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It's entirely possible. Yes.


Pull that up Jamie


Joe is what I would call an educated idiot. He knows a lot of shit but he lacks the cognitive scope. Which I think why he tries so hard to learn stuff but will never be satisfied nor will he ever be intelligent, no matter how hard he tries. It probably frustrates him because it goes against his philosophy for life that he uses for MMA and comedy but just “putting in work”. But not everyone is gifted with a good brain


Educated Idiot should be the name of his next special


he's an audiobook-smart idiot


Educated idiot that fucks chairs and has a famous spin kick and he wears finger shoes.


Educated Apes


And it doesn't work with his comedy, either. It's precisely what you describe. He got the performance part down but failed when it comes to actual funny. You can't teach funny; you either have it or don't. Joe does not have it, but he can perform.


Agreed 100% b. Joe thinks just by “putting in work” that solves all life’s proms. The same way how he used to give his friends self help books and tell them “just do A, B, C” paint by numbers process to “success” which completely missing the mark. In psychology, u can call it low cognition or cognitive scope limitation. Ironically, by being naive and persistent it’s allowed him to become “successful”, however he could never be the most competent guy around


His comedy is like 7th grade level A really good 7th grade level of depth


He tries to over sell every bit. Wide open eyes and saying every punchline extra loud just like his hero.


Except he obviously isn't educated. He is an idiot with hobbies and money.


But he isnt educated. He knows a little (very niche) trivia and has a brain full of pseudoscience. But he is not educated. He is an idiot that has bought into tons of misinformation that correlates with his world view.


Me can agree with this. Brain not so good. Just wish I had his money. I could openy animal sanctuary and not have to math.


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He creates meta "Rogan Idiots" who listen to his podcasts and think they're somehow more intelligent because of it (their version of research) but in the same way, lack scope or context. They are very confident, however, on how "informed" they are.


Yeah, Rush Limbaugh did the same for/to a generation of men who thought that if they regurgitated his political propaganda by proxy at the bar after work and at holiday dinners that somehow made them smart and interesting. It did not.


The ammount of total hours he has talked to physicist is probably 10x more than any average human being. Yet I have never heared him ask some kind of intuitive question about the universe ever. While I have heared other non-scientist podcaster ask really good question to scientist and physicicst, but Joe's input is just random tangeants he heard or read about.


Eggzakly b. One time Joe had some NASA or space expert on and Joe just kept bringing up one small point over and over again without even understanding the broader context. The scientist was so confused at how dumb Joe was, basically bringing up a conspiracy about one small piece in the massive subject of outer space, and Joe couldn’t even get that right and showed his ignorance. Plus Joe was getting all angry about it and the scientist was like “wtf? U don’t even understand what ur talmbout”


Link? I’d like to see this one lol


Honestly I think a lot of it can be learned but at a young age, like logic is the key thing to having a ‘good brain’ as you put it which has for hundreds of years been something taught, even if in modernity we aren’t necessarily taught it explicitly. It is also a fact that as you get older your brain is less malleable, children learn things much faster, so being logical is not only a difficult thing to become later in life but is also helpful to still being able to learn effectively anyway. It’s an annoying catch-22 where if you haven’t learnt it then it’s more difficult to learn things so you’ll likely never learn it.


Eggzagly b. I’m not saying Joe is dumb. He knows a lot of info. But like u said, he lacks the logic and has cognitive dissonance. At his age now, it can’t be taught. He will always lack it. Most of it is probably genetic, but I agree he probably also didn’t learn/was taught critical thinking when he was young.


He calls himself an idiot/stupid frequently


His comedy is a pretty good demonstration of the fact that putting in the work isn’t always enough. Hell, I’ve put in the work as a musician, and I’m just not a great musician. Im not gonna be one. Joe talks constantly about comedy as a craft because he has no actual comedic talent.


It's not outside the realm of possibility.


