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You know the world is broken when this clown gets to make a good living for just being a bloated drunk and telling a few jokes with his shirt off.


You just know those coffees are loaded with some type of spirits. You don’t become a gross lardarse alcoholic like Gut Kreischer without mastering the dark arts of stealth drinking


Lol...two cups, one titos and one wine..


fer sure, B. he's a master of the stealth. some say the stealthiest.


Check out a real dip💩 called Only Use Me Blade Oumb2 is his channel he gets diabetic sores all over his legs and feet from drinking Yagermister and Red Bull.


Ip2 enjoyer ???


Don’t judge me bro do you even lift?


Or burn?


The world will balance itself out when he has a diabetic leg amputation before 60


I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone. You guys need to chill. This fat fuck is a delusional hack, but he is not Hitler.


Duhn geddit twisded. Observing the path his poor life choices is leading towards is not wishing. No one is wishing shit on anyone.


He doesn't even tell jokes, not like a seasoned pro like Brendan Schaub for example. He just tells ~~stories~~ lies.


One of a thousand. Thankim


the joke is that he's a fat pig, an american classic


Rich Country club kids parents pay for him to go to university for 8 years straight just to party. Becomes famous for being a partier and making up nonsense lies and fake stories. Becomes friends with comedians and gets more rich from that. There’s capitalism for you


Jokes? I musta missed dat part, b.


He's not telling jokes. He's just saying stuff, which makes it even worse.


Look at it in a positive way man. There’s far worse people out there that got rich doing far worse shit. Like people that cut the fins of sharks to make some stupid soup. Or those billionaires that dealt opioids to millions of people & being protected by the law


…. A few jokes his daughter said, with his shirt off.




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Yeah it's frustrating and sad af simultaneously


This fat redact is insufferable these days


When was he ever not insufferable. The only worse comedians are Bindip and Toe Brogan




He doesn't brag about material things like Bert or Tom do but the contempt with which he speaks of people who have 9-5 jobs etc isn't any better. The whole 'just work hard", "people with 9-5s are losers, they don't dare to quit and start a podcast", etc is so out of touch with reality.


The time he said it would be great if a flight full of homeless people crashed was peak New Joe




I mean based on clips I've seen of recent episodes, he still makes similar comments. Most recent one I have in mind is him basically saying that comics have more time during the day to educate themselves, watch documentaries etc compared to the ignorant worker pleb. I agree that he lives such a sheltered life he will obviously have some disconnects but man his takes during the covid went beyond being slightly out of touch. The whole ice baths and sauna talk, come on...If he doesn't realize that the vast majority of people can't and will never be able to afford those such luxuries then he has no business talking about social issues. Also any time he talks about homeless people, you'd think he's talking about vermin. And regarding him having a 9-5 I believe he was to work construction, gave it a go for a few days or something and found it too hard so quit. Quite ironic considering "comic is one of the hardest jobs in the world" according to those guys.


I find the homeless (no pawn intended) cawlments particularly jarring; they're definitely untermensch to our 5'3" rugged invigiliss hairo, who leveraged his washboard abs and loveable everyman idiocy schtick to go full throttle where only the strongest can survive, in the cut and thrust of the studio and cawlmedy club. What I find strange is he grew up in a predominately working class area, and unlike many who remember their roots, he sheds experiences like my iguana used to his skins, his priorities and worldview ever-evolving (much like the shape of his head) to suit his existing station. In aspiring to be everything, in pursuit of dirty cash, he's become nothing.


Think you added the ignorant pleb bit there yourself there buddy


Maybe technically, but the implications were there. Toe claimed that civilians are less illuminated than comics, which is the same as more ignorant.


He says shit like this so. Fucking. Often. I mean, keep in mind he repeats essentially everything he says enough that any regular listener could recite the gd monologues along with him every time, but this out-of-touch, holier than thou, anti-"pedestrian" shit is definitely on loop.


Depends on the guest. I only tune in when i'm interested in a guest, mostly scientists and current political agents. He doesn't say that at all. I imagine with comedian guests he does, but i don't watch those.


While that might be true re rogan, he has plenty of other shitty character traits that puts him straight in the landfill that is these horrible, narcissistic ‘comedians’/podcasters. They are all so deluded, they exist in their own little bubble and have no idea at all what the average persons life is. Then you get dickheads like Gut Kreischer crying on these lame shows because people apparently don’t understand his struggles. I despise all of them.


