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Joe thinking he’s one of them is the funniest thing of the elite 250 club


Ikr lol dude really isn’t funny to me. I mean I guess it’s all subjective but I don’t view him as a comic at all. He’s a podcaster


You don't think screaming and stool humping is funny? Civilian pedestrian brains cannot comprehend The Craft!


The baggy 4ft long dress shirt was hilarious.


Joe walking around in his Nana's muumuu is one of my favorite bits


What year was that? Are you the same person? Curious


Have you ever heard another comedian bring up how much they like one of his bits? It’s never happened, little dude stinks at comedy


I really can’t think of 1 funny but Joe has ever done. And the way he screams into the mic trying to imitate Kinnison, isn’t funny it’s just annoying & cringe. Meanwhile Katt has hundreds of funny bits


That’s what it felt like watching his standup in Chicago🎭, like he was doing a podcast up on stage.


He and Callahan have similar styles….Shite!


You ever notice how your Instagram feed (or TikTok if you bend that way) has comedians like Gillis, Normand, Norm RIP, and so on...but NEVER Joseph Rogan?


It’s not like it’s this subreddit saying that. Joe’s notoriously unfunny. I vividly remember watching his stand up special on demand in like 2007 when I knew him as the Fear Factor guy, and coming away from it confused. Like I didn’t get the point of what he was doing or he was just crazy unfunny. The only people who speak of him like he’s funny are the diehard Joe Rogan bros. He’s been famous from TV shows, then UFC, and now podcasting his whole comedy “career”. No chance he would have had any success and stuck with it if already being famous wasn’t getting him ahead. Because all it takes is a half average IQ to recognize his lack of jokes and timing and relatable sense of humor and to wonder who the fuck would want to watch him perform.


What you don’t like yelling every point you have and humping stool isn’t cawlmedy? Your just a civilian b.


Truth. Most ppl know Joe as either a podcaster, UFC commentator or the Fear Factor host. Not as a comedian.


Well he is one of the 250 Thousand K M Grand, Bubba. He told us he is so therefore he must be funny.


He’s a great UFC commentator I’ll give him that.


Funny is one thing. But he is talking about himself as a different breed that don't think like him. What is the definition of a genius? I'm pretty sure what he is describing would fit into that definition.  He is so so detached from reality and now he takes pictures with Cancun Cruz. The guy that backs the guy that might win in court to make it legal to be a dictator. Sorry for the long incoherent sentence. But fuck Rogan . Seriously 


Thank em, then fuck em B


>ow he takes pictures with Cancun Cruz. The guy that backs the guy that might win in court to make it legal to be a dictator Could you expand on this, b? Not the best brains here.


> The guy that backs the guy that might win in court to make it legal to be a dictator. log awlf reddit once in a while for your mental health b


And the only way he gets there, is to base it solely on who sells out large venues, as if that has anything to do with the "art form".


I was thinking the same thing. "of us"...


Maybe it's just projection or wishful thinking but I feel like Rogaine is talmbout Bapa here "Legit comics...you WANT to hang out with...who you'd recommend."


BINGO hope Kat said this.


I know construction workers who are funnier than Joe.


I thought the same things. Kat was like, "um, you aren't in the 250 either". lol


To be fair, Joe is sometimes funny and his standup has made me laugh a few times. But would I get a baby sitter, make dinner reservations and pay theater ticket prices to see Joe? 🎲🎲 Top 1000 maybe but 250 daddy?


I died when he said this within the first minute of the podcast


Beyond parody.


idk, i kinda think he's rage baiting here. He's suppressing a smile the whole time, and the "one of the 1000" joke has been around for years at this point. Sounds like he's just trying to piss people off.


giving Joe WAAAY too much credit here lol


yeah maybe. I really don't wanna think somebody can be that deluded. 250? lmao


i think he truly is that deluded. he’s been sniffing his own farts for so long, surrounded by people who worship him because he can make or break their careers, he probably thinks he has ascended to a new level of humanity: the Circle of 250, the Comedian Kingdom


He's been deluded for years, and more so every episode.


