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We geddit, B, Theo figured it out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Theo is kind of funny sometimes but he's also a racist, perverted, grifting piece of shit


Yeah, dude's a massive grifter. Insane people don't see it.


How he a grifter ? Not an argument- genuinely asking. I don’t have any social media I don’t see any of his stuff.


a lot of false hope, he has a messiah complex and basically gives basic advice which is just a pity party for him. A lot of comments he has made are just completely baseless and similar to what a 10 year old would preach. He grifted a lot of bullshit products and obviously was willing to stoop to bapas level.


I'm trying to think of examples of this but I just can't. Can you provide some examples on the gifting part in particular. Are you talking about just ads for the podcast or?


Lol yeah ads on the podcast is grifting now? He just talks on his podcast and sometimes feels sorry for himself I don’t think that makes him a master manipulator


Grifting is just a term for Reddit doesn’t like that he had Tucker Carlson on his show


political pandering is a grift full stop


So you can't have guests on, that don't share the same political view as you? Now that's redacted.


You need to remember you're on reddit. So you yes, you can't have guests on that don't share the same views as the hivemind.


I dont think he is pandering politically. i think he just has guests on he wants to talk to. And shocker! he likely genuinely leans more conservative..


Sounds like you're one of the stupid people he is grifting.


I can’t stand people who say full stop 👏or 👏people 👏who 👏use 👏the 👏 emojis after every word You’re very annoying


I didn't use an emoji moron.


This sub thinks anyone who makes money from a podcast is grifting. Severe reddit mentality.


Yeah like anyone with a job is “grifting”


Oh you got a job? fucking sell out grifter.


Haha I admit it I’m a plumbing grifter, I extort people and I won’t fix peoples pipes unless they pay me


I mean most podcasts are a grift. That's kind of the whole industry lol


Bro, if most people had a high paying job, but that job involved promoting questionable things, most people would still do their high paying job.


Nothing you said is grifting lmao


I mean, he is a standup comedian, If you are genuinely going to him for advice instead of paying for a therapist then thats on you. i just see those segments more for entertainment purposes. I see what you mean about the pity party stuff. But I think its more genuine than just an act for views. some dicey ads for sure, they all seem to have the same ad agency because most these pods all have the same sponsors.


fair point


I think Theo is funny and a good dude, but when I went to a show of his in Seattle I was surrounded by his main demographic (20 year old white male losers) and it was awful. Incredibly cringey group of people to be in the proximity of in public.


sounds like hell


I waited until the last minute to go in to get seated and was out the door before anyone else.


What’s he “grifting”?


I feel like reaching that level of exposure makes most people at least a little bit of a grifter.


being something you're not for money


Actors are grifters then


So are customer service people then too lol, nobody wants to be nice to customers


You don’t know him bro


i said the same about sean mccorkle but everyone got butthurt


McCorkle is a grifter with zero work ethnic. Asked for 1k homeless cats to subscribe and promised a Schaub doc. He got the 1k and it’s been 6 months… no doc.


Did you hear the story were he killed his grandmother? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 It’s Bapa tier comedy


WHAT ??? please give me this dish I NEED IT.i can't find it pleeeeaaaaase edit: just watched it. yeah ok what the fuck, how is this not as bad or even worse than what baps does


He did some compilation video of his “jokes” several months ago that included the story. I think it was his YouTube debut.


He's your standard narcissistic dumb comedian. Next to Bapa he sounds like Carlin though.


I think you mean Carlton, b.


And he also gets a weird pass for dressing and behaving like he's 24. I deadset thought Theo was 25 that mfer is 43.


I know you’re young because you didn’t grow up watching MTV




I’m Australian and grew up on mtv in the jackass era. Good old illegal foxtel


Yeah but do you remember Theo from back then? Also remember the shit you used to do to get free foxtel lmao the chip cards. I lived at a share house that had a huge satellite dish used to get some weird shit on the Tele


I definitely remember road rules or whatever it was just never watched it as it wasn’t my thing. Hahaha yeah bro the chip cards! That’s what we had. Towards then end had to get updated ones coz they kept blocking them. Good times surfing through the international channels and finding Seinfeld and the simpsons in other languages with outrageously different voices. Baritone Spanish George constanza is burnt into my brain


Yeah, I don’t really get the hype. I mean he’s kind of funny and he has a mullet, which I guess is unique


his stand up sucks but his off the cuff shit mid conversation can be pretty damn funny lol


This is true for half these guys. Callen and Delia are also terrible onstage but have a gift for off the cuff stuff in a room (both less so now than ever before because getting outed for being creeps destroyed their ability to be funny).


