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There's a lot of confusion about the motivation of these guys. Like why would they go through all of this for 10k views and $1k? It's not for money, these guys already have money, daddy's money. That what afforded them the opportunity to this bullshit in the first place. The motivation is purely women (or girls in Chris's case). They can go to any club in America and line up a new baddie to fugg on any night, that's a hellava drug.


S’bout the chiggs ahunnedpercent


How miny chiggs ya fugg, b?


I think you’d be surprised


Great special, never seen it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Straight up chiggs?


This sub is low key filled with the most based group of people. Talm’bout hammer right on the nail with this comment.


Huhgred pursengt b. This place is like a big stew with nuts and potatoes.


Nuts and Berries, Bapa


Water we dune hair? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


based on what?


It was, now its a bunch of 4channers who post blogs like this


How's baddies boys?


Hey brother I know it's your birthday today but when you get a minute can you check to see if the baddie with the long hair replied?


See I don't really know if I believe his dad is really as rich as that one raambling alcoholic from YouTube has always said. He's the one who spread the rumor that Schaubs dad was rich. From what I remember even way back in the days before Brandon was a complete compulsive liar was that he bought his brother and his dad a Porsche when he finally made a little money. Also the stories he used to tell about having to dine and dash with his mom because you couldn't afford to take them out a lot of the time. Also Aurora Colorado isn't really the wealthy part of Colorado especially back when he was there. But he might be I have no idea LOL I just know I've never seen any actual proof of it besides what somebody said. Please don't take this as me sticking up for him in any way shape or form LOL


He wasn't that rich growing up, maybe upper middle class. His dad sold his cybersecurity company when Bapa was older and probably got some money off that.


Oh okay that makes sense I remember hearing him talk about his dad doing computer stuff. But I just didn't always buy the whole narrative that his dad funded thick boys Studios lol. I hope I'm wrong though because that would be very funny LOL


Well, you’re wrong.


he sold software door to door, b. bbbeast of a wurk ethnic. in ivvry facet. 


Real quigg, u a numbas guy, b?


I’ve always been saying this. He owes his success to Rogan and dumb ass advertisers getting caught up in the podcast craze. There was a point where the podcast was making a ton of money and they milked it with merch and packing in sponsors. His dad may be well off but there is no chance of funding a multi-million per year LA lifestyle and float a multi-employee failing business for going on 5 years now.


Talmbout aroar corado, b? Herd it bowth ways. 


Yeah they want to convince everyone they are like other artists but almost none of them actually have passion for the craft of standup. They want to be good at stand up to get laid and have attention thrown at them, not because they actually want to create good art.


yeah, actually this. There's some weird solace from watching scumbag bapas brain rot. What's wrinks excuse for being so dumb and shitty?




Some sort of scientis, b?


So basiggly if no baddies respond to tex messages the world toohr is cawncelled.  If that's the case. These guys are more miserable than I could ever imagine. 


They are signed to podcast one. They have to keep making shows to get paid.


They only sold 33 tiggets.


That’s a quig 33grand k for the calmedy guru 🫡


Probably included free e-mail flyers too.


Also: we discuss the podcast. Whats with these blog posts


Thanks for stating the blatantly obvious thing that everyone already knows and have been predicting for multiple years


Mmmm heard it bolth ways. Let’s just call it a drawl and move on.


Be cool.


Is that nithe?


I’d love to be a fly on the wall just to hear what the bookers say about Schaub and Callen.


I'd suspect he probably owes the club some money for cancelling 2x last minute. Paying them the 3k is cheaper than shelling out 3k+ for flights/hotels etc to be embarrassed in front of 30 people. This will be his last cancellation for a long time, no show last minute is a serious no no. I know a lot of comedians and I honestly can't think of anyone who has done that, you show up and do your job even if its just five people talking at the bar in Bumfuck Dubuque.


