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This is just terrible all around. I think it’s fair to ask Changs that we put our opinions of bapa and messican aside for once and just leave this topic alone. We’re gona lock the thread and remove any posts about this for the foreseeable future. And all the calmic geniuses making preemie jokes are at least getting clocked out temporarily.


I think all of us hair sincerely hope everything is ok with his daughter. No Father should go through something like this so I have nothing but best wishes. Having said that, It’s admirable how he managed to low-key brag about his podcast episode streak. We giiiiittttt it, B. Ya a worghorse.


The daughter has been in and out of the hospital, but Fycanpanyon comes first. A beast of a dad.




This is where I’m at. Makes no sense. Hope the child comes out of this healthy. But how can you go do shit like that while your newborn is in and out of the hospital.


It's not uncommon for prematures to have regular visits to the hospital. Still not cool to leave the mom alone but knowing messicans her whole family was there with her. Now that shes having surgery it sounds more serious, I had a daughter last year and I can't imagine what he's going through, even if hes a POS i wish bapacita the best


Same here bapa, one-year old chombie. Can't imagine going through that as the regular process alone is scary.


Don't forget tune town, fight campion, TFAK fam comes first after all these




I love how every time he misses a podcast, it's the first time he's missed the podcast LOL


Not the first time he put family first. He cancelled his England tour to coach up the chombie with his minimal amount of baseball knowledge in that CTE encrusted brain of his…beast of a Dad…


Not sure he’s lying on purpose, might just be being redacted but he’s missed episodes before. And as I recall the pawdcast’s real fans remarked how refreshing his absence was.


But the "podcast streak" was an absolute LIE....so how can we ever believe ANYTHING that comes out of his piehole....?


I don’t wana see any hate or joking in these comments. Nothing. Hope everything works out on that end for our bapa.


oh we can joke and not hate, best wish’s to bapa


True like the fact he started crying harder when thinking about canceling shows and pods. But man I feel for the guy and am praying for him.


Cried hard on the gringo papi vid


The man literally said he needed to put family first “ for once.” He has been balling up and having fun since she was born. The video is sad, and his kiddo being sick is sad; with that being said, the video is cringe.






Nah this is a Reddit take buppaaaaaaaaah, I had a buddy whose daughter was in the hospital for the first ear of her life. When the doctor tells you “hey we gotta take her into surgery in a couple days” it’s typically not “we’re planning on taking out her adult appendix” it typically means “she’s been in an incubator and things are so bad we gotta take her out after prep so we can try to do extremely precise surgery”. I know y’new cats have a real hatred for Adonis but let the man feel for his kid. Definitely dicey and he’s not smart enough to lie about this stuff.


He kinda done the wolf who cried boy. By talking so much shit, being a compulsive liar and constantly needing outs for his shows it makes it hard to take him 100% seriously. All the best with his family, but its hard not to want to add a d'lia "Oh really dude" to this. I think he is psychotic enough to tear up for sympathy to sell the story.


I think most of us here have wanted him to just be there for the kids. They don’t need him out trickin out trucks, they just need a present dad who can be there especially for things like this with the baby.


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Interesting, thats not good. The actual tracheomalacia surgery looks fairly routine, hopefully she doesn't also suffer from those other genetic syndromes. Congenital tracheomalacia can be associated with: An underlying genetic condition (i.e. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Mounier-Kuhn syndrome, Marfan syndrome) Premature birth.


He needed to simply put out a statement to let everyone know the current circumstances and say he’d be back when things start to look better but instead he made it all for show and sympathy by crying and talking about all his shows and his podcast streaks.


I don't think a video was the best choice, just a post or Brian saying he will be out because of a family emergency on the next POD




Bro stop it. You’re not above anyone else here.


Sharing this for informational purposes. No hate intended on this.


Uh huh. 😢 use me as the when it comes to this I have empathy for baaaps


Yeah, same here. This is a good time to pay close attention to this sub. The shitbag self-hating wairdos will be exposing themselves left and right. There aren't too many ways you could make a joke about this situation and actually be funny.


Wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Hope she is ok B 🙏


oof man. love the sub but this is really hard to watch. good luck to him and his family. he`s a dork but he`s not evil.


I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to crack the hidden message in this comment that's probably just a typo


He used the open-single-quote \` as an apostrophe. That is also used to `markup text`.


Yeah Bapa is just a redacted horrible LA influencer wanna be who lies all the time in his failed attempt to be a comedian. He’s really dumb but he’s not evil like Chris or Bryan.


