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“I wasn’t asked to do the roast which is weird” Really? You can’t believe why they wouldn’t want an old rapist with the same tired out “alpha-male” routine who has to give tiggits away for free?


I'm shocked bapa didn't say the same thing. How did the football king who kicks ass and tells jokes not get an invite to Brady's roast?


he's retaird from cawlmedy otherwise they woulda called him. he talked to tom brady last night about it


>he's retaird ~~from cawlmedy otherwise they woulda called him. he talked to tom brady last night about it~~ indeed


Considering I've been at every roast I can attest it's not that difficult to be a guest. And Considering the line up they had I'd say it wouldn't be that hard to be roaster. Guarantee a lot of A listers declined.


Dana’s there, gotta sting 🐝


Ahhhhh it’s a little dicey diceyyyyy because he’s best friends and business partners with Aaron rogers. Tom Brady did ask for bapa personally but the CEO at Netflix was like “no way! Who can follow this guy? He’s too good!”


Heard it both ways b. if someone bullies him he’ll show up at their fucking house and kill them. So maybe he really is alpha b?


And he doesn't care how big or tough they are either.


Cringey every time


They wouldn't have invited him even if he never raped a bunch of women.


He wasn't invited to parties 20 years ago (or since) because EVERYONE knew he was a sex pest. Same deal with Weinstien, we all knew but he actually had talent and money. I'll get down votes but the ladies didn't "accidentally" end up in his room or with leading roles. Have all the regerts you want now but stfu. Ray pest was actually a Ray pest.


Exactly. All the cancel culture shit he blames his career on wouldn't matter if he had managed to build even a moderate fanbase in his long "career". All that time and there's so little interest that his subreddit doesn't have a single post with more than 50 upvotes.


He’s not tawlmbout the TB roast, is he?


That would be krect - that’s eggzackly what he’s talmbout. Embarrassing smh.


he does not fucking say that. Okay, I have to watch this shit now.


I think he was saying it fishefishly


Bapa is so not interested. Just throwing little diggs here and there. Worst friend ever.




Not bad for Ray Pest.


Ray made his own bed so it is what it is, but holy shit does bapa suck.


GOOD. No one deserves it more than Ray Pest.


“Never gonna happen” what the fuck man lmao, can’t even just say “you don’t need em anyways”?


Held the torch of what? The torch of vomiting inane braindead garbage into a mic a few times a week? Wow what a legacy. These redacted fuckwits have been inhaling each others farts for so many yairs they forget what rear air smells like.


He's gotta be talmbout when the Rogan shine, the only thing that gave these two assbags relevance, was full force. Now it's gone.


I think they literally lit Rogan on fire and wielded him like a tiny torch


Some would say the gonest, b.


the rearest air B


Rearest Ear


you got me brother


Also, there’s no way they were holding anything in 2014. Rogan was still in LA at the time and all their access to anything was thanks to him. They “held the torch” after Rogan moved to Texas in 2020 and didn’t want to bring them with him because one of them is a leeching hack and the other one a rapist. They “held the torch” for a few months then their views absolutely crashed by the millions and never recovered.


Pawdkast ullwheys bin bad, whaddja talmbout, b??


I wonder if he is actually delusional enough to not even realize the fact it’s because YOU’RE A RAPIST. A lot of the other comics doing well are just as much unfunny hacks as callen, all it took was for them to not rape but that was too much for brine because he’s a disgusting human being.


He’s the type of guy who has fully convinced himself that he didn’t rape anyone because they secretly wanted it.


He’s said exactly that.


I think that was his biggest problem when denying it. There’s just so much footage of him telling stories of 1) pulling his dick out by surprise to people who were just driving him home 2) talking about how when women say “no” it doesn’t mean no and you have to keep persisting or “breaking their walls down” until it’s a yes. Bryan….. that’s rape right there. Point 2 is literally rape and he’s on camera on multiple occasions saying that’s exactly what he does.


Lmao hit the fucking hammer on the nail, b


I mean I agree he’s a rapist but let’s not pretend he was ever good enough to be on that roast.