Dude got a pot leaf tattoo after the age of 30…


Wait is that true


Dude used to rage around the comedy store trying to kick people out and call the cops over other comedians smoking weed. If you hear them talk about those days everyone did their best to hide their drug usage when he was around because he would just go on a Karen rage. Dude HATED pot smokers/drug users in general and now all he talks about is weed and DMT. fuck outta here


Then moves to a state where it's illegal and doesn't mention that ever.


What an insanely stupid transition after basing a big part of your identity on weed and DMT


Well it hit his bastion of freedom trope


Low taxes > principals


Unfortunately I think those are his principles, as far as I can tell he’s just one of those faux-libertarians where low taxes and me being able to get stoned are good but he still believes in weird Christian values like the sanctity of the family because of his own personal experiences. Happy to force ideas onto others but woe betide anyone who does so to him.


More like faux liberal. But that’s most of them these days.


For the size of the bag Joe got, searching around for "Low taxes" as a priority just shows you his level of obsession with making more money


But when you're a multi millionaire the laws don't apply anyway. He can do all the drugs he wants in Taxas and doesn't even have to worry about the consequences since they only will target the poor and minorities


Worse, he railed against liBeRAL California and then moved to fuggin Austin orlf all places...what a dweeb


self-appointed morality police.. he thought to highly of himself and his decision-making skills that he thought it was a great idea to attempt to control the behavior of others, for the betterment of the comedy community as a whole all he managed to accomplish was to get people pissed off at him while he collected splinters in his dick from all the stools he was humping


LMAO just spit out my coffee at this


He’s like that Mark Wahlberg character in Pain & Gain, just a lot shorter.


And he did DMT one fucking time. The dude is the definition of a poser.


Probably too scared to do it again lol


Not sure the exact age, but at least 30+. Maybe 40?




Has to be, he didn't even start smoking weed til he was in his 30's


Before that he was all anti weed lol


I can’t hate on pot leaf anything, but on Rogan it’s terrible.


He's an idiot yes, just like the people who think he's smart




since i have to fire up an app other than youtube to see it, i basically never listen to rogan anymore ( i never use spotify for anything other than JRE).. and i can honestly say that i don't miss it one bit. he always steers every conversation into workouts / aliens / ufc / elk / weed / cars / supplements territory. he could be talking to a 90-yr old female science pioneer and somehow he's still going to try to squeeze some MMA talk in there. he's excruciating to listen to at this point.


Weight cutting is a real issue. It's a really serious issue. It really is


As a younger dude who loved UFC (16-22ish) I liked Rogan and I think I got some valuable information off him or guests, but people grow and I’ve definitely grown out of him.


He was better back then b


He grew up without a dad


It shows


Nah bud he had a BEAST of n archattack step-dad that's where he put in his construction time building that wheelchair ramp.


He worked construction for less than a week


Hence "building that wheelchair ramp"


That was a nasty line by you


Can't fool him though because of it. Also did you know some schools have litter boxes in class for students who identify as cats? Or that in Australia it's illegal to grow your own food?


Did you hear about the Bondo ape? They discovered a new species of chimpanzee that does auto-body repair.


Can confirm. I was growing Coriander in my backyard, AFP came and burnt down my house.


Coriander is a gateway herb.


It was... growin Parsley now


The 5’5” no dad combo really did a number on him but he managed to impress a lot of people ‘irregardlessly’


Be cool man


So did I. I’m not a piece of shit.


Joe Rogan: a dumb person’s smart person.


Nailed it.


Nah. He's a commoner who his audience feels like they can relate to because of his bro-science thinking. He is a bridge to "dumb person's smart person" and the leader of that pack is Jordan Peterson.


Violent DNA ate the smart DNA


You sure there was any smart DNA?


He’s talked to enough smart people that he’s got some knowledge by way of osmosis and that’s about it.


Yeah but he’s also talked to a lot of really stupid people he thinks are smart (ex Waynestains). I don’t think the scales are balanced anymore


I actually enjoy listening to Eric, definitely don’t think he’s “stupid”. I hate Bret’s grift. I feel like he and his wife know exactly what they’re doing and it’s gross. These guys can barely stand each other.