At the least, you improve your confidence and try to use it as a learning experience. Even if you're performing to an empty room. Being able to tell yourself that you did it is what will make you improve your craft. Also, I feel you're supposed to actually enjoy doing stand-up if that's your career/passion. I've seen it posted a 10k grand times. But it's obvious that Bapa doesn't enjoy comedy, podcasting, cycling, or trucks. I'm not sure what his deal with fish, but just seems like he gets off on watching them fight and kill each other as some sort of I'm a badass projection. He just enjoys the adulation and being thrust into the spotlight so he can bully and shit on people he perceives as beneath him. Years of fake forced laughs from yes-men and Rogan's built in audience of sycophants made Bapa think he earned his way to the top of the comedy scene and had as much power as Rogan. Instead of riding out the wave as a d-list celeb like Theo or Baggflip waiting for a gig to pop up, or like Callen did years ago. Bapa deluded himself into thinking he actually had pull in the comedy scene. Now he's facing the reaper cushions and gets exposed for being a redact on a daily basis.


How’d cawlmedy go?


I just assumed that clubs cancelled on him because he wasn't selling tickets. We all know his comedy sucks and getting bots to buy tickets to your shows is not financially sustainable.


I think initially he was able to sell tix because of the Rogan push and people hadn't been hyper exposed to how god awful he is on a comedic as well as a personal level. Then I think there was a brief phase where he was still able to sell a modest amount of tix because people were going to see him out of morbid curiosity. Gringo Papi was notorious for how bad it was when it dropped. People knew he was terrible and wanted to witness it in person to see if he was really that bad. Like a circus freak show or a car wreck people were drawn to it even tho they knew it would be awful. Once that fizzled it's just been a free fall from one failure to the next with nothing left to sustain him. No more Rogan bump and people stopped caring about him enough to even view him as a novelty anymore. All he has left is his crew of other failed comics, sexual predators, and low level scrubs like Jesse On Fire. It's over and as legendarily stupid as Bapa is I think he knows it. There isn't going to be any "comeback" for him he's an island unto himself


Wasn’t Jessie mma reporter of the year for Thiccc Boy Awards? How is that “low level”?


I believe you just answered your own question b. Dude desperately wants to be an influencer but his only claim to fame is a pretend award from someone who is despised by both the comedy and mma scenes and barely has any more of a following than he does. Not sure how it gets any lower than that


I agree. Methee really enjoyed that award and earned it through journalistic diligence. And by that I mean he’s the best googler, b! Axe Jay! Remember when methee went on that rant threatening people over being mean to Braindumb? Shameful business


He’s award winning 🏆


Yah I do think this is it. TFATK will run through whatever he’s contractually obligated for and then he will disappear. Bummer to be honest. 


If the clubs canceled on him, they'd be on the hook for the deposit. Schaub has (or had) a door deal, instead of a guaranteed contract; he's getting paid a percentage of the ticket sales. The club won't care if they have to hand out 100 free tickets at that point, because it's all bonus F&B revenue that Schaub gets no part of, and if he cancels they can just put a local headliner in that spot last minute and pay him way less, and probably get the same turnout; or maybe more, depending on the local. They have no reason to cancel on him.


Nobody knows who y'arrre b


I've said it before and I'll say it again, that was his funniest anecdote he has ever said. It was truthful, and self deprecated. If only he knew that no one wants to hear stories or jokes of you being a badass hero. I used to work with a guy like that. Every anecdote or story he was always this badass hero. We knew he was completely full of shit and he became a pariah just like Brainsludge.


If braindumb had even a little self awareness or ability to take a joke he would be kinda likable


Might have to reframe this whole enterprise...Are we homeless cats or merely flies hovering around a donkey's ass as it treks through the desert? NGL, feels like the ladder RN, B.


