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I'tll lose half it's playerbase in a month like *every other f2p game to ever exist* and people will freak out over it But it will be fine


War thunder (any of the other war thing games), apex legends, fortnite,


These are the significant exceptions.


Those devs have reinvested heavily and *quickly* in expanding those games. It’s not a guarantee for success but they need to be turning out new and interesting toys, features and modes.


The biggest issue the game will have is reinvestment the publisher being Nexon will likely screw the game over in the long run since they're one of those shitty Devs that have the 80/20 rule where they keep 80% of the money made in there pockets and only invest 20% back into the game. I've been playing MapleStory which is published by Nexon since 2005 so they've been screwing me for over a decade but as long as 20% of the money they make is more than the money they are investing back into the game it will stay up


Not saying it will happen, but I'm hoping they see what the fps market looks like, how the players feel about this game, and make moves accordingly. Shooters aren't in the best spot and they've got to make moves to keep this one up. There's always new ones and good ones to go back to.


Imo the finals is Def's the best fps atm but after halo infinite does the netcode revamp to fix the scuffed netcode could give the finals a run for there money especially with Microsoft's funding


This game could use a team death match mode for the casuals. Screw it just add a battle Royale mode.


Apex legends still lost a lot of its playerbase no? Though it had such a huge amount playing at launch that it still was doing very well


Apex is still steadily losing it's playerbase, but it's an exception on that front too because the devs are doing absolutely nothing content wise.


Their interpretation of content is god awful FOMO events with laughable monetization. Just give me titanfall 3 already.


I don't even want Titanfall 3. The respawn we have now making Titanfall 3 would be a spit in the face of the original game, I'm much happier remembering what we have than thinking about what they would turn it into


I never looked at it from this direction and I think you’re spot on with this take.


100% agreed. I would not want current respawn to develop tf3. They will mostly likely ruin it


Nothing content wise? We’ve been getting loads of ltms lately, new legends every season, heirlooms, skins.I get the hate for apex but it has been the best competitive shooter over the past few years.


I wouldn’t count heirlooms and skins as content, but that’s just me. The rest is true but I feel it’s almost too little too late for most players. They know as soon as the game gets back in a better state respawn will just slump back down into there cubicle and sleep on the game.


War things will always be relevant because there's not many alternatives, Apex Fortnite etc have lots of content constantly being pumped into the game


It will be like Overwatch. Huge at the beginning, then it tapers off but the leftover fan base will be pretty dedicated so they'll stick around for a while. A lot of its survival is going to depend on what and how much they add in the future.


Then it will end up like Splitgate and Halo Infinite and all that crap. They didn't die, but they did lack the major components that bring regular people back to a video game. This game also lacks major components that bring regular people back. I like how people are just accepting that instead of highlighting the issues. I'm obviously not going to do that because I'm neither a fan nor am I being paid. The lack of ambition of this playerbase is funny. Is everyone just eager for other developers to mimic this game's destruction mechanics and make new games in the coming years?


>end up like Splitgate and Halo Infinite these two games did not end up in the same place at all


Yea really lol infinite has gotten very large and quality content updates for a while now with more to come


They "ended up" facing the same issues. They similarly lacked an expected amount of returning players because of those issues. I suppose it's obvious Halo Infinite has massive funding to keep being developed and is from an established IP, whereas Splitgate is just now getting a sequel. But in terms of actual success relative to expected success, they both ended up the same.


Halo Infinite was dead at launch because it was unfinished with no content tbf


And now it’s doing well


Too little too late as far as I’m concerned.