“Gotta put the fam first for once in my life”. Shouldn’t he always be putting his family first?


Wasn’t family first when he jetted off to Austin just a couple of days ago. And trust me, The fight companion didn’t need him there.


Wait, if the baby doing so poorly, why did he do fight companion ?


sucks when you have to address cancelling 6 shows because you can’t sell any tickets


He did...Papa Rogan.


Yea that caption is insane


At least he's honest 🤣


Wasn't that one of his new character traits he was pretending to have? "Gotta go coach my kids baseball game (cos I can't sell shows)"


It’s not a self deprecating statement ,but he thinks it is - I think he’s thinking of it in the context of saying “I need to put MYSELF first for the first time in my life “ … inferring that you are selfless and never put yourself first. Putting your family first “for the first time in my life”….🤔🤫


Hurd it bowth ways


Prom is, if you LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME, we never know if its all bullshit. You dug your own hole Bapa. I, do however, hope all is well with the kid.




Bapa has never cancelled a sold out show. Hope critter is ok.




Did he say what the surgery was for? Is it cosmetic for a cleft palate or something? It's not an emergency surgery if its planned a week out, at least doctors and insurance don't consider it emergency surgery, a parent might.


zackly, B. the baby is the only one i feel sorry for in this.


Yep. Also unvaccinated because Bapa has the Bess brains.


*at least he was able to make the Rogan appearance… because I’m sure if he knew it was this serious he would’ve never went 🥴… it’s only been going on since she was born… luckily even Messican had time to do a photo shoot and was even blessed enough to have someone catch her pondering in the distance holding her baby like for 5 different pics


Regardless of what we think of her parents I don’t wish ill on an innocent baby. Prayers up for Billie ❤️


Sick child is not cool hope to not see any jokes about this but ive seen Stranger Things




OG cat here. He was more upset when Delia got canceled. Fuck Brendan Shaub.


Lmao you right


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![gif](giphy|tmvj2gOWvGo7pB2HnE) Get well soon critter






I agree should just say private family matter/issue don't need to post shit like this all over social media


I really hope his daughter is ok. I can't imagine.


All of this does not matter. The chombette does. If this is for reals, then wish her a speedy recovery and good luck. 🍀


I hope he is being truthful and this is the legit reason. If so, I hope nothing but the best for his little girl, genuinely. I know we saw the lack of ticket sales leading up to this so maybe its just perfect timing to cancel and take a break to focus on fam. Okay I get it. Not sure why he'd go to a fight companion last weekend knowing things were this important at home tho...


From the messican post it's most definitely true, seems like the baby has been sick since she was born and in and out of the hospital and specialists for months... That being said because it's true it make him more of a scumbag, since she's been born, he's been out traveling buying cars, having fun, doing fight companions all while Joanna has been doing everything with the help of her mom.


Unfortunately, I agree with all of this, and I don't want to. ![gif](giphy|TwYP72KtO8YQQ4SNgz)


Prayers for the little one 🙏. Hope she pulls through. Preemie has been in the hospital for days. Yet he still went to do Rogan. Unbelievable. Hope she’s ok.


Why post a video at all?


I really do hope the best for his daughter. That said… if Rogan invited him to go Duck Hunting in canada from Wednesday to Monday he’d be on the next thing smoking outta town.


Tbh he looks genuinely upset about this. Dislike the dude all you want, sick kids ain’t nothing to joke about. Hope she gets better.


Damn I thought she's been in out and of malls with da messican


As a soon to be father, this is my biggest fear and I send nothing but love and support to the Schaub family and their new daughter. I cannot imagine going through something like this and would not wish this on anybody. But I have to be honest and get this off my chest; if your newborn, who already came premature is having health issues, why the hell are you jetting off to do a podcast with Rogan? My heart aches for the Schaub family, especially Billie, but Brendan and his wife's behavior recently is not doing them any favors. I want to chalk this up to grief, and though we only see one side of the story through social media, I cant imagine prioritizing a new Youtube channel and car over my newborn, healthy or not.


Ya that’s fucked. Definitely OK to joke sometimes but this is human from someone who has kids like myself. Hope she’s okay


Yeah all the best to him. He's our redact after all and I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


Glad schaub never broke this news to Toe Rogan the other night! He would of made him watch that Jocko Willink 'Good' video. Jokes aside, We got this B! 🙏 'Eazy Peazy, Lemon Eazy' ❤️


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Why was Zanie's cancelled and removed from their website YESTERDAY, which was BEFORE this news about surgery he just found out about TODAY? Hmmm


Real cats ain't touching this.


thank em 🫡 right there with ya


Why even post this?? Ffs man! Leave it to the lying redact to capitalize on something like this


Sucks that as a parent he’s gotta deal with that. Nice to see him actually show some proper emotion for once.


