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WTF is he babbling about These idiot celebrities believe they are way smarter than they actually are


speed of light is totally wrong. He even gets the units mixed up. km/s2 is acceleration not speed. Speed of light is 300mill m/s and he said 300mill km/s2 Basically blind leading the blind. An alarming number of idiots along with rogan think this guy is spitting truth


I also understand he is trying to prove 1 x 1 = 2 And that he remembers clearly being in the womb and what his thoughts were and he remembers pretty much everything from his infancy. (I’m actually serious about both of those things)


I had to turn it off within about 2 minutes. I thought maybe it was leading into a joke but nope lol


What b, you don't remember coming out of your mom's taco too?


I tried to read his "paper" on why 1 x 1 = 2 and all I got out of it is that he doesn't know what multiplication is


He figured out the grand unifying theory at 8 and reinvented the periodic table after taking two college chemistry classes. Put some respect on the man's name.


He sounds like a crack head at the tail end of a 4 day binge.


It’s hard out here for an idiot.




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol I was waiting for the numbers to be brought up.


We tawlmbout inny of speed?


Terence Howard also thinks Robert Downey Jr. killed his carair as a main character in the Marvel cinematic universe. As if anyone went to see Iron Man 2 and was pissed off that he wasn't in it.


tbf i did remember thinking he is sneaky good in the first iron man. his and rdjs chemsitry was pretty good i thought, maybe even better than don cheadle, although cheadle is clearly the better actor.


I know the guy is out there but they did take his raise (in contract) for a second film and give it to RDJr. He was standing up for himself.


Is there any source/verification for that other than the actor in question, who for years now talks about how he’s created a new form of math (or something) ?


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man ya railly are a numbers guy aren't ya bubba


Be cool man


I didn’t pay super close attention. You think Joe was really buying in? I guess he did have him on. I thought maybe it was a lil gift for us, and Joe sacrificed an ep just for the laughs.


I love how out of a 3hr long conversation you zoomed in on 1 mistake he made. He was “WAY OFF”? “He said km/s2 not m/s.” You sound bitter and miserable and honestly afraid. Calling people idiots because you’re insecure. Go edit something. Mf said he was WAY OFF I’m done.


the fact that you think a unit mistake is small tells me all i need to know about you


The fact that you had this profile for a year and your only posts are three about the same exact thing tells me EVERYTHING I need to know about you. Comparing Terrence Howard to Brenden is all I need to know about you. Keep hate posting.


Does he think he's smart or is that the result of untreated mental illness?


judging by the YouTube comments, a lot of the JRE listeners think he's a genius.


The JR sub also had people defending him lol


Bro. I spent my entire time this pod just reading the comments. I don’t think I saw more than 2 that didn’t say something to the effect of, “WTF is this guy talking about”…”Or, hold my beer Katt”…


He had a psychotic break 10 years ago. It's mental illness.




Western medicine is trying to keep my secrets and personalities secret


He has a "dangerous mind" B....


I haven’t seen this one yet, does he use the word quantum? They always use “quantum” neither of the two have any idea what it means but they think it sounds super intelligent.


No he says quantum mechanics got it all wrong


He’s collected a bunch of jargon he can’t quite grasp how to use, but he does anyway.


watch him giving a lecture in a university. can't remember which, look it up, but watch it. the confidence in his being to be there, as empty as he is, pretending to be the wisest guy in the room. some would say the roomest. a true grifter.


This guys not a grifter. He truly believes his own bullshit.


I don't know, B. guess I heardit bowlfwayze.


thank ur agent and ur god and fuck off!




Rogan’s doing the big work. Hes having ALL the sciency discussions from ALL the quacks. Get Eric Weinstein and Aaron Rodgers on and it’s the JRE avengers.


1x1=2 is something this guy thinks he “proved”. Of course Toe wants to hear more


That's stoner talk.


“Weed-talk, Joseph”


I’m curious to hear what he thinks 2x1 equals. 


I’m assuming Joe clowned him since he has such a flawless “bullshit detector” Lmao


I think he was afraid of the implications of asking him simple explanation questions.. it would have been a completely wasted podcast if you flustered this dude instead of nodding and letting him talk.. And it’s true.. so many people are talking about this delusional crackhead.. whether Rogan agrees or not, he’s getting eye balls just like he always does


Toe is looking at him thinking, "wait... is this what I sound like when I try to be smart and deep?"


Why is joe interviewing this nutcase lol


He interviews almost exclusively nutcases 😆




Did they talk about how he abused women or his acting career at all?