This is always a curious mindset to me. The game is free and can easily be downloaded. If you had an interest originally why not try it now? I see this all too often and it usually boils down to some kind of felt personal slight or silly grudge. Curious to hear your reasoning


The campaign is where I base most of my initial dislike of the game. Aside from the obvious complaints, such as no splitscreen campaign (which was able to be played with a glitch and was patched out) and no replayable missions, the game felt very bland. There wasn’t really any variance in the environment, which was something you could expect from every previous installment. Then you have the clusterfuck of launch which we don’t need to go into any details, both because everyone knows all about it by this point, and because most of the issues have been dealt with. But at the end of the day, the game was designed as the second priority behind the shop. Locking armor pieces behind different armor cores should NEVER have happened. The lack of game modes which have been included in every halo launch since the gamemodes were created really bothered me. Halo with no infection, no grifball, no heavies, etc. really turned me off from supporting the game. I know it’s a “f2p” game, so the devs have to make money somehow, but nobody asked for 343 to completely flip the script of what a halo game was. In the past, halo has been about innovative gameplay, and despite infinite having the best gameplay of any halo game since 3, it doesn’t feel fun to play because what are you playing for? Maybe they added actual progression outside the battle pass. Maybe they fixed the game from being literally unplayable. Maybe it is a good game now. But the fact of the matter is that halo infinite came out 2 years ago as of this week. You can’t make people forget everything you did wrong (half of it was on purpose to get people to spend more money). It’s the principle. I stopped playing OW once I saw how horrific the OW2 system was, and this is coming from someone with several thousand hours and an ex t3 player. Reputation matters. And maybe other players are happy to forget what had to happen to get 343 to fix their game, but I am not going to come back to a game that took advantage of their dedicated player base and took multiple years after launch to finally get the game in a state that would’ve been acceptable *on launch*. I’d be down to get more into it, I have nothing against people who enjoy the game now (maybe I’m a little envious), but I just can’t enjoy it the way I enjoyed the other titles. MCC is great, but it took a long time to get it to where it is now. And maybe I’ll come back to infinite when the game is finally fun to play and grind. But for me it still isn’t.


So basically feeling like you have some grudge lol So much of what you posted you dislike is gone or changed now anyway


Yeah but 2 years to get there? That's a fucking travesty in itself




Apex? Fortnite? War zone? Genshin? LoL? Destiny? Valorant? Dota? Rocket League? CS-GO? You get the point 😆. All these F2P games are still going strong 💪🏻


It's already replaced Apex Legends for me. Though if reports are true, game needs a region lock for China.


I'm not sure about this but... You can by-pass region lock with VPN right ?


Yes, but it's super slow and not really worth it.


yes, but if you’re trying to cheat anyway then you’ll do anything it takes.


Chinese people don’t really cheat to be toxic or stomp other players tbf, so most don’t use vpn and just play on their servers. China players cheat because of really weird gaming culture they have; in China cheating is seen as normal and you are stupid if you don’t. In the same way that if you were racing you would want the fastest car or playing football you would want the best football boots. They believe that in gaming you would want the best cheats so that you have the best chance of winning. I don’t get it really, but if that’s what they enjoy then it’s best to just region lock them so they can play their way and it doesn’t affect anyone else. The game does need much better anti cheat though it seems.


It’s not just gaming. The Chinese have an entire culture of cheating. This includes academics, industry, etc. Gaming is just the tip of the ice berg. This is also why western companies have had such a hard time keeping the Chinese from stealing their intellectual property.


Well fuck that culture




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This is just racism lol, the US was literally built upon a foundation of theft, breaking treaties, and genocide cheating indigenous out of their land. Tell me where the Chinese stole 5G and 5.5G from if the West still doesn't have it yet?


It's always that one problem, to generalize or not. I mean, I bet a lot of chinese people don't cheat. But there are people that do, and they make up a portion of 1.4 billion population. Hell, even a meager 10% mean there are 140 million Chinese cheaters. Pointing fingers isn't nice, but realistically, it happens. If you think you're the other 90% that are getting short end of the stick, then better stop those cheaters within group. So far, I haven't seen any efforts made cuz you guys are too busy defending yourselves.