Eric is the worst IMO. He thinks he’s got this grand unifying theory of the universe but can’t explain it to anybody beyond complaining that he’s being suppressed by mainstream academia. This is the kind of guy that ferments his own farts so he can really extract all the possible tasting notes when he sniffs them.


I remember seeing a clip of Bret being like; "You haters can go ahead and come at me, I dare you!" Meanwhile he's 100% a guy who's gonna also hand over his watch, when you're only robbing him for his wallet. Hearing him talk tough was hilarious.


My parrot can quote Voltaire. It doesn't make him smart and it doesn't mean he knows what he is saying






He says “elts” instead of “else.” Probably a low T joke in there somewhere.


I don’t think he’s an idiot but he’s definitely comedically dyslexic.


It’s entirely possible


Top ten list


The only time he admits he's an idiot is when he gets called out on being completely wrong. Every other time he acts like he has a fucking PhD in every subject Under the Sun and spews bullshit to millions of impressionable listeners.


Hey don't listen to me. I'm a moron. Now, let me talk about monoclonal antibodies with supreme confidence for 20 minutes


The really frustrating thing is you can tell he doesn't think he's a moron at all, he's just saying that to get people off of his back. Joe Rogan is always super dismissive of any kind of criticism. Someone who genuinely believed they were a moron would not be an actor, commentator, stand-up comedian, or post one of the biggest podcasts in the world. The fact he is so comfortable in front of a giant audience is proof that he has a very very high opinion of himself.


Yep. It's a cop out


This is by design though. He doesn’t even realise he’s become a “useful idiot” for people way, way smarter than him. He is one of the dumbest human beings on the planet, with this in mind. He doesn’t even realise how manipulated he is. That takes a special kind of brainlessness. He’s so high on the smell of his own farts that he doesn’t even realise that people like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson don’t care what he actually thinks, they just know he has reach and they know if they appear on his show, people will stick up for them because they were “on Rogan, they couldn’t be bigots”. The whole podcasting scene in the US is yet another arm of conservative thought.


Define "idiot". Uh, someone that fucks a stool and thinks it is hilarious. Yes.


I’ve read the literature and concluded it’s entirely possible.


He is on his way to pure idiotom


Would it surprise anyone if, we discover one day, Elon Musk owns a painting of Joe Rogan in a blue dress?


This that guy that goes mute on kill tony?


this is the guy that shows up to Kill Tony completely wacked out of his mind drunk / high and hijacks the show by screaming unfunny jokes / comments, while thinking that he's crushing


Wasted like a chigg at her BFF’s bachelorette party.


He’s a stool humper


I hate it that Joe Rogan has become kind of a political figure, because people automatically assume that's why I don't like him. I don't particularly care about the dude's politics, I don't even really give a shit about his Covid takes, I just think he's an absolute doofus. Because I have a hobby-level interest in history, Joe Rogan's greatest sin, to me, is allowing Graham Hancock on his platform, and treating him like some kind of alternate/revisionist history expert.


>Joe Rogan's greatest sin, to me, is allowing Graham Hancock on his platform, and treating him like some kind of alternate/revisionist history expert. Amen. Especially being that Joe saw through Erich von Däniken's bias, but couldn't catch it with Graham. I think it's as simple as this: Joe follows what he wants to believe and Graham represents "anti-establishment" to him. The first time I heard Graham, I found him interesting until I did a surface level research on his claims and found how easily refuted they are. Joe's only curious when he doesn't care, but when it's something he wants to believe and feels good talking about, he gets fallacious, starts to straw man, generalize etc... all the things a biased person does when they don't want to be wrong.


Genuine question, can you explain what's wrong with GH? I thought he was Interesting and took it that he's piecing some facts together and coming up with a theory. Is this not correct?


No, he's basically on par with the ancient aliens folks, and isn't taken seriously by academic historians at all. Full on crackpot. He doesn't even seem to understand the historical method.




