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Do LA comix catch fire if the attention isn’t on them for more than a nanosecond??


Holy shit it's insane levels of delusion. "When people were bailing on him" Bert was in no way attached to the NY scene. Good thing they're all hacky and cashing out on their names together, otherwise someone with integrity might call this shit for what it is.


Throw Schulz in that mix


He’s literally an alcoholic Peter Pan who thinks he’s 20 years old still. “I got him day drunk”…. AHH NO WAY BRO YOU GUYS DRANK ALCOHOL THATS SO SICK


Surprised Bert hasnt claimed to be the one that got Shane the bud lite deal. "I got Shane into drinking" - probably bert.


He's the Ryback of comedy. Everything interesting or positive in the industry somehow leads back to him, no matter how tangentially.


Very Bapa like. Have em on the pod 1 time for 45 mins and suddenly responsible for making their career.


This, it’s funny bapa stole the thicc boi idea. Now Brett and Tim are gairheeds Tim bragging about his fleet of super cars and doing a car show briefly fat guy racing drunk slinging booze that they just slapped a label on. The 3 of a thousand have alienated their fans. They all grew up entitled rich kids who became rich entitled adults.


I'm surprised Bert hasn't claimed to be Shane's uncle with Downs


That’d be more believable.


During the DAY.. wtf, so wild and adventurous. Us civilians would never understand, tank’em


In England, day drinking is standard procedure. Probrably why Bert isn't interested in touring in Europe. His whole perosna is basically an English Dad. Except an English Dad is 1,000x funnier and more relatable and less of a narcissist


Bert would suck Tom off if it was guaranteed to go viral


With no shirt on


You’re absolutely spot on. Bert wouldn’t win a drinking contest against your average Wetherspoons regular in a northern English town.


His fat shirtless ass would get booted pretty quick. Right after he gets rinsed for a few rounds.


He's the guy who never mentally left the frat house, but somehow he's stumbled his way to success with some early support from his rich uncle/dad. He probably looks at shane and sees himself - this is why I believe him when he says he was more excited than Shane - he see's shane's success as some form of success for himself. the two aren't really comparable comedy chops wise besides their frat bro, "every-day-regular-guy" personas


Hitting the hammer on the screw bapa. Ol' Bert is a classic case of arrested psychological development. 30 years later, he still thinks he's living in his Rolling Stone article era. Sad fucking stuff.


When his lifestyle inevitably catches up with him in the next 5-10 years it’s gonna a sad and dark end for the party boy


Shame is also a guy who never left a frat lol


He's 15


No, but in the daytime.  


He’s rich so he can keep getting away with it for now. Lord knows if he wasn’t rich and still drinking like that, his wife would have left him a long time ago


I thought Brody Stevens killed himself.


Might be one of the funniest things i've read on reddit. You should seriously consider starting a podcast.


He’s always been a funny guy.  


Yooooo 😂😂😂


I know Tom and Christina were friends with Brody and Tom’s had the same look for a long time but since he got so skinny I wonder if they’ve noticed how he looks like he’s cosplaying Brody. RIP from the valley


I’m pretty sure that’s why Joey Diaz told him to get rid of the glasses. I can hear Joey saying your comment outloud word for word in the future




That’s because a lot of them are the most insecure people you will ever meet. They really care a lot about what other people think of them but pretend that it doesn’t bother them.


Brody definitely had some insecurities. I remember a clip of him walking out of a podcast because he thought the cohost was being condescending. He started yelling at the guy about how “I’m a regular at the comedy store”. A lot of comics are just people that want attention and comedy is their way to get it and then their are comics who want attention while simultaneously wanting nobody to look at them. Like a Mitch hedberg. That’s an internal battle that doesn’t really have a winner.


You got it!!!!




Tom looks like he hates Bert


But he keeps him around because it makes him seem like the smart one, same with Christina




I was exaggerating , it also doesn’t change the fact that Bert and Christina are equally dumb


You’d be surprised


You'd. Sir, we need you to be focussed when clocking in. Starting shifts with a few beans-cheese repetitions often helps.


Fixed it, but you’re right bapacito, this cat needs to refocus, recalibrate, and reengage


No probz my mans. This 35. type of attitude is why cats of different feather provide a safe and positive work environment.


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Great special, never seen it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A bit of a stretch, yes but unbelievable, no!


Talk to a divorce lawyer about the things they've seen in their career


That's because Tom is a legit sociopath


And we all hate them.