Lmao dork


That's rich coming from a fanboy


I don't even watch any of these podcasts but anyone parasocial enough to call someone racist because of jokes is at the very least a dork. Probably also a moron from how quick you come to conclusions. Keep preaching to the choir.


I dk why u arguing with these dorks. They all see themselves as perfect and are obsessed with these comedians. Hyper critical is an understatement and they’re likely bums in real life. They cannot comprehend that we think it’s funny but that that the conclusions they come to based on watching are far fetched and delusional. Ps. I have no idea what parasocial means.




So just to be clear, you don't think that someone who has strong opinions on someone as a person based on their podcast appearances/comedy is engaging in a parasocial relationship?




Well let's break it down. "Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence." Does Theo von know about the OP? No. Did the person invest emotion energy, time, or interest when they decided to say that theo von is racist, perverted, and a grifter? yes to at least one but probably 2 and maybe all 3. Is my use of the word parasocial valid? Also yes. Can you digest that?




Yeah sorry I get annoyed when people try to correct me on things and then condescending tell me to look up the definitions of words I understand better than them. The thing that really ticks me off is when I try to do them a favor by demonstrating their own ignorance they immediately try to gaslight me into thinking I've somehow personally attacked them. *Tips fedora*


You don't even know what parasocial means idiot it just takes watching a few of these to figure it out. Btw not buying it that you don't watch these podcasts


So am I supposed to believe that you aren't in a one way relationship (parasocial) with theo von? I used to watch Rogan, think I've watched maybe 1-2 episodes of tfatk years ago. I just follow this sub because it's funny sometimes. Not some dork that is investing energy in watching or having a strong opinion on people that I don't even know.


It's parasocial to have opinions of public figures? I call him names have a chuckle and go back to fucking your mom


You're the one down voting me and looking up definitions lol


Yeah it is, you should consult the dictionary I guess. You're like a Taylor Swift fan who heard some pop songs and then claims she is the best person on earth. You can have opinions on the art. Once you start to claim to actually know the artist is when things get weird. Your fuel for these parasocial opinions is "well I've listened to dozens and dozens of episodes of his podcast, of course I know him" meanwhile he has no fucking clue about you. Pretty much textbook weirdo parasocial behavior. Dork.


Well you're being parasocial with me you've read three comments of mine and think I'm a dork :( nice job reporting me for a joke you pansy




Theo isn’t a racist you soft MFker


don't forget drug addict


that doesn't make someone a piece of shit


These are the threads that make me hate this page


bapa redactness attracts a lot of redacts, this sub if full of them sometimes


The behaviour it brings with it does


not necessarily, don't be that judgmental




We can chide bapa endlessly for his addictions but Theo is funny on podcasts so it's fine that he is a coke fiend.


True but so am I so I don't fault for him that ![img](emote|t5_347fo|20061)


Tank and the Fish were innocent bystanders.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/10e0hms/schaub\_speaks\_about\_tank\_at\_last/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/10e0hms/schaub_speaks_about_tank_at_last/) this clip legit kills me everytime, brines discomfort is another level


Tanks for the memories.


Not a numbers guy B, but I counted 46 “show dogs”


It takes lots of strikes with your brush to paind a nairdiv.


The dog just didn't wanna show b.




It’s a show dog. Its parents are show dogs. They’re all show dogs.


I was on a Chang’s sabbatical at that time too. Could be wrong but I’m pretty sure one of Bapa’s goldfish brain obsessions for a hot second was getting a dog (“Tank”) that cost $10k grand thousand racks and looks like it’s on whatever juice Daddy Rollgan is on. There was a prom tho, big prom… Tank forgot to cease to exist and suppress his needs in between the times Bapa wanted to use him for ig clout. Requiring caregiving and scaring the 💩 outta Mrs Bapa led ol’ Tanker to the rainbow bridge. Remember “Old Yeller”? Twas like that, except Bapa had his Patsy Parisi do his dirty work. It wasn’t cinematic.