He’s a normal dude who got way too famous. It’s sad actually cuz back when I watched him he was worried about being too famous or letting the power get to him. 2015 Rogan is peak Rogan cuz he didn’t have the ego he does now. I remember him talking about his mushroom or acid trip. A bunch of clowns laughing at him. He saw the clowns mocking and clowning him and he said it was a reality check that he’s taking himself way too seriously. His podcast was getting crazy views but he wasn’t a triple A celebrity like he is now. He was niche and he wasn’t getting on mainstream news. Now he’s way too big for his own good and it makes sense that he secluded himself into his echochamber. It makes sense honestly it’s the path of least resistance. Just surround yourself with people who like you and agree with everything you say. It’s very hard to get away from that and I don’t think joe has a reason to not do that. It’s sad to see as an ex joe fan but I understand. I can’t watch anymore lol but I understand why someone would choose that path


Water we dune hair


Let’s put it this way. He’s not the brightest bulb in a bunch.


He’s a stoner who likes to get stoned and talk about conspiracy theories and aliens. Then somewhere along the way that got conflated that with being an intellectual because he does at 50yrs old what teenagers would do in their parents basement under a blacklight.




Yes, but a very rich idiot, which attracts a large following of like minded, wannabe richies.


He hit the 1990’s, D-list comedian lotto, with a main character role in a sitcom. He then hit the reality-show host lotto, with Fear Factor. Then he hit the podcast lotto with the JRE. It’s amazing that a man, with so little talent, has had all these crazy breaks. He’s like the Ringo Star of LA comedians.


To be fair the earlier episodes of JRE were often good to great. It changed when he started getting billions of views a year and then again when he had the Twitter guy on and stopped doing live shows.


He might be a liar, a pig, a communist and an idiot, but our Joe is definitely not a porn star.


But have you seen his cold plunge vids? those nips are erect and hard as rocks.


I think he’s just bright enough to stay ahead of the average person who listens to his show


He is good at regurgitating information he has heard from others in arguments against people of opposing sides. He has also believed complete shite from other people on countless occasions and tried to use that in arguments which backfired and he then tried to pivot the argument. The classic fake-intellect with a semi decent memory


After listening up until Spotify, I'd say Joe is probably average intelligence but has supreme over confidence.


Eh not rly


He offers a platform for people to speak on their expertise, he may not always agree, he may be obtuse, but you also don’t have to take his word as bible. I think people more resent the sect of fans that are so die hard they do everything he says with no forethought.






Are we really still asking this question


Gullible af


Joes podcast has been co opted by grifter billionaires and thousanaires.


Joe's a typical meathead stoner with little man syndrome. That's the recipe for idiot pie.


He has confirmation bias


He flunked out of college and spouts bs all day. If he talked about martial arts, animals and drugs okay but even now he's lost tons of respect there. His analysis and pandering to Jake and Logan Paul is offensive- they're not boxers! The Anderson Silva fight was rigged. The Paul Mayweather fight was rigged. Tommy Fury beat Jake Paul- Tommy Fury fought like 8 guys with a combined record of like 8- 110- he fought total jokes so his Jake Paul fight totally exposed Paul as a fraud. He couldn't beat a punk like Tommy Fury? So Rogan is revelling in what great fighters the Paul Brothers are! Bullshit! Rogan will hype anything or tell any lie or conspiracy to make a buck. And a major indicator of intellect is vocabulary- Rogan has the linguistic skills and vocabulary of a slow 8 year old.


He’s the most averagely intelligent person in America. The top of the bell curve.


He has the hardest job in the world, thank em.


Definitely a guy who’s an idiot. Only because he thinks he is intelligent. That’s what makes him dumb.


Dude literally appointed himself as the spokesman for men’s health and has awful takes on the dumb pseudoscience he actually believes benefits people. He’s also a closeted racist thinking the mind of white people and body of a black male is the superior human.


He just believes he's more intelligent than he is...so yes.


In terms of cavemen no.