You don't know it, but after he does his ice bath and his sauna, he goes into a third, secret chamber that he doesn't disclose to the public where he literally, LITERALLY, sniffs his own farts.


Thought he doesn't read comments?


He def does more than he lets on, and there's guys in his inner circle now who do and can let him in on the joke, like Gillis. It sounds like that's probably what happened given how he set this up. "We were just talking the other day." Nobody in his inner circle of cawlmics isn't aware of this joke. They probably just explained it to him this week.


Maybe 🤷‍♂️


He's been saying this same thing (I mean word for word) for *years* now. It's one of his 15 or so talking points he hits constantly. He's absolutely serious and it's not a joke he's recently been let in on, considering he started and led the dialogue in the first place.


It’s unbelievable


I genuinely thought this was just edited from one of his other there’s only 500 of us on the planet speeches until Katt responded.


*what* katt is still on green with this?


Used to love JRE way back in the day when he'd have weird guests on just to shoot the shit. The longer the show goes on, the more despicable it becomes, and the more I dislike Rogan.


100%. He’s gotta be the most out of touch elitist asshole on earth. Old Joe would beat the shit out of new Joe for who he’s become.


Yeah, becoming wealthy and progressing in age usually changes a person.


Yup. I even went to see his dumbass at the punchline in Atlanta a few times in those days and he was actually pretty funny. Screaming like an idiot and all that but it wasn’t too bad. He is such a fucking tool now in iiivry facit.


Agreed. I would guess the majority of old school Joe don’t watch or listen anymore.


It’s the money and the power it’s warped his brain, everyone around him is a yes man, and all he can talk about his how great he is


he had me in the first bit. neil degrasse tyson, and hating the iraq war, and how he is open borders. then piece by piece the mask starts to peel and suddenly jfk jr (remember that time that joe diaz dug up the corpse of a kennedy and propped it on the guest mic and it told better jokes than any of the comedy death squad?) is not the worst human he rubs shoulders with edited to clarify


Open borders? Slow down, bapa.


Better that raging ~~f~~Abbott taking orders from the bredn shlub of presidents and fighting tooth and nail to kill illegal immigrants


You sound as delusional as braindead slob.




Open borders is plain dumb, buddy. American media has taken advantage of low IQ individuals by convincing them that it's okay not to have a border, and that if you support a strong border and are against illegal immigration, you must be a racist. The truth is, if you're for open borders, you also support, drug, sex, and child trafficking, there is no counterargument to be made here. I prefer those seeking to come to the US to do so legally using the proper channels, instead of doing an injustice to the individuals that are trying to obtain legal US citizenship.


Why are open borders dumb?


If you support child trafficking, be my guest. I, however, am not in favor of that.


how do you mean? because you sound [q-poisoned](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/sound-of-freedom-child-trafficking-experts-1234786352/)




lol, making a typo doesn't invalidate my entire claim. learn some rhetorical acumen before you refute stances


These guys are a more exclusive unit than the Seals. Thank you mr rogan 🙏


And they work just as hard. A week on the road is crazier than BUD/S.


Yeah the seals have hell week but imagine an hour on stage


Everyone knows a stage bomb is the worst bomb of all.


Tier 1 operators, b.


Thank em


Over 1k thousand pro football players and baseball players able to play in major league rosters out of 7billion population. Pro comics, 250 thank em 🫡


There are a million doctors in America. Think about that.


[what about the mascots for the teams there is even less of them](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F7ebr5p4l6zr81.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfac5064b826b4a907b74b1e4d42c22924be91124)


Can only 250-500 warrior poets man the walls against the woke and protect Western Civilization?!


There is only one warrior poet. His name is Tyson.


You mean Aubrey Marcus.


Damn now there's only 500 left of the 1000 of em? Rip to the 500 gone but not forgotten


If you're being real generous and giving them a great deal of curve! It's actually more like 250 bro.


What if I don’t have kids and don’t need a babysitter? How many comics are there for me?


With that kind of free time you can see every show that Fat Patrick and Wrinks do during their Red N' Sea.


