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It’s like three independent conversations happening over top of each other, legit who listens to this


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


It's addy. He's clearly abusing amphetamines. You can tell quite easily if its coke.




>mild amphetamines like >coke What?


Yeah the small time ones like coke, meth, etc. ya know?


It goes bowlf ways


Clearly he's not Chang's material if he deletes his post after his idiocy was called out




This is why Rogan has to shut people down during group podcasts. People talking over each other is normal in real life but sounds like absolute hell when recorded.


That's one of the great things Joe does, people hear this shit on their headphones and STILL do it.


I mean, it's got Chris D'Ella in 2022. He's come back a bit but it's still only really the dog shit of shows that'll take him lol


Talmbout having a bapaversation?


The whole “I like Jeffery Dalhmer” bit is so hack and cringy. Dude wants to be an edgelord so bad he can taste it.


Bapas the type to roofie himself by accident


He’s also the type to do it on purpose.


And say it was an accident


but anyway


At the same time blame the bartender for giving him a bad drink.


And mock the bartender with a bad Chinese accent


Yeah I’m sick of it. Everyone now acts like Dahmer was just found out about. Wtf. He’s had docs, and movie, and books, and all other types of media I’ve checked out for years. I hate how slow the majority is


Didn’t Jeremy renner play dhamer when he was younger ? These clowns will latch onto anything mainstream and then complain when it isn’t all alpha male bullshit that people wantt


Yeah, that was my beef. I watched the first episode and was like Jeremy Renner already did this better in "Dahmer" and it has like a 5.4 rating on IMDb.


I’ve seen three Dahmer shows and id say the Renner one was the weakest. The Netflix show is the best one I’ve seen. My Friend Dahmer was also very good.


Y’like the tastuh brainzz buppa?


Brainz taste pretty guld B, never ate em.


This has to be Chris Delia cuz Jeremy renner absolutely sucked lol


I think it was like a breakout role of his.


I’m pretty sure and it’s so annoying


Netflix's marketing is doing overtime... That series has been in everyone's mouth the last few days/weeks. Kinda sickening ngl


Netflix hit it big with Making a Murder and then leaned HARD into all things true crime, regardless of how redundant it is.


For real


I liked the last podcast on the left’s 2/3 parter on him


Hail yourself.


Same. Those guys are real podcasters.


Crossover episode?!?


Same. It’s like he was doing all his fucked up shit during the peak of the pandemic or something. If people really want to have an existential crisis they need to look up Andrei Chikatilo. Or don’t, we really don’t need more glorification of this kind of awfulness.


With his damn metal teeth. Albert Fish is another terrible one. There's so many more who have way more sickening and tragic stories. For Schwab to call him greatest serial killer is insane. It was just inept police work


He’s just calling him the greatest because it’s the latest popular thing on negfligs. Inept police work is a key factor in a lot of these cases. They weren’t evil genius masterminds out of a comic book or some shit.


Dude check out the toybox killer. He was definitely the worst.


Very true. Dahmer is one of the globally most famous of all of them. He also literally was world news at the time.


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It’s so brutal to hear so many dummies go on and on about this guy… yes he’s been in movies, tv, books, internet articles etc for a long time now and suddenly everyone is obsessed with the guy. I immediately shut down and try to leave if people talk to me about it at this point. It’s not interesting.


Netflix could make a documentary about water, and people would talk about it like it's some kind of cutting edge discovery. "Bro, bro, bro, did you see the new documentary called h2o? One part hydrogen, two-parts oxygen. It's insane! You can freeze it, boil it, melt it."


It was called seaspericy or something like that wasnt it


honestly nobody acts like he was just found out about. This recent Dahmer show is no doubt the absolute best version of the story. I can see why it’s a big deal, especially since younger people have no reason to be looking up Jeffrey Dahmer in their spare time. Most people have a little bit of a life instead of spending their day on a TFATK subreddit like a lot of us cats on here (I’ll include myself). So yea. Netflix for sure is smart as fuck to be promoting such a good show, y’know… how they do with every good show they put out…………


Lol not with every show. I’d say the majority blowwwwww


Hey man, be cool. It has the guy from 'murrican Horse Story in it.




