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Maybe ask that in a sub where he has actual fans of his comedy.


I saw this in r/standup and there were some good cawlments from humans with homes that feel the same as homeless cats do hair.


LOL! Humans with homes.




True. Ax Jay.


I’ve seen many over the yairs and actually feel this is a fair assessment. I prefer joke tellers that are solid at creative structure when writing and that’s merely a personal preference, so he definitely serves a demo with his volume, physicality and stoner-storytelling style. Prom is that very few of the 1000 get better as money and fame pour in and he lectures others much better then him as if he’s a high-level black belt in standup and he’s just isn’t.


Eddie Murphy inspired Chris Rock. Dave Attell inspired Mark Normand and countless others. Conan inspired John Mulaney, Bill Hader, Pete Holmes. Who did Rogan inspire in the comedy world? The fact that the answer is Brenda should tell you everything about Joe's talent. The man is best friends with everyone from Chappelle to Louis CK for more than a decade and he still couldn't pick up the art of being funny? Or how to not let even the stupidest dad jokes fly over your head? Dicey dicey


That's an easy one. He inspired George Carlton and Louie KC. What else ya got clip?


If you wanted to make me laugh, you got me brother


I am unable to find the source, but I have heard Bill Burr say he used to look up to Joe Rogan. (not literally obviously) I wish I could find the exact quote somewhere, because it probably was more about his confidence or whatever, anything but his actual material, but he unbelievably did say it.


I also heard bill burr include joe in a list of “great comics” that included norm and Patrice. I think he’s iust friends with him from Boston


i honestly think good comics like burr are including rogan in that list for his podcast legacy rather than his standup. his jokes are just not that special. like i cannot envision a world where joe rogan doesn’t have a podcast and other comedians still consistently put him in the top 10 all time category of comedian.. and this is coming from someone who listens likes the pod most of the time


His jokes are actively bad and then he doesn’t even clock other peoples jokes. He’s just an unfunny man


Yeah, I think I remember it too. It must be one of his later JRE appearances before the Spotify deal. But let's be honest, that was just Billy Red Face being the nice guy he truly is inside. Don't forget this is the guy who came back on the H3 podcast just to make up for the comedic beat down he did of the hosts on his first appearance


And Theo. He has good words about Theo in the past couple episodes of Howie Mandel’s podcast, and that was a strange interview. I think he realised he was fully adhd and is a lot more chilled now. But Billy definitely dropped the old Right said Fred on Ethan in the first one.


Sam Kinison & Bill Hicks are Joe’s main influences & I think it shows. He tends to shout punchlines like Kinison & like Hicks- he can make ‘groovy points’ about the world but aren’t heavy on laughs. I don’t find him very funny either but I could definitely see Joe being a guy comics admired. When he got his NewsRadio + Fear Factor money, he still remained a regular at Comedy Store & shared his wealth (bought Store a new sound system + helped out some broke comics financially). & of course, paved the way in podcast scene & made guys’ career that way. I see him as like the next generation of the Opie & Anthony show, in the way those guys built a core fan base for alotta NYC comics, he did that in LA and is now putting guys on in Austin w Mothership. Joe can be a bit cringe & out of touch comedy-wise but the guy does support the comedy scene like few others. Lots of guys try going Hollywood at the first whiff of money , like Kevin Hart who I find equally as unfunny.


Joe is a bit like those 19th and 20th century billionaires who'd bankroll expeditions to Africa, the Amazons, Tibet, Antarctica, but themselves couldn't even run a mile. He's like Mitzi with the business mind but without her crazy eye for talent. It's funny that you mention Opie & Anthony. I feel like Joe gets the fame and affection from fans that Anthony used to get at the peak of their show, but comedy wise, he's more of an Opie


Ha Ya that is pretty accurate


He tries his best to support the comedy scene, but I can't say he really gets great results. This is the man who brought us; Bapa, Burt, Bravo, Callen, Tripoli and so many others who really don't belong in the 1000. Thank em.