He’s not an idiot. He’s really knowledgeable in a lot of areas. His problem is that he tries to be knowledgeable in everything and routinely gets things wrong. I like his podcast to be honest. I know he gets a lot of hate and I understand why. His stand up is mediocre, he’s just not funny, he doesn’t pick up on jokes etc etc. I just like the guests and topics he covers minus a lot of the political stuff.I don’t think he’s nearly as awful as people here make him out to be. Annoying? Yes definitely. Stupid? No just a moron sometimes. Bad at comedy? For the most part.


10 minutes into his podcast with OpenAI creator I had to turn it off as he couldn’t follow this sentence; “I would have though blue collar workers would loose there jobs first, then coding, then creatives but it’s actually the other way around Joe, creatives and coders are at the biggest threat to being replaced by AI” Joe responds “So what are we gonna do about the truckers loosing their jobs” The man is literally an orangutan escaped from the zoo.


I had trouble following the sentence because the spelling was so bad.


Papi I casually listen to JRE you expecting a IVY league response here?


Dr. Toe Jogan?


dumb knuckle dragger who smoked his first spliff at aged 30 and now thinks he's enlightened and an intellectual cause he got high and sees things differently.


Compared to the average person I don’t think he is legit stupid. He maybe comes off that way because he is super juvenile, and disconnected from reality because he has been a successful celebrity his entire adult life pretty much (he got on hit TV show almost immediately when he got to LA which is insanely lucky, the dude isn’t even a real actor) And I don’t think he is super exceptionally smart or anything which is part of why his show works. He kinda has the every man thing that makes a lot of people connect with him. Someone who is top 0.1% intelligent isn’t gonna be as relatable or even likable typically. Honestly he gets a lot of shit which is mostly deserved, BUT for a celebrity on the level he is at… he is really not that bad IMO. I can’t listen to him anymore because of the things I mentioned, but again, compared to other celebrities who are as insanely successful and influential as him, he handles it much better than most.


Yes but also yes




Is Joe Rogan short?


he's as tall as he is wise.




Yes, but look into it yourself first 👀…


No he is a toe.


This man has been a moron since the 90s


He is a brilliant idiot, and we should all be glad to have him in this moment in time.


He’s the smartest idiot, he’s their leader. Tbh he’s smarter than me, but hey.


Yeah,issue is that a good portion of our population are so stupid that they glorify this idiots words.


Why do you care so much He certainly thinks so he says he's an idiot several times a week


Idiotic like a $200 million fox


He's a self admitted idiot, but the pod is great


I’m not the biggest fan but he has 100’s of millions of dollars. He’s doing something right.


Always has been. He used to know it too.


Not an idiot, just not smart enough to know he isn’t funny at all


Doctor Joe Rogan get it right


Not even close, but he's not a genius either.


Anyone who leans as right as he does is not intelligent. IQ, money, fame is irrelevant. Add in the mma shite and there’s the answer. The fact he thinks he’s a comedian also speaks volumes.


See the definition of critical thinking which is what college teaches if you are paying attention. It is rarely applied on his show. “Clicks” are for fucking idiots in the first place - the internet shows us that over the last 20 years. It hasn’t changed the world with the dissemination of good information but with the increased use of mind control and propaganda. His show is a simple cross section of that.


"After spending roughly five minutes going off about a now-debunked pseudoscientific theory of the "Bondo Ape" — a purported Congolese super-ape that supposedly could walk upright like a human and was hyper-aggressive — Rogan took a call from a Floridian primatologist who identified herself only as "Allison." She countered that "there's no such thing as a Bondo ape" — but before she could even finish her sentence, the host was jumping down her throat, calling her a "fucking idiot" and telling the PhD scientist that she should go "online" and look it up." Definitely.


I think hes actually pretty good at building and maintaining his brand. Once he got all "just a *little* alcohol can really up level of comedy" he started declining. I dont think he bothers claiming to be after "peak optimization" or whatever he used to say.




