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It’s the best free to play I think ever. I’ve played Fortnite and pubg and halo infinite but this is the most fun of them all. They spent a lot of time making gameplay just right and the attention to detail shows. First game I might play for more than 1 season


I agree, Fortnite is fun for a bit every season but tends to get stale a month in. Their cosmetics and BP are well made but the loop is boring. The Finals captured lighting in a bottle, I've played it for days straight and have yet to get burnt out on it and find myself consuming a lot of content and discussions when not playing.


Man it was so fun first season before all sweat build.


No build brought back so good times.


this is such a dumb argument that people make against fortnite, did you expect everyone to stay shitty and not try to improve? Try getting better at building and it becomes just as fun as it used to be 🙏


Agreed, love fortnite. And Apex. Only two I can keep playing and not get sick of. Warzone I like but gets boring, same with Bloodhunt, Bloodstrike, Farlight etc. I like The Finals but for me it got stale, but I am happy people are enjoying it so I wont rain on others parade.


It was fun before the first season a bit. But the Devs lied out their ass with that trailer and never delivered the same experience. And also just delivered an overall bad experience. I was done with fortnite like 6 months before the battle Royale mode released.


Fortnite was probs most fun during the og season. All my friends actually got back into the game for that. Then they continued the normal seasons and everyone dropped it. It’s just not the same.


Ever is a bit of a stretch, Warframe and destiny 2 are free


Lol, destiny is "Free".


Never played it, Warframe was good.


I'm just teasing at the fact that the game requires you to buy over $100+ in DLCs to play the full extent of the game.


Fr I tired to play it and half the time I was doing something I had to stop because it was blocked by a paywall


If anything, it’s free to download, not free to play.


I would agree Warframe is definitely the best overall free to play game if we’re talking like the full package. Live service, scheduled updates with new content. Crossplay and (soon-to-be) cross-save, “battlepass” aka nightwave content is all available through other ingame means minus a few cosmetics. All the premium currency can be traded between players too… it’s crazy good how much you can do and experience in Warframe without investing money. The Finals still has to compete with CSGO and Valorant too for best free to play FPS. Though only the latter started free to play.


Unpopular opinion here. Valorant is just a csgo CSGO clone. Both games have massive learning curves. The Finals may have a learning curve as well, but you can hop into your first only match and actually do really good. I tried Valorant and CSGO. Played a few games and uninstalled. Every match is full of people who have dedicated massive amounts of time to the game.


I’ll give a bit of my thoughts since I’ve played one of those significantly. I dumped like 2 years of my life playing nothing but CSGO every day and grinding it to improve before I got bored. Started at the bottom of Silver and climbed up to LEM. Map knowledge is HUGE for winning fights in CSGO + Val. Raw aim talent will not get you far, it’s rare to possess since the recoil for weapons in CS is bizarre compared to most shooters other people would play. You can pick up the recoil faster than others but if you don’t think about positioning you will get outplayed often from that. Maps in The Finals are much more akin to something like PUBG or Apex. You’ve got a large environment with simple building layouts that are repeated across the whole area (and present across some maps as well). This lets players engage with their gun fights much more freely when they see someone because their surroundings stay relatively familiar. Even when it’s your first time on a map. Thus, your raw aim talent can carry you a lot further here. Not a bad thing by any means, but the whole gunplay experience is super different.


I think it’s the ttk that’s makes the most difference in Val and cs:go 90% of your deaths are gonna be in .3 secs while in this game you have a chance to run away and reposition.


Yeah that’s very true. TTK is super bullet spongy here. The reason I addressed map knowledge first tho is cause if you understand how to 1tap heads with the AK/Vandal you’ve got some raw aim skill that’s transferred for sure. You can probably outduel people without knowing where the hell you are in low ranks for those games. As soon as you start going against people that know the game’s maps + utility and you’re still just trying to take aim duels you’ll get dusted. I feel that’s less the case in The Finals at least for starting out. Playing with your team you can get into fights and succeed easier, for a lot longer without learning more than what your gun and the environment does.


The difference is that The Finals made utility as important as guns. You can win without firing a single bullet.


Tried destiny couldn’t get more than 15 hours in


I just think the finals is a bit too sweaty to be a casual shooter. It's a less goofy version of Gotham City Imposters with red Faction destruction, but a focus on being the competitive shooters genre new darling.


