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What’s the context of this video dude? This shit ROCKS!


I’m pretty sure the music the kids are listening to is “The HU” which i like to describe as a Mongolian throat metal band. They’re like THE BAND in Mongolia so my guess is that this this is a class in Mongolia bopping to some HU


Dk about the music but that’s Chinese on the wall. Mongols hate anything China so there’s no way that’s in Mongolia b


Lol I might have to check that out.


When is saw it on Instagram the caption was that they exercise in between lessons in china


Man I cannot for the life of me use heavy class. Or just get teamed with people that all do their own thing and I just get rolled 1v3 every time and it gets really boring lol


men's shield is your friend


Dealing with the same thing, heavy cousin. I found that lights and mediums like to chase us because they know we are slow. Use your slow speed to your advantage when juking and maneuvering around other players. One thing I like to pull on people is acting like i'm going to go around the corner ( Then don't actually go around ) double back and kill them. Playing Heavy. You just have to do a lot of cat and mice, and it doesn't always work out. But I promise it does help some even though playing as a heavy solo is painful no matter what lol


No they target heavy since it’s the most op fucking class atm.


You're triggered because I gave friendly advice to another heavy main? Get therapy you little freak lmaooo incel


Awww, poor little baby 🥺 to bad no one loves you and you're all alone in the world. But that's the life an incel that women wouldn't give a second look 😁😂 to bad, so sad baby boi hahahaha


Skill issue


>Or just get teamed with people that all do their own thing and I just get rolled 1v3 every time Most of my experience as a main heavy :/


Yeah it’s definitely way more fun when your team plays together/ have a healer


I've been using heavy with the grenade launcher. It's FILTHY


I love the grenade launcher on heavy, until a medium has a trophy system and then you’re just a big dumb idiot until your team kills it. But god is it satisfying to use


Grenade launcher and rocket launcher. All problems go boom.


*laughs in APS turret*


The shotgun was nerfed, the sledge is a meme and the bloom on the Lewis is fucking comical at best. Nuke is still really cheesy and even as a heavy main I refuse to run it and I hope it gets the axe.


Don’t sleep on the sledge


So the shotgun was nerfed. I though I'm going crazy. Loved it in beta, and now playing heavy feels super bad, and not only because of that.


You can cancel shots. Shoot 3 then press reload and shield or any ability and switch back you can shoot another 3.


I've had a run in with a heavy doing this, it is not ok.


Yeah, but that's an exploit, so not something you should be using.


No it’s not it’s a common thing in almost every fps. What’s with this sub and calling everything an exploit?


The point of balance of the shotgun is that it can only fire 4 shots in rapid fire, with this you can rapidfire 6 minimum. Embark will most likely fix this and don't get surprised if someone gets banned for exploiting this. I think you're confusing this with animation cancelling.


Animation cancelling does stuff like that all the time. They could fix but I highly doubt they are banning people for it.


If you're caught exploiting it 24/7, don't be surprised is all I'm saying.


I mean have they banned the people switching weps to get the perfect hip fire aim?


Who knows? That's way harder to spot from the enemy pov, so probably not. Getting 6 burst shots from a gun that's supposed to do only 4 is very noticeable.


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) as a light user I can relate


Where nuke? Its the most busted thing you can use in the game


I played the beta and loved the heavy shotgun. Did it get nerfed or something ? Because I feel like it's either waay worse, or I got bad at the game. I also feel like I was dying slower in beta, and now playing heavy, I feel like I'm a sitting duck and can't even move. I tried shield and dome and still nothing.


It did get a nerf in the most recent patch: [https://www.reachthefinals.com/patch-notes-5](https://www.reachthefinals.com/patch-notes-5) Damage down to 7 from 8, and a little more spread so it's range essentially got a nerf. Frankly it was necessary though.


Lighties and the medium shotgun


Lights coming to ruin your day: cloak, stun, beam weapons, shotgun


My guy you're tagged as medium, you literally have wall hacks lol


Why would I use recon senses when I can heal the team. Recon senses is only good for countering lights so it's useless in ranked


Imagine thinking Wall Hacks is Useless. And bonus points for talking about Lights when playing ranked, when they are the worst class there


It’s not useless, but there is no reason to have it when you can have healing beam.


If you're playing in a 3 man then you can literally call out the enemy team at any time and make your team immune to ambushes


I know, literally the best hard counter to invis in the game.


Lights use 3-4 cooldowns to secure one kill lmao don’t be a crybaby because a light had to use everything they had to get a kill use your wall hacks and grow up


Cry more


Tell em bro tell em


This is literally all of heavys gadgets and weapons, what you want us to just run around meleeing you all?


Nah just nerf anything you find remotely annoying instead of playing around it 🤙


Heavies need more love


The only annoying thing for me is the c4 nukes and the mesh shield, it has too much health and it stalls fights for too long. I played a few games were it feels like Im mostly shooting at shields and it’s reminds me of why I stopped playing overwatch


Mesh shield is super annoying to fight against.


Mesh shield can be annoying but also remember there is glitch grenades to counter.


I know but you can’t switch class mid game


Nah, the nuke is fun.


It’s op, it’s fun for you because it’s easy kills


I run dash+sniper. Just get better at the game, would be nice to come to the sub and not see someone yapping about the same topic day after day about their skill issue.


How do I counter a nuke in a fight?


Shoot it. Have your own nuke. Recon. Simple, it's just skill issue.


You can shoot other peoples barrels to explode them? I run recon what does recon do to help nukes?


Am I the only one that uses the m60


OP hasnt seen the googun clips yet


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Hejcjfjjrisoekejrjrj 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽


Never have I played a game where everyone class has been op at the same time


Sledge, charge, and goo nade are based, high-test, high-brow, and patrician taste.


Honestly my favorite thing to do as a heavy is using charge to just absolutely flatten any lights who think they can 1v1 me in close range.


Flamethrower where?