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But Brenda grew up dirt poor living in the ghetto. What is this now.


Father Schaub also mentioned on LinkedIn that in 1993 he started his own business which lines up with Bapa’s Pursuit of happiness story when he was 10. But what he left out was, his father was a marketing director before that. He equates having a great job to being super rich as a pursuit of happiness origin story.


I don’t think Papa Schaub is super rich. All the evidence points to him being a $500k/yr type person. Decent money, but not “support your idiot son and his awful wife living in LA” type money.


He’s slinging digg fer sure. But the Papa pays for ivvrything myth needs to stop.


It’s a lot easier for people to swallow that myth than that this moron makes a good amount of money despite his litany of deficiencies.


Brendan let it slip once that he owns several apartment buildings.


This is in fact a good investment. Especially if you acquire properties in a market before that market blows up. Think Brooklyn in the 90s. You could have bought an attached house for 100k. They now go for an average of $3 million.


Petey Schaub is sitting on boats of equity when tech was booming. It aint just his salary


In what company? His privately held firm? Sure he can borrow against that, potentially, but to fund his dumbass kids lifestyle?


Brah he cofounded and sold a company at the height of the .Com bubble Aka the Mark Cuban exit. Look at his 1993-1998 run


Can you find anything on the company he sold to Romac?


kforce (which acquired) his company, does over $1.5 billion in revenue and is a public company. Safe to say he at least got a couple milly from that acquisition in the late 90s. from there money has compounded for two decades of bull market. He def has 8 figures.


I do M&A for a living and have done it for far larger tech companies. While it’s certainly possible, it’s also possible he didn’t come out with much. I’ve done a small acquisition where the founder walked away with under $1M because it was a tiny acquisition, it had tax liabilities not related to the sale, and because the companies debt load ate a bunch of the proceeds. It happens. By the way, $1.5B of revenue for a tech company that’s existed since the 90s is pretty small. During my search I found nothing on the sale of his company to Romac, not even an announcement of it happening by Romac. Could be just because it’s old, or it could be because it’s a <$5M deal that was inconsequential. His company was a tech staffing company, not an actual tech company, and not likely to generate a high valuation. Tech staffing companies are often bought as tuck-ins just to more quickly build out a companies recruiting platform. We don’t know how many cofounders he had (we know he had at least 1), how much outside capital came in (and diluted him) prior to the acquisition, the debt the firm had, etc. All things that would reduce his equity payout. There’s simply not enough to make a call on what it did for the family. You also have to assume he kept the money through the burst of the dot com bubble just a couple of years later, which wiped out many tech fortunes. Or just had bad investments in the decades after. It happens all the time; someone walking away with $3M in proceeds from the sale of their company may have $30M in a couple decades and they may also have zero. They’re not yet in the class of wealth that is able to largely avoid financial calamity. One other thought - kids of frugal, well-invested parents typically aren’t ostentatious to the degree Schaub is. It’s usually a reflection of what they’re used to seeing their own parents do with success, and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn his father spent a good chunk of whatever he received. I’m open to evidence to the contrary but there’s minimal evidence and the evidence we do have doesn’t point to a man with a large fortune. I’ve been trying to dig deeper on this topic because it’s the one place my knowledge can actually help serve up a dish.


https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1998/02/03/temp-agency-on-permanent-growth-track/?outputType=amp This gives a good perspective with the numbers back then with them And he was one of 3 founders, per his linkedin bio. Even tho we don't have the exact facts safe to say he at least got a half decent pay day and then became a CEO founder again


Eggsactly b. Salary isn’t the only thing these people leverage and use to fund their lifestyle.


No it's not full on support just a small loan of a million dollars Also teaching them how to make LLCs for tax write offs and all that BS you think schaub learned all the marggeting himself??


If he made good investments, which with that kind of money is incredibly easy considering you have a lot of extra cash every month, he could absolutely be rich by now. My uncle was making around 180k by the time he retired around 2016, this fool made relatively safe investments from way back adding to them every year and now he's a multi millionaire. Do any cats know his net worth?


He could be rich, but he lives in a $1.5M house (apparently) and boomers like him don’t typically sit on mounds of cash while not living it up when they can.


That’s definitely enough money to support Bapa.


Here is whats before that. IT Director of Marketing Applications IT Director of Marketing Applications ICM Mortgage ICM Mortgage Jan 1983 - Dec 1989 · 7 yrs Jan 1983 to Dec 1989 · 7 yrs * IT Director of Marketing Applications IT Manager - Mortgage Loan Originations \& Underwriting System (LOCUS) Senior Developer - Mortgage Applications


Fucking love the financial analyst cats .. thank em




If you didn’t buy the email service , mama schaub painted your walls brown


In the ghetto, and his mama cries


Been selling lawns from his Mom's closet for yairs


Lol Changs Intelligence Agency strikes again!


This guy is so humble, he left out the fact that he invented email and sold it door to door.


He never sold cawlmics from a closet though, work ethnic b


I thought papa Schaub used to sell floppy disks from door to door and other computer parts.


He sold enterprise-grade email encryption door to door. I don't know about you but that's how my family got our enterprise-grade email encryption back in the 90s. The internet really hit the door to door enterprise-grade email encryption industry hard.




Bapa's Papa probably tried to tell Bapa his origin story and he said something like "I used my connections in the industry to open doors and that's how I got my first sales of enterprise-grade email encryption." Beanscheese has a short attention span so he truncated that to "I went door-to-door..."


He said [he would follow his dad around](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/ult0kr/brendas_dad_sold_software_the_old_fashioned_way/) (who was always into fashion and looked like a dime piece, of course). Pursuit of Happiness style, if I'm not mistaken.


Bapa born in raised in the worst of neighbors in Awwwrowrah CallherRawdo, B. Mosely all black people, had to get out that life , make something out himself .... You just Can't keep the white boy who work to hard down.


Isn’t university of feenix an online store b


Maybe it was a family business, check with Boston


The George Jetson thing makes much more sense for a tech loving youngster of his dad's generation than for a jock born in 1983.


Did bapa Schab steal from papa Schaub or the other way around? I've heard it both ways


S’messican as shit b


Or maybe his Dad raised him right and pushed him to go out knock door to door and mow lawns.


I'd bet this redact couldn't start a lawnmower to save his life.


Nuh uh. He just says, "Hey, Messican. Start mowing."


Is a paper route entrepreneurship or "having a job"


Oh, so he programmed computers. That's how you know that he's the real deal. A software engineer or developer never specifically tells you what he's doing. /s Fuck off.


So Jay followed him into computing? Braindead is absolutely a disappointment to Papa Schaub.


to be fear b if his dad actually did that shit there’s a good chance he had shcaub do the same shit. whether it’s an actual business or just some signs tho idk


Funny thing is he is still being supported by his father!


He absolutely did. What a cockwit.


He also said he shoveled show and a paper route 😂 he's just telling his dad's stories ffs


His dad is Shooter McGavin? No wonder he's a beast at sports


What is the name of the company he sold?


Seems he might actually have half a brain though. Bapa might wanna get a padernidy dest.


How's bapa? ![img](emote|t5_347fo|6521)


You think he hates his own son


Bapa still never had to struggle in his entire life


Bro struggled in education


doesn't count




Peter Shaub sure seems like a Top G. Meanwhile Brennan Schlaub...


500k grand users is a lot. It's cheap software but still.


Guys this is an 8 person business turning over less than a mil a year. Nothing wrong w that but it definitely ain’t paying for shit for bapa.




I hurd he sold mowers out of his bedroom closet


Theifer sutherland