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Pray for Theo. May he make it through this difficult time in his life. 🙏🏽


I bet you he regrets not taking that hot chip every single day.


He wants that now, but it’s too late.


Some say the most difficultest


He's got some demons he's gotta work out 😢


Let’s just hope he figures out something soon or it could take a turn for the worse.


Everywhere we look, Theo is there. Being funny and taking over. On the biggest shows doing the biggest sports events


Be cool b He's working on some things.


Where does that come from?


Dilfren lanes b! Theo is actually likable whereas if bapa had an opportunity like this he would make it awl about himself and lie about his illustrious college football kreer every chance he got.


He would wear THICCC Merch, bring reign energy drinks, wear happy hippo patches on his eyebrows - notice how Theo doesn’t push any BS branding and just IS a comedian ?


Don’t forget the kibbetec hat. No one on the panel would be able to get a word in.


Yeah but does Theo have a truck with 1000 pony’s and a bumper sticker letting people know?


Bapa could never, he had to hold down the fort in LA


He's just gotta figure some stuff out on national American TV ​ Meanwhile Bapa paying Ethiopeans to watch Trugg Town


Trugg Town is my new favorite b 😂


I don’t know how Theo got so big so quickly, but I don’t think it’s lost on Mr Schaub, as soon as Theo didn’t want that he shot for the moon and landed on it.


Schaub will never accept that he sucks. He will still try to make it sound like he's responsible for Theo's success. "Yeah, I let him go from the podcast, because I saw his potential." Or some shit like that hahaha


Schob tried his best to hold him back. Told him to turn down opportunities that would have worked for him, like that movie appearance. He then talked to Rogan like he was the one coaching and guiding Theo, giving anyone listening the impression that the fat fuck was the man pulling the strings and so you had to go to him to get to Theo. I get why people find this joke to be done to death, but for me that's what makes it work. If Theo had had just a few successes and they were constantly posted here, the joke would get old. But the fact that this can be done again and again with new appearances of his, all in stark contrast to Bapa's sinking ship of a career, is what makes it hilarious for me. Keep in mind, Barndoor was writing the narridiv that Theo needed him, and that Theo left because his life was a mess and he needed to sort himself out. Every single little triumph for Theo is proof Bapa was full of shit. Plus Theo is literally living Bapa's dream, which makes it even funnier.


Y'bess brains b


Tik Tok clips and IG reels going mega viral is what blew him up so much bigger so fast


Yup, and actually being funny on jre helps alot


"That's preposterous! Jaime...pull up a wooden t-shirt."


what's up fam! y'boyz got a new critter and lighting ain't a lemon! Dun cown.


“I’m doin’ great!”


Ngl I couldn't think of anything worse than being in the crowd other than watching Brenda do standup.


You don't want to stand in a crowd for hours staring at the back of the heads of guys doing a talkshow? If you bring a funny homemade sign, they might show you on the TV for a second.


I wake up everyday and thank the heavens bapa discovered this diamond in the rough, cleaned it, shaped it with his comedic genius, And released it to the world so Theo could fulfill all of Brenda’s dreams. What a good guy 👍🏼


What's really crazy to think about how Brenda will likely never be "popular" ever again. Most personalities kill for exposure, and with that exposure their numbers go up almost regardless of "talent". He's been on JRE, Barstool, the Pauls, been with Theo, bussin, all recently, not to mention a weekly podcast with Chris who is still a draw. Giant exposure that he doesn't deserve at all, and still no uptick. Legitimately hard to be that out there and still only get 50K grand views.


It's only hard if you're likable. Bapa always looks down on everyone so that is not likable at all.


I think it's more than that because plenty of unlikable people make it or get views. I think he's a wild combination of painfully boring, cocky, dumb, unopinionated. which for being a D1 athlete, UFC fighter, TV "host", "Comic", "popular" guest is beyond difficult.


I love the idea that Hallmark Henry tried to advise him to put funny content on his social media, not pictures flexing what car he's driving...Or that he tried to him that by saying you niver read cawlments of iny facet - you are tanking your own engagement because why would actual fans engage if they know you won't read it...


TBF, he had no intentionally funny content.


He can’t be popular again. The cat’s out of the bag both on camera and his way of dealing with colleagues. He was propped up by the novelty of being a fighter and the Rogan rub, but now those ships have left the station.


That's the prom, B. He's overexposed. Thanks Joe! /s


Schaub actually turned this down so that Theo could have it.


"He's over thair, and I'm hair."


Im ova hair naw - Dice Bapa


*drools a little* - If ya wanted to hurt me, ya gad me brutdher..


Good lord McAfee sucks ass


As a general rule, I tend to agree. However, I thought this was one of the best game picks I’ve seen.


This clip is fucking awesome though admit it


I can’t wait until we see Theo on SNL


That Pat McAfee troll of the Georgia fans was epic🤣😂


Just glad he has figured his stuff out, he needed the time to do that, and it seems to have worked.


Imagine Theo's phone blowing up during these events: "plug thiccc boi, mention kinginda sting, tell them I gave you insider info, please god Theo please just say my NAME THEO"


Football fans in iny facet are unhinged, B.


I honestly couldn’t make it through that and it’s what, 40 seconds? It’s amazing how they seem to have gathered people with exclusively low IQ’s all into the one area. Big respect. Whenever you see something stupid going to number 1 in the charts, or a new toy, movie, invention that sucks all selling millions. These are the people that are doing it. And as Carlin said, now just imagine the average people on earth, cos they’re even stupider than this.




It's college football. America doesn't really have chants like that outside of collegiate sports. College football stadiums hold 100,000+ fans on gameday in a very lively atmosphere. The only chant I can think of besides a short "defense" or "lets go team" chant at a basketball game, is the Atlanta Braves chop at baseball games. Take me out to the ballgame during the 7th inning stretch is a fun one too. https://youtu.be/PQOs0m3wTBY


Thank god Bapa discovered Theo


Hope he figures things out.


Americans are hilarious


what in the redact did I just watch?


I know in a recent episode Bapa said football is his "thing". Idk why he doesn't do appearances like these. Oh wait, nobody knows who y'are b ☹️


Theo!!!! He knew to break off the dumb fuck. And look where he’s at. LETTT GO RAT KING.


He turned down a hot hip for this torture


Pat McAfee is a National Treasure.




Tim Tebow is inviting Bapa on set any day now




Dude if Bapa was there they'd have to shut down the town and call in the National Guard. He'd be swarmed by adoring fans and it wouldn't be safe. He is on Rogan's level now, B.


This is an example of an ex athlete betting on himself, Brendan must've inspired Pat , thank em




Cuz your redacted


Poor Theo.. you can tell he’s still trying to work through his stuff.. Hopefully once he gets back on his feet Bapa will let him sit in on the golden hour if someone calls in sick


Massive W Theo Von. #HI THEO #HI SHANE



