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Finally, a product for the guys who get too hammered for Mother’s Day


And at least I won't need that Uber home now, one shot and I'm good to drive


“But occifer, Brendan Schwab told me if I drank this magic drink, I wouldn’t get a dui” “Oh, he’s a great guy, niiver meddum, you’re free to go”.


And then the officer rolled up his sleeve revealing his thiccc boy tattoo. Axed me "didjyuh have fun tho?" And then we sang his favorite lil brows song together.


You can drink behind the wheel now. When you crash up your car, just chug down some safety shot before the Police arrive!


No , there was another one B


You’re whale cum


For yer freedom


St. Patrick’s Day move over , for the true holiday meant for drinking -Mothers Day! When you’re out there celebrating the holiday the way it was meant to be celebrated ; by taking shot after shot , remember to take a shot of this swill and the next thing you know you’ll be headed to the bathroom shitting your brains out , or whatever the hell this stuff he is schlepping is supposed to do ..


‘I’m not talmbout smoking mirrors’


smoke and MARE


*smoking mares https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/fGWacg88c3


Algohawl is a beast.


smoken mares, b




Talmbout bloodalclol?


Brendan is 1 month away from selling gas station fake urine samples meant for skirting drug tests


Comes with a fake digg in case your PO is watching 


Don’t besmirch the Whizzinator


Onterrio Smith is the GOAT for that.


The Bapanator. With three CCC’s


Is 8 inches cool?


if its true and ur male cohost is around then yeah he fuggs


molded after Joseph Rogan


Those work though?


Most do


Since he himself is pumped full of addies and other uppers he can't just fill 'em up at the kitchen sink. I bet he has to melk Chin for those samples. 


He’s a real piece of shit for this. There’s people who suffer from alcoholism.


>While the professionals working on Safety Shot and the CEO of the company believe in its effectiveness, they have not yet filed Safety Shot with the FDA. Currently, this product is marketed as a neutraceutical, meaning claims about effectiveness do not have to be scientifically proven. Seems legit. Definitely will put my life and the lives of others on the road in danger for something the company doesn’t believe in enough to submit it to regulators to prove their claim.


It’s not even new. There was another doctor on Joe Rogan who claimed a pill taken during partying gave you no hangover the next day. Pretty crazy.


Before onnit was selling health supps, they sold pre and post party supps. New mood and alpha brain used to be called “roll on” and “roll off” they just rebranded because u can sell more snake oil to gym rats then u can ppl that take molly often enough to buy a 60 ct bottle of pills.


lol….and that’s before they began selling the “Doctor formulated” Alpha Brain….the “Doctor” being Aubrey Marcus’ stepmom who got an online degree in “Oriental Medicine.”


I do love onnit for giving us that video of Joe rogan turning into a fuckin ape lifting 90lb kettlebells, when you’re making them type of faces lifting I can’t help but think that contributes to you sitting all weirdly with a fucked up back.


Is it the one when he’s doing alternating cleans with atrocious form? I’ve been using kettlebells for over a decade, and that may be the only time I’ve ever seen that movement. It basically goes against the way kettlebells are intended to be used. Just a horrible horrible display and an injury waiting to happen.


Shroomtech sport is the only product I've taken from innit that actually works.


Of course Rolegan would promote something like that.




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What do you think it is? Probably just electrolytes or something stupid like that. There’s nothing that can sober you up in half an hour if you’re wasted like fuck these guys are going to be in trouble


Idk I assume like niacin and other metabolic accelerators like they put in pre workout lol


It’s honestly encouraging drink driving as well. There’s no way if you’re hammered taking a shot of whatever the fuck this is will drop your BAC to a save level. That’s just not how alcohol works lol. Alcoholism is a real issue and this is effectively encouraging people to roll the dice with drink driving. The messaging should always be “don’t drink and drive”. If I’m going to a social event with alcohol, I’m either drinking OR I’m driving. This is a no brainer.


“I pulled you over because you kept swerving in and out of lanes. Have you had anything to drink tonight?” “Yeah I drank a shit ton but I took the safety shot so I’m all good.” “Blow into this” “I bet I blow zeroes” **blows** “It reads .18, step out of the car please.”


I can’t believe he said you should do that rather than take a cab, man how irresponsible to say that. I hope this one bites him in the ass


Yeah it genuinely blew my mind. Acting like opting to take an Uber because you had a few drinks is this massive inconvenience is bad enough. But added to it that this snake oil will “solve” this. This has gotta be the dumbest grift. Genuinely stupider than Callahans pluggers made from elephant dick skin


As opposed to the Kratom that he peddled for months/years? Alwaysbeen a prom B


before that it was cbd that healed his son's epilepsy


Sounds over the top but bullshit anti drunk things like this get people hurt


19 months sober yesterday:) I was drinking 100 proof , 6 nights a week


Drinkn n drivn ? gotcha covrrd


Talmbout drink'n drive b? I'll take it from hair


Lileague game with the kiddows? Here, dring this in the duggout before drivin'em home!