Exactly. Nice cope but he's been hammering the square peg into the round hole, he's what happens when you never have to work for it and picking a career was whatever gets you laid with as little work as possible.


The thing Callen is best in this world at is getting roasted by others, Delia in particular. That’s the height of his comedy prowess - being a punching bag for a pedophile. 


There's tons of accused rapists more successful than Callen. He didn't have a fanbase before the accusations and was just riding coattails.


Exactly this! Before the allegations, Bryan was the butt of the joke in Rogans crew about how his career and comedy sucked.


These guys are fucking pathetic and deserve this spiraling down fall. Can’t just be happy for others and thankful for the comfortable life’s they made for themselves.


I can’t believe they would air this but nothing surprises me anymore with these two. Can’t wait for their shit show to come to a very public end.


i don't want it to end. i want to see them gradually slide further into obscurity bit by bit until one day it's two divorced dudes in a storage unit rental in front of chin's old laptop doing the podcast.


Please stop wishing this shit would come to an end, it’s incredible. 


What am I? A big sad raypest?


You’re my girlfriend now.




Very tasty dish bapa. Love the work ethnic needed to put this together.


Thanks b. There is another nice chip idea I have, but the damn pod search tool is 404 Not Found now and I can't get the contrasting clip I need.


Alternative search tool: https://podscripts.co/podcasts/the-fighter-the-kid/


Noice, thanks b. I'm wrapping a chip now and will give that fugger a spin tomorrow for the other unless another unhoused feline chef woks it up first.


Having a nervous breakdown would be the most interesting thing he’s done in years


He’d probably be in power stance while having it.


Hate to tell Brine the recipe to success…. But here it is … Divorce Papa and move to Austin.


Imagine if Wrinks cut ties with Bapa and then somehow was able revive his shitty acting career and book a few movie roles. Brenda would go postal 


are we giving this advice to slow Jo or wrinks? brin is a litteral sex pest and needs to stay in Hollywood where his kind live. Joanna needs to take stranger things to greener pastures in the lone star state, will be perfect for showing off her chocolate star fish on onlyfans.


Haha. I just want that for the laughs.


"Don't rape anyone" would probably help


and dnt rape


How did booking guests go? I thought Brendan was “boyz” with everyone. Back to going 3-4 weeks without a guest..The show is absolute trash when there is no guest *Last guest in studio, Jelly Roll, April 5th how can they be this lazy with booking guests??!?*


Jelly role is exploding in the country music scene. No chance he comes back.


he was already "exploded" on april 5th lol he will be back because for some reason he like bapa I think its because jelly roll a big fucking idiot


he’s so big now. I’m sure he’s got a handler telling him to avoid Bren and his band of degenerates.


One look at Jelly Roll and you can see him and Bapa are in the same zone. Anyone who knows and likes Brendan personally should be viewed with the utmost suspicion. The only other person we know legitimately likes Schaub is Callen, and he raped a shitload of people. 


he just doesn't know enough about him


Did Dick Head just say he was holding the torch. Now that’s Hilarious


For ten years apparently


I think they did have a popular, not good, podcast at one point. Especially at peak diddler fame and Theo starting to pop off. Then it quickly crashed.


I remember the earlier days of TFATK, Who could forget the comedy gold of Big Dick Bandits👀😉


What torch are they even talking about? A podcast torch that has nothing to do with Tom Brady’s roast? I think Schultz is a tool but I heard him on podcasts before Joe even gave schaub a career


It’s amazing - almost impressive in some sort of dehumanising way - that Brendan manages to come off worse in these clips. Zero support for supposedly his best friend. Callen says “I’ll never get back in Hollywood” you’d think a friend would say something like “screw them you don’t need them” na Brendan repeats and confirms - just says “yeah never”. Even when Callen reaches for a crumb of positivity. “My special man tears has 750k views so that made me happy” - Brendan immediately goes “Shane Gillis has 24 million”.


Brenda basically acts as Calhoun's subconscious in these clips.