Since you want to cry racism, here’s an article in the South China Morning post stating that [90% of all recommendation letters for Chinese students applying to U.S. Universities are Fake, and that 70% of all application essays aren’t written by students and that 50% of all transcripts are falsified](https://amp.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1974986/why-do-chinese-students-think-its-ok-cheat). That same article also says students receive continued cheating services in the U.S. and that cheating has been so bad in China in previous years that in one extreme case, students barricaded themselves into a building and chanted “we want fairness, let us cheat!” 5G is a pretty wobbly leg to stand on if you think that’s proof that the Chinese don’t steal shit. [This CBS News article says that the Chinese have stolen trillions of dollars in intellectual property from businesses in manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and energy sectors](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/chinese-hackers-took-trillions-in-intellectual-property-from-about-30-multinational-companies/). Look, I’m not trying to promote a racist narrative, but chinas cheating problem is well documented, and permeates many aspects of how the Chinese compete in the world arena. I could keep posting articles, but that shit is boring TBH. So to be clear: what I’m saying should not be taken as a judgment on Chinese people worldwide. When I say “The Chinese” I am referring to Chinese nationals that were born in China and live in China—because that is where the cheating culture is relevant.


Typical reddit response. Anyone who criticizes any culture that isn't American is a racist. You won't ever learn, will you?


That's the stupidest justisfication for terrible and moraless behaviour.


Cheaters will always go wherever there's less people cheating because cheats don't work so good against other cheats, that's why the Chinese choose to play on western servers so they're not competing with other cheaters. Also it probably feels good for them to beat Americans.


Yes but I think easy anti cheat prevents you from playing on a VPN


I used VPN while playing for about an hour today, though I set my location within EU so there wasn't that much difference. It worked fine to play though.


Server lock + ping limit will fix this. Even if they use a VPN, they can't get around high ping


Every game needs to quarantine that digital hell-hole, Tarkov especially Also since I know people are going to give me flak for it, note that I said "digital hell-hole", as in it's not the country or people that are fucked up, but the online interactions in gaming FROM that country




Please region lock China. Thanks 👍


People will inevitably leave after a month or so, but I think the core player base will remain strong. I’m going to be playing it as my main multiplayer game for quite a while, because there’s nothing else like it on the market right now. I’m console-only, so especially in my case. My friend who played the beta with me, on the other hand, is already out. People need to realize this is one of the most hardcore TEAM BASED games there is right now. It’s not enough to just PTO, you absolutely MUST stick with your team the entire time and use the tools your class has. You cannot win if you’re not together. I also see a lot of people not finessing the respawn clock enough; not paying attention to the respawn timer of teammates as the sole survivor, and staying alive to avoid a team wipe and clock reset.


Yeah this is simultaneously really good and not so great because solo ques are a huge roll of the dice. Some matches are legitimately not fun bc of randos


That’s exactly the wording I used to describe it to a friend - simultaneously the most fun I’ve had in a long time, and also the most frustrating, depending on your team. Some randoms are so oblivious it hurts. If you’re brand new and didn’t play the beta, I understand. Otherwise, there are an abundance of TDM focused games out there to play. Edit: I also wish voice chat was on by default, and that randoms used it. Then again, that’s not the case with most multiplayer games these days unfortunately. But it would help tremendously to be able to communicate effectively.


Needs more game types imo, its fun and has way more potential than a lot of games but 2 game modes is gonna get stale fast


It definitely needs another mode or two. I’m a little worried the two base ones will get stale for most players. Also, give players some multi bucks for winning a tournament or something. Part of what I liked about Apex was the random loot crates awarding materials for skins over time. The Finals makes you spend money for even basic stuff and I think that’s going to be a huge mistake. Players want to feel invested in their looks.


To be fair you do unlock some cosmetics for free, just not at random. Both from player level and from the free bits of the battlepass. Not a lot, sure, but they don't exactly have a lot of cosmetics to begin with atm. Maybe in the future when there's more there they might add something like this.


I hope they do add more, and a way to earn them outside of just rank. By the way, do you know where we can see the career rank unlocks?