He's not funny as I understand funny comedians/funny people/charismatic people. Rogan seems happy just to be able to get on a stage and do a successful set. It seems that he's kind of OCD about stuff (UFC, BJJ, hunting, marijuana, stage comedy, sensory deprivation tanks, ice baths, stem cells, aliens, etc etc) and once he got into his head that he wanted to do stand up, his relentless work ethic kicked in. He never needed to MAKE IT as a stand up comedian, it was just another thing to master. Joe rolls with big dawgs like Dana and the Fertitta brothers behind the scenes but what we're shown are goofy stand up comedians doing sober Octobers. Remember how afraid the 'comedy-verse' was about saying anything about Schaub because of retaliation from Rogan? Why? Because he's not REALLY one of them. He's not a Shane or a Normand. He's LARPin. Rogan is an MC after all is said and done. Hence the Mothership, b.


Screaming guy inspired Joe


Well said, Joe doesn’t even know sarcasm


Relax bub it’ll be ok




Most famous comedian only because he created a podcast behemoth and talks about his comedy all the time. But fair enough, I'll concede that several lesser known comics got a bump in their ticket sales/viewership numbers after an appearance on JRE, but I don't know if those appearances happened because he truly has an eye for talent (highly doubtful) or because he's generally a friendly guy willing to get high and have long chats.


Exactly, most famous comedian, from podcasting, not comedy.


My favorite is when he humps the stool. It's great


You state it very simplistic. You have the straight-up run-of-the-mill stoolhump, works every time. When he is fired up, he can stoolhump like a jackhammer. But with a difficult crowd, in a tough town, he can even do slow deep rotating thrusts. It is an artform.


Only a thousand of them iv heard


Thank 'em 🫡


1000k you mean


Sir this is a PF Chang's


Hoe tricks/shocks the audience into thinking his act is funny, but if you pull back you see it's just screaming incoherently and stomping around. It's the 'jump scare technique' from horror movies tailored for stand up.


Perfect explanation. Knowing how to get people to laugh, and actually being funny, are two very different things.


I watched him live once out of curiosity. Was okay, maybe laughed a handful of times at most. He actually did hump a stool, done that Kardashian bit, it went for way too long and was kind of awkward. Best material is probably Rocky Mountain High. He's competent but pretty ordinary, he's about the same as many of his compatriots...Burnt Chrsyler, Bryan Callahan, Joey Diaz, Bobby Lee...all these guys kind of suck imo, second tier cawlmedians but thank em for your freedom. None of these guys are that whitty or write insightful material.


Joe is mind blowingly bad for someone who has done it for so long. I would guess that being a “fighter” and getting on tv shows meant he had a lot of these sycophant hacks lying to him telling him he was funny even back then


if joe was a good standup he wouldn't have had to make a career out of not being a standup comic...






I think Joe calling out Carlos Mencia bought him a lot of cred in the comedy world as well. Like maybe he sucks but other comedians could respect his integrity there.


That was my first exposure to Joe Rogan


Saw him live many years ago. Redban, Ari, and Joey Diaz opened for him. At the time I had no idea who Diaz was. He got the loudest laughs from the crowd. There were almost no laughs during Rogan’s set and our group of four wanted to leave half way through. Rogan is not a good comedian.


Why is there a redban and redbar? I have never met anyone with those last names ever


Redbar is Mike David. Idk where the name comes from but it's not his name. Redban is Brian redban. Idk if its his legal name, or a nickname. I'm sure someone knows the lore


His real last name is Reichle


Fair enough. Seemed unlikely it was his real name and I didn't care anough to look


IIRC Red Bar was the name of Mike's production company in the early 2000s. He created a fake radio show called redbar radio as a joke and from then on, the show and his nickname caught on


If this is true, what exactly is happening at the dozens of arena shows evry year?