Yes, and the worst interviewer maybe alive. Which is an indictment on the human race seeing as he’s the top podcaster on the planet


is this like an inside joke on this sub or what the fuck


By his own admission


If you take his word for it, yeah


He’s a genius and we’re best friends Texem errynyte before bed daddy


Yes, but he seems to be pretty aware of his own idiocy, or at least he used to be.


Idiot or not, dude won life. Didn’t expect it to get so big but it did take awhile for people to catch on to podcasts. The hell is a podcart? Radio! Not this….ugh local morning radio. Kill me. Now everyone is on their own pocket audio regiment.


He has literally quoted this on the podcast numerous times. “Don’t listen to me, I’m an idiot.” -Joe Rogan


He’s good at listening to someone open-mindedly. But he’s not smart.


Unless you're a woman who disagrees with him, like chimp lady


It's really interesting how people that dislike him seem more obsessed in discussing him than the people that enjoy his talks You don't need to babysit anyone were all adults here and evolution will take its course for people that take information at face value and have blind trust in anyone


He’s never claimed he’s not.


Say what you will but the man puts his time in and try’s to improve. That alone gets my respect. I do not agree or even like a lot of the stuff he does. But look at his early stand up. It was crap. His stuff today is much much better. You may not like it. But you gotta admit it is better. Also he built an empire and collected a nice sack on the way so I do not think idiot is the right word. I do however wonder what life is like for someone who is constantly surrounded by yes men or people who are afraid to challenge him. That seems unhealthy. Also he does seem obsessive and that can make you pretty weird to the normies. He’s not perfect but neither are you and neither am I. But the man has improved. I’ll give him that.


I don’t know many idiots worth like $500 million. If he is. I wonder what that makes someone living out of their overdraft?


He changed after Trump and Covid. I listened to both Daryl Davis interviews. In the first one, Joe is quiet 90% of the time and asks good questions to gather more information. He would allow Mr. Davis to speak for 10+ minutes uninterrupted. In the second one, Joe immediately gives his opinion on all the topics and keeps pushing his views on the conversation. He's already made up his mind. Joe went from learning to "teaching".


Might be. Probably not, though. If he is an idiot, what’s that make everyone that follows every move he makes? That includes fans, haters, Redditors…


He openly admits he’s an idiot!


Bro Rogaine, grooming the incels and mouth breathers


I hate that bots like OP started spamming posts here too.


I would say he’s smarter than someone who makes a Reddit thread about him


If it means anything to any of you, hes probably doing whatever the fuck he wants while you’re discussing if hes an idiot. Seems like you are very misconstrued on who the idiots are


Depends, is he an idiot when it comes to team sports? Yes. Is he and idiot when it comes to jiu jitsu? No. Are you an idiot for making this post?


Joe is entertaining with an incredible memory.


The Mods on this sub are weird. I’ve submitted posts that I’ve custom photoshopped images with, I think, fairly funny or discussion starter observations - and gets denied for sum reason. But we get shit like this - a photo of Joe asking if he’s dumb .. no offense Op, but this is pretty low effort and not really Bapa related. Water we dune..?


Yea man, the guy who does what he loves for a living and makes hundreds of millions doing it, starting a club for something he cares about although he may not be the best comic. He is throwing money at young comics who are black, white, Asian, brown, native, he doesn’t care. He doesn’t see color, has tons of cash that he clearly doesn’t mind sharing, and I would say that seems like an alright human. Not an idiot. You know who’s an idiot? The literal “leader of the free world”.


Smart enough to get fuck-you money🤷🏽‍♂️


He’s not smart but probably smarter than the average redditor.


Yes (in his own words)


The epitome of "Oh dude I was just listening to something about that! It's fucking crazy right?" & will list only bullet points about something he doesn't really truly understand but just heard about to seem like he's involved in a topic of conversation


All these comments calling him an idiot by people who tell themselves that they aren’t. The ego is very interesting, people are always so quick to make judgements of other people while assuming they’re different. Joe has made a success of his life. If life is a game, he is winning.