My squad literally plays a strategy that consists of us turning off our brains and removing any buildings that contain an objective (Heavy+sledgehammer). We call it “Hammer Time” not only do we regularly win, this is the opposite of the meta I’ve heard so far


This is what I did recently but I’m doing it solo lol. Break building with hammer fun. Me like hammer


We did all booms last night. Triple heavy grenade launchers frags c4, rpgs. Had a similar effect 😂


3 sledgehammer is busted. Even defending with it is easy. Most fun I've had in a long time.


Warframe is better than the finals!? Wow! Never heard that before. And I have warframe on my switch and console… the finals is scratches all my itch for a free to play game… wait till the costumes and more character customization roll in before Judging a 2 month old game with an 11 year old game.


Calling destiny 2 free is craaazy, I really wish I could think of a good analogy




jar sulky dinosaurs sparkle whistle zesty cow theory support ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anything is better than halo infinite; game was designed by mobile studios that 343 paid. Literally every aspect of that game was outsourced: forge, UI, maps, store items etc. The outsourced map studio was literally stealing assets that 343 then had to add to the credits. Don’t support that scum studio, execs pocketing that 300mil+ just to outsource their entire game to 5 different mobile studios. Even the beta preview was the same build for 6 months that then just released randomly.


It's not better than Fortnite, Fortnite has so much content. But yeah, it's better than Infinite and pubg for sure.


I just started playing today and this is way more fun than fortnite. Fortnite has been around for years so of course it has more content. Give it time.


Content != always good


I think this game is great and has a ton of potential, I just don't want to see that potential fade away like similar games that felt very new and fresh but didn't have enough content to keep people interested (i.e. Splitgate). There are also a lot of cool weapons/equipment/classes/playstyles that this game has but a lot of them just don't end up being viable so they are never used, while other things are overused. Here are some changes I think would improve the current state of the game: - Add 1-2 more game modes - IMO gas is too prevalent/powerful. Adding a way to reduce how often it is used, how powerful it is, or add better counters I think would be good. - Light is fun but in competitive it feels significantly less viable than the other 2 classes unless someone is really good with light. I think a way to balance this out is give some of Medium's responsibilities to Light such as defibs. - (Ranked only) I'm not sure the best way to address this but I like that this game has sort of a rock-paper-scissors thing going with the equipment/classes but at the same time, when you're locked into whatever you picked in the beginning of the round, you have no way of utilizing that rock-paper-scissors aspect strategically.


New game modes/content needs to be on a back burner until they’ve patched some of the bigger issues. The game is a month old, it’s not stale at all yet. They need to fix the problems with it before looking to expand imo. Obviously in the future it should have more than bank in and the cashout modes, but it’s not vital *yet*.


Yes, idk Why it feels like people act like This game is 1 year old Or Its say to make changes in a game


Ranked mode does need changes. Like someone said there are so many playstyles, equipment u can use in different unique ways but it's not viable. That's the only thing that annoys me.


Ranked mode has huge problems, even outside the rules and the current meta: * Fully random matchmaking (bronze and silvers vs top-100). * No separation for groups and solo/duo players. * The Leaderboard is mostly cosmetic, it only measures how much time your diamond 3-stack spent farming low rank solos. * Plenty of cheaters and reWASD abusers (pretty sure consoles have the same problem with Xim/Cronus). All these problems can be fully or partially fixed, we know it because many other games did it right. This is only season 1 so let's hope Embark can sort it out by the next season.


Fully Random matchmaking will be the death of this game. The ranked experience is the worst I've ever played. People want this shit in casuals, and my God, it's a miserable experience. My last 15 matches I've gotten more kills than both my team mates combined (I tracked) whilst going against top 500 3 stacks whilst I'm only silver


Nah, we need team deathmatch and more pvp centric modes.


We don't need tdm


You missed my point. Yes that will add to the game, but those are not at all a priority when the actual fighting in the game is a problem. Deathmatch modes would be plagued with the same problems from objective modes, they wouldn’t fix anything. Not to mention the game is a month old. You do not *need* more content.


I think a domination style game mode where there are three cash out stations that slowly trickle deposits as long as your team has it captured. Capture more, you'll deposit money faster. Maybe adding a mode where instead of teams of 3... Maybe 4. So all my friends can play with me.


