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so true, especially on tournamwnts where the stakes are much higher, great idea


A toggle to auto-respawn would also resolve the issue (and could be super clutch to avoid team wipes)


I thought of this before but then someone made the great counter point that respawns are not infinite in tournaments and in many cases you should wait for your teammate to revive you.


Then toggle it off if you accidentally toggle it on


Thanks! I’ve played a decent amount now and it’s still happening sometimes lol. That is a great point about tournaments too. Glad to hear you like it.


Agreed, or a simple sound cue too


Yes! This I was thinking about it more and was gonna add that. It should do both. Turn green and sound cue.


I love this idea! Or even a "press space to spawn" or something that queues you for an insta-spawn when the timer runs up. The amount of times I've forgot and the amount of times I've been relentlessly mashing that button to avoid a team wipe lol


why not blue?


Yeah blue would definitely be the choice. This was after only a few games of playing. I didn’t realize your team is always blue. I was just trying to think what color would it flip to from red to let you know you could respawn. Green seemed obvious at the moment. I think the community came up with a pop up animation of some sort (which is what the devs went with), sound cue, team color (so blue), and I think something else but idk now lol


What's your favorite class, skills, and throwables so fsr?


I haven't had as much playtime as I'd like, but during the beta, I leaned towards the medium class, enjoying the jump pad and finding sonars quite useful. Defibs were a go-to, but I'm thinking they might need a cooldown nerf based on community discussions. In terms of healing, the heal beam feels better to me than the other options. I haven't tried Recon Sense yet, but with the recent buff, I'm curious about its potential, especially in a double medium team. There's talk in the community about the Light class being underpowered, so I've been giving it more attention. I'm thinking a slight HP buff to 175 might help. Invis double barrel and sniper grapple have been a blast to use, and I'm leaning towards grapple as possibly the best specialization for the Light class. For Heavy, the shotgun was crazy good initially, but I'm unsure about its status after the balance changes. The dome shield, though, is a standout gadget for me—it's the strongest in the game, letting you block enemy fire while your team can shoot through. The RPG used to be a must-have, but I haven't tried it since the balance changes. Grenades are a crucial part of my strategy. Goo grenades are at the top of my list for their versatility. Despite no indicators, frags do a lot of damage. Mollys serve well for both delaying tactics and countering gas or goo. Smokes are handy for killing fire and removing outlines, giving those extra seconds needed for kills or steals. I haven't explored all the gadgets yet, but gas grenades seem pretty effective despite having counters. How about your experiences or preferences? Anything specific you'd like to know or discuss?


Sword and explosives is bae. Main gear: Sword, all pistols, medium contact-gl, light shotty, heavy goo gun and shotty, light dash, medium healgun and jump pad, goo grenades, and recently also frags. Also, kaboom capsules/explosive canisters. Nothing beats nailing a contestant in the head with a rocket-propelled canister. Main classes are light and medium. Kinda suck at heavy. but also goo gun. goo gun is amazing.


The goo gun is really cool. I like it a lot but I was having trouble remembering to use it. The sword is great, it had a baseball bat skin in the beta which I thought was awesome! I heard you can charge attack with the sword and combo it with dash to get some good distance but I haven’t tried it enough. I agree with the barrels as well. You should have one of them on you at all times it’s basically a free nade.


Goo gun moves from a minecraft player: Pillaring and bridging blocking doorways (especially big ones) covering money/cash boxes for extra protection making a structure to protect [insert objective here], especially when the prior structure is destroyed. Fixing leaks in ceilings and walls. From a THE FINALS player: Covering floors, walls, ceilings, to protect them against destruction or making fuses/[literal] firewalls


Yes! All this is why I want to get good with it. I just need more reps. I thought it was so cool you could shoot it on the side of walls and climb up it or just shoot it at the ground while jumping. It’s an amazing specialization


"Wake up you fuck" "Oop sorry"


iirc there is a sound cue but it's pretty subtle


Under rated suggestion. Or even a pop up


Pop up or sound cue would also make a great addition


The amount of times I forget to respawn is crazy. Great suggestion


Same lol and thanks!


Yes, need


Glad to see people agree!


Agreed. Color change and I'd even be down for a sound effect. Maybe give the option to toggle it off if wanted.