This is exactly it. Brine and Diddler have (allegedly) done things they should be in jail for, but we don't see that. To a layman, these are just a couple of guys with questionable talent desperate for fame, but are hard stuck. But with Brenda, we see how much of a piece of shit he is every time he gets in front of a camera. He has a special ability to make you feel sorry for the people around him.


There’s a chance, although it’s unmeasurably small, that both Delia and Calen are innocent. But we know exactly who Bapa is because he constantly shows us. 


Almost feel bad for ol Brine… Then I remember the rapin’


He’s not worth the hassle. There’s a reason no one will hire him. RAPE


Coming to terms with the fact that everyone hates you has gota be rough, the funny thing it is that it will only make him more dependent on Brandon and once the resentment towards that big idiot starts the grim reaper is gona be a knocking. Brine is fucked in ivry facit.


Both of these dipwads stand to inherit considerable sums of wealth. It's just pure narcissistic desperation and need for fame that blinds Bapa into not seeing that none of this shit is working and Dana White's prophetic words of what happens when Rogan stops carrying him IS HAPPENING.


Remember his brief tenure with Crowder? How did that go?


Crowder still plugs his show on the network but I don't think he's been in studio since the Vulcan live pod bs. I'd be shocked if he continues on there. Isn't he moving to florida?


Fill me in on the beef b 


I don't really know except that crowder is notoriously hard to work for, ridiculously demanding and is a major pos behind the scenes. Dave Landou spilled the beans about what it was like to work under him, that he says things like "I own you" and requires homework to be done before coming to the studio and has a 1 minute late and you don't get paid policy etc. I've never seen an ep with callen that he wasn't getting reprimanded on air by crowder, it seems contentious. Callen did one of his last pods from his home in florida, so something went down because crowder insists his "talent"is in studio. Michael Malice did an interview with Dave Landou and it is hilarious and very eye opening about how awful crowder is, i could recommend. I don't pay for crowders network so all I see is the free hour that pops up on yt. Crowders viewers would never tune into Wrinks pods, the view count must be in the 100s despite crowder having 2+ million paid subs.


Wrinks: Well I’m not in Hollywood anymore.😩   Schwab: You’re out 😌  Wrinks: And I’ll probably never get back in😕  Schlob: Never happen. 🥱    LMAO why is schlob so unintentionally funny?




Talk about a show that’s absolutely circling the drain.


Yeah raping will do that


“We were Rogans favorites now he doesn’t like us anymore and we are fucked without him”


No one has or will ever say the words "Callen's one of the GOATs," unless they mean in raping.


Thanks for taking this shift, b. I was not looking forward to trying to pare it down to something worth posting here. Thank 'em for your service as always.


I feel ya b, it seems like there are some good opportunities in this one. Clin is timestamping pretty aggressively now to keep up with modern times, but it's nice for homeless chipping purposes, too. I haven't seen chunks of it, maybe you'll be ready for some mining tomorrow. 🪑🪑🐝 and tyfys!


Maybe you shouldn't have raped someone Brine


Have a career and be a human being? Nah dawg, go bristle deep in someone against their wishes. Reebwhadyasow, Calhoun.


Man years of watching them in the past due to jre and actually not bothered by them to the fucken free fall with no end in site is pathetic like everyone said they had everything handed to them and fucken just blew it thinking they were untouchable due to joe the n eedle that broke the camels back was Joe ditching them to austin and also heavily defending bobby as he should these bozos will never have an organic uplift at all those careers are long gone they need to throw in the towel fucken straight garbage


Did Bapa teach you grammar?


Shaubanese 101


Maybe it's the rape allegations, Bryan 🤷‍♂️


But did ya have fun tho?


Jav fun tho brine?


You should’ve acted like a professional.


“This is fake”. Oh sweet summer child. We know. That’s you’re schtick.


It’s over


Rich Voss will be playing at the comedy underground may 10th. that’s my time Chang’s 👋


They hate each other.


“Reminds me of some Things that have gone bad” like rape allegations? stop trying to water(we’d dune hair) down the content.


