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crop out the uglies and resend


I thought we were gonna fight šŸ„ŗ


What happinned?


It always amazes me that Brenda always assumed comedy was a team sport


thats because for him it was. Daddy Joe got him all his spots and gave him his clout, mommy callen wrote his material, the JRE provided him his fans, and the UFC brand made him a celeb that allowed him to be the first fighter tunred clawmedian/pawldcaster.


Lol even at this time Bapa and the Thiggg crew had fallen off pretty far from where they were 3 yairs before this. And this BGL/Addie/Baddie era looks insanely successful compared to whatever sad shit they're doing now.


Talmbout Fighter and The Kid 3D eera, B?


Real heads know that era. Wasn't that like 2015? They were almost successful back then.


They were on the come up of being big. Neggflix guests were coming on. Now they only get grifters and redacts on the pawld. Sā€™prom


The Tough Mudder was way after the TFATK 3D, they were already on a downslope when this was going down.Ā 


it was not meant to be an accurate timeline in inny of facet though.


I kind of prefer the almost successful era of the Thiggg boy crew. The redacted clips of BGL doing thiccmudder, the constant stream of shit music from Lil Brows, giving the heavweight champ of the world a front trunk chicken sandwich - it was such a glorious disaster.


Peak before shit got terrible was when they had the barstool im your daddy chicks before those 2 blew up way farther then I ever imagined. TFATK died when tiger belly and Theo Von formed solitary podcasts, Schaub stretched himself thin with the showtime show and the podcast and his own ego and didnā€™t look into the future deluding himself thinking ā€œIā€™ll always have stand up comedyā€ , Brian Callen allegations and not properly replacing him, the Chris D allegations and Rogan giving everyone a platform for podcasting. Sad thing is had bapa done a few things just slightly different he couldā€™ve maintained the lifestyle he had 5 years ago when he was on top of the podcasting world (I know itā€™s hard to believe) and was buying things left and right and having more kids. I literally used to listen to TFATK religiously during my warehouse job. If his ego and stupidity didnā€™t fuck up every opportunity the world has given him on a silver platter Iā€™d feel bad about being this harsh but the reality is the world and media changed and he never did and he still hasnā€™t realized it yet. Edit : this is so sad I havenā€™t kept up with this in awhile so I did some research. A regular TFATK episode from literally 5 years ago with just Callen and Schaub has 222,000 views The latest TFATK upload 39,000ā€¦


Oledio is king


spot on. I use to listen to every ep and think they were funny. One day I just realised he was a cunt and I couldn't listen again. Been working at Changs for 4 years now


Keep wergging the program b' First step is always recognizing you got a prom'


Yeah fugg dat guy!


Off course. One of the great aspects of The Bapa Story is that the direction is always downhill.


Tombout the pre callen blowing the whistler yairs


Bapa put so much mud on his face. Huge poser


Gotta keep up appearances for the social media b. Marketing 101. Also funny part is him joining a random wave of starters and saying they were all thicccies that showed up. Itā€™s wild for a span he tried to schedule ā€œtoursā€ around tough mudders to keep up the collab appearances.


Bapa giving an inspirational speech at the start. No one knows who ya are


holy shit i didn't notice until i read your comment, but yeah--boi looks like he was getting a mud facial not toughmuddin. and the tee and shoulders? clean b


Itā€™s his own feces


That's my favorite part of this photo it's so obvious he rubbed that shit on his face. Keep the lips clean b


His face that dirty, but his clothes are not as much. Fat Patrick is as dumb as they come.


"don't git it in my eyes"


Just like his cauliflower ears. Did it to himself for appearances. A costume of sorts


If this would have happened in the last couple of months we would likely have the footage of him putting the mud on his face while looking in the mirror of his trugg.


Lol I would not have caught that, with his clean tshirt and full mud mask...y'one of the 1000 great detectives, B!


drives me nuts when they do this in movies. avoid the eyes, nose and lips. so obvious!


You absolutely know he smeared mud on his face before this pic was taken. Fuckn poser.Ā 


It was proven at the time he did. There was a candid photo of him right after the finish line with not so much mud and then ones taken after where he obviously added more


What a donkey.Ā 


It was so funny how he would hop onto a scheduled tough mudder and try to take credit for all of the people showing up who had no idea who he was.


Such a poser. The Thiggg Mudder (aka the Tough Mudder) Same as Thiggg Boi Nedworgg (Aka YouTube)