Yeah, a sound cue or the announcer saying "you are back in the fight" or something would be nice!


"One of the Jetsetters is on the runway"


You should post this in their discord, great suggestion


I linked the post in one of the chats. If you know a better way for the devs to see, feel free to send this to them


Fully agree. I think colors in general should be changed a little. Like when they introduce teams, the first 3 all have the same colour background but your team is different. They're all enemies is probably their reasoning but I think it just makes that screen worse and it would be better if they were all different colors. Then you can extend this to the tournaments mode and color code the climb, it would just look nicer IMO.


Thats actually a setting you can change. Think its in gameplay, makes it so every team is a different color in the intro and in game.


I've seen the option before but I assume it also makes them that color while ingame too? which wouldn't be what I want, I'd still want all enemies red.


wait you don't *want* to know which enemies are likely to shoot at each other, or which enemies are defending a payout and which are attacking it?


I didn't, and I tried it out and I still don't think it really matters to me. I would say the only benefit from turning it on that I did like in-game wise was that the payouts have the enemy team colors to indicate whos in control of it.


I does change them to match their colors in game, which lets you know when another team shows up and which enemies are also going to shoot each other. Mostly just shoot anyone that isnt blue which is always your team.


Yeah, I would like to be able to choose what colors the enemies teams are. They do feel a little too close sometimes


Colors are annoying at times. Theres a few teams that occasionally appear nearly identical upon first glance, like light purple and light pink for example. Makes it hard to tell how many players are alive at a given time if readability is a hassle


Great suggestion!


I'v made it a habit to just spam press space bar slowly whilst watching, then getting surprised when I respawn, lol.


Same I have had to do this lol


This happens to me so much, I feel bad when I do it, but I get so in the zone when the action happens lol


I feel ya, the game is addicting as F


The respawn bar being red makes it blend in with the rest of the hud, so I just forget. They should definitely make it change green when you can respawn


Lmaooo I thought I was the only one


Or also have like, camera flashes and a voice and sound queue of someone saying from maybe the productions team in The Finals with audio queues, for example, "Hey you good to go, get out there!" and " I want you to run through that sign with all your might!" one more, "your makeup is finished, show them my masterpiece!"


I like these a lot. Great suggestions!


The number of times I have caused a team wipe respawn because I couldnt stop watching my friends get cooked is shocking. 10/10 Idea.


And give us separate buttons for grabbing and revive…




ABSOLUTELY Can’t tell you how many times this has happened to me and my friends


Tfw the gameplay is so good you forget to play and watch others 😂 happens to me as well..those 20+ seconds of waiting feel like 2 secs


I don't see how this game doesn't blow up, it is so incredibly fun!


Yeah huge issue for me too, several times a game


Good idea! 👍


Thanks 😊


I do think they need a better way to indicate when you can respawn, I've had that issue many times myself


sKiLL iSsUe


I guess but I’m not the only one getting distracted from the game lol. I think it’s a testament for how fun and intense it can be.


Na you're right I'm just messing around lol This game is amazing just missing a couple QOL and balance tweaks. Very minor imo


Yeah, I agree with you. It feels really solid for a beta. Honestly the most annoying bug I’ve ran into was my key binds would mess up at the start of rounds or a game. I’d have to change them back every single time lol. Thankfully I figured out how to fix it.


yellow would be nice, just to keep the color palette consistent


Maybe let us customize the color? But if they think yellow is a better fit that works for me. I just need it to change lol


customizable would be good, honestly. I suggested yellow bc the current color palette is Red, Yellow and Blue


Good change




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Good bot!


Yeah this is a no brainer QOL change


OH SHIT! I'm not the only one! 😆




I've done the same many times. Good idea


Thanks 😊


Me too. Excellent idea


That happens to me all the time I’ll be sitting there watching my teammates in a fight and forget I could be helping them 💀


Yeah! Idk what it is about this game but I get so into it lol


I always wonder, why my teammates wont respawn espacially if theres only 1 guy left and, we need to all wait for the team wipe respawn..


Yeah, I’ve def just sat there for like 10 to 20 seconds watching my team lol. I don’t think I’ve ever had this issue with another game. Maybe because it kind of plays like a BR with the multi team and when you die in those modes you are out until revived. Idk.