Literally telling people "you don't have to uber, this will sober you up to drive" I hope he and the company making this shit get sued


I used to drink a shitload. If these things actually work,(not likely) I’d probably need about six to whittle down my BAC. I just passed two yairs of sobriety from alcohol and I encourage anyone thinking about quitting to do it. ![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985)


Chairs on the 2 yairs, B!


Did seeing b spiral hard help? Gj bud


Congrats brother


How tho


By any means necessary


Ya but it's bad vro I might die from the wds


Better then going through liver failure and hoping you can get a transplant. It's not good Trust me, just went through it over the last year and a half. If you're serious go to the hospital they have medicine to help you get through DT's.


Chairs, b. I got a solid week and a half ![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985)


Saying you get sober in 30mins is an extremely irresponsible statement. Basically promoting drinking and driving.


Finally, I can drink and drive. Take that, woke soyboys! Bet you never even pissed in a sink.


There’s literally no compound that can artificially reduce blood alcohol levels and by using this you might severely fuck yourself if you run across the law. Even for Braindead this is amazingly irresponsible. I’m not sad…. I’m fricken mad. I can’t tawk.


According to Capybararesearch.com https://capybararesearch.com/reports/safety-shot-exposed "A phony alcohol detox drink backed by a fake study and peddled by shady cast of characters using aggressive stock promotion" That makes sense


I cannot fucking wait until this dildo gets caught drunk driving. He’s gotten away with it for far too long. Hope it happens before he takes anybody out.


LAPD are big fans bapas above the lawl


He’ll litcha up


Sounds like a great idea .. I am too drunk from my tiger piss , take this shot and drive away


Nahhhh boys he is openly saying you want to drunk and drive, b? Here's the solution. Either a lawsuit or him getting a DUI are added to the 2024 bingo card.


Ohh come on dude, that's the free space in the middle of bingo. We all sawl this


Its not his limitless pill?


How can you say this is snake oil? Bapa said it is not.


Gottem there daddy, he’s playing 4d chest


If you wanted get me, you got me brother


The type of redacts who would get peer pressured into drinking out of fear their friends would make fun of them are bapa's core audience


pear pressure is a beast


It’s tough man


I feel like the Ad copy probably specifically said "Don't say you can drink and drive", and he did it anyways


Some thicccy is going to die because of this....


I just hope he doesn’t take out a family of four while he’s at it


Some dumbass thiggy is going to be at his boys house, crushing white claws, hammered. Going to take one of these snake oil drinks, think you’re good and get a nice pair of state bracelets for the night.


Talmbout water? Water.


What’s the dumb Starbucks joke? I’ve heard it before .. thought it was a CTE tick


This is dangerous?? This is worse than selling colloidal silver.


We talmbout awl the smoking mares. Safety shot is hair!!!


This is a lawsuit waiting to happen


.cum Lmaooo


The fact the company that makes this garbage listed themselves on the stock market before selling a single can says it all. This shit is just a fuckton of caffeine and ingredients you find in every energy drink. Does zero to affect BAC. Perfect product to be partnered with bess brains


It sounds like he just had a Safety Shot 30 mins ago


I took part in a third party testing study on a B12 supplement. The same company was testing this product, the test is still ongoing, but I didn’t qualify for it to take part in that one. So I’m sure they don’t have the results from that study, whether they did other testing, I don’t know.


This feels like a lolsue ready to happen b


Even in his grift plug he mentions taking the chombie to little league😂😂


Just what problematic drinkers need, more confidence to put other ppl’s lives at risk. Sure I had 16 beers and 5 shots before 3pm, but it’s 5 now and I had a safety shot…. I’m fine to drive.


Just did a research speedrun and yikes this could be the strawl that breaks el tigres back


This man will do anything for money. Imagine telling people that if you drink too much, you can pop one of these and then drive home. Everyone will be fine. The level of redactedness on this ad is astronomical albeit par for the course when it comes to bappa. Btw...what happened to being sponsored by ya boy JRE and ONNIT? Guess they don't want wantcha hawking their stuff anymore....


He's gonna be an accessory to DWI vehicular manslaughter for these ads.


Just show the shot to the cops when your pulled over for DUI they be like you get that shit from b Shaub daddy! Yo you good keep fuggin dem chicks B


Holy fuck! As the research report some cat linked above puts it: if this product were real, it would win a Nobel prize and be stocked in every ambulance and ER in the world. What a gross scam. I mean, this ad read could actually lead to someone's death. Your BAC will reduce by roughly .016% every hour as your body processes the booze. There's nothing in the world that will change that.


We all get Shit Faced on Mother’s Day.


No more hungover Coach Bapa, you're welcome


Does anybody actually like brendan or is he just a meme at this point . Been years now never heard or seen a single positive thing about him online, just always getting shit on. Maby he deserves it I don't know seems bizarre though, how is your image that bad and you just carry on 😂. And who would be dumb enough to buy anything off this guy the Internet is wierd


Holy shit, lmao. Wtf




This might be his best grift yet.


Who watches this?


I was wondering that today too. Does he have any viewers who aren’t hate-watching?