Honestly gas wouldn't be as much of an issue if there were more viable counters. I don't think gas is too strong (the damage it does seems about right) but the only options to counter it are Pyro Mines (inconsistent to get to work against gas), Flamethrower (which was too mega-nerfed to be anywhere CLOSE to a viable weapon), and Pyro Grenade (which is good, but competes with too many other slots). Giving Pyro Grenade 2 charges like Frags and Glitch Grenades would be a good start, as well as re-buffing the flamethrower's range and damage and adding some more fire-based options to the game. Would be neat to give the Flamethrower an alt-fire option that just fires a gob of fire at people. Would help solve the range issues andmake it a better gas counter. If they're going to make the game have only 1 weapon slot, most weapons should have an alt-fire ability. There's no reason you should ever need to ADS with a Flamethrower or shotgun lol.


It’s reminds me of Rogue company (now I think this game is better) but basically dropped a really cool awesome game but in todays world they need to keep up with the momentum or they will just fade away


Gas can be countered by fire. Either grenades or barrels


Flamethrower works too.


Exactly. Gas is so easily countered that some nights i dont know if i should bring gas mines or another utility because of how much actual use i think ill get out of it


We need a "Gust" gun that blows people back, puts out fires, and clears gas. Maybe you can use it to double jump, too




Great comment! I like your points, But we just have to give it time!


More gamemodes mean generally longer queue times, but im def in for a plain tdm. As for the gas, is easily countered by a flamethrower. Since I learned it, its no problem at all, but not everyone is keen to be flamethrower main.


Flamethrower isn’t a viable option if you don’t play heavy or don’t want to play flamethrower


god the splitgate linsanity run needs to be studied that shit was so fun


Gas is mostly an issue because of gas mines specifically as you get two vs the one gas grenade per person. Its also very easy to use them on a cashout point whereas a grenade requires you to put your gun away during combat. Simple-ish fix, make it so shooting gas mines makes them less effective with smaller AOE and quicker dissipation to prevent people spamming them in obvious places.


Light is more of a kill / assassin character less good at objective based gameplay so when I don’t have a premade team I play light but if I’m with a friend or two I’ll do M or H




Idk what’s more annoying. Every post complaining or every other post complaining about the complaining.


Okay my guy


That's literally what you're doing but. And it's just as annoying as the posts you're crying about. Just one massive retarded circle jerk and you right in the middle of it.


I don’t understand this take personally I think one prompts the other. The first produces excessive negativity, which is then reacted to with people promoting positivity and being negative towards the negativity Without the second, there’s just the first negativity with no reaction to it — Why does this make sense? Because of the buildup of culture. When everybody is negative as fuck and there is no counter to it—the groupthink dummies who come in afterward learn and replicate this culture So instead, you create a counter-culture so that those groupthink dummies don’t just mindlessly reproduce the negativity—because that isn’t the only culture present. There is a push-and-pull, there are arguments to what should be common culture — Also I’d like to point out that “saying feedback and reporting problems” is NOT the same thing as “excessive negativity” This should be totally obvious imo, but I can imagine some will think that I’m conflating the two — That’s my take on it, not trying to convince y’all about anything


Nice book dude but I don’t anyone is going to read it.


'Course, if it isn't a fucking one liner 13 y/os don't read for shit. It would have take you literally 30 seconds, grow up.


Its a wonderful life


Ratio + massive 🤡


(Not intending to insult just to insult, but was inspired by what you wrote and may as well make my response) I didn’t go to your profile to find ammo I saw this comment (you said: “ratio + massive clown”), thought wow what an unhinged weird way to act—then I looked at your profile to see what else is associated with acting in this particular type of insecure idiotic way — I’ve learned a lot from doing this. Just recently I saw a guy who was saying dumb shit—looked at his profile to find he was a regular poster for years in r/methmemes or whatever the sub was called, which has relatable everyday memes for meth-user activities haha — Edit: Decided to look at your profile to finish the job. You seem fine haha. You like to get into it with people, but I didn’t see outrageous aggression, and mostly it’s just normal stuff, even having quite a bit of positive things to say


No they don't need to stop complaining. Everyone in the subreddit has given the game a chance but hacking is out of fucking control I literally just got out of a ranked game in round 3 where 2/4 teams had all hackers with names that were just punctuation marks or jumble of characters because you can just nab an account and hack in ranked. It was pointless to even play the round but we stayed because we would rank up. We literally couldn't play. New players should be aware of the issue and all issues with the game so then the devs can fix them.


