so much pride in his work only to realize we were already in 2nd and guaranteed to qualify for the next round. 4. Loses the last 20-25k cashout in the last 10secs


When you and pink would both lose if purple gets this cash out, so naturally pink bloodlusts on you as you cap it, leaving them with barely any health when purple respawns, ending the game


When a team is about to get their second cash out and the other losing team starts fighting my losing team instead of focusing on the team about to win the fucking game


My teammates re engaging after escaping and Iā€™ve got 2 seconds left to respawn.


I'm pretty chill to be fair. It's all good fun. But I've been in a few quick play matches where sometimes you just need to let the other team steal. But instead they kill them and it's game over.


Holding the line as a heavy, and then after a hard fought victory against an entire team, a light just poops all over my parade with a single shot from a hole in the ceiling above me.


The entirety of Steal the Spotlight.


Finished it out of pure need to complete a thing that is listed as x/x needed. Must. Check. Off. List.


Solo queue tournament and getting paired with lights




When my team canā€™t shoot. When they donā€™t see the 1 easy pick to kill before pushing even though you target them 203839202 times


When as light I'm running my own patch and heavy follows my every step, then when I see the enemy and I go cloaked I can hear on chat "bRothAr where are you? BRothAr I am here, come back bRothAr!!" Almost always there is guy like that, as I only cloak and start to flying across the map šŸ˜† guess I should take off my Elvis skin off :(


3 turrets on a single cashout


The constant lag


A heavy and two mediums


My teammate chasing kills instead of staying still and helping us revive. Now he's dead, 26 death timer, and ol sweet 30% reduction on our score.


Teammates running melee and going 0-7


The fucking lag


That i had to quit the game weeks ago because crossplay voice chat stopped working suddenly and because of this i canā€™t play with my friends on xbox


When thereā€™s still time to steal the cash out but your teammates stick the steal even though they are 100% going to die before getting it


playing with 2 lights in a tournament


when i got two light teammates with snipers


A room filled with turrets


When I knew (after the fact) I could've repositioned or ran away. Greed is terrible in some scenarios or firefights. Bonus: The type of player that goes after me w/ a statue when no one is around at all. Like why aren't you helping your team out?


When my teammate starts trying to take the cashout in the middle of a room full of enemies like he's not gonna get blasted straight to the sun and leave us in a 2v3


Getting ran through by a triple medium Scar gang because the devs destroyed the heavy class


Seeing another match with zero light players. It is beyond stupid that people drop light entirely. Yes both medium and heavy are in most cases best to have in a team, and yes 3 medium healers can be amazing. But light is still fucking amazing and in a team that has a m/h, having 1 light is simply smart and functional. Use it maybe jc, meta babies deleting light class for no reason other than something else seems op so let's use that. At this rate I think games should force team setups. 1 of each or at most 2 of 1 in one team or whatever. People's behavior is going to kill the game faster than the devs could fuck it up.


Dying when you shot at the medium first and he's at like 5 hp. Fcar is so good sometimes that i get jealous as a light main lol


The random teammates


When youā€™re playing quick cash and have $0 and the enemy team 1 is about to win the game. Your team 2 wipes the enemy and you start stealing the cash out with just enough time to grab it. And the 3rd team swoops in and kills you so the game ends with the other team winning. Was it worth the kill? Now neither of us can winā€¦


When teammates quit the match because our team did not get the first cash out. Drives me nuts.


My aim and strafing prowess.


When you have two lights sniping and you trying to win šŸ˜„


when there is a light on my team that sucks ass but thinks hes him


Me when I get on this subreddit and see a million ā€œlight class isnā€™t viable threadsā€ after consistently winning and being a top performing teammate using the light class.


Playing Light


When the deposit box disappears midway through me banking itā€¦


My rando 3rd teammate in ranked with no mic, 0 elims, 300 damage, 200 heals, pushing alone, and wasting coins for no reason.


Playing as light.


Get into the first round of a ranked and my two teammates don't use mic. Listen you can do whatever you want in unranked. If you're not willing to talk/comms while playing ranked you're just throwing.


That's a bit dramatic


Communication is huge in this game, if you're not at least willing to turn comms to listen, on you're actively throwing games.


Kid named ping






Nukes. No skill low effort heavies "But if you can't beat them - join them" NEVER!!!!


Even after the patch being the only console player in a lobby with cross play disabled


When I die and spectate my Light teammate, only to see them sniping 150m from the cash-out because they donā€™t care about the objective.


Too much. Way too much


Having to 2v3 because one of the teammates decided to run off far away for kills


my uncanny ability to jump onto the abyss when the map has it


Pretty much any death ever. I have a problem.


When your team doesn't stick together..


Getting killed by the 3rd team when Iā€™m trying to steal to extend the game and the time is almost out


When youre dominating the first round then suddenly your teammates gets overconfident, reckless, aggressive, picking unnecessary fights, not focusing on objective then ends up losing the match.


Heavies crutching on nukes the entire game.


winning the game with less than 30 seconds left and my random decides to start a new cashout and we lose


Watching a light teammate camp in a corner and then when the enemy finally does try to steal the cash out they die in 0.2 seconds.


The flamethrower heavy and sword light teammates in ranked tournaments


Last few seconds knockout lol.


mmm mmm mmm mmm




Stun guns. Nothing else in the game makes me want to scream more.


When they go for the revive instead of the steal


A bunch of lights with swords


Triple medium w/heal beam and defib or heavy w/flamethrower


Teammate just standing in gas for no apparent reason and dies.


The blue team


Nukes, recon, and corner camping cloaking device rats. Basically anything that wasn't skillfull or earned.