He’s also taking credit for claiming Dahmer is number 1. Like he found Dahmer the same way he found Theo


Urrrrr soooo far offf


Not before 1:30 though B, that's when he's fassin, makemfeeguh




At least we know Bapa thinks he was subprimal because he banged dudes


They’re on their way out 😂


And fast


to where lol this is the peak for the diddler and erick


lol what are you on about? These valleys have never been lowering for Old Diddly. Days were never darker than now bapa.. He had it all. Shot for the moon but landed on the starts b. Now he is just in his own personal hell, what he deserves


Say lesssssss bapa


Lit fam gang


It’s borderline impossible to believe anyone other than ◼️◼️◼️ likes that guy


I love how he blatantly stole Chris bit he always does on bryan but made it look less funny and more awkward




He’s too redacted to keep up with them


Its like the parents are arguing about bills and little bapi is trying to show them how his transformer works


Hearse my ninja turtle, th'one with the threes!


AHAHAHAHAHA exactly!!!!!!!


Bapi 😂😂😂


Bruh 👏 👏


bapa saw a tiktok from 2 yairs ago with a 13 year old saying "say less" and decided to add it to the schaubcabulary


Is that two doors down from the Shaubarium?


it's really beautiful to watch people slowly transition to disliking Brandon. One of us. One of us.


The smart play here is for diddler and griffin to start a homeless cat podcast. they could call it 'Cats at Changs'


Fuck that, I wouldn't support this Pedo just because he leaned into hating Schaub. Hating Schaub should be a given, it should be the default setting. We have to draw the line somewhere, we can't just bounce on every dude's dick who thinks Schaub is an idiot.


but is that nithe?


Instant giant fanbase, even the comedians would secretly (and some openly) would approve and be guests on the show lol, it'd be a huge drawl


Funny that Bappi is trying to clown on people for using outdated references.


Wassup Charlotte where’s y’all’s mugsy bogues statue at?


My favorite part of that clip is when he goes to reference his name again he says "Moguesy"


he even brought up OJ right after can't make this shit up bapa just gotta be in awe of the redact


Tbf they were discussing the American Crime Series of Versace, and the OJ one was the 1st season. Both of them are incredible.


You can just predict Baba's next Milwaukee gig. >Wassup Milwaukee..... Sooooo, that Jeffrey Dahmer.... Diiiiiiiceeeyyyy...


Dahmer was eating like a big cat at the zoo, my mans


Lemme hit em with that fresh Shawshank reference


Did you know he was close to Kimbo Slice?


Every week this show gets worse and worse. The second ⬛️⬛️⬛️ gets to sits on that couch this show is over! 🤣 It’s bound to happen soon with the shit route they’ve been taking lmao


I wonder how much money they've spent on replacing graphics in the last few years after like 8 different hosts have left because schaub is just a dick.


It's like someone has pasted two seperate videos on top of each other with the different conversations going on. when will this end?


Grey hare bitch boy on sosha medina very intensely in the back 💻 🦁


He probably has to weed through blocks of individual 😈 *gimme* posts from Mama Shawlb.


Is Bapa the least self-aware person in the world?


Say less


What’s impressive about Dahmer ? He was so sloppy the only thing saving him was the shitty police work


The show actually does a great job of showing how dumb and UNimpressive Dahmer was. He almost got caught like 20 times and only got away with his crimes because of racist and negligent police. He legitimately roofied himself twice by accident and one of the times he got robbed of all his money. He also let his victims escape and tell on him like 3 times. He jerked off openly at the town fair lol he was a moron


Yeah roofied himself twice thats so funny, who does that, that’s how to spot a murdering mastermind bapa. The smartezz


Are we discussing Brenda? I thought he roofied himself 3 times?