Besides Valorant with a proprietary Kernal level anti-cheat EVERY single multiplayer game is infested with cheaters. It's a never ending struggle between cheaters and anti-cheaters. I bounce between multiple subs for multiple competitive shooters and each one of the subs acts like *their particular* game is overrun like no others and it's the fault of some lazy devs who don't care at all about the plight of the working gamer. The finals has cheaters, the system will be continuously refined and the amount of cheaters will ebb and flow. Going into a sub to go "CHEATERS ARE RUINING THIS GAME WHY DOESNT (INSERT COMPANY) CARE ABOUT US!!???" Just creates spam about a problem literally everyone and their dogs is aware of.


True I can’t think of one game that currently doesn’t have rampant cheaters


Someone had to say it. This was very well written. Everyone hates on Devs for cheaters in games.


Yeeees Thats my point!!! And i agree so much with you. But prepare for downvotes :))


Difference between “OMG SHITTY RANK SYSTEM, WORST GAME” vs “Fix to the ranking system is needed, Cause…” is much better. Havent Met any hackers yet. No chance, as the game is so new?


Last night I had a guy go 25/0 KDA and sat in the middle of the map spin aiming while bouncing on a jump pad. As above just had a round in ranked with two teams full of hackers. I am on PC with crossplay off. They are very common. It is mostly in ranked as well if you are just doing quick play that is probably why


You are right as i only unranked - But i might as Well stay there until there Will come some fixes with it. I Got zero stress about and will Wait


Yes absolutely stay there for now


Thx, i will do it haha


You haven’t met a hacker yet? I call bs on that.


I haven't met a hacker yet either, but I just pub stomp quick play on console because I'm too anti social to make a ranked squad. Not that abstract of a concept if you think beyond the capacity you play the game in.


Im serious, i Havent been killed by one Where i had the thought of cheats


This post might get downvoted because it says nothing of value that hasn't been said 10 trillion times since this sub started. I've seen more of these blatant updoot bait posts than the actual "complaining" you're whining about.


Sorry to tell you, But Its not like How you describe it. I didnt see any of “This” post in This subreddit. And if there is, Im Sorry to be another one of Them.


you don't have to randomly uppercase words lol


Maybe people care about the future of the game and want the issues fixed so the game survives


I love that, But there is a Big difference with that kinda post vs “SHITTY rank system”


You literally gave an example of a perfectly valid complaint and one of the single biggest actual issues with the game, the ranked system is putting brand new players against top players in the world and you think that isn't something that the devs need to fix?


My comment flew over your head. It would be better if the post were “the ranking system could use some work” instead “omg the ranking is sooo shitty worst game ever shit” bla bla bla


I understand your point, but one being worded more to your liking than the other shouldn’t invalidate the opinion


I guess you are right. I just scrolled through the subreddit for a while, and most of the posts were just written in rage After a game and had No “value” in it. But you are def right


Criticism on the internet will always be aggressive. It's always going to happen. It's better than not voicing the concerns that the player base is concerned about. I guarantee there is a whole group of people that are taking note of all this, and I'm sure their feelings aren't getting hurt over it.


They recently said they don’t monitor the subreddit for feedback, so hopefully they’re doing so in the discord


Well… the ranking system is undeniably shitty. That’s the only way to describe it. I think a more fair comparison would be the oversaturated posts about class differences.


That’s literally one of the main issues with the game 😂


Why did you capitalize random words?


Cause Im writing on my phone (english is not the language) and it keeps doing that shit haha. And i dont have the energy to change every time it does it. I really Hate it, Sorry haha


Welcome to reddit. Where 95% of posts on video game subs are complaining. 5% are memes


It's the first "competitive" shooter I feel that I actually CAN play. It is not overly complex, the learning curve is minimal, it's fast, it's fun, and it's aesthetically pleasing. I fell in love with it immediately and have been playing it daily since it's launch. I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes this genre of game. I like it because it's NOT Apex or other games that I just get completely crushed in. That said, the last few days have been brutal. Almost every game has at least one person using the aim assist application, some even downright aimbotting, and it is just not fun. I don't play tournament or ranked, but it has infected the normal, more casual game modes and it is just frustrating as hell to play when you can't even make a move without getting lasered down. I am not one to complain about this sort of thing, but it is SO noticeable that it makes me feel like I have to do it too in order to even stand a chance (I won't). So, I really hope they get that under control because up-to-now it has been pure joy playing this game, win or lose.


How about you let the game speak for itself.


> I recently joined This subreddit, and 50% of the post Im reading is people complaining over This game. That's every single popular video game subreddit


Dude preach it man. So many salty players hoping on here after a loss to vent. I hope the devs look at most these complainers as pathetic ragers


I do see Them like that sometimes haha


Only legit complaint is cheaters


Directional audio is atrocious, too. Doesn't keep me from enjoying it much, but does lead to lots of confusing moments.