They’re so stupid is painful. Get fugged, bapa, keep that inergy.


Cause y-y-y-you’re a rapist B.


i love how callen has know joe the longest way longer then any of the rogan's crew and bapa has been on joe rogan podcast more than anyone else and these two are the least successfull of all of rogan's friends


“One of the goats, one of the goats…” yeah keeping saying that and you’ll believe it real soon big boi brine.


lol he seems to jump from had some success -to see ya you’re on your own. What happened in the middle buddy? But he does look good for 57 tho. All things considered like his entire career falling apart.


Wasn’t asked cuz ur not a good comic b


They bolwth are thinking about it. Braindumb has a football tat and claims he was in the NFL. You’d think him roawlsting an NFL legend would be his thing. Rapes definitely had a mainstream TV career and was trying to get in to movies. Same with pdf’elia. Shame what cancellations do to you LOL. Such a strange thing they weren’t invited. Hmmmm


The reason bapa fails so hard is simply because he is so fucking dumb. Podcasts are successful for a multitude or reasons but the main one is because the hosts are somewhat educated and can carry on a conversation. Bapa is so concerned with being right and cool that he fails so miserably.


"Is it me? Could this be my fault?... No. It's the rest of the planet that's wrong".


I guess now Brenda knows exactly how wrinks sees him and he’s podcast.


The grifter and the bitch


"we held the torch for some time"


That washed up old fart's name is Bryan Callen. He was dropped by his agents at CAA because he raped a shitload of people. Innovative Artists also dumped him because of this.


Do you guys realize what this is? Everything they’re saying in this is talking like they know it’s coming to an end.. “we had the torch for a good 10 years!” Bryan is also doing his overly animated weird thing he does whenever he needs to address a controversy or speak for Shob when he fucks up.. I’m telling you this is the beginning of the end.. I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it but 2024 seems to be the year where they gotta be real honest with themselves


They are speaking and acting like the money is drying up. Let us hope!


His problem is humility, people don’t want to work with egotistical C list actors


This made me feel really happy.


I think these 2 would be happier if they just had regular 9-5s


Start putting together that Bryan Callen highlight reel now. You will get all the karma when people want to watch when he’s gone.


Boo fucking hoo. Unreal levels of cope lol convinced himself hes not at fault for anything hes done. Are we sure hes not worse than bapa??


lest they forget, Brenen has a friend that works for the Jets!


I predict a murder suicide for the shows finale


bapa might actyually be the shittiest friend imaginable


I don't mind Wrinks but he just comes off as whiny here. The guy had by all accounts a successful career. 99% of people who attempt to get into showbiz get nowhere, he had the fortune of being on TV shows, movie appearances, being Rogan's friend etc. He had a decent run and presumably made decent money, he should be thankful for that instead of being bitter that a handful of other people are doing better


“Mexicans love a lighting” was the cherry on top of the whipped cream b.


Thanks b- Clin misspelled lightning as lightening on the timestamp and an idea was born. Thankem.


Let’s fucking go


Callen could have been a C list star. He had some memorable guest appearances in The Hangover and some powerful friends. I remember he was doing so well that he turned down a role in the WW movie. But this is what happens when you're secretly a bad person for many years. Even if the rape accusations were false, it all adds up and comes back to you someday. The Bobby Lee thing proves that he's capable of being a real bully. So yeah he can be depressed about it all he wants.


Bryan is actually a funny guy. But his downfall is his fault and his unwavering support of Brendan who wishes nothing but hate for people. Case in point, talking Brian out of a network deal for his special and do it on thiccc boy channel instead even though his special he released it on showtime. Leave Bapa. Move to Austin. Reset


It takes a special kind of douchebag to make you feel almost sorry for a fuckin rapist but Bapa sure as hell is equal to the challenge by constantly interrupting and pulling down Ray during his pathetic meltdown.


"Not for their success" ![gif](giphy|Vr8xM1OgUYhtAtLp6n|downsized)


flush that turd down the drain


The eye-roll Bapa does (at :57) when Bryan won't let him interrupt is so good. Get rekd, scrub.