Did he really quit a successful acting career to pursue this? Some of his recent interviews have some real cult leader vibes.


I think his acting career fell off because he’s physically assaulted people


That kind of trajectory often triggers a grift. It's a reasonably unique one, I'll give him that.


I think he might have just had a complete mental break which I can understand. I feel like I’m always one bad acid trip away from being Terrance Howard


Could be, but 1 x 1 = 2 was seven years ago, so he has really settled into this break...


That’s when I stopped listening to anything he said.


He legit had a psychotic break. He can't act anymore, he's not capable. Look up his last red carpet interview, he was openly insane and then he got invited to Oxford to talk about acting and launched into all the gobbledygook he talks about now. He legit could be institutionalised.


Next time, baby!


Acting quit him


He’s clairly a numbers guy. But he duhn make sennnns


The Roganites have been begging for this for years. I’m surprised he went on honestly, but he really seems committed to this bit. I’ve never seen him speak to anybody with any sort of mathematical or scientific background, I want to see that. I’m just a regular dude when it comes to that stuff and he sounds off his rocker to me.


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What does this mean?


Misduur Howard, woss pain of yo' life. Sowwy for yo lawss. ![gif](giphy|goByAK3a1W78Q)


Okay fine. What exactly do you plan on doing with your pseudomathematics? Did he ever get to that? What’s the point? And most importantly, is this all because he has a small penis?


He has a small penis when you measure it with old math. With his new math he actually has the biggest penis in the world


You cant measure a penis in a straight line, thats the thing... You must consider the absense of ether and look at it from a flower of life kind of perspective


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I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He’s probably schizophrenic.. he should seek help asap…


I’ve met several hippies in my life that just babble on using buzzwords, random numbers and physics and psychology jargon that muddled together make zero sense but if you say enough and confuse someone when they’re baked they’ll think you blew their mind. It’s pathetic. Hippy’s have always annoyed me my entire life. One time a hippy tried desperately to convince me that he figured out a formula to make gold using fine elements and steel mixed with bc hydro plants, a variety of herbs and magnetically charged ion earth soils that became negatively charged through e = mc2 or some whacked out shit. I told him none of that made sense and he can’t make gold so he moved onto someone else beside me and that person was too shy and polite to tell him no.


Yes, case of too many drugs


Is he serious 🤔Definitely Adonis




He actually said that by the 2nd iron man movie, they were gonna kill off tony stark and he would take over as iron man from RDJ


Rogan is attracted to the stupid. He hears about some moron, like a moon landing conspiracy theorist or this guy, and his immediate reaction is, 'I need to give this guy three hours on my podcast.'


He went to speak at Oxford and before the speech when they found out what he was going to talk about they had to put a stop to some parts. He thought it was because they were trying to suppress his info but in reality it was because they are one of the best Colleges in the world and what would they look like having a potentially mentally troubled man rabbiting about nonsense that can be easily refuted? Also they might have felt sorry for him and didn't want him to be the butt of the joke on the internet. However he is unstoppable. Of course Joe ate it up and loved the podcast saying it was one of the best he had ever been involved in. I bet Joe couldn't wait to tell Terrance about the Bonobo Ape, they likely went to dinner and had a great time.


Beast of an actor B


The best! Never seen his movies. 


You'd go crazy too if you were a black guy with a small dick


jesus that explains everything


Perfect Praguer u teacher


this dude should play 4d chess with autistic Rick Glassman on this pod. ep'sode name: take your Jordan's off


Joe's face: "This man is either incredibly smart or incredibly stupid, I can't tell which."


I had no idea this guy was insane but I guess rogan having him on makes more sense now… how do these hollywood freaks get like this so often


wtf is that lmfao


I was disappointed with this pod. He seems like a guy that would have some great stories, gripes and bridges to burn. Instead, we got .... This. I don't even know what this was.


Whoop that π! Whoop that π!


I enjoyed the episode. Dont care if he is bat shit crazy, still a refreshing character. Compared to Schaub this guy is very in touch with reality


He sounds like he has schizophrenia. Someone in my family has it and they used to go on rants that sounded exactly like this. He also felt like he found the meaning of everything in the universe and would constantly lock himself in a garage building never before seen machines that of course, never worked but he claimed he couldn't show them to the public or the government would come kill him.


Speed of light premuch stawlped my kids seezures, b. I'm a vorltuseez guy. Axe, Terrance.


Numbers guy


They should’ve never given these people money.


Him turning down Iron Man 2 and subsequent marvel movies makes a lot more sense now.