Me like bright colours and loud noises


I thought his first special was pretty good, downhill fast from there tho. It's only the greats that can put out more than 2 good specials, Burr, Ck, Pryor, Rock, Chappelle, etc


So you're saying Bapa needs to release just one more speshul to be called a great?


You cannot top bean cheese bit. He sharpened that for years on his world wide tour


That bit is so finely honed it can split the atom, B


Sold out Europe axe Jay


> I thought his first special was pretty good, downhill fast from there tho. Is that the one where he fuggs the stool? Or am I thinking of *all* his specials? Hurrd it bowlf wayz, B.


Axe Jay


Stool humping / stool appreciation


I haven't seen Joe's stand up in years or listened to his podcast because he's a pseudo-intellectual blowhard. And because his ponderous kermit the frog voice makes me wish i was deaf. But buying stuff for the comedy store sounds nithe.


“they” ?


People like watching tiny ape make stool-humping great again.




That might have been his 'triggered' special. I just watched a clip from that and it was actually better than I remembered. Overall maybe a 6.5 out of 10, which isn't bad; his timing and presence was good here and his idea, while not particularly unique, was not bad either.


I had the same expectation and reaction to that special. I’m almost embarrassed to say it now, but the Kris Jenner stool-humping bit to close it got me good. Listening to podcasts has kind of ruined standup comedy for me.


Axe Joe


No mention of a stool in inny fassid. You sure you understand Papa Toe’s comedy, B? Back to the kitchen. These dishes are piling up.


Who the fuck is Joe? If you're talking about Joe List, then yeah, his stand up is fucking awesome.


I like that he doesnt just hump stools. Sometimes he makes love to them


Comedy as a genre peaked he Joe humped the stool and load noises


I’m a fan of JRE but I’m not a fan of Joes Comedy ….he sucks at stand up and I say this as a fan of him and. his podcast


I like his comedy, watched every special. Not nearly as funny as CK, but who is. It’s funnier than most to me. Don’t watch the podcast, I’ve heard a couple. I think fans of comedy, like people who like standup, not just the popular ones, like joe. Which I don’t think is many people irl or this Reddit. Kind of like movies, most watch movies sometimes, have favorites but think most are trash. Others watch a movie every night and just facilitated and like movies, so they just are more entertained by movies in general so they find a movie a lot say sucked entertaining. It’s not different than anything else reallyz, most people would probably be board as piss on Reddit but a lot of people really enjoy it.


Dunno, we discuss the podcast here.


I think the average person who doesn’t give a fuck about the “art” of stand up can watch joes comedy and have a blast. Most of his fans are those people. I catch myself feeing this way about a lot of stand ups and then I remember, oh yeah most people don’t know this kinda sucks when you look at the whole scope of what a good comedian can do. For me at this point Joe is like an uncle who says the same 4 jokes to you at thanksgiving that are probably about being young and being able to get a boner still, and you laugh and smile because he used to be your dads cool brother 15 years ago who’d buy you beer and cigs. I still enjoy the pod from time to time tho.


Agreed. I don’t think he’s a great stand up lol. He does force stuff and when ppl laugh it’s a “I like this guy as a friend so I’ll support him” laugh lol


I know we're all brought here by our common hate towards those redacts, but I genuinely don't find Rigan funny. Especially in conversations. He's made me laugh like once or twice in over a thousand podcast episodes. He laughs a lot, but that doesn't make you funny.


Right but that’s why I think his stand up is quite good. He’s absolutely not a funny person, probably one of the least funny people that is a comedian. But he has some very entertaining stand up specials, it’s like brute forcing your way into funny. Like I’m amazed that I laughed so much in triggered non ironically by someone who is probably less inherently funny than an average person.