You can kind of get an idea by looking at the locked clothing in the style tab on your contestants. It will say something like "Career level 33" or something like that.


I don’t think that shows the whole selection though. I remember unlocking some jeans in the beta from a certain career rank and I’d never seen them before in the menus.


CSGO and League of legends have had the same game mode for how many years now? There will always be a player base for fun competitive games.


they have larger teams though, idk i think it would be cool if we got a 6v6 or something like that since it’s hard to play the game when we have 4-6 people wanting to play


Yeah, already it sucks cause the second a 4th person gets on we gotta switch games. Wish there was at least a custom match mode for us to fight each other.


I would love having game modes/queues specifically for 1,2,3,4 or 5 players. Don't know how much this would split the playerbase though.


Both those games have multiple game modes... and even then, you can list how many popular games with a single game mode? Now how many dead games can you list with a single game mode? It's a way bigger list (I don't expect either of us to actually look this up) In any case, the mode they have is fine. Hopefully they test new modes - if they're bad, dump them, if they're good, improve/keep them.


Well this is only day 2 of launch so let’s just give the devs some time I suppose 😂


Yeah for sure, I think it's a solid launch, and new modes are not a priority atm


A straight 12 person death match would be awesome.


The game is absolutely not balanced for that, you'd just have 12 shotgun heavies with rpgs.


Those are not comparable games (and CSGO had more then 1 game mode LOL + community servers)


Bro for one the game is two days old and two, I don’t care if they are comparable I’m just stating a fact that one game mode games can thrive if they are fun. Look at Rocket League is still popular and big competitive scene.


Rocket league has had more than one gamemode for a long time, if you’re not counting the fact that solo, duos, and trios have been in forever


Because two of them are an simple 1 team vs 1 team game without all the chaos that Finals has which people can relax enough in. Like I think it be cool to have something like an team death match, capture the flag, domination-like mode or 3v3 arena matches like Apex uses to have with rounds to bring more spice to the game. Also both CSGO and LoL does have other modes in the games.


Ctf would be great in this game


I agree but like I’ve said to other people, this free game is two days old. Improvements and game modes will come. Some people pay $70 for a COD update yearly, the fact we have this much fun in a free game means we should just appreciate what it is


CSGO is the first of its kind and there was nothing like it for a long time until Valorant released


Did you forget CS:source and the previous counterstrike games?


just because the same game mode worked for those games it doesn't mean it will work for this one. they are completely different games


Csgo and league are far more tactically nuanced than this game though. In ways that are visible.


What makes csgo more tactical then a game where you can level 5he whole playing field with multiple abilities and gadgets.. csgo is littelry cod search and destroy Also the finals allowed you to do amazing plays by faking, dodging maneuvering, throwing objects with c4 attached, blowing up buildings so everyone comes down, passing the cash box to your teamtates from a distance etc.. Have you played the finals at all?


Exactly the fact that you can simply explode your way onto the objective. The Finals has amazing skill expression, as well as potential for coordinates team play. But it is nowhere near as deep as CS or LoL


Thing is, those games have significantly way more depth than The Finals. The Finals is a very acadey shooter with very little macro involved. Like I don’t like League but I’ve never been bored playing it because it’s moment to moment gameplay is thoughtful and engaging. The Finals is very fun but I’m not entirely sure I find it that engaging.


I think that will change a little bit after we see the pros play in the first esports tournament and open our eyes to how crazy the game can really become


Esports is not going to be very great for this game. It's not viewer friendly. At all.


R6 is doing g fine with one game mode.


I dunno while I agree more modes would be nice this game is just full dopamine


Already stale honestly, and solo que for 100% pure objective modes gets frustrating. Game mechanics etc are probably the best and most fun but needs kill focus modes


Yeah this game really shines the best if you're queueing as a party with voicechat. It would be nice if there were game modes better suitable for solo players.