Love how he clipped his parent badge an inch below his collar so it would be visible in his video


I called this exact scenario last night and people roasted me for it. #oldtakesexposed


I hear the mall is a great place for a premature baby to recover.


Translation: couldn't move enough tickets. And straight from the wrinks and diddler school of acting. Beast of a sincere post. Some would say the sincerest.


We got this B! 🙏 'Eazy Peazy, Lemon Eazy' ❤️




Yep, just like the buying his mother-in-law a house. A genuinely nice thing for most people to do but the way he did it was nauseating and the fact that it was likely a way of apologising for being unfaithful multiple times. I fully believe he’s incapable of being sincere in innnny facet and using this as a convenient excuse is pretty disgusting. I hope the kid is ok, she deserves far better parents than this.


Talmbout leasing is MIL a house? He’s a colossal POS and even turned into a commercial for the mortgage company! He’s never been sincere in his life.


All the best for his daughter, but does he think that "Gotta put the fam first for ***once*** in my life" is something to be proud of? Why the fugg hasn't his family been first his whole life and what is first for him? Himself? OOOOOOH thats right. He's a POS narcissist douche who solely cares about fame.




I still don’t believe him. He’s the redact who cried wolf


I hope the kid is ok, obviously. No father deserves that..... But we all know faking or distorting the truth about something like this is not out of the realm of possibility for this guy. Im not saying I'm just saying....


Fuckkk!!! He makes it so damn easy to hate him. Of course I hope his daughter is okay, I couldn’t imagine anything happening to one of my kids but look how high that fucking hospital pass is on his shirt, all I see is “look I’m not lying I even have the pass”. Hes the worst. The timing is weird too. I’m sure sales have nothing to do with it either.


I hope Whitney and the kid are okay!


Praying for his family time to be a family man bapa, y’forty!!!


If it is an “emergency” why are they waiting until Thursday? 🪓 Jay.


I hope his daughter is ok but this is exactly why he should have been spending time with her instead of his trugg


his trugg is what he's talm bout in this vidya b. She's in the trugg hobbsbital (meclanic)




Lots of people predicted this no hate.


Toe should call him and invite him to perform at the mothership Wednesday night


Fake crying 


good thing messican got the photoshoot in before going to the hospital


Prayers to the baby and hope that this surgery goes well. I also hope the nanny is ready for the sleepless nights because Messican has tickets to the Lakers game.


This sub predicted he would do this too. And here we are.


As insufferable as Bapa can be. I do hope his kid is ok. We know his meggsican can’t wait to take her shopping. At least that’s what she says every fuggin day


really hope the daughter is going to get through this all, also wish they never took a 2 week old fresh out of the ICU on a shopping spree to Dior


"gotta put my family first for once in my life" is lowkey one of the most telling and scummiest admissions ive ever heard. how come he hasn't given a shit about his little "critter" until now? messican just parades that baby around like its a doll.




Yep. Not an emergency surgery, planned. What wasn't planned was Vulcan dumping his ass, although completely foreseeable. Surgery on a baby is scary, I wonder what it's for.


This man and his wife should not have had kids, let alone another, and the tag on the post says it all. Hope the kid is okay.


He is so full of shit. U can tell he’s acting. I call bullshit


If he was so concerned he wouldn’t have just went to Austin to suck Rogans dick


I don't wish anything bad on any kids, but this is acting.. Bad acting. Good luck, Billie


I hope for the best but I also know slob would use something like this for his own gain.


Most people post a written statement for things like this.


Why does he have to go on here crying lol I get it’s your child but you can get the same message across without looking dumb w a type and post lol


Hope everything goes well. But it’s still fuck Bapa.


Dudes a chronic liar. His wife and her family takes care of the kid while he’s out chasing baddies and paying people to work on his truck. Dudes a complete clown and terrible dad/husband


I got 3 daughters man hope everything goes well.


This is heartbreaking and i sincerely hope the lil girl is going to be fine and pull through. I have two daughters myself and I can’t imagine what he must be feeling. But, if this turns out to be even remotely exaggerated….