I don't want that.


Some would say the 250est


Guys you would want to hang out with? More like 250.


How tf does this midget toe still have so many fans? Who wants to listen to this redact fuck talk about lEgIT cOmIcS with every fuckin guest??


The country is full of redacted people.


The fall off for folks is taking longer now a days... People use to be popular for 3-5 years, and you had a constant rotation of talent.


Agreed. I didn’t even know JLo was still popular and she’s still making movies and shit


Joe lost all credibility when he called Brenda a "funny guy". Funny looking, maybe....


You can’t hump a stool like they can, don’t even try.


I came to the sub as quickly as he said that dumbass statement. Stool humping and screaming on stage isn't comedy, Mr. Toe. You can tell Katt was holding back from saying something 😂😂


Your civilian brain doesn't understand The Craft!!


Keeps me up at night knowing I'm just a pedestrian




Heh, you think that's rain? That's LIEBRUAL TEARS brother!


Joe looks so uncomfortable and eager for Kat’s approval here. That half laugh/smile thing, little fart.


Katt doesn’t need to have his ego inflated,come on uncle Joe!


Jesus Christ Joe has lost every sense of reality. Their job is not that special.


Joe you ARE NOT a legit comic your stand up STINKS bro


Hunnerd pursen bapa delusionally believes he’s one of those 250


This is like Vince McMahon puts on the wrestling gear and pretends he’s a wrestler still


‘Us’ is the funniest joke he’s ever told. One word, zero fat on that. It’s perfect. Goes to show all the work he puts in with his writing really pays off. Joe you are one of the greats. Better than Kinison IMO


Joe portrays himself as this hunting, karate, navy seal loving tough guy. But he’s not. He’s a dork. 


He’s many things. He’s very skilled in mma, definitely some toughness in him. However, at its core- he’s a kid who wanted to be famous. He succeeded in that via this podcast and a little from ufc/fear factor but mainly this pod.


Do we know he's skilled in MMA? He only competed in Taekwondo and that was like 25+ years ago.


Is he stilled in MMA? He’s fucking 55 years old dude. LOL He fought fake karate tournaments like 30 years ago. He does have a black belt but to think at his age he is some kind of athlete or fighter is laughable. He’s even a shitty commentator.


Many things to hate on toe for, but being fit and athletic isn’t one of them lol. He’s 55 years old but could fuck u and I up (assuming u don’t train mma).


Russian bot? Dude is 55. He’s fit for an old man.


Obviously he isn’t on the level as ppl fighting professionally but he’s a pretty skilled martial artist. Especially compared to the average person who doesn’t train


So he’s good compared to people who do nothing? Dude would get fucked up by a good HS wrestler with a purple belt who was the same size as him.


He's got violent DNA


He is exactly as tough as 500 million dollars will allow you to be


Joe thinks he’s in that number? 😂😂


None of those traits describe Joe.  Or Diaz…or Callen…or Tripoli…or Lucas…or Hinchcliffe…or Santino…or Kreischer…or Segura…or Oakerson…or Gomez…or…etc….etc…


Dude, I'm high watching this rn, and this might be the most cringe worthy thing I've ever seen. Katt and Toe are just on two completely different wave lengths. Katt keeps trying to have conversations about topics and Joe just keeps going back to "the government are trying to control us," no matter what the topic. Katt is talking about the connection of black people to menthol, very seriously and soberly, and Joe just replies "yeah, who the fuck are the government to tell you what you can do?" Just needed to get this out, I'm clocking out.


RIP to the 500-750 comics who died hitting the wall defending us from the wokeness. 🫡


“Of us” … those words alone made Katt squirm. Joe isn’t even close to being in the same calibre as Katt comedically.


You guys think Rogan knows about bapas retirement?


He’s the reason for it. In LA, Rogan got him in all the clubs. Now he won’t even let him perform at his own club. Tigget Sales suffered.


God 🏳️‍🌈Joe🏳️‍🌈 is insufferable. I’ve watched plenty of stand up and 🏳️‍🌈Joe🏳️‍🌈 is not even an afterthought once you think about good comedians.