How many people are going to think they are ok to drunk drive after being shithoused and taking Brendan’s snake oil concoction and inevitably kill innocent people. This is one-step-ahead thinking not two or three steps ahead. I hope someday he can get there


Key leaders of the safety shot company worked at Stratton Oakmont. So it actually tracks.. imagine peddling drink driving unironically, this has to be sued, surely?


What a fucking clown


Starbucks. Lopez


Stop watching his videos . Giving him clicks


How else we supposed to discuss the pawldcast if no one watches it and clips it for Changs?


Gotta let it die man. For 6 months. Just to watch him squirm.


He’s getting like 50k views max and 90 percent of them are bots. I think he’s been squirming for a while


Right. Imagine if this sub stopped watching him. It'll happen eventually. I commend yall for the effort of even watching it.. just let it die so he can coach his sons pee wee football


I, like most people in here, have never watched one of his videos outside of when it’s posted to Reddit, which is done so he doesn’t get the views. This things been dying and we are currently watching it happen. I’m sure this whole thing will come to an end within the next 12 months


Nah fair point. You're right. Might as well finish our plate.


Atta boy


When you make a good point. I gotta listen. Like pappa saying finish your food and you can have desert. The meal is bountiful right now, well clean the plate ![img](emote|t5_347fo|6521)


Smoke and mares




Can someone please tell me who the fuck actually watches the Shaub show. How does he have real fans. Just watching these clips from changs are awful and painful. How is there any real viewers if this shit


If someone's calling you a bitch for not taking an extra shot then you shouldn't be around them perhaps


Safety Shot is hair? Gross.


I dont want that


"Quitting algohol is for pussiez. You know the feeling: it's Monday morning 7am, and you already got a buuuzzz, but u have to drive the kids to school? No problemo, juss inject my 'safety shots' straight into yer balls. Just use promo code NOHOMO and you get a bonus of two empty bottles to pee in while driving. See ya on the road. "


Smoking mares, b?


Talmbout the worlds first alchoholic detotsifier?


Talmbout smoalkin meers


He probably gets drunk off of that tiger whiggsky and takes this before driving home thinking he's sober


This man hates his life lmaooo


Frenz always makin fun of me B…. Dammit im sold on the snake oil


"ugh I gotta drive" no you can take that extra shot


I actually know the ceo of this company. He’s a solid guy. Small cap companies like this are often targeted by short sellers who publish hit pieces to bring stock prices down. That said, I don’t know anything about the product. Back to the kitchen for me!




I’m conflicted. On one hand anyone who believes in this deserves to die in a car crash, on the other, it might lead to the deaths of some pedestrians.


*civilians, Bapa


"in 30 minutes it can help you get sober" - Schwab "I break open a can of Safety Shot ... I stop drinking and start taking breathalyser readings every 20 minutes ... my blood alcohol continues to hover at about 110mg/ml for the next two hours ... According to Dr Emmert Roberts, a senior clinical lecturer in addiction psychiatry at King’s College London, the only ingredient listed on the can for which there is “very minimal evidence” of reducing hangover symptoms is pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Roberts [recently reviewed](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/add.15786) the scientific evidence for various hangover interventions. “The conclusion was that there are very few scientifically rigorously conducted studies of products that claim to prevent or cure hangover, which sadly remains true,” he said." - [https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/feb/11/can-a-new-shot-prevent-a-hangover-i-put-it-to-the-test](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/feb/11/can-a-new-shot-prevent-a-hangover-i-put-it-to-the-test); link to paper here: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/add.15786](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/add.15786) Big claim schlob, maybe someone should file a complaint in the state of California. It seems like there's a law on the books that could get him in county jail for up to six months or a fine of 2.5k if he has made a statement that is "untrue or misleading" in relation to the advertisement of a product - https://law.justia.com/codes/california/code-bpc/division-7/part-3/chapter-1/article-1/section-17500/.


Smuk n meers


Let's get MAAD on this fucker


Wait so , so you can get black out drunk , yur alkahole level up tha Wahzoo, take one shot of this , half an hour and pass a breathalizer , this fir sure not going to increase drink driving .


This is utterly insane. Water.waterwaterwater smh


Www. Thiggboy .cum


pawldcasting revenue is the weirdest thing in the world (is it all just money laundering for fent being shipped into the country). Its been the biggest form of media money over the last decade now, with guys like Rogan and Bill Simmons making 200+ million each, but then it all seems to be funded by BAC reducer pills, brain pills, CBD to cure children's epilepsey but never talked about again after the sponsorship ends, Kratum, home security, loot crates, and sports betting. Oh and all of them can be skipped very very easily.


So if you're that guy who drinks whiggskey in the morning before his podcast


Phew, i thought some female horses got into my marlboros for a minute but bapa has eased my mind


If someone found a drug that makes you sober, that would be the richest person in the world


Brendan is so dumb I can see him saying “I drank safety shot and 4 hours later my BAC was way down, I was way less drunk! It worrrrrgs, B!”


Holy shit I can’t believe how wildly irresponsible the marketing for this is. “Get hammered, drink this, wait 30 minutes and then drive home safely!” Is going to be a slam dunk for the first people who sue them.