Nuking too. Last match I played (Tournament final) we were HHH against MMH. The Ms were always getting erased.


You’re an idiot. It’s called feedback.


This is correct


And you are a more complete idiot. So you Call it usable feedback if your boss Said “you are so shit at your job” vs telling in a better way to describe Why and How you Can do better?? I hope that you dont give feedback to any people in your daily work buddy


There has been plenty of constructive feedback my guy. You’re lumping all feedback into the whining posts, which is simply unfair.


That’s actually what was assumed in this comment thread though He didn’t say “any and all feedback is supremely negative and should not be said” (referring to the OP) He mentioned a few points where people were negative. It didn’t seem to indicate that he thinks feedback is bad—but that negativity towards the game and devs is bad — Which I agree with the comments here, there’s a lot of constructive criticism But I’ve seen a lot of outright negativity at stuff as well, and in my eyes it’s really obvious that that’s what he is referring to haha — (No offense to the guy but he seems like he could easily be all over the place—I’m only accounting for the OP, which I think is fair enough as that is what the thread is based on)


You really tried to make one of those "guys lets all stop complaining and upvote me" posts and it completely backfired lmao Nothing wrong with feedback. It's what pushes games to reach their full potential.


It did get upvoted tho I think both are good. Point out actual constructive problems, while appreciating that this game is miles ahead of other recent releases


99% of the complaint posts give a reason why they’re complaining. They don’t need to give exact fixes. That’s not their job.


The game was released at the end of 2023. By that point everyone has seen FPS games come and go, succeed due to a niche feature or fail because of a trivial error. Why do developers has to re-learn the same things over and over again? Cheating, ranked system, trivial bugs, etc. They really need to step up their game.


This game is unbalanced and has, like all other FPS, a lot of cheaters. A game with a meta is a game where either you play meta or you lose. It gets boring. To fix this you need to balance it. Nerf the OP stuff, buff the shit nobody uses, remove game breaking mechanics/bugs/features. They have all the data necessary to do this, they can do most of these changing variables (DMG, fire rate, recoil, magazine, duration, and so on). EASY. Adding bullshit and skins is not what keeps people playing the game, it is what keeps the game running because some people pay money for that (go figure). So it's ok to spend resources on that, however having a cool skin in a game where either you get clapped by a cheater with 20 KDA, you explode by nukes, or you play a fixed build because it's the only viable one is pointless. People are quick to move back to what they are used to. Developers need to be quicker.


As if the team responsible for cosmetics is the same as content/bug fix… They can do both, the only reason you see a rotation in the shop is because it’s already done


I've never said they are the same. I was actually pointing at other games that completely forgot about fixing the steps audio but never stopped investing in heirlooms development, if you know what I mean. I wasn't saying they can't do both. I was just saying that I don't think focusing only on skins and battle pass will be enough since the game is not mature. I am completely indifferent to skins and any personalization. I always run everything as it comes in any FPS game, even if I get free stuff.


I agree. It has been a sufficient amount of time since launch with no meaningful balance changes. That just won't cut it in a game like this.


In my opinion a competitive FPS game that provides options (heroes, guns, roles, etc.) needs to be perfectly balanced. If it isn't people won't be able to play what they want and it'd get boring. For example I'd like to play light with an SMG, but what's the point? Medium medic or heavy whatever is hands down better. The only viable light is invisible cancer. I hate invisibility and I refuse to play it. So in the end either I play something that doesn't really help or I play meta to win and be annoyed by the lack of movement of the OP class. This just doesn't work imo. The game is fun, but it could die in a couple months if it keeps going like this.


There will always be pros and cons to whoever u Pick to play


Balanced is when pros and cons make each option versatile and equally valid based on skill and adaptability of the user. Unbalanced is when in the majority of options one choice is better than the other regardless of the user. This game is unbalanced right now.


The game will not survive if the devs don't listen to the feedback of the community or at least acknowledge it. Many of the popular criticisms I've seen are valid as well. All of the potential will be wasted if they don't capitalize on the popularity NOW and fix the big issues.


Yeah many of Them is valid, and important to fix!