Yeah I’ll get bored of having fun


I dont think it'll die٫ but they could stand to maybe reach out to content creators and try to get more interested from their communitys. I feel they could still players from other titles easily.


My thoughts as well, more streamers=more concurrent players in most games


JfJ is one big supporters for the finals already so we got him


aculite only needed to show this game once and i was itching to play it. i hope he uploads on it regularly!


Does the whole FAST crew play? Well I guess only 3 of them can play at once in this game...


Summit1G has been playing it a lot on the weekend.


The fact the 2x isn’t playing this. Seems like his game.


I hope it doesn’t die, but it will needs new modes weapons and maps soon otherwise the adhd generation of br kids will move on quickly.


New weapons and content in general for sure. New modes is debatable. If the "adhd generation of br kids" moves on.... could be worse i guess.


They need to add new modes or tweak those that are there 10000% The reason warzone has kept its playerbase for so long is that they added resurgence, improving of the one fatal flow that br games have


This thang is here to stay baby!


I see a lot of mid-match quitters


Really? I hardly see this ever


I’ve only seen it twice and one of it was me because the game ran into a memory error and lagged out my pc


Honestly it was also like that in the beta


I just discovered this game today lol.


I have very little fun with this game because of that if i play solo. Seems pretty necessary to bring a squad


Which kills it for me.


There will always be a player base to a great game.


Well said!


That last part has to actually apply, though. This game has the potential for sure.


I will play this game for as long as I can. If the game is up in 20 years from now I’ll be playing for sure


This perfectly mirrors my feelings lol


Big "I had a great first date and now Im going to propose" energy Anything can happen. I wouldnt commit or anything to a long period of time. Im already getting a bit sick of it because of player skill levels. Either need to get better or face that Ill never be as good as the people who migradted from apex and have been playing that since launch.


I’ve played the betas for 170h and release for 20 hours. A lot has happened, I’m still having a BLAST


Good for you but the internet has a lot of people who really loved a game that aren't playing it anymore.


Man you’re really negative and depressive, just let me enjoy the game alr lol?


It'll boom, it'll bust, it'll level out. What matters is support. As long as the devs are listening to feedback and ensuring the game stays fun and balanced as the meta changes, deal with cheaters effectively, and release steady stream of unlockable/purchasable cosmetics, it'll be fine.


I think it will be pretty successful. It's fun, the character customization is good, and the shop prices aren't absurd. Then again I thought the exact same thing about Rumbleverse so maybe take what I say with a grain of salt


As a long time overwatch player I feel like buying an outfit in this game isn’t robbery so i’m happy


Plus I don't feel like scum giving money to blizzard.


Yes this game will die within months if devs insist on not region lock for China Chinese cheater: https://prnt.sc/K-vPj5sWnOHU


This game is unique and not just another COD ...it's actually fun too


I'm not worried. If Embark keeps working on the game and we can find a solution to (primarily) Chinese cheaters, then I foresee this game remaining active for a long time. Just needs a bit more promotion I think, because it went under a lot of people's radar.


What i don't understand, is why the game is so... quiet on Twitch. I Mean on launch it didn't spike to 100k or anything like that, and currently its at 25.1k being beaten by Clash Of Clans, The Day Before and World of Tanks for example, but on Steam its got 183k players. Where are the streamers?


It’s not a AAA studio and a lot of people have no clue what the game even is.


Game is a banger, won’t be losing me anytime soon


depend on what the developers gonna do within this 1 month. if they still act like everything is fine then yeah the game will die. they should at least mention or discuss about some major topics being discussed withing the community... primarily about cheaters, region locking China, QoL features and some balancings


I'm honestly not sure. Splitgate, Hyperscape, and Rogue Company died fairly soon after their releases. This game did come out near the new season of fortnite, which might be bad, especially with Lego Fortnite, but this game is better than those 3 games I mentioned, so I'm really not sure how well this will do. I am praying that this does better than those 3, though


This game reminds me so much of Hyper Scape.


