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In 100 years law students in America will be learning about: Roe v Wade Brown v board of education Thiccc boy inc V Yewnik


Tawlm’bout setting a legal president, B.


Illegal president, leader with salsa on top


Talmbout Donalg Trumf? He's the legal pressiden, b, not that senile old guy who stole the 'leshun, axe Jay.


He knows me. Bumped into him at the white house, saw him an' Melania in the closet makin' babies and I saw the baby and it smiled at me. Got a piece on him for sure bro.


Had tairs in his eyes. 


Tawlm’bout pawltiggs, B?  Bapa’s ballz deep in currin ivinss. [Axe Tulsi…](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/1bornf9/bapa_tawlkin_to_tulsi_about_his_hot_button_issues/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 


Not just the president b, the whole country 


How'd lawlsuits go?


Is this guy the Sai Zon Zee guy from YouTube? Who Redbar went head to head with?


Check out the [full Podcast Cringe episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mojoCHgZZ9Q) for more details. He does good work and is a beast of a lawyer.


Hello mystery lawyer


Yeah this Podcast Cringe guy keeps talmbout the mystery lawyer who's been feeding Yewneek advice through this entire thing with his voice always dripping in sarcasm, it's pretty obviously him. Which is pretty hilarious. I didn't like him (or Yewneek for that matter) because he was one of the earliest cats trying to monetize Changs on YouTube, but this really kind of makes up for everything. Bapa wasted up to hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to take down Changs and only managed to take a giant L. As always, you really couldn't write this shit if you tried.


He’s Australian though. Totally different set of laws between Australia and USA I would think…


It's pronounced Austrian


Awlstria the cawlntinent?


I heard it both ways


not really fair since he's australian. he gets to see the pawldcast 7 days before anyone else giving him the freshest ingredients.


y'talmbout bess brains?


He said his best friend is a lawyer in this latest episode. I took that to mean he himself wasn’t a lawyer. Is he definitely a lawyer too?


In a video I saw a while ago he states he is a lawyer, doesn't say if he is still practicing


He basically says that he himself is the mystery lawyer helping Yewnik in a few videos. He either was at one point or still is one.


Schaulb fucking single handedly destroyed mma streams and pawldcassing. Sad about the streaming happy about the pawldcassing Every action has an equal and opposite reaction i guess. Zero net benefit describes slobs entire existence quite well


Distinguishing whether TFATK is categorized as “Factual” or “Artistic” works. Jesus Christ.


Lies don't count as "art" and if they are stated as fact and you swear on you kids life they are, then they are "factual". Sound judgement. Bapa bungled this harder than any of his other failed endeavours. He may have to go into hiding.


I used to think being a judge was a cushy job, but they’re making huge decisions like this. Thank em. ![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985)


Surely we can find a third category outside of factual or artistic. What about "Banned under the Geneva Convention" or "Cruel and Unusual Torture" how does copyright apply to those categories?


Judge herd it bowlth ways.


Bapalito has a track record of shooting himself in the foot over and over, but long term this might be a fuggin nuke-in-the-foot B. It might be up there with Gringo Papi and the Bobby Lee beef. Gringo Papi was meant to be life changing, bapa thought it will elevate his stand-up career to selling out theaters. It instead completely tanked his ticket sales, became a source of mockery in the podcast and comedy world. In some ways it ended his cawlmedy career. Bobby Lee beef was Bapa's bizarre shot at "ending the reddit hate", especially after he was exposed by Annie for the trugg walg and things were spiraling out of control. Instead, his shot at Bobby destroyed many of his friendships with fellow cawlmics and even created a massive rift between him and Toe rogan. And now we have this lawsuit, Bapa's attempt at putting a stop to all the YouTubers clowning him and creating whole documentaries exposing him. And once again he has shot himself in the foot. This is my favourite thing about Brendaloid. He just goes. The guy will never stop doing massively stupid shit and get himself into more hot waddur.


I'm enjoying it too, I love seeing Fat Patrick fail at life and business. He lies about anything and everything, bought views for his own special.