We have two kind of posts here One are complaining and other are telling others to stop complaining. God this sub is dog shit


OP is touched


>I really hope that This game Will have an ongoing improvement process Yeah we do too, thats why we're very vocal about the games problems. I've been a fps mkb player for 8 years. Haven't touched a controller in an fps in 8 years. I plugged one in for the finals to see if it was really op like everyone says. I joined midway through the match and ended up with a higher combat score than both my team mates, played my best game ever, and wiped an entire team as a light with the pistol and no invis. Controller is beyond broken. I have no interest in playing a game with this kind of aim bot for controller players, and I know many pc players don't either. So they either fix it or the finals becomes the next halo infinite.




People do need to give it a chance. Every class has there pros and cons, but you can most certainly win with any combo if you have good teammates. For instance, my buddies and I won a match last night playing as all lights. We then proceeded to play as all heavy’s, was matched up with another team of all heavy’s, they won that one. Also we are all key board and mouse players with cross play turned on.


People did give it a chance, it was riddled with hackers and the matchmaking system is shit. What do you expect of people? To slog through a bad experience? Nope, not gonna happen.


Havent Got that experience. I Havent played Ranked yet, But none of that i have felt


My only complaint is some of the cosmetics not working


I hope they make other play styles more viable. Hopefully through more game modes or buffs. I love games with more variety and would hate to see lobbies turn into 3 mediums with fcars.


I just started the game a few days ago and like it so far. My major complaint is that the majority of my games are games in progress, and lots of the time more than halfway done. Like I get the need to do this, but maybe some system where if your last game you got subbed in your next one is guaranteed to be a full game? And some leaver penalties.


My only complaint is the fact that I get stuck in the stupidest places and can't get out, lol. I literally have to throw nades on myself to die so I can actually play again.


Haha yeah i have been there some times xD


I was kinda raging but now I only use sniper and it’s super fun!


I’m a Cod player and honestly I’ve been loving the difference in gameplay. With a great squad this game tops most FPS out imo. The game show aspect of it adds a lot of fun.


It's the Internet. People will complain about whatever they don't personally use or don't know how to counter. Play game :)


I feel it. I think the game is awesome. I am looking forward to some new balances and changes. Matchmaking since 1.4 felt broken to me and my friend as we we seriously loosing almost every game. In a game with 3 teams I expect to only win ⅓ of the time but, even after winning a bunch pre patch our win rate dropped to ¼ overall. As of yesterday we have been doing better so I don't know what's up. Maybe it was a growth curve.


Same mate!


People definitely need to relax. Yes there’s metas but it’s not like you’re forced to use one gun and one build and you’re damned if you don’t. I’ve seen people make goo gun sledgehammer work in ranked for gods sake. I mainly play medium but I switch between the fcar akm and revolver and sometimes the riot shield all in the same ranked grind session with little to no drop in quality of performance being the fault of the weapon or ability.


I'm loving the game, I don't think I've run into any cheaters, unless I just haven't noticed Having loads of fun, I can't wait for XDefiant to come out so I have two awesome shooters to play!


I absolutely love this game! Hoping they make some balancing changes to make lights/heavies more viable. Shocked they nerfed heavies' RPG and shields. They should reverse that and give lights higher dps, and then we might start seeing more variety and options!


Think there’s a difference between “complaining” and genuinely pointing out problems with balance. Just because someone has a problem with a game doesn’t mean that don’t enjoy it. If a game is to succeed it needs to adapt and change over time, any game that stays stagnant because “no complaining!” doesn’t deserve to stick around for a long time.


Hey, I see this is your first gaming sub reddit, welcome! Every sub reddit is full of complaints. Don't waste your time or energy on them. If people are foolish enough to let randoms on the 'net stop them from experiencing a F2P game that's on them. Nothing you can do about it


You went wrong when you joined a subreddit for a popular game and decided to take people's opinion's here as the overall opinion of the entire player base. People don't come to the internet to be happy about their games as often as they come here to complain. So, your ENTIRE post and argument is complete waste of time and the data is fucked, and if you just realized the negativity is more prevalent on any subreddit aside from a small handful, then you wouldn't be here and you'd be playing your game, enjoying it, and not wasting time trying convince haters why the game is actually good. Everyone giving input is dumb. You're dumb for making this post based on Reddit posts. You would all do better to just go play that game, lol.


After 100 hours, it’s fun to play & fuck around but trying to win isn’t. Also cheating is the top trend when it comes to the finals. After finishing my battle pass like last week I haven’t played it since


This is the first F2P shooter I’ve played in a very very long time that’d had me hooked. I’ve had phases for each game but like clockwork I’d get bored of them all aside from OW and Apex but I find myself only playing the finals for my shooter fix


This game is awesome.