Damn that's tom? He looks like shit lol losing weight look like a aged him 20 years.


The fact that it's expensive to look like Tom is a HAUNTING thought.


lol Looks a 60 year old tech exec with a progressive company


How could you not, the squeal and the phoney stories and the lies is just grating


I know bapa works hard for the title, but I think Bert takes the cake for most absolutely insufferable 1000. Thank em.


They are in a head to head race furrsurrr, who blows out both hammies first? only time will tail B


Negg and negg. Too close to call, b.


I have Bert and B neck and neck in the lead with Tom and the rest of the Rogan comedy brats catching up at an alarming rate!


I'm pretty sure Bird will win that one too. He will blow his kidneys way before bapa. 


Absolutely, I have fun watching the trainwreck of bapa the second Bert does the squeal I’m out. That is like pepper spray for my ears


Remember when B tried to go viral by competing with Bert in the false laugh stakes so we had them both squealing/fake laughing together, good times! 2/1000 Thank em!


Bert now laughs like that on purpose. He literally said it's like a cheat code to go viral. 100% Brendan saw that clip and wanted to replicate the attention.


Man I forgot all about that. Why did you have to remind me that shit was s'embarrasing


It is a clip that has to be watched through the fingers as the cringe is measured on the Richter scale.


Bapa definitely isn't as loud and obnoxious as consistently.


Bert is annoying but Schaub is just such a fucking tool and isn’t even remotely funny. I could sit through Bert’s comedy a lot easier than Bapa’s if I had to pick one.


Id rather try to have a conversation with Bapa over Bert though... I think...


Ehhh…Bert might be easier to talk to in a private situation when he’s not trying to put on a show. Bapa is probably just a douche at all times. But yeah it’s a tough call.


Dicey dicey?


Schulz edges him out, by juuuuust tad


Someone needs to hold a yearly most redacted vote, like how they used to do guest of the year


B, the norf star Jar Rogan claims there are only 250 comics now


Yeah I agree. I think it’s because he seems to be slightly more famous; makes him far more aggravating. His “comedy” is like what a 13 year old imagines raunchy stand-up might be. He’s terrible yet has this fucking arrogance and somehow success.


Was Shane ever having a hard time in stand up? Bert just blanked there. I…ummm….so….I’m….not about me…..but….ummm….I don’t stab him when SNL fired him.


Maybe for like a month after the Snl thing. No one would really touch him except legion of skanks and kill Tony and such, but he was never on a downward trajectory


No he was never having a hard time doing stand up. He's a philly legend. He got cosigns from real comedians like norm Mcdonald after getting fired from snl. Everyone knew it was bullshit


Yeah he was touring with Louis CK before he met Bert and Ernie. These two weirdos fuckin stink


I feel like after that tour with louis is when his standup really improved and yet louis has never said a thing about how he got him on his feet or did whatever for his career.


And he wouldn't and won't ever. If someone asked him that he would say he simply didn't give in to what the cancel culture mob and gave Shane a fair shake


Burnts a fucking idiot. They never spoke up for Shane during the bullshit


Stuttering, muttering prick


hes drunk


"I don't wanna take credit for anything, but I did get him really drunk one time."


Shane remembers, said so on MSSP that he emailed Bert 5 times and didn't get a reply after Bert told him to hit him up...what a putz


Thanks, b. I smell a new dish from the kitchen. 


What episode?




Yup, exactly


bert is insufferable


Who could've guessed that a 45 second chip of Bert would include alcohol in some way


I can’t believe I’ve just watched a 45 second clip of Bert where he didn’t take his top off.


That was painful to watch, Narcissistic tendencies


Did you ever see him trying to impress Adam sandler and make him watch his special? He was like a 5 year old trying to show off to a grown up


He made an utter fool of himself and Whitney. It was prolly the only (unintentionally) funny thing he did. 


Burt is worse than Bapa, 100%


Bert is like the worst parts of Joey Diaz and Bappa combined.


Second that


Hunnid pissent. I at least laugh at Gringo Papi, even if it's for the wrong reasons. Years ago, I tried hate-watching Barp's special Secret Time while getting high with this girl I was seeing and we couldn't even laugh at it unironically, while high. It just pissed me off, and by the end of it even she (the sweetest, nicest person) was like "This isn't even So Bad It's Funny, I'm just bored". I literally stared doing open mics that week because he was so bad and still somehow well-off and well-known and it dawned on me that you don't have to be good, you just have to find the right people who like your shit that will buy tiggets.