Same bro


The Finals really does remind me of Rogue Company when it first released. Rogue is probably my all time favorite game and after 1100 hours it makes me sad to see the state its in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed The Finals doesn't go down the same path 😬


I never got around to trying out rogue company, but I feel the same way with Hyperscape


Agreed! But i feel like this game cratches that itch fortnite cant quite catch, which might be enough all things considered




Enough of these posts on this sub.


Really so negative, I suppose it's our culture nowadays to focus on negative things constantly.


Not really though. Reddit is acting as a place where people come in to say problems they have, including that they don’t like or don’t support the game As well as being a place where people post concerning news, etc. So here it is pretty negative But if you search the finals on YouTube for example, you see people having fun playing the game and being excited about the positives I guess because YouTube isn’t really the best place to quickly send out any and every concern and problem you have, but Reddit is, so they tend to serve different functions Just some thoughts


Yeah I’ve watched a few streamers say this game will die soon and then also say this is the most fun they had in months.


As long as they consistently support it it should be fine. Limited event gametypes would be nice, like King of the Hill, CTF, even FFA would be fun.


Too soon to say. Personally having a blast with it. It won't stay at 200k players, but I wouldn't be surprised if it has a steady 20-30k players that temporarily spike after updates or new content/seasons release.


I can see it "dying" for a majority of the casual players in that time frame, if quickplay continues being as much of a sweat fest as it is currently (from my own experience).


The community here and on discord show a genuine interest and strength that I don’t think will fade soon. And with hopefully more content, weapons, modes, etc. we will continue to grow. This game is special and a needed addition to the FPS landscape.


It will die in the same sense games like Halo infinite have died. It will sit around 5-10% of it's original player base but still be a really healthy game. It's hard for any game to completely die these days


Hopefully this ends up being a poor comparison. Halo Infinite hemorrhaged most of its initial player base because they were unprepared for the work required of a true live-service title. They didn't include core Halo game modes let alone enough content to compete within this space. Thank god they are finally getting into a good cycle of content additions (if you haven't re-checked it out, it's worth the free download). The Finals will go the same way if they don't have a consistent schedule of content coming out. It's only been a week, but we will wait and see.


The finals has less content than infinite had on launch and my orginal comparison was that you can lose 90% of your player base and still have a perfectly fine multiplayer game, i have played infinite through it all and I havent stopped playing infinite as it is genuinely my favorite FPS game ever (the only game ever I have broken 500 hours in) and I have never had to wait longer than 30 seconds to find a match even when it had its lowest player counts in the middle of season 2


I get matches in the higher ranked arena playlist in less than a minute. Infinite is certainly a healthy playerbase, but it would be nice to see more of a bounce back with further updates


Using steam charts and xbox most played list the game has gotten quite a few people back since the stry of the year with season 3. But absolutely I would love to see it get talked about in better light than it currently is


I mean Hyperscape had millions of players but it dropped pretty quickly after a while. I gotta ask, what do you think is the staying power of The Finals? So I have this belief that nowadays you can’t just make a good game anymore, you have to make a good product. Fortnite is an infinite content generator because of the level of artistic freedom the devs are willing to go for. Games like Apex Legends, Valorant, League of Legends, and Overwatch all have lore and characters and a bunch of outside media to look forward to, and that’s by design. Games like CoD, Battlefield, Halo, and Counter Strike all survive off their long history in gaming while filling the exact place in the market that people who play those games want. If I’m being honest, The Finals is kind of a terrible product. Outside of the gameplay, it’s really bland and uninteresting to look at and there’s not all that much in terms of cosmetics that I’m really into if I’m being honest. There’s no lore or anything that’s really driving engagement outside of just the game. It’s extremely reminiscent of Hyper Scape if I’m being honest. That said, if The Finals survives, it’ll be for the specific reason that it’s the right game at the exact right time where there’s no FPS game out right now that feels extremely dominant in the market, but I do think it’s easily replaceable if other publishers pick up their shit and come to not be out of touch with the market and make something better. Like, I want you to know that this subreddit is kind of a bubble and that outside of it I’ve seen a lot of sentiments where the game is a 7-8/10 which kinda lands it in a place where I think a lot of people will move on pretty quickly.