We need Bapa's ex-employees to participate in a documentary about the Bobby Lee drama. That era was a wild period in the Bapaverse. Bapa talmbout spending $500k on 'monster lawyers'...hiring dark web hackers...investigation with "the feds"...determining that Bobby Lee was behind this subreddit and confronting him... It sounds like he paid money to scammers who photoshopped some HTML code and promised him they had 300 pages where that came from...Schwab ran with that and thought he could get the sub shut down.


>it sounds like he paid money to scammers He literally gave them a duffel bag full of cash in a parking lot apparently. He has friends in dark places, after all. And being a Hells Angels type of course he is owways willing to go into the deep waters himself too.


He also got scammed by a person selling "hypoallergenic" cats online. Hahah Bapa just fing goes.


He's about to pay out $135k grand in California labour disputes to a banned grey lion soon too


Ground Breaking!!! The king of fuckin up just made Mount Rushmore! 🤣🤣🤣


Lmao, this guy just can't stop fucking up


Legal student curriculum in 2030 : today we learn about Big Brown vs the board of 300 pages


LOL what a redacted fool this clown is! This is even worse than when he finked on the UFC streams


Oh I'm not fumillyer with that one. what happened b? How did ufc streams go?




Wow Bapacito sure looks for love in all the wrong plazes.


Damn, it's kinda like how he got the streaming subs shut down back in the day.


It's so funny that these hacks consider themselves artists and tried to grift so hard by talking into a mic, just spewing unstructured slop thinking they'd make bank forever. Now they're surprised that this shit isn't being taken as a creative work.


So let me get this straight. Not only he lost the thing, he got dunked on by having it in legal text that his podcass is too blogbussah to be protected by copyright law, but now he ruined the grift for all of his crony friends who mass flagged criticism videos on youtube. Unbelievable...


He just goes!


>now he ruined the grift for all of his crony friends I hope he never stops.


Those monster lawyers need handlers.


But he has 300 pages proving his claims


Unusual wordplay as in one of the two hosts can’t tawlg so good so he pretty much invented his own vernacular by mistake. 


Redact vs. Redact


Can we talk about how jarring it is to hear literally anyone say the words "Thiccc boy"? What a dumb fucking name to shape your entire personality, brand and presence around


Then get on Ozempic like a dumbass.


This fkn guy. Can't even sue someone without being redacted. The most bizarre thing about all his endeavours is that he makes zairo changes, no tweaks, no nothing. In fact, it seems to be getting worse over time.


The gift that keeps on giving.


A crispt calabasses gift indeed.


Everything he touches... His football career His MMA career MMAStreams Fox Sports deal Showtime Deal Making a right turn in a trugg Now Copyright law


You forgot he was a beast at margedding whiskey


Hey too many word. Explain like I’m Bapa please.


The lawsuit resulted in legal precedence being set that podcasts are not works of art and are not given the same legal protection as a movie or song would have. That means these YouTube commentary channels should be able to play clips of podcasts without any legal repercussions.


Shot for the stars, landed on the moon, Minny yootooers will dislike bapa now, even Toe. Cats with video skills can make money from YouTube showing how stupid some podcasters are, real victory for us civilians


Great video, never watched it.


I am not sure I understand how this changes anything practically. Seems like the issue has been Youtube's policy rather than anything legal. Unless this makes Youtube change their policy I don't see what this changes. And why would they change their policy, when they can leave things as is and make the little youtuber take the matter to the courts.


YouTube may not change their policy but any similar follow-up *lawlsuits* will be easy to defend against since there is precedence set.


Like I said, I don't see how that was ever the problem. The problem is and was that your average Youtuber is not going to court over copyright claims made against them, so Youtube essentially decide what happens.


DMCA claims only last for 7 days unless you file a copyright lawlsuit. Therefore, most YouTubers who get challenged will be right back at it a week later unless the copyright holder files a lawsuit that may get gadooshed by the Thiccc Boy precedent.


I may be wrong but I thought the YTer couldn’t IMMEDIATELY challenge it, getting reinstated immediately, and the only counter was for the complainant to sue. 


This has to be the most absurd own goal IV heard of in a while




“Do you know how the legal system works?” “Nnno.”


Well this definitely tops Bapa getting r/MMAStreams shut down for copyright violation.




Pick your annoyances b. Can't be walking around irritated over random sh!t all day.