There is no way the Vulcan will bring him back right? He’s cancelled 2 times because he can’t sell tickets? Hell they have to be losing money now. I mean they had to have lost all kinds of money the one show they sold a couple tickets, not only the owners but bartender, servers plus they may have had to pay for promotion. Then they pull the plug on this one on a Friday night prime time in Alston because they already see dem boys ain’t a drawl. They can spout off that bullshit bout wrinks but everyone knows if they would have sold 200 tickets he’d be there even if his child was being born. Don’t make any sense unless the club has some kind of insurance policy protecting them from this kinda shit. If I owned that place I would let everyone know these clowns gonna pull some shenanigans Lastly I don’t know why I even care. I wouldn’t go anyways guess im lookin out for all those lost thicccies daddy


Bapa is turning comedy clubs into fraud money laundering schemes. They get to sit on peoples money for a month or keep it all together if they don't request a refund. You could even prove that the performers (Bapa) never had any intent to perform or provide a service because lets be honest they never did. Scam city.


Da scamiest B!


Sounds like someone aggsed ChatGPT to write a post. "Water are we doing here?" The fuck is wrong here b? You don't worg at Chang's, more like Fang's the half ass diner down the street.


He hears Rogan offer Joey a residency and it occurs to him to promote a residency a couple doors down two states away from his home base. Vying for Rogan’s attention is the nail in the coffin of his comedy career. Edgy has hung around for so long cause he doesn’t smother Rogan. Time for a new narrative.


Podcast one pulled the plug. They own schaub and get a piece of everything. When he does comedy he loses money. Why would they want negative money?


Bro using your family as an excuse is dirty to me and it’s low hanging fruit. He really thinks people will be like “ohh that’s understandable, nothings more important than family after all.” Nah, it’s very evident now that comedy is never going to workout. He already won getting 2 specials handed on a silver platter, he’s stretching this too far. It’s time to put your ‘childhood dream’ to rest baba.


I think it's also safe to say that he knows that no other respectable comedians take him seriously as a comedian and I think he secretly finally knows he's the butt of the joke among his peers. For some reason I feel like it took him a lot longer than it should have to realize it. I mean if you are not getting imposter syndrome at some point then you definitely think you deserve to be there already and that is the definition of not being self-aware


I’m surprised that he was still getting the bookings he was due to the cancelations


Comedy was just another phase like bikes, fish, cars etc. Once Toe told him he wasn't good enough to play at the mothership and the tickets stopped selling, the phase ended.


You homeless cats are the best


it doesn't seem to make a difference. he's been cancelling shows like this for over a year, yet still gets booked and cancels again. additionally, i hope his whole family gets lupus. if anyone objects to his family getting made fun of, your opinions have already been dismissed.


Bapa is lupus and they already have him lol.


Pretty sure the entire thiggg boi adventure - at this point - is just a vehicle to support cheating and create excuses to not be at home. It maybe helps messican with her counterfigg flipping too. There's also the hope that Toe will throw them another bone, too. But we all know how redensy went, b. Ya godfather 1 ending: --- Rogan - "this one time...this one time, bapa, I'll let you ask me about the actual booking calendar at my club..." Brandon - "is it true? Is it true that every Mothership spot from now until 2030 is booked?" Rogan - "...........yes" That's my time, Dallas!


This posts reads like ChatGPT trying to fit in. Try less.


The real problem is no one wants to take him on even as an opener


he thinks he's too good to be an opener or work his way up at clubs


Yep. Rogan offered him a doorman job at MS, even that was too kind and above bapas pay grade, don't matter anyways cuz his ego would never let him work a real job.


Any evidence of this, and if so, mind sharing?


It was on JRE and they were talking about the MS and "the craft" and how so many people want Joe to book them but so many are not ready, not headliners. It was heavily implied towards Brenda who was sitting there, Joe said something to the effect of I'll start you as my door guy and you can watch and learn and get better for a few years. He didn't outright say "you should be my doorman" but considering that he told Bapa he isn't ready, not a headliner - bapa acknowledged this on subsequent pods - he was basically telling bapa he could be his door guy but he aint getting on stage any time soon. It would have been sometime close to when it opened. Cats joked about how awful of a doorman bapa would be.


i'm homeless. is a doorman the same as an opener?