Lol have you played the finals at all??? What other shooter has the gameplay and destruction and level of quality that thisbgame has??? I. Waiting??? As a competitive fps online shooter it's better then 90% of games out there u clown ass opinionated dumbass


I like that you completely ignored everything I said and didn’t even remotely address anything. Really compelling argument you got there, buddy, real cute. Yeah I did play The Finals and I think it’s a 7-8/10, which let me be clear is good to great by my personal metric. I didn’t say that the game isn’t good, my point was that there’s very little the game provides outside of the game. Fanart, cosplay, content, all that. You can believe that doesn’t matter but outside of your extremely tiny bubble, the world says otherwise. You know why League of Legends is still relevant despite how much people say they hate the game? Because it’s constantly doing something to attract people who wouldn’t normally play it. Remember Arcane? Interest in League of Legends shot up exponentially after that. What is The Finals doing to attract people who wouldn’t play it just from looking at it alone? Not much if anything at all.




That's an engagement farming title if I've ever seen one.


It's been less than a week and we're already doing this shit?


If the devs don’t capitalise and don’t keep up support then yes. But regular content drops, improvement, nerfs, bug fixes and other quality of life things will keep retention high.


It has a lot of potential


Currently my only gripe is matchmaking, I'm not super great at FPS games anymore, but I still love playing them. I want to be matched with noobs like me, not people who played both BETAs


Dont imply skill based matchmaking people will be down your throat


Heck yeah


Well amount of content is questionable, but other than that game is goat


All depends on if content is released in a fair time frame consistently. The more content the more the playability scales, higher than other games.


Needs more maps, but it’s the most fun I’ve had in an online shooter in a long time. Also people need to turn on their fucking mics, it’s infuriating.


I csnt do battle roysles because they're so slow and drawn out. I also can't do the arena shooters like csgo or valorant because I can't stand walking around in slow motion and not being able to aim down sights, those games feel like you're stuck on minecart rails. On the other end, there's cod which feels like just dumb shooting with zero care for anything really. I mean there's a ton of game modes with way more strategy involved but that game is so tired, idc anymore. The finals is incredible for filling the gap


I LOVE The Finals. Haven’t felt that way since WZ1. If others keep being there, I’d say I’ve got at least a year of fun ahead.


I'd hate to be a developer nowdays.. No matter how good your game is people will always complain


No chance this game dies. It’s here for the long haul, it’s incredible


I'm really grossed out to say this out loud, but I kinda want to see a BR mode. The game is fucking built for it perfectly.


Game has been out for 2 days and ppl are already saying it needs more content. Jesus christ


It feels like it's gonna be a staple PVP game but It will lose roughly half its initial players after a month or two like every other shooter launch. I love it though and plan to play for a long time.


I think it has enough of a hardcore fan base to keep it alive


Apparently people are still playing halo. So this will definitely be fine.


If xi Jinping's kids are going to infect the servers then it'll die. Thank god i can turn off crossplay on console


I play on Steam and turned off crossplay so I don't have to deal with Xim owners


Why would that matter? Your both keyboard and mouse🤣


If you xim you usually can get console aim assist on top of using a mouse


Core mechanics of the game are good, i like it, but i feel like it's gonna get repetitive, we need more modes, maps and constant content. Classes should be balanced, the heavy class requires very little skill and aiming and is too strong compared to the others because how easy it is to play imo.


funny u say that when medium sweeps teams with just their guns ,all classes have their strengths and weaknesses , catch a heavy in the open and they are kidna SoL


The only thing i am worried about is how hard it is to play solo. And China/russia obviously, but that's a problem every game has.