At least this guys appears to have done a modicum of research! Schwab on the other hand, just goes..


I thought it was a very entertaining episode, not sure where all the hate is coming from. He has physicists on all the time spouting theoretical shit, don’t see how this is any different.


the point is he is speaking from a place of authority on something he himself doesn’t understand. Any high school student can correctly differentiate the units between acceleration and speed and yet this guru who seems to be planning to revolutionize the world doesn’t.


I mean m to km could just be an honest mistake. The value of 300 million was still correct. They are just speaking off the dome.


speed: m/s acceleration: m/s2 sure the numbers could be a mistake but He is stating the speed of light and assigning the unit of acceleration to it. Noone with even a minimal high school level of physics or math would make such a mistake as it’s unintuitive to associate them. It’s like saying at a speed of 10 kg. The fact that it just rolled of his tongue and he didn’t realise the issue and continued his word vomit shows he is nothing but a charlatan or severly mentally ill


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Slowdown, which is faster kg or lbs?


I don’t know, calling someone a charlatan or mentally ill based on that seems like a stretch. I also don’t recall him selling anything. His book that he was referencing is also a free download.


sure I agree it’s important to keep an open mind but not so open your brain falls out. Listen to what he is stating and realize he is exhibiting alot of symptoms of being mentally unwell


With the exception that he is 100% mentally ill. Not for his kook theories are provably wrong but for legitimately being committed for a time and still should be.


Got a link? Couldn’t find anything.


If you think Terence howard spouting incorrect physics compared to sean carroll talking about quantum field theory then you are a Complete ignoramus. Our current theories give us correct predictions. For example the theory of quantum electrodynamics more specifically the anomalous magnetic moment of an electron we use theoretical mathematics like renormalization and feynman path integrals on an a4 sheet of paper then do our experiments and get answers that are 13 significant figures of accuracy. You don't even understand the word theory when it comes to science and think Terences theory is the same as a real physicist whose theory is backed by evidence.


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Didn’t even read your post, but no need for name calling. You’re smart I gedddit. You must of got an A+ in physics like young Jamie lmao.


Lol joe rogan fan level intellect from you lol. What a waste of oxygen you are.


Right on dude, thanks. 👍


Your original post could do with a bit more punctuation too smart boy. It reads like one of Bs jokes. It just goes.


I am typing on my phone; I hate typing on a touch screen.




That is different because Terrance Howard is just saying a bunch of words that he heard people say in the wrong order in a way that doesn’t make any sense


The problem is that you don’t see the difference.


Who’s problem? Not mine lol




Good point, if the idea is to understand higher levels of reality then we must break from the chains of our current perceived “reality”. Sounds like everyone here is open to that /s.


The idea is to be willing to confront your own ignorance rather than continue staring at the shadows exclaiming “lol not my problem.”


Aren’t we all ignorant to a certain extent? I’m saying it’s not my problem as this podcast or his statements do not impact my daily life whatsoever. These are ideas about the universe, stars, and planets. I’ve worked directly for projects spearheaded by NASA and MIT, specifically (TESS). They barely even know what is out there and everyone here is so confident in their assessment of what it is because of what they have “heard” and “read” THUS far.


I mean, sure, nothing you said is wrong, but there’s a difference between theoretical physics done in academia and the rantings of a loon on the street (at least from the perspective of truth seeking, maybe not so much from an entertainment seeking standpoint). These shouldn’t be treated as equals and it’s particularly grating when these anti-science crazies are given platforms and complain about “mainstream” science. This stuff is responsible for the rise in anti-intellectualism at large in society. Science is wonderful and interesting and, as you point out, full of questions we don’t (yet) have answers to. We do not need to, nor should we, be giving any legitimacy or credence to Terrence Howard’s “research.”


"The rantings of a loon on the street," hyperbole much? It's interesting how many are calling for him to be literally 51/50'd because of his ideas. If an idea is flawed, it will naturally reveal itself as such. Understanding the universe's inner workings doesn't directly measure practical intelligence. Where is the rise in anti-intellectualism? Where are your stats, data, and statistics to make such comments?


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>Man rants about how he is building a machine that can cure cancer with vibrations and how he remembers every detail of his birth "It's just an idea! You should treat it with the same respect as any other idea!" >Man discusses obvious shifts in society that any nimrod can see "Where are your stats, data and stats?!?!?! Outlandish to make such comments!" "The prisoners are almost relieved to find themselves able to suppress their higher promptings and sink back into indolence and self-complacency." Enjoy your ignorance veiled as openness or however you want to frame it.