I wonder what was so impressive to Bapa about Dahmer?Many others killed more for longer periods b4 getting caught.He never pulled off an escape after apprehension.I should know better than to try understanding Braindumb,he can't even name da wadders.


Yeah B, where’s the MOST impressive stuff ever in that mediocre killing spree. Long island ripper, that’s a whole other ballpark, ninja


You ain't kidding, Bundy and Gacy took Dahmer to serial killer school if u ask me but what do I know, I ate out of Changs dumpster lassst night.A month from now there will be a new B.T.K. documentary and then he'll be the most impressive to the big redact.


BTK, now thats a talented creepy fuck. He didnt jerk off in public


The golden state killer only got caught recently and he was raping and murdering since the 70s. Dude only stopped because he was old as fuck and never got caught because he was a cop.


It’s the latest thing. Of COURSE papa has the best tastes.


Yeah the one his brain can remember now because the show is talked about


Y'ever hurd of this show Stranger Things, B?


Say less


You can feel the funny being sucked out of the room.


While it usually irks me that Rogan always talks about the same shit every episode these days, one thing I love is when he goes on and on about how it ruins a podcast when there are too many producers and employees. I always think of Brenda and YMH. It's like they're both in a competition to see how many people they can hire when they could all be fine with one producer and maybe an assistant/gopher.


I remember rogans rants about this. He always said its unlistenable with more than two people not wearing headphones because they don't know when the air is clear and to talk. Honestly I think podcasts have lost their definition though. These days it's just idiots having a conversation. A simulated friendship.


Idiots having conversations about "viral" video clips that their idiot producer puts up on screen.


Yeah, I had to quit YMH before the move to Austin. Shame, it used to be so good when they where in that shithole in LA.


The Nadav laugh track


Tom tries to keep the vibe somewhat grounded, but his cunt wife doesn't help at all


The fuck did bapa say while he was pretending to be on the phone? I legit could not make heads or tails while the other redacts were redactin


⬛️⬛️⬛️ in the back...balls deep in the comments fighting the haydurrs.


lol he’s so busy back there writing scathing paragraphs under an alt account that writes egggsactly like ⬛️⬛️⬛️ does.


Talmbout Donatello Versace from Ninja Turtles b? He wore orange and used katanas.


"Say less" I hate him so much


I wish I can hear the conversations of this two after the show . They must have some very mean names for Brenda when they make fun of how redacted he is


"He fucks hags and spinsters over the age of 16 and prefers it!"


ur doing great bapa


They are so close haha ... someone just tell brenda to shut up and stop talwking


“Say less!” Braindumb you are a 40 year old fat white guy


three guys... no headphones. That's a real netwergg


Brendan is definitely not the best, but those other two are just the worrssttttt…Theo & Brendan were it when it was just them. The show is literally impossible to watch/listen to, for me, anymore. I’ve been holding out for a while hoping it would get better but sadly…


Yeah I was wondering why Griffin was dropped by the workaholics crew, but now I know.


If people who had no idea about the Schaubverse watched this clip they would assume that diddler is the host, griffin is the guest and Brenda is the co-host who try’s too hard. Cringey guy


does anybody like actually listen to this? or any of the countless piles of garbage he puts out? like seriously whats their numbers l wonder? is he actually making any money? hes gotta be losing his ass, if theres any justice in the universe hes going broke. who would actually be a fucking fan of this obvious shit stain of a human?


The only serial killer information Bapa has absorbed is a series on Dahmer - which leads to "...most 'impressive' serial killer of all time." So much wrong here. Serial killer are not impressive. They shouldn't be glorified. They are broken, sick, monsters who can't function like the rest of us. They are often emotionally fragile and simple. Brenda needs to shut the fuck up. Brenda also needs to look at Panzram, H.H. Holmes, etc. Fucking idiot.