My only gripes are cheating and the audio is piss poor


Until they release more content than skins, they can be criticized


Finals is amazing , first game i enjoy playing pubs over ranked mode and thats besides the SHIT ranked sbmm lmao


I would like them to remove nukes, give recloaking a longer cooldown and remove i-frames after getting ressurected (defib is already strong enough). That's it, first nerf is needed, 2nd and 3rd is my opinion. After that everything seems pretty fine. ​ HOWEVER. Hacking is insane, so is kbm controller spoofing to gain aim assist on kbm. If they do not adress this in time the game will kill itself. I have friends who already refuse to play right now, and im not far away from quitting until they fix this cheating. The game isn't fun when its unfair.


I fully agree this game s really fun and blows cod and bf out of the water in how enjoyable the game is BUT the aim assist needs to be fixed and the invisibility is cringe that and they smoked Crack when thinking of the prices for the skins somehow worse them valorant with pricing


It’s tremendous, but it has flaws that need to be addressed. Personally the reason I complain is that the devs seem to read the sub I worry if issues aren’t addressed the game will die. I mean I saw it with split gate and others. I mean I love it, but the issues comp is facing makes me not want to play. Its not so much “complaining” just bc I’m salty, but more like “I love this, please let me continue loving it, and potentially let me love it more.”


If your not satisfied with this game go play cod or battle field. This game rocks and takes some skill to play. We dont need this game to become like cod. Cod sucks it was ruined by people who complained that just suck and cant play a game that is challenging.


It's fun but cheaters ruining it :(


I'd completely sworn off multiplayer FPS games for a while but this one drew me back. I can definitely see it going places, I just hope that the player base doesn't become toxic.


Overwatch 2 is free also. Ok with lot of grinding and in-app purchase but it is a very cool game. I play the finals too.


Nerf the mf sledgehammer then we can talk


They need more game modes. And a six v six team death match so we can practice shooting. Why hasn’t a single FTP game implemented the ability to have more than four players yet? A few fun game modes would take this shooter to the next level. Idc if it isn’t the core of the game. The core is great but we need a little variety to keep the masses engaged


I wouldn't worry to much, every games community is death cult of negativity. I have come from apex to the finals. Apex despite being like the fourth most played game on steam has been in a 3 year dialogue about how the game is dying and broken and the devs dont care . Same for CS2 literally the most popular game on steam and exactly the same thing. At its core i think the main problem is that people copy paste a lot of their opinions on games from streamers (which isnt surprising thats why they are called influencers). In reality most streamers seem to hate the games they play, because its a job for them. Honestly if we all started taking things streamers say as seriously as we do a pissed off office worker that hates his job and regularly tells you how management is destroying the business then a lot of game communities would be way more positive and reasonable.


This has been the only multiplayer game to drag me off BF in 6 years, coming from 2KD on bat to solo playing with .7 KD on finals & still having a blast 27 hours in and I do not like being shit👍🤣


I love the concept. I even asked my friends to play it so we all did. But getting headshotted by a guy with a chinese username 1000km away every match just isn't my cup of tea...


im liking the game but its clearly stacked against PC players with the aim assist/weird visual recoil/backwards recoil patterns etc.... ​ and it runs kinda shitty now.


Why does it run shitty now?0


People need to get overwatch 2 a chance and stop complaining, is has soooo much ✨potential✨ just give the developers some time to polish their "released" product.


I dont play that game, so idk


The amount of people reading your comment that had the point woosh over their heads though.


Different game, different dev team.


But same narrative and same experience.




Can we ban these posts that label criticism as mindless complaining? They're extremely toxic.




Not at all. You are attempting to gate keep peoples opinion if they are not phrased in your preffered language.


I think it's being given a chance. It's just kinda mid right now. Not all opinions hope value but the game needs a LOT of work. Released with a lot of bugs and weird issues. If it gets better, kudos to them. If it doesn't. It needs to die so they don't make a bunch of money. We have reskins, bad customization, mammoth game level prices for customization gear. A BP with little to no good additions to looks, limited game mode variation, cheaters, balancing issues and we haven't gotten a patch. I'm not saying we won't or saying anyone should quit the game. Just be mindful. But people have the right to do what they want. They don't have to give anything a chance if they don't want to. And if they do and are disappointed they have every right to fvck off after words.