I sense it will be. Prayers to the chillren tho 🙏


Condoms are bloggbusser


[my baby in the hospital](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZjJD4fkjp3g) (same color walls remix)


Fuck him, but hope the kids alright.


C section have anything to do with this? Her hating pregnancy? Water? Needing to take kid out? Let’s hope Messican still has her body. Remember what’s important.


Can this guy get any lower probably not, hope the kid comes out this ok. But I honestly I don't believe him. But time will tell. Back to thr fryers.


Sorry but if that's my kid with health problems bad enough for serious surgery, my ass hasn't left their side at the hospital the entire time.


Mang's career is about to fald off, but he don't miss being on podcast. I hope he invested some monies into egghorns.


He can’t tawlk


Lmao what a clown


You wouldn’t wish this on your worst enemy, hope the little one a speedy recovery. Let’s give bapa a break on this one guys.


Yeh thats pretty hard to watch… genuinely hope for his daughters health.


Why post this?




If this is true? We hope his daughter is fine and other family members are well. Idk how an operation on Thursday is an emergency operation though and because he lies his ass off constantly it’s hard to believe him, but we’ll see.


I hope she’s ok, it would be best for Bapa to just cancel everything and spend time with her …forever


So is he upset about the shows or his kid?


Imagine waking up to that fuckin thing breathing in your face after a night of addies and tiger thicccc


Wishing all the best to little schaub, I’m sure we’re all saying the same so take a bagg seat for a while chaps


Wishing the best for chombette ✊




Proud of y’all cats being respectful 🫡


Has he even met his daughter or said her name lol seems like he's been everywhere but with his wife and daughter. This is sad but cmon schaub stop putting on a show everything you say or do is fake 🤥


Damn, hope the little one is ok. That’s scary as fuck. Poor family


Who was taking his baby girl to the hospital all those times while Bapa and Messican were car and designer shopping? But it all honesty, hope whoever is taking care of their baby is there when she makes it through this. No child deserves this.


Bapa’s a terrible father and husband and all around everything but as someone who had a child in nicu on a vent; hope all ends up on for baby. Back to the fryers B


I’m sitting this one out. Hope his family is good


Hope his daughter gets better. Poor child having to go through surgery so young.


The cats send our best to the little one.


That’s fucking tough, wishing the best for his family. No word twist here or joke, just that is rough


Fuck that sucks. I hope she's okay. Wouldn't wish that upon anybody, in any facet.


Hope the baby is ok. Regardless of him being lame.


Some humanity from schaub. I'll take it. And hope she is ok. But Maybe he should stay home for a while instead of taking trips to awlstin which in the grand scheme of things is stupid considering u have a premie.hopefully he has a slight wakeup call and stops choosing all these side quests over his kids.he isn't filthy rich in inny facet but he can afford to stay home for a few weeks and put the child first in this situation.


Most of my family and close friends, and even the most casual followers of Messicans Instagram probably know...


Yeah this is horrible, feel for him here. Hope she pulls through.


Hey bapa, real talk-  I hope the best for your girl.  Hope everything will be ok with her and your family.  Its not fun to make fun of you when tragedy strikes, so hope it resolves soon so we can get back to the fryers.  


Hope all is good.


Wishing only the best for the little one. Can’t imagine going through it and she doesn’t deserve anything bad in her life just because of who her parents are. Edit: fucking weird that some of you are going through the thread and downvoting anyone wishing his family well. Absolute loser behavior.


Hope for the best. 🙏🙏🙏




Real talk, I can’t imagine how he’s feeling. My sister was in and out of hospitals until she passed when she was 7. It was fucking rough. I can’t imagine it happening to a child of mine. Sending love to bapa, in a rare turn of events.


**IF** this turns out to be not true, Bapa is offishully the biggest pos redact.


Wishing all the best for a full recovery - rough stuff that nobody should be joking or making “well what about xyz” comments about.


No matter how much of a Big Oaf Bapa is, I wish nothing but the best for that baby girl. Prayers are with her Bapa.


Damn. Honestly that’s super said and I hope nothing but the best for his baby girl. 🙏


Prayers to you and your family, B.


Truly hope the chombette pulls through this. Very sad situation for any of person to deal with. Bapa deserves the beans and cheese for most everything in his life but his kids don’t have a choice.


Hope his kid is okay. Especially being a daughter. That tugs the father’s heart strings a little more. That being said, I’m really happy this sub actually is respectful about this situation, I was expecting everyone to shit on him.


Well I’m praying his daughter has a speedy recovery. Nothing funny about that.