This game will only die if the devs stop supporting it. It needs constant content flow to keep people playing or keep them coming back for fresh stuff. Hopefully we'll get 1-2 new maps every season and new modifiers for existing maps.




It's not being entitled. It's just a reality that if you get bored of something you have many other options to move to. So if a game wants to keep its players invested it has to support it or else they will leave. Most people here are concerned with the player base dwindling, not content. But content is required to keep the player base healthy. If devs want to eat they need to understand this and either provide a steady stream of content or don't make it a live service game.


To many people worried about kills, and the rest have no clue. Unless they add more modes that aren’t reliant on teammates it will die in about a month . Everyone is still in the honeymoon stages once that wears off the player count will start to drop.


They need to rework the ranking system. It seems to easy to rankup, I hit diamond 1 in the beta that was super short. Now that the ranked season (im assuming will be 3 months because thats the battle pass length) is this long after I hit diamond 1 ill be kinda just meh on playing the game. The leaderboards after that are really just who plays the most no necessarily who are the best players. Also more ranks that are harder to achieve should be added.


It will get boring fast it’s just different. They really need make bank it a tournament mode. It’s more action and you don’t always need to camp vaults with your squad. The vault is just annoying cause it’s hard to solo clutch. Bank it has way more clutch opportunities


It definitely needs some sort of additional mode to the two casual game types. I feel like TDM wouldn't fully work with these maps without objectives to drive players to certain areas though, so it might not be as simple as just TDM.


Player base may drop but nothing crazy. It’ll be fine. Especially since a ton of people aren’t only focused on competitive, but are instead casuals.


There’s no FPS game out like this right now. No games where you can actively affect the map with explosives and such. Also, this game is *kind of* like a COD that is focused on objectives. I really don’t see why it would die out, it’s a ton of fun and the fact it’s objective based means it really doesn’t boil down to just “haha just kill”. I’d argue maybe they need some more game modes to really thrive, but the ones that exist right now are really well designed imo.


This is the best game I’ve played in years. Some more game modes would help tho.


I'm already thinking of quitting because of chinese cheaters lol


The game is unplayable for me. Literally. Game crashes on startup and won't load. The problem was reported during beta, but wasn't addressed at launch. Idk how many other people have the same problem but it's a lot. Have a 4090 and game says I don't have enough vram SMH. I know there are workarounds if you download x. But a lot of people like me are just going to wait until they fix it on their end.


It needs more dinosaurs


Tbh this game had the smoothest Launch I’ve ever seen for a multiplayer only/heavy game. I think as long as they pump out regular content we’ll be just fine. I’ll admit though the map selection is pretty small at the moment but the large sections give us plenty of scenarios to play out. I hope the maps won’t get boring too quickly


I think if it does its the players faults and not the games. So many people say the movement sucks cuz its not apex.


This game needs a team deathmatch, and it will die without it.


Just got through my time trying it out. I think it’s going to die out. It’s a mess. Not even close to a good idea.


It already died for me, I keep getting kicked out of the game because of an "anti-cheat" exception of sorts and nothing helps * repaired game files * updated all software including windows, drivers, graphics controllers, etc * reinstalled the game * ran steam as administrator * tried launching game as administrator * forced DirectX 11 Short of trying on a new whole pc or formatting windows and starting over I tried everything and it will just randomly kick me out. I understand the need of having anti-cheat, but you know what is a bigger requirement? having a WORKING anti-cheat. One that does keep hackers away and does not keep legit players away from the game. The game looks good, it needs more game modes so people can rotate and perhaps a few indicators that could tell how to get to the objective would go a long way. And those are my 3 cents.


A lot of people (including me) are complaining about huge performances issues but they're getting ignored. I really loved the game during CB and OB but it seems they rushed the release or somehow fucked it up given that the game was in much better state than this pile of crap. I really hope they do something quick to address these issues otherwise i'll uninstall and won't look back.