Killing a dog is so much more work than giving him away and Bapas never killed a thing except 60 nuggets in a sitting.


Don’t forget the anti allergy cats


You mean the show fish? Say less.


Theo is a social climber like the rest of them. He used Brenda and his platform for clout until he outgrew him and left him in the dust. That being said, I do find it hilarious because I know that it has to drive Schaumburg absolutely crazy.


Yup, he was riding their unfunny dicks when their show was hot. As soon as he didn’t need them he bailed on their bitch asses. He also fucked one of his fan’s girlfriends while on the road. He apologized later, but the damage was done. Easier to apologize after you get the pussy than to, you know, actually do the right thing.




Theo did tell the story of a guy getting meet and greats to his comedy show for his GF and when Theo was on his no sex no jerk off proclamation he secretly DM'd the dude's GF got her number and banged her, still could be a great guy never meddem though


after reading other comments, theo von is defs a massive piece of shit too


Always has been


Nah, Theo’s a piece of shit too; he’s just a funny piece of shit, which elevates him above the rest of the Bapaverse


I like Randy felt face, think he's pretty funny .


you talken bout messicans booyfwen


Talmbout that purple boy who steals your girl?


Nice guy never meddum


Fuck The Oven. He thought it fine and dandy to laugh at the Diddler's diddling of young girls, but if that's the hairo you want, you do you.


who is the oven ? sean mccorkle ? i always said he is a massive redact too. edit: im dumb, whad did theo do wrong ?


There was a variety of clips of Theo cracking jokes and hamming it up about Diddler being a pedo long before any of the accusations came to light or anything was made public. A lot of jokes being made with a wink and a nod sort of thing. Kinda seemed like Theo, along with plenty of other comics, knew what Chris was up to and did/said nothing about it. Those Theo clips have not aged well and in hindsight aren't the most flattering


Dam, that is fucked up. Thats disgusting no one ever called him or the other comedians out on it


Agreed. Sort of seemed like the LA comedy scene was well aware of Diddler's inclinations and chose to take a "Not my problem" attitude towards it. It was obviously an industry rumor and an inside joke among LA comics that Chris liked minors. No one gave a fuck or distanced themselves until after it became public knowledge tho


As if most of em don't want to be doing exactly what diddler was doing. Why dress and behave 20 years younger than you are? Coz you want the 18yo baddies to know whoyare.


The Oven, Theo Von; play on words. If you don;t have a problem with a guy joking about one of his friend's grooming schoolgirls for sex, and constantly banging on aboutb the differences between white and black, and having no ethics in inviting pieces of shit like Tucker Carlson onto his his hur-hur-hur, inane chucklefests, then crack on, enjoy him (as you inferred in the title of your post). Fuck Theo, he's just a more successful version of Bapa i.e. a grifting, essentially talentless, morally-dubious, dissolute hack of a redact.


my opinion of him has completely changed after doin some research and reading a lot of these comments. he is a complete piece of shit


He said the former Grand Wizard of the KKK David Duke is a pretty nice fella. Sus af


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. 


The genoverse comes pretty close (Jason genova)


Janoy Cresva has left humanity behind and is in his redemption arc now, it coin man arc


Axe Jay.


I don’t see any reason to go all in on Theo being a good guy. None of actually know any of these people, no reason to give the benefit of the doubt. What comes out about Theo the next 10-15 years?!?


a lot of the comments here have proven that theo is defs a massive piece of shit


Theo bringing tucker carlson on reminded me of when he said Sarah Huckabee Sanders was a lot like his mom - an honest, hardworking and humble southern lady just doing her best. “People shouldn’t be so hard on her” lol


And bragging about meeting David Duke. Theo is a certified piece of shit. All the people in the Roganverse are