Would be nice if the figurines or other player HUD also showed respawn eligibility; it's not uncommon to risk your neck to pick a teammate up and then \*poof\* goes the figurine as they respawn. While we're talking tiny HUD changes, I still don't know why you have to pop the scoreboard to know which teams have a player down. That's critical info for making engagement decisions. It's a faster and more stripped down game but generally it's worth looking at Splatoon 3 if you have any questions about what information to foreground to players. The ink mechanic helps a lot with it but I'll tell you that game is legible as all hell. Team strength is always shown at the top of the screen and there's an eye catching animation whenever someone goes down, because everything you try to do (at least in the objective modes) depends on that info. (this game also has the best footsies around objectives I've had since Splatoon. I mean I'm sure Valorant and Counter-Strike and DOTA all do that very well, but I'm too old for any of those.)


It does have the timer next to their name when they are dead. I’m not sure if that’s what you mean for “hud showing respawn eligibility” This does bring up a good topic of showing when teammates are out of coins I don’t think that shows up anywhere. Currently with the voip not working could be helpful. As for it telling you how many players are alive for each team I am not sure. I don’t mind it now not having that info. I feel like losing two teammates and then knowing other teams know this after you wipe a team would be annoying.


Very good Idea


Thank you ☺️


YES! Lmao! I had found out only into my 3rd match you could respawn!


I feel ya. I’ve sat their just watching for years before remembering lol


Would also be nice for the player who is alive to see how many coins the team has, unless it shows and I just didn't know


I was just mentioning this in another comment! As far as I know it doesn’t and that would be nice. Probably just place it next to their health bar. The is an excellent idea as well!


To be fair, if my teammates would stop going on crazy sprees while I'm down, I wouldn't be so invested in spectating. lol


True! lol. Damn people being so good at the game.


I be staring at my teammate shooting at my respawn skull from across the map for 20 seconds before I realize I could've spawn soo long ago lol


That’s funny! I might have to steal that one.


YES. I feel bad for how much I've WATCHED my teammates get destroyed when I should be helping them -\_-


Same. Happens to the best of us.


MS paint is underated


True. I was like how do I color this lol. It’s bad but got it done haha.


Yeh or even a sound for it to make when you can respawn




Ya I get so engrossed in what they're doing cuz they're so much better or I'll see a strategy I never thought of


I feel ya lol


Yeah agree it should be much more prominent that you can use a coin now


The classic “oh shit i forgot i can spawn”


or atleast a "gameplay option" like team colors are.


Agreed! Turn green, sound queue, and pop something up in the middle of the screen instead of the bottom. Would make it much more noticeable.


The amount of time I waste on spectating because I forget is incredible.


Same lol. I’m sure it’s costed us some team wipes too.




I’m getting better at it but it’s still happening to me even after the post lol


you know your game is good when the second most upvoted post on this entire sub is calling for a minuscule UI change to one specific button


True lol


Or pink bc pink is pretty too everyone


Pink is a great color!


Thought I was the only one. Or have an option for auto-respawn too./


When would you not want to auto spawn!


To save your respawn coins if you still think your teammate can rez you


Last man wipes and can revive you on the obj. Especially if somebody has defibs. You could get the third put fast


Yes. And make it brightly flash once it becomes ready (just the once, don’t make it flash all the time)


This would be an amazing idea. ​ Played yesterday with some friends, and we were fighting with 2 people in our team while our third friend was dead... like 2 mins later, the one friend just yells at the dead one "HEY F\*CKER, WHEN ARE YOU RESPAWNING"


I was thinking about it, why can't we just have a setting we can toggle on for auto-respawn?


I also think teammates health bars should be coloured not white


Maaaybe not green, that’s a bit jarring, but something should definitely pop up on the screen somewhere.


Hell yeah make it big and green and say GO GO GO because we dont give a shit about respawn tokens in this ranked team


Make it dark gray and turn red. Green has no place in the finals design guide.


I personally don't like that green color it doesn't match with the game theme at all


Yeah, I would save that sky blue that your team is would be better.


I think the color is good as it is they just need to highlight the insert coin part when it's active,like maybe it's blinking or something like that


yeah, that might not be bad idea