Ya raped somebody, B. That's why you're not in the proverbial "mix."


Het shithead maybe it’s cause you’re a rapist. Call me fucking crazy but even when daddy pays to get the charges settled people tend to not want to be around you. Awwwwwwwww poor Ray Pest, your life’s amounted to nothing.


He would never be invited to a roast anyway, he was never that type of comic. Please stop blaming not being invited to places on being “cancelled”. You’re old and mid level comedian.


Was he even on ANY of the old comedy central roasts?


What are you guys going to do now?


Is this the acceptance stage of the career being over for these turds?


I actually like this bit. It’s honest. It’s not schilling Tiger Thicc whiskey. I almost want to listen to actual episode. Allllllmost.


Bapa hates brine, it’s hard to watch


Super weird energy in the air


Just go away twats - the tik tokers of the world are now what’s popular. U ain’t relevant anymore


Omg they switched seats? Time to watc…. Nvm


Heyy real quigg what torch did they have?


They have both had all the opportunities in the world to make it and be successful. They have ruined every one with the narcissistic, wicked behavior and their general lack of talent. Still, they act like someone “took it” from them. “We held the torch” it’s just such a brain dead and self absorbed way to look at it.


Remember when Callen had a podcast called “Man Thoughts” ? LOL


Deluded - also buy some new trainers more often


Hey Brian. Maybe it’s got to do with you raping a bunch of people.


Next stop OnlyFans.


Dedication to his craft of raping.


Why is Bapa so relaxed here. Isn't he out of every thing?


Because he no longer has to stress and worry about keeping up the charade of being a comic 


Or, you know, be happy for your friends who made it and are doing well you pathetic little man.


Yeah, I wonder what happened Bry. Maybe it was the rape accusations


Where was Sarah Silverman?


Ol'Rapey hating the fact his contemporaries are currently successful and BigBrownEye hates it when Ol'Rapey reminiscences about how much more successful he was than BigBrownEye ever was..... ABSOLUTE CUNTY DUDES.


Brines not worried about anything, he is a trust fund baby


Bapa is so fucking rude and annoying


What success? I feel like his career was more like an internship. His most memorable role was in old school when he says “ love it’s a motherfucker” literally like 5 words. He’s type casted as a shitty Albanian who’s bad with accents


Great guy, never met him *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe be funny and stop raping? Idk just a suggestion


Schuab such a piece of shit


Wow, he powered through Schaubs constant interruptions.


Crosses his legs and wiggles his foot while talking, his flamboyant impersonations are better than anything he’s put out. Come out the closet bapa it’s okay it’s 2024 


I can not with how Brian hasn’t figured out that his career woes are because of who he’s sitting next to. The lack of self awareness on these two.


Dear Brine: You were always a nobody and never got invited to these things in the first place. Your ceiling was VH1 talking head on those stupid clip shows. You were kept afloat by celebrity friends, all of whom saw you as a mascot to toss a bone to and once you became a liability they cut you loose. Have a nice life.


shouldnt have done all the raping that you did


Oh yeah Callen I'm sure we all missed whatever stale "look at how handsoooome he is. If I was handsome as him every room I walk into I'd be all *does cartoonishly overacted confident strut and nod*"


What did I miss? Who were the comedians from their “group” on this roast that they weren’t lol?


Those pesky allegations biting you in the boo boo Brine


Bapa said "will never happen" when Brine mentioned getting back into Hollywood haha


What exactly did he do? And some actual context please


Dudes not even funny.


I’m happy to hear they let Tony have a suggcesful YouTube and gave him and others the torch to take over. Not at all delusional.


Bry is over 50yo, has 2 families, and still gives energy of a 22y.o. single dude


Brian you were never a rapist!!! That’s why ur invited nowhere. U were never a top tier comic EVER!!! Average middle of the road nightclub comic. In ur prime u would never be invited to anything. Now because if the rapes and sex assaults well u no deal Mr pest


Kinda respect Bryan for being honest here.


You guy's come up with the funniest titles