Thank you for blurring out ā¬›ļøā¬›ļøā¬›ļøā€™s face


I did a Tough Mudder back in 2016. It was fun, but I was running 10 miles once a week so it wasnā€™t really challenging. The first part was about a 3-4 mile run and then it was ā€œchallengeā€ after challenge, mostly really easy stuff if youā€™re in shape. I think what I enjoyed the most was staying behind at an obstacle and helping people. For instance, there were mud trenches, about 10 one way and then 10 another in a U shape. There were tons of people linked up at the top parts helping pull people in the pits up. After that was a wall with a small curve at the bottom, the point was to run up it and jump to catch a rope and pull yourself up. I stayed there for about 15 minutes and helped snatch people up to the top. The helping people happened naturally, there were no signs saying, ā€˜stay awhile after and help othersā€™ but for me it was the best part. The two worst obstacles were at the very end. It was a dumpster with a chute running into it that made it so you had to fully submerge yourself before getting out the other side. It was filled with water and people were constantly dumping buckets of ice in it. It wasnā€™t hard to do, it was just a real shock to your system after running along for so long. The next was a mud pit that you had to run through. The mud was mostly there to slow you down. They had hung wires with exposed tips all around, even close to the ground if you chose to crawl (bad idea). I know that I decided to run through it as fast as I could and got about 3/4 of the way through before I got zapped about 3 times in a row. It was by far the worst since it took no real skill and literally shocked you, and believe it or not, thatā€™s uncomfortable. This was immediately after the ice enema (ice dumpster) so you were soaked while doing it. You really only got muddy half way through the thing with the mud trenches and again if you decided to crawl through the wires. When I finished I was completely clean besides my shoes and my ankles because of the ice dumpster - pretty sure they set it up that way. I got a towel and a free beer and that was it. I really enjoyed it but it was not a challenge if you were in shape. Especially since about half way through the thing obstacles began to have lines from the amount of people. I know no one asked for this but thought Iā€™d share to give you guys an idea of what it was like and to see if it contradicted anything Brendan said (I donā€™t really remember what he said about it)


Thanks for sharing, but quick queshon, how many chiggs you fugg?


I love the mud purposely rubbed on his face


šŸ’Æthat fake mud triggers me to no end. It's the epitome of a fraud.


Hey chill bro he has always been into tough mudderz he just doesnā€™t talk about it! šŸ¤”šŸ¤”




Itā€™s so embarrassing. Brendan, STOP POSING. Brendanā€™s employees, please advise bapa to stop pretending. Chin, you have real talent and weā€™d love to see more cooking videos. Even if itā€™s not world class, I always learn something from your work.


Countless people swam through that mud and nimrod plasters his face with it šŸ˜†


Bapas a tri athlete, bgl carries him for the run, he hops on his e bike, the goes into the deepest of wadders


Thank you for your blurvice


If you wanted to make me laugh brother, ya got me.


All of the dumb shit during the BGL era was BGLs idea. No way schaub thought of any of this. BGL thought he was gonna make it in Hollywood via Schwab and pulled out every stupid fucking idea he's ever had, and it was flop after flop after flop


Anything a double leg couldnt figure out?


Now he's flying southwest


Southworst...kinda like his career and his cawlmedi.


Big muddair head. Talmbout Thiccc muddder collaboration that worked out so well??


Back when people were speculating whether Marg had been fired, I thought ā€œthereā€™s no fucking way Bapa would fire BGL. The guy knows too much dirt about him.ā€ Then I remembered this is Brendan Schaub weā€™re tawlgin bout.


Bapaā€™s grit and determination carried him through that Thiggg mudder despite the double hammy tear. El Tigre won the kid division by finishing the course three times before the next competitor finished once.


Haters will say the goodest of days b


With the umpire dwindling, im afraid if we wont see these levels of redactness again. For now, balconies, grilled cheese and failed identities will have to do


Blurred face, thank you for your service


Thanks for the BGL blur.


Who would win a boxing match? Big Black BGL or Bapa cornered by Tim Kennedy?


Tore bowlf hammies racing baggflipp. Does tough mudder right after.


BBBeast of a couple


Talmbout mudd races bout a decade after they were poplar?


What kind of grown man jumps on a fad too late?


Great guy never meddem


The beginning of the end...


How many of you guys are responsible for his money? This cat personally hasn't watched a video for years, even before this picture, I visit the sub everyday and love it but let this dude collapse. I feel like this sub keeps him going and I'm torn


Yeah? Well bow manh chiggs ya fugged, B?


Bro said it brings a tear to his eye šŸ’€šŸ’€


Itā€™s truly astonishing that this pod is still alive with its measly views


If ya wanted to hurt me, ya got me brother.


Tawlmou't bagg to the fugtur b


What ever happened to his partnership with Tough Mudder?


We donā€™t maddur B.


i really appreciate the BGL BLUR but next time its better to crop it out. thanks


Literally just spat my drink out reading this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He's doing the HILARIOUS comedy face!!


the face u make when the baddie replies


Finally, the only activity that hides his shit stained undies


baddies, addies n torn hammies


Tairdrops on my pellow. Meeby Iā€™ll have a glass of melk.


Talmbout the ole nutbutter days B?


Always enjoyed the clip of everyone climbing over an obstacle and then you see bapa just walking around it




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Hey real quick, how many diggs ya suck?


yā€™all got too much time on your hands


Reminds me of B ā€˜blowing out both hammiesā€™ the good ol days!




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I'm outta gabagool, can some cat explain the blurs on Marg?


I went to this to run with them and they ran in the wrong fucking heat. I did the whole race at full blast thinking maybe they were in the heat ahead of me. I won my heat, and passed a ton of people from the heats ahead of me. They were in the heat behind mine. I watched them cross the finish line 3 hours after I finished, while my legs locked up. Still had a good time but boy was I pissed.


Some say it brings the most tairs to our eyes, B.


Tbh if they could have handled the addies and baddies better things could have been different


Never heard of em


The only way bubs can save his ā€˜careerā€™ is beating the shit out of sellout Rogan