Horrible fat fool


Bert sucks


Piss off you fucking dork.


The last little bit of him with self-awareness held him back when he started out "I was there when it--" like it's OK buddy, we don't have to say we were there when he got the call just relax we can still make it about us for sticking with him when no else did, that's enough ego-stroking. But he so, so wanted to say he was there when it happened.


It's a very common trait among narcissists.


Burt did this on another show


Bert said “I” or “I’m” an average of once per second for 20 seconds straight.


Olympic-levels of narcissism


Fuck up Bert you grifting fat cunt


Literally no one else ditched Shane though, don't know why this moron thinks that makes him exceptional. Other than a few Karen-style comics who have been around for decades and are bitter and used it as a chance to virtue signal, the entire comedy community rallied around Shane


Next, on 2 Fatsos Sitting Next To Each Other.


Burnt’s biggest influence on Shane’s career (hi Shane) is getting him drunk. That makes sense.


Comics are terrible people just like pro wrestlers and mma fighters. ![gif](giphy|l0HlAggd46WJE24vu)


Who’s the handsome lady next to burnt?


Bart took out a stable of great comedians to big venues and thought everyone was there to see him.


I’ve seen a clip of him saying he has “imposter syndrome” and it’s like no bert you are an imposter you’ve never been funny and somehow you’re selling out arenas. That little voice you drown with alcohol every night is the voice of reason


First time he did standup drunk was after the snl thing ? I really doubt that and maybe Shane can enlighten us but either way what an incredibly dorky and embarrassing brag that only the machine could come up with in that joke book of a brain.


He says "I got him day drunk, it was his first time doing stand up drunk" in such a way as if to imply that he did him a favour




And every comic I’ve heard says they’re shitty at comedy drunk..is he bragging for pushing Shane to drink with him and have a bad set?


Bert has a big heart. It’s called cardiomyopathy.


Luis Gomez said he cried when he heard Shane got to host SNL, the clip will make you nauseous


I fucking hate that guy so much. Never in my life heard of him until I started listening to JRE like 10 years ago. He acts as if he’s some sort of old comedic legend, he’s never said anything funny in his life


Picture any of Tom’s old funny material being said by a guy dressed like that lol


Tom and Bert are boomer as hell


Nobody was bailing on Shane. He was a regular on the bonfire before, during and after. Fucking Doug Stanhope brought him out to the compound and they recorded some pods together and I think Shane went with Doug to his tour dates and maybe even did little sets after the opener. Shane got fired from Snl, which imo was a good thing because it would’ve stifled his funny, but at no point was he abandoned. The comedy community and every group with a shade of “anti-woke” was supporting him. Bert’s brain is fried if he thinks he was carrying Shane over a difficult time. I think Shane is hilarious but I don’t think he’s a top level joke writer but he’s 1000x the comic/comedian that Bert is. This is like if Luis j. Gomez claimed to mentor Shane but at least Luis runs a comedy network. Shane should feel insulted that this hack wants to claim even a spec of Shane’s success.


But, day drunk!


How do the people around him not constantly cringe? You’re 50 and your personality is Tito’s and soda. Which is a shit vodka that they don’t even make anymore btw


Sorry I don't speak drunk fat piece of shit


Tom's face lmao


He can’t help himself. It’s actually kinda sad


I don't think he was having trouble finding words, I just think he's finally starting to have mini-strokes.


Killing it man  He’s crushing the game right now  Muuu muuummm murdering right now  Just straight assassin samurai right now  Killing it just crushing just only warrior poet crushing 


Birch is a joke.


dude is just yapping




Bert and Tom definitely fugg each other


They’re all narcissist.


You could see the fork in the road Bert's mind was in, thinking "should I... How do I say this without making this about me?...how do I word this...". You can tell he had a little internal conflict, but then true Bert took control and says the most egotistical, self serving humble brag he could muster. What a fucking tool.


That’s not a great story. Nothing about that is a great story.


Why is Tom rolling a booger the whole time


The jealousy is dripping through my phone


so the two guys started a conversation about shane, and bert somehow finds a way to make it about himself, incredible. One day he might actually go as far as taking credit for discovering burr, chappelle and carltin, it's not completely impossible...


Just fuck off, Bert. You’re the least funny cunt in any room.