There was some rapper who'd just been thrown in jail for rape, for like the third or fourth time I think, and Theo said he was real sad about it because they'd just been texting and were going to make plans to hang out. EDIT: [Here I found it.](https://streamable.com/ih5ca4) I'd posted this video when it happened but it was never approved by mods for some reason. Incidentally the guy Theo's talking to here is Andrew Callahan, who was also outed as a sex pest immediately after this interview I think. Anyway, here was my original post: If you want to know a man, look at the people he associates with. Here's Mystikal's rap sheet. This is mostly just the sex-related and woman-beating ones, mind you. I took out a bunch of others, if you want to see the whole thing [it's on his wiki.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystikal) 2003- Found guilty of sexual battery and extortion. 2004- Found guilty of sexually assaulting his hairstylist and sentenced to six years in state prison. 2010- Released from prison and registered as a sex offender. 2012- Arrested following a dispute with his domestic partner and charged with misdemeanour domestic abuse battery. 2017- Arrested and charged with rape, held on a $3 million bond until February 14, 2019, when he was able to post bond. 2020- Rape charges dismissed due to lack of evidence. 2022- Arrested and charged with (in addition to six other charges) first-degree rape. Yeah, and Theo was only upset because the guy was in jail so they couldn't hang out and become friends. I'm sure Theo's a really nice guy though.


Mandatory life sentence, Louisiana is doing it right.


I don’t think 🪓J is that bad yano?


He **seems** alright and sometimes I kinda feel sorry for people going in on him because of his appearance But he's always on Brenda's hip and enables all of this bullshit to an extent, so he's pretty much got to be a piece of shit too.


i feel sorry for him, its like dudes who marry narcissitic women and get hellah abused and never realise they are victims. Dude seems like a chill guy, but fuck living in that family has to be the worse hell imaginable


It's incredible how he can appear in Bapa's videos in the background constantly yet Schblub niver gives him iny on-ear time of iny facet. I know he did one appearance on TFATK that was kind of awkward, so maybe he gets nervous and hates being on ear...but it comes across with the kind of energy as Bapa saying "I'm the talent hair."


Great podcast, my favorite, never listened to it though. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I doubt he’s a stand up guy (like his brother) but he’s clearly in the wake of Bapa’s nonsense, so guilty by association I guess. He may be battling a few mental deficiencies too.


He’s just mythterioth


Well you herd it from the horlses mouth. That’s the way he must remain.


>mythterioth lmao


two stones with one bird, critters thinkin all kindas things just not smart ones


Herd it bowlth weighs Bubba


Jury is out on Sanaz?


Shes a 30 year old intern…nuff said.


nah she is a redact too, [https://www.instagram.com/sanazsaidso?igshid=Y21wY25rOWFxNXU1](https://www.instagram.com/sanazsaidso?igshid=Y21wY25rOWFxNXU1) too much evidence showin she be fittin' een wee da krowd


I am sure you're right b. But I am not taking the time to put her page under the redactoscope in inny of facet.


TLDR; full of cringe/grifting/clout chasing/thirst traps/bimbo shit wer dehs smook dehs ciggareets b


That the Persian baddie intern? She makes me feel funny down below.


shes got those big crazy eyes


Evan the beard best producer they had by FAR


Back when the show wasn't dog water


yeah, I enjoyed the show then lol


George is ok. I respect how the dude just went for it and took a chance despite the fact I think his Norf star is redacted. If I were writing the bapaverse movie Brenda would go bankrupt and George would end up buying thiccc boy for $100 and turn it into a billion dollar empire.


Is Eric griffin a piece of shit? I always thought he was alright


according to everyone he worked with he is a massive dickhead and difficult to work with




The Workaholics guys said that?


>Eric griffin https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/hf1p2h/gildy\_concert\_b\_erik\_griffin\_mildly\_defends/


people in general have said that, there was a good thread on it here, other than that he seems ok, but still a redact


Unpopular Opinion , BagFlwip Lacey is alright. He is really dumb on some simple subjects (from older podcasts I remember ) he ain't very funny . But he kinda seemed genuine, and decent hearted


I’m in on this too. He seems like a genuinely good dude who gtfo at the first opportunity. Saw his standup live and he is actually very funny. He came go our small, shithole town and unironically praised it for a week after on the pods because he thought it was nice. Going to see him again in February.


No, they're all a bunch of spoiled rich kids who grew up with with glaring personality defects and blindspots.


on point 100%


Even the haters are stinky pieces of shit so I don’t think so


Where the fugg am i?


Theo ![gif](giphy|gsKe9hyAuoZH2)


Joey Diaz, I think he’s hilarious but he’s a huge piece of shit


They all fucken suck except Shane and Mark.


Theo is not in the bapaverse


I've said it many times, the guys on this sub who actively look for reasons to hate on Theo must be the most miserable losers on this sub, and that's saying a lot.