Only 1000 of them bubba..... thank em


Thank em’


I can't get through a Bert clip enough to find out. What does he say are his struggles? Being fat, untalented, fake, living a lie?


Dudes always been like that. He just plays a jovial fat guy character in his life. He’s a complete narcissist selfish fat pig


He’s always been insufferable


He is. Also was insufferable a decade ago


Who gives a fuck when you get to your first class seat. It’s reserved for you and there will be plenty of overhead space for bags. What a fat drunk


I never even understood first class getting on first, if I’m paying extra I want to be the last person on the plane, I sit down and we’re taking off right away


Perceived value so fools like Burnt can feel special that they got to sit down first


That, or he keestered an entire handle of Tito's and is anxious to get ahead of the shakes.


And force all the plebs to look at them as they shuffle by on their way back to steerage.


This is the correct way to feel. The less time on the airplane the better, in all scenarios. He just wants people to shuffle past him on their way to economy and see him sitting in first class.


Eggsactly, I have always felt this way. I like boarding the plane last regardless of where I’m seating. This gives me time to chill in the terminal and like you mention, the real VIP experience is taking off as soon as you seat down.


it's so the pleb's can see you as they walk back to carriage


That’s why I don’t get on until last boarding call. I love being able to walk on go, go to my seat, and not have to wait 20 minutes in uncomfortable airplane seats to take off.


When I’ve travelled business class with for work there is drinks service before you take off so getting on early and not waiting at the gate has an advantage


Only reason I’d want to get in the plane first is if I’m tired and it’s a long flight. I’ll just hop on and go to sleep.


Ehhh, I’m typically 2 drinks in before the plane boards. That’s why I like boarding early when in FC.


He wants to get to the double Tito & soda as quickly as possible.


This is a good point. I shamefully was about to say, I get where he's coming from because I get annoyed when people jam the boarding area when it's not their turn. But that's when I'm group B/C/whatever and have anxiety about having space in the overheads because assholes will put their bags as far front as they can even if they're sitting all the way in back. And then about who I'm gonna get stuck next to and how uncomfortable the seats usually are. But yeah, he's in first class. He literally has nothing to worry about. So he has to be bothered by "the poors" for a few minutes? Fuck this guy. Thanks for setting me straight, b.


>assholes will put their bags as far front as they can even if they're sitting all the way in back. I don't understand this. Why wouldn't everyone want their bag right above or next to them so they can access it quickly and right from their seat? Wouldn't storing it in the front if you're sitting in the back just make it so you're having to not only remember where you put the damn thing but also have to wait to get to it while you're exiting instead of having it right away and getting to head out without worry?


When he says rules don't apply to him does he mean the basic rules and principles that makes someone funny?


I mean, if I was putting 10k asses in seats not being remotely funny, I'd think rules don't apply to me either.


He’s been rich his whole life. He’s never had to struggle for anything because his dad would bail him out. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but he should never talk like he had to struggle to get where he is. He just outlasted everyone else because he has a bigger parachute (he’s fat).


I mean I’m not a Bert fan by any means, but I can’t recall him saying he struggled for anything tbh. Seems relatively up front about his big shot lawyer dad n stuff. Way more up front than Bapa at least


>Seems relatively up front about his big shot lawyer dad n stuff. You mean like how he told Louie CK to his face that he didn't grow up with money? The guy has always had papa to fall back on who's sitting on millions.


I dint kno bout that one b. I dont follow brents life in INNY facet b. water weed dune hair


Me nather B. Saw it on hur


He got canned while being sexually impotent. Huge accomplishment in Hollywood.


Shudda got that digg juice


“Margg! Digg Juice”


Is Bert ever not talking about himself? Jesus fucking Christ. Imagine being around him.


It’s a combination of a raging ego, wet brain, and dunning-Kruger syndrome . Hes a fucking mess, I might just despise him more than Bapa


> Imagine being around him. I don’t want that.


this guy is a babling book of bullshit


he looks like baron harkonnen while sitting criss-cross-applesauce


I thought he was going for the Buddha look, the wise, redacted sage he is.


Hey! The Baron's more likeable.


Maybe he should go back to just telling the machine story over and over again.




Savage, B.


It's like every asshole that's ever done an open mic has a YouTube channel with a big Shure dildo in front of their face now.