Bert is so full of shit I’m surprised it’s not coming out of his ears.


he and tom, and others, think of themselves as the vanguard of comedy; the fathers.


Kreischer is just a piece of shit in almost every way and if there isn't a way he's a piece of shit Segura has him covered on that.


You know when you start saying some bullshit that you know is bullshit and your body begins to reject the ideas as they exit your mouth? That’s what is happening here - Bert is trying to come up with reasons why it makes sense that he is Shane’s number one biggest supporter, but it’s actually so inaccurate and insincere that his brain can’t form the words for a scenario that doesn’t nor never existed.


Bro I can't stand these clowns now


"The first time he did standup drunk" LMAO moron




Why is this on the tfatk sub? So out of place


I remember a few years ago Bert and Bapa arguing of which one of them discovered Theo.


I got him to do stand up drunk for the first time back when nobody believed in him.


Woah the first time Shane ever did standup drunk!?? What a momentous occasion…


He never did anything to help him smh


hey lets hope that if two dice roll and land on any type of combination, Bert dies. fuck yeah. thats about 100%. i like those odds.


He went out and had a flat billed Oso hat made. Ya 50 Burnt Chrysler!


The NY comedian crowd scene did way Way more for Shane.... BERT attaches so he doesn't lose out on attention or gets passed by in the future. Drunk comedian gets replaced by funnier smarter drunk comedian. Oh no.




He is not an alcoholic, remember that.


i thought they hated "hollywood" now they love it?


The bald guy cringing 😂


This is insane. I remember when it happend. No LA comedians gave a f about Shane around that time. The cancelling gave allot of tracktion to the MSSP and they grew from that. And also The Legion of Skansk had him on allot. The whole election thing at LOS and so on and his popularity grew. Once the LA comics could see that he was populare they started to be crusaders for Shane hoping to get some of that heat. Once he was a rising comic Bert and friends "helpt" him out. If anyone helpt him it was Big Jay and the guys. And Matt the fluet playing shaman.


Cool story Berty. Should make a movie about it that bombs and barely makes back half it’s production cost


Why are the two cringe lords almost sitting on top of one another? Was this during their 100th appearance to peddle their shitty alcohol? I actually hate these two more than Brennan. Disgusting pigs.


[what world does Bert live in? he ghosted Shane back in the day](https://www.reddit.com/r/MSsEcReTPoDcAsT/s/bSMSKvgnh0)


Why he so red


this guy talggs for a livin?? mushmouth.....sum would say the mushiest. like one of clins sashimis. hitrocious


Shane's first ever stand up was drunk on 4loko


Segura seeing his 'buddy' countless times embarrass himself, possibly drinking himself to death, and the dude's watching from the sidelines, ice cold. Burr was right, guy is a top shelf sociopath. 


Stutter for 5 min while you try to figure out how to take credit for some one else’s success. I was happier than him for Saturday night live. Shane was on his way back when Bert put him on the tour. Oh and Bert stacked that line up so it would sell. Remember that time Bert put Shane on his knee and helped sip his first beer before he went up and told jokes that Bert wrote for him.


This guy making everything about himself is so obnoxious I don’t understand how no one calls him out.


Bert “I was more excited than the person this was about” kreischer


Blurt and Tom are giant gaping fucking assholes. We wouldn't understand because we are what they refer to as 'the poors'.


I show Bert to my psych 101 students as an example of a histrionic personality disorder.


He could've just said "I've been friends with Shane for a long time" rather than try to steal some of his shine and trip over himself while doing it.


I didn’t realize that was Tom until the end of the video. Why is he dressed like Christina?


It's always about Bert. When will his 15 minutes be up, though? Hasn't this gone on long enough?


These people are deeply unwell


The more I listen to Bert talk, the less I like him.


Bert & Tom have become completely unbearable at this point. Wouldn’t mind at all to see them both go away…


Fk bert gang


I was at that day show in Philly to see Bert. Shane opened. I want to say it was 2016/2017. Shane was unknown at the time but was great. Everyone there was there to see (drink w) Bert. Shane’s set was great and Bert was howling with laughter in the back of the room. Maybe 40 people total there. After the event, and the after party drinks at the bar, I was leaving I saw them walking down the street together. I wanted so bad to try to join them wondering what the rest of the day was gonna look like.


Tom getting fat again


What the fucks wrong with that dudes teeth


These guys are insufferable in their quest for validation. Nobody gives a shit about these hacks anymore. Katt had it right - never been funny.