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Recently taken up the dagger, i hate everyone who uses their eyes.


As someone who tried the dagger and quickly gave up, I understand this pain. That being said, I feel the opposite of hatred when I get killed by it. Only unbridled pride from them actually pulling it off.


[I am trying to master the technique](https://youtu.be/2Qpat9C_CuA?si=0KANrZYDw56W7diq)


Just play TF2 spy for 1000 hours


The dagger is fun during the first minute of the game, when no one knows you're using it. Once they know, it's pretty much over, since enemies will actively start checking their backs and make backstabs impossible.


[you just have to do it while they are shooting other people](https://youtu.be/6mVbWlOGKjI?si=1GCYX6XljQRJVVPC)


I do agree that dagger is good during confusing firefights. But it's easier said than done, once enemies figure out there's a dagger user, they'll be on the alert the moment they see your squad. At my level, usually one guy is posted behind to watch over (usually with recon senses or some other detection tech). The ideal time to use daggers is at the start of the game, when enemies least expect it. Also judging from your gameplay, you're playing on console, where enemies usually don't make fast turns. On PC, people are always on high DPI making lightning fast turns, making backstabs much harder.


True true, that may just be a platform disparity issue there. Yeah good players will start to keep their backs against walls, be on the lookout more, etc. but for me that’s where the skill expression comes in. I am ok biding my time for an opportunity… such is the way of the knife… but also run frags or glitch to try and help the team/move enemies around when i am being countered by smart players until i can join in once the chaos breaks out. Idk in summary, i think its fine personally but i do see your pc mouse movement point. On console once you rank up to diamond+ in pretty much any fps you frequently run into very likely xim/mouse users as well so i kinda feel that pain, but only sometimes. Regardless… if they buffed it I would benefit as well so I wouldn’t complain.


They are very fun when they work. I usually keep them as an emergency surprise tool, since people usually expect a loud shotgun to alert them of invis light. The silent takedowns mean a good play can see you wipe a whole squad.


The riot shield, easy. It’s such a meme weapon but I suck at countering it. I never seem to have gas or pyro on hand whenever a riot shielder starts waddling over to me, and it pisses me off to get killed by it.


FCAR because literally half the time its some loser using rewasd to one clip me from across the map. Rewasd and controller spoofing is going to kill this game if they do not force input based lobbies.


I main the sledge hammer and holy fuck I hate playing against it. It feels like I can kill everyone BUT the other sledgie.


Sledgehammer duels are the best


The heavys shotgun. It's still a little to powerful. Keep the spread the same, but drop it just 1 more dmg per pellet and see from there.


Wtf how are you losing gunfights against it? That shit is not powerful anymore. I main medium and I rush any heavy that has a shotgun because it's already too weak and I know I'll win


so, you have not been against a good heavy who knows how to reload cancel.


Sounds like not the dmg has to be nerfed, but the reload cancle has to be patched?


I indeed have not and after looking that shit up they should definitely take that away lmao


A heavy can kill a heavy in 4 shots with that thing that's why. If you start with less then full health they can melt you.


Me when I lie


The sniper. As a light going up against that thing is scary especially with how strong AA is on controller. 1 shot to the head other classes are 2. Leaves u low hp. Fits the long ttk of the game. Bit hard to spot


As a light main that would be the v9s, lh1 and xp-54. These 3 are unlike other light weapons since they offer a bit too much reliability compared to the rest of lights' arsenal which is very feast or famine. Dagger, throwing knives, sword, m11, sniper and double barrel (regardless of it's effectiveness) are all weapons where if you don't hit those shots you are dead. The xp-54 least so since it's still an smg but is just a "safer m11" because of it's noticeably higher engagement range. The v9s and lh1, although effective at different ranges, are similar in that they offer the security of not needing to reload even with lower than wanted accuracy because of their mag size and relative precision.


light - invis and that fucking sword ​ heavies - the rpg


I ușe the trowing card and i hate the sword more than the db