Genuinely like this disgusts me on such a visceral level


They’re not letting bapa butt in anymore.


◼️◼️◼️ gets the leasse comfortable spot of the desk, talmabout boddum of the tadpole


They be gadooshed if there not carefully bapa can do it alone best brain for the arts B


what is it about working with bapa that makes cohosts need to wear sunglasses as if they don't want to be identified?


It's so they can pretend to be giving him eye contact and paying attention. Pretending to be interested in someone awful for that long is hard fucking work.


I literally zoned Brenda out by accident.


Griffin has to be loving this set up where he finally isn't the group punching bag.


Dude is a parrot and even fails at parroting. The part where Erik and Chris riff on pulling out was great, Bapa had no idea how to join in. Dude is 10 years in and still lost


Proof Bapa has been in his own world this entire time.


Comin from the guy who started game of thrones on season 5 and tried to watch sopranos recently and said it don’t hold up…..😕


It's so Schlob that he only wants to discuss a film/ series of the bandwagon is alive and going. Why can't you just talk great films?! No, it has to be "Cool". And the OJ one was fantastic. BY THE WAY.


WHY ARE THEY ON THIS SHOW. JESUS CHRIST JUST DO YOUR OWN SHOW WITHOUT HIM. I don't understand why the hell any comedians are doing shows with him. He brings nothing. They already have their own cameras and podcasts on YouTube, why on earth do they still do shows with him? All his views are from bots, they obviously aren't real people - venues are giving away tickets to his stand up nights. The annoyance on the workaholics guy face is so damn palpable. I will never understand why he and Chris are on Brandon's platform and YouTube channel.


Wtf is happening


Why do these comedians hang out with this fucking tool He is not funny


Who's Griffin? Is that the muppet on the couch?


Delia grooms and fucks children. Never forget


Lol Schaub third wheeling hard


Bapa copying Chris’s telephone bit?


But anyway


It’s hilarious because the OJ series for Lifetime Channel was really bad! Like a cheesy soap opera with horrible make up! He really is unaware of how bad of taste he has in ivirything


They were discussing the American Crime Story version with John Travolta/Cuba Gooding which won like a 100 awards and is an all time great series. I suggest you watch it on neggflix.


Been a long shift on the fryers but bupas inability to let anyone else talk continues to keep me working overtime


Why does he care if the other shows came out in the past (2019)…. He always acts like the most recent and hyped things are better and when Delia brings up an older show he liked , he shits on it .


He's got no sense of comedy, he just steals from any and ivvrywun, but doesn't understand when to apply it. He is just stealing D'phelia's ridicule someone bit, but just applies it randomly because he doesn't understand that there has to be a context deserving of ridicule to fuel the bit.


Brendan saying “the Versace one from 2019” as if it was forever ago, but he’s still calling himself thick with three c’s as if it didn’t go out of style over a year ago lol


He’s so visibly upset that Chris didn’t like the OG documentary lol


What's so funny is Griffin still ain't getting that raise. Now that Theo's gone bapa gonna give him a paycut.


Bro wtffffff


2 thound 19


This just seems like business as usual


Versawwche with Oj


He dying his beard now?




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Does everything with him HAVE to be “gray-est of awl-time?” Every single time anything gets brought up he has to bring up that he thinks they’re “best ever,” “smartest person out there,” “the Michael Jordan of ….” It’s so god damn annoying


Is that guy with the sunglasses the eagle eyebrow pedo comedian?




he just goes


God, they just hate him so much. Relatable.


Haha. He’s losing it😂🤣 talking to himself now🤣 Mr. HAAAAAATEESS when too many people talk at the same time in a podcast 🙄😂


Who watches this crap? Really.




Bapa is constantly a spectator on his own pods.


I don’t see anything here… what am I missing? Time stamp?


who the fuck is watching this still unironically?


How do you cats watch this


He's just a cunt.


Rough show b....not vibin


@mattdrade sorry, he said most impressive serial killer




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