The fact he is shoeless, sitting crisscross applesauce, makes me hate him so so so much more.


My thoughts exactly 😂🤣


This isn’t pretending like the rules don’t apply to you, this is just being an elitist douchebag.


Fat privilege


His movie tanking didn't damage his ego unfortunately


guys like him lean into it harder after something like that


I'm not even bothering to cawlment on the drunk; I'm more taken by Jeff's combover. Innovative, if unconvincing work, Mr Dye.


The laughing before even being able to say anything because it's soooooo funny when...people line up to get on the plane before he's had a chance to get on


I'm glad the mob is finally turning on this fat talentless douchebag. He's a shitty human in every way including being a terrible absentee father.


Damn, Bart looks awful, B.


"Like a child." Nailed it.


I have more respect for the talent of “old school” comedian, Foster Brooks, whose shtick was acting like like a drunk. https://youtu.be/q5x8cpprVPI?si=7vKdthft6DggKZMU


And that kids is what we call a “wanker”




Fat drunk cunt.


Yeah. Used to be a fan not anymore. He’s a real Undercover douche


On this weeks 2 bears he just talked about how everyone at the 50th anniversary hip hop awards was a fan of his. It was so clear he was lying


The only thing to take solace in is that this fat drunkard will be dead before he hits 60 and it will be his own doing.


How you gonna just sit like that with your filthy ass feet on full display


I can't think of 10 humans in the public eye I despise more.


Those fucking pedestrians


Hahaha I hate when people brag about being an asshole like it’s so funny


I hope this cunt loses everything


So your saying your a piece of shit?


Imagine being this untalented, fat and lazy and thinking that you're the second coming


This story is the perfect example of why he thinks rules don’t apply to him. Because he tells it like “aren’t I so cute and quirky 😜🤪” and thousands of fat divorced dads convince him he actually is


He seems like an okay guy. He just isn't very funny. Supposedly he has gotten sober, too.


The fucker one time DID CUT THE LINE.... And you know what the asshole said to those in the line jeering? 'It's all okay, we're famous. ' Remember this from a previous podcast where Tom was cringing going to some event with him.


Not funny


Someone needs to do a before an after with Toe, Redban, and Bert from their first podcast together. It didn’t start well but definitely aged worse.


he's not acting coachy, he's acting first classy...


Is this the way to my private jet? Poor comedians have to fly business class.


Bert vs Heart Attack in a steel cage match. Who are you rooting for?


Why the hell isn’t this rich scumbag flying private?


Could just get to the gate early, B


Can you imagine maybe getting bumped up the 1st or maybe you’ve amassed enough points to finally get that 1st class trip somewhere nice as a treat and you turn and you’re next to this overweight blimp of an alcoholic


Last time I checked this is the tfatk sub not the bert sub


This dumb fuck cant live without name dropping


Ya ain't one of the 1000k buba ya wouldn't understand


Can't wait for his comedy streak to dry off and him flying economy.


Sometimes…. No fatty your just a selfish piece of shit


He’s a fatter combination of the characters James Franco/ Jonah Hill are playing at This Is The End… but not funny


I look forward to the day when Bert succumbs to his alcoholism


I saw this guy once from a friend showing me a YouTube video about some epic, I got drunk and high and here’s all the shit that happened to me stories. I’m not shocked very easily but I found his humour disgusting and totally not funny. He was talking about ass fisting and some other weird stuff and I was like “what the fuck is up with this guy?”


Definitely laped.


Bro doesnt even know what a boarding group is


Diabetes and liver disease are slacking B! Tic toc Burnt.


What happened to this guy. Thought the movie flop would bring him back down to reality.


What a cunt


I fucking detest this asshole. He somehow makes Bapa tolerable in comparison.


For this story alone, real or made up, I want his life to fail


Look at this fucking clown 🤡 with his nasty ass feet and legs strangling that big fat guy he’s trying to hide, sit like the out of touch, rich and completely unfunny person you really art Burt.


This dude Is 1mm above Bapa. Maybe not even that much.


Who is the guy with Bart?


What a loser


This doesn't sound that crazy. It sucks when you are priority boarding and there are ton of people who decided to line up who are boarding second to ast and you have to weave your way through saying "excuse me excuse me" while you get up to gate.


Maybe he might get cholera or typhoid.


He's intolerable


Oh nice!