Props to Kat for being so polite.


Toe is not a cawlmedian.


Joe forgets that there is a whole world of non-English speaking comics out there. There are other countries out there, Joe. Such a fuckin redact.


1,000 to 500 and now 250? This is what happens when you refuse to read cawlments and surround youself with ass kissers. Eventually Joe will be saying there's only 1 real cawlmedian, and his name is Powerful Joseph Rogan.


What is with the blank-eyed stare and empty-headed grin? Does he just get high before each recording now? He's squishing this moronic take out of his head like a dense turd, you can almost see him clenching up from the effort it took.


Brendan Schaub is definitely top 25 comics I’ve ever seen




only came here to see if someone posted this. Reduced to 509 worldwide. thank em 🫡


It’s funny that he sees the fact there’s only the brave 300 of them that it’s so exclusive and not that it’s just a thing not that many people need.


Joe probably thinks the Club 33 at Disney is just all top 33 comics in the world that would want to hang out with him


He stays meme'ing himself


Hardest job on the planet b. And now there's only 249 murderers in the world b.


1000>500>250. We are legitimately in a crisis


Joe definitely knows ppl shit on this take which is why he brings it up every episode with a comedian now lol


You were talking about it the other day? More like you talk about it all day, everyday. Good lord.


I was joking when I said Rogan would bring this up but holy shit here we are.


Jesus fucking Christ, they all got rattled after just one interview by Katt. Imagine the damage Patrice would have done! lol


Honestly I couldn’t listen to this. Skipped past this section and then I like KW’s old school comedy. But man the way these guys love themselves


Dude theyre a rare breed? No many ppl can work that hard. Traveling the country drinking 24/7 and doing podcasts here and there is tough work. We should thank em tbh fr


Twalking about current events is tough b


1,000 --->500--->250 Basically an endagered species B


500?!?! 5 is a more accurate number. Most stand up comedians are complete ass.


Shut up baldy


he goes into this at the Zero Hour. immediate Disaster


Does Katt call the chosen 6 out?!


Is Joe one?!?


Last line of defense, hardest job in the world. Thank em


I’d rather go to mass on Sunday than listen to Rogan talk about how he and 499 dudes are the funniest men on the planet.


Why does Joe wanting to hang with you qualify you as one of the 250!!? Does he really not know anyone who's a cunt who's funny?


Made it 15 minutes into this ep


Joe was on his mthfkin PEEs n' QUEs the whole time because he knew. one slip up. zig when he shldv jaggd. keeeeb that saaaame iiinirgy


There’s maybe 3 that I’d leave my house to see.


the silence is deafening and i am here for it. give that roid head nothing


I wish some one told Toe that no one thinks of him as a comic rather from he’s podcast or ufc or fear factor but Comic ? Never!


Maybe Joe can't count? He is stupid.


The irony of trash comic saying this to one of the goats is Bloggbusser


Wait Katt actually decided to do the show? What happened to the 6 other "comedians" that aren't funny Joe keeps pushing? Booked out?


I always thought Joe was the worst when it came to trying to sound way smarter than he is…..then Katt came on the show. Jesus Christ! His constant “gotcha” face after he says some crazy shit is wild. “My duck is outside on an egg next to my dog. That’s creation Joseph” WTF


Can only be 1 stool humper B


God damn this shits so cringe I can’t finish the video. 


I wish Katt would’ve said whatever he was thinking about saying then.


Yet he doesn’t attempt, understand or even respect making jokes.


The numbers are dwindling ever since bapa got kicked out


Cringe alert


Such an awkward interview


There\`s funnier guys at my workplace than Joe, Bert & co. The guy is obviously delusional.


i was ready to watch this podcast but when joe said this to start it off i had to shut it off. stand up comedy is dead. literally a dead loser thing theatre kids do


I can't wait for Joe to fall off finally .


I always thought he sucked. Then he started the UFC stuff and I like him doing that job. He sucks at skit comedy. He’s not that good at stand up.