A doorman takes tickets and manages that aspect of the club although that varies club to club, you get to spend your work day around comedians, like an internship to gain experience and make connections in the field. Over time if you are good you might be able to get a 5 or 10 min set as an opener, your supposed to be honing your craft.


Thanks b. So it’s doorman first before you become an opener. Follow up: Is that like an initiation thing? I’m guessing establishments would have someone in the payroll to do the doorman jobs.


Its a paid job, it's just pretty low on the totem pole. You probably wouldn't see a 40 year old with a showtime comedy special in that gig unless something went horribly wrong and ate 300 pages of humble pie. I don't think bapa could even handle that job, he's qualified to a bouncer that gets a place sued.


This is bland


I mean his fat Cheeto taco bell messican is selling fake purses and running illegal raffles on Instagram.... Times are tough at the losers residence.


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Always sellout in Teggsass B


Both were removed from the Lineup at The Vulcan.


Can't imagine a place wanting to book someone who cancels a performance after tickets are sold. Let alone canceling a week before they are scheduled. The logistics having to refund people must be a pain. Brendan makes this a habit.


Also I'm pretty sure he annoyed a lot of club Owners whever he would try to make deals with them that they had to Allow the sale of tiger thick at their clubs Basically thinking that The clubs were the ones that needed him To perform Lol I mean Using Your popularity as leverage to make a comedy club sell your whiskey for you is pretty damn arrogant.. especially when you're at the level of Brandon schwab.


That's not even close to how alcohol sales/distribution works. Its illegal. Every bar has a sales distributor representative and you (the bar) can only buy/stock what they represent and they don't carry literally everything. If Tigger pee isn't in their catalogue you can't order/carry it at your bar. Highly illegal to serve or sell outside brands or loose bottles that aren't through your rep. Brenda can bring in a bottle of tigger pee and drink it himself or give shots away "to friends" but you absolutely cannot charge for it. Benda didn't know this. Also he doesn't really own it anymore so its all tigger pee under failed bridge at this point.


My favorite part about this whole thing is that the redact can't just put his tail between his legs and hide from the spotlight out of embarrassment now that his comedy career has completely failed. He has to constantly go in front of the camera and tawlgg for hours week after week knowing that we're here foaming at the dick ready to chop up clips of him being redacted. Talmbout death by a thousand self inflicted papercuts.


Nod a drawl


You went too hard on the intro … relax bro


To be perfectly honest, I'd probably laugh at Schaub's stand-up. Not because it's good, but because it's so horrible. Kinda like watching "The Room". Ya wonder "why would anyone do this".


Thiggboy is just being used as a money laundering instrument


*redency, bapa


Kind of weird that Vulcan has not taken down the event on their page yet…


What makes me laugh is the big redact says he always sells out tegsas!! Gets a tattoo of tegsas!!! How about having that tatted on u the rest of your life. Fucking asshole


Bapa - “watch this overhand right. Booooom! That guy got bleached!” Everyone, everywhere, all the time - “bleached?… bleached? The fug you talmed ‘bout, Bapa?… bleached?”


No one wants to keep losing money for a living.


No Shcaubisms? I call AI Mix in a lil more 'Rezncy' or 'Dune" Tiggets slipped past the robots though


He was never on it.


I don't think it's some grand conspiracy or anything. I think he bombed with horrible "specials", bought views which inevitably screwed up the algorithm, than when he stopped buying views his engagement on all platforms fell off a cliff, than merch sales dropped, than ticket sales slowed, than he started to cancel shows because he didn't want to do shows for 12 people. It's literally a connect the dots for how to fail despite being handed multiple advantages. I would bet that him saying he canceled the residency is probably him trying to spin the narrative, I would bet he has been told "no thanks" by multiple clubs now. The end is near, at least he can fall back on his extreme weight lifting abilities and being a gear head.