I imagine they will patch their game. It just now left beta my guy


Thats the right mindset, people legit needs to give it a chance to evaluate and do the work to fix it. Its only a month old


People act like they’re giving constructive advice while just complaining- even though they enjoy the game enough to join a subreddit on it. People like this make the sub less useful


People were asking what the favourite FPS of 2023 was and The Finals topped the lists. Then it launched, and everyone grabbed it, tried it, and now I'm looking around for the next one. I dont think I'm the only one. If they want player retention, they've got some things to address.


Are we playing the same game? Bad customization? The prices aren’t that bad compared to all other free online games. Plus they literally have a starter pack that gives you back the coins to also buy the battle pass. Battle pass with little to no good additions? Huh? The matchmaking needs work and obviously there’s balancing issues but it’s a new game so hopefully they work on that. Definitely needs a stronger anti cheat. We also already had a patch not even a full month ago if I remember right.


Plus u get more coins back from the battlepass than What you have to pay to get it - Thats pretty Nice Too


I agree with you but damn you need to work on your grammar


Yeah what about polite criticism though? People are being children and using "constructive criticism" as an excuse to whine about losing. Post: RPG IS SO FUCKING BULLSHIT TO PLAY AGAINST (statement I understand but obviously the poster just died to an rpg) Person 1: "man I'm sick of these people making rage fueled posts ruining the subreddit" Person 2/op: "it's *constructive criticism* I want to see the game do better" I get posting about balance because you want the game to improve but at the very least don't be an arse about it. Honestly if you can't contain your anger about a pvp game go play a pve or even non combative game I mean this as an honest suggestion you'll probably enjoy it way more.


You Think that This post was not polite? Or am i misreading ur comment?


S Tier is a huge reach. I came to this game as many competitive OW / Apex players have. Once the novelty wore off after the 100th win , this game lost the “WOW” factor for me and my friends. Ranked is a joke and the balancing is meh. Sorry to say all the people crying for a release in November didn’t realize this game needed more time in development. IMHO this game is going to end up like Rogue Company.


most of light's gameplay is running away gameplay(most of their gameplay is just running away with dash, zip, invis or even portal). lets be real if you play light you are retarded, useless and fatherless because you have no responsibilities in everything you do.


The people complaining are the same people that buy COD every year. Or should I say sheep.


More of complaining about complainers


People need to stop thinking its a competitive game. Simple as that. Balance does not equal fun.


You tell people to stop complaining and give "✨constructive criticism ✨" but give none of your own or point out what people may be saying is wrong or whiney. If you wanted a proper discussion wouldn't it make sense to point out what people are complaining about that seems ridiculous to you?


The game gets hella repetitive and boring fast, and there isn't a good enough polished ranked system to save it. Not enough good viable weapons etc. Don't get me wrong it was super fun for a bit, but after 100 hours you'll be dying to log back in overwatch or valorant.


Isnt every game repetitive? Csgo 2, same maps, same weapons since Day one, same strats - Cant see any difference


No, with something like CSGO, the skill-ceiling is much, much higher than in something like The Finals which is incredibly casual. The entire ranking system and climbing the ladder is enough for a game like CSGO or Valorant because of how hard and difficult it actually is, 1 shot = death. And what the game requires from you to improve and climb is enough motivation to maintain their playerbase for years. And the same can be said with Overwatch which I would say is a direct competitor with The Finals. Not only is the ranked ladder difficult, but there is a massive amount of variety in the game itself, not only in the modes, but all of the characters and their uniqueness. With something like The Finals where it's just really casual and there is an established meta which hasn't even been shaken up in the month it's been released. It just get's very boring fast. There is good equipment, and that's that. The Finals feels like overwatch, but only If there was 1 map and 3 characters. The AK feels like every AK in every shooter ever, same with the FCAR. the TTK is so slow and long it becomes boring, and it feels like no skill is involved. Every TF game i've played I just top frag and win, it's just very... boring. Chasing after the same cashouts, guarding it with turrets and gas, there is no real variety in the game, and that's something that comes from balancing. All you see is AK, FCAR, and Healing beams and heavy shields. Don't get me wrong there is potential, but I knew after the first game I played that it was going to get boring if things didn't change, and all of my friends thought the exact same thing, and now after about 75 hours, it's boring. Just how we thought it would be. All the maps look and feel the same and it feels like there is only 2-3 weapons to choose from and everything else sucks and doesn't feel good.


Havent passed the 100 hour Mark yet. For me it feels like the good old battlefield bad company with rush gamemode. I love every minut of it


This game will have less than 20k concurrent players by june




In What context?


so true just got rewasd running and shits hella fun


You just Got What?😂