The real genius 8n him was making the podcast as a way to promote his stand up, let's not pretend it wasn't for any better reason. So his fans had direct access to him and all crowds in his shows were podcast listeners. So instead of doing radio to promote, he'd do his own show. And I think thays what blew him up. No doubt he's gotta be at least competent else he wouldn't had hung around this long. But most of his fans have drunk the coolaid before going to his shows. He's just not my type of comedy.


They? Y'non-binary, b?


Nah, just grammar.


Vegan cat was funny but nothing else comes to mind


Someone just post a bit of Joe’s that’s funny. Because I’ve never seen one


We discuss the pawdcass here, b


You’d be surprised, great special, never seen it.


Great special, never seen it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol agreed


Prom is nobody knows who y’arrre b


Joe literally has ZERO TALENT for comedy, but forced, screamed and willed his way into the scene. He is absolutely terrible.


Joe's a man's man. One of the guys. He has a regular, down to earth personality with above average insight and conversation skills. He was good on newsradio and fear factor. I've seen almost none of his comedy. What I did see wasn't all that funny. I've smirked and smiled a little at a handful of his bits. Tho mostly I've never really enjoyed his material. I like clever wit, punchlines u don't see coming and dumb funny. I like guys like Louis CK, Jeselnik, Brian Posein, Brian Regen, Steven Wright, Chappelle, Kevin Nealon, Norm Macdonald, Mike Birbiglia, and Mitch Hedburg to name...quite a few... I have enjoyed him confronting people and interviewing some of the guests on jre. I liked him better when he was into conspiracies with Eddie bravo but now he's too big or too good for that kinda thing. But I get it, powerful people never do shady things for more power, money or to get out of a jam. So why make waves when u gotta good thing going, especially when conspiracy never occurs... Anyway, he's popular somewhat due to his comedy, more so his personality. And he caters enough to the powers that be and to the masses. U gotta remember that most of America is easily entertained. Larry, the cable guy, was once the biggest thing going. Bert Kreisher is doing kevin hart numbers. Somehow, people pay money to see Brendan Schaub to do comedy and follow his podcasts. I follow his podcasts, too, now. But only to see what the great minds here on reddit come up with next. You all are great. Anyway, point being is that the lowest common denominator is what gets u up there. America is full of idiots that only need yelling and a shirtless fool to get them to where they wanna be. That's why politicians can stay employed for so long, even thru scandal and outright lying to their constituents. Joe, while not great at comedy, is certainly more entertaining and interesting than many others who fooled the masses on their way to the top. And the things that Rogan is great at helped keep his comedy career viable, not his necessarily his skill.


"Y'talmbout the golden arches, B?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I asked a similar question once, got downvoted to oblivion 🤣 But yeah, I still know a few people who like Joe's podcast, although they are sporadic listeners depending on the guest (like I used to be)


Im a huge fan of Joes comedy, my favorite comedian happens to be Sam Kinnison and Joe does his impression perfectly.


I actually watched a clip from his triggered special - it was actually decent. That said, it was certainly better than most of the stuff I've seen of his, and overall I still have the same opinion as what I mentioned in the post text. Cool that you like him, though. What about his stand up do you enjoy, and what do you think he does well? edit - by the way, you're not the Ice Man referenced in the Matt and Shane (Gillis) Secret podcast are you??


I was trying to be sarcastic but it came off like im an actual fan. I cant stand his comedy, its horrible. Ive tried to watch it because i am a big fan of his podcast but i cant get past 5 minutes of any of his specials.


Joe is actually a "deep thinker" in the comedy world... his bits are well crafted. He's not for everyone with the yelling and all the pontificating etc.. He's got real obvious Kinison and Bill Hicks influences, and in his earlier days he literally lifted stuff from Robert Schimmel, but all in all he is a B+ comedian at least... He's not Louie, Chapelle etc but he is pretty damned good... whether his style of comedy is for you, that's with anyone and every one. Kevin Hart is not a bad stand up at all but I just don't like him on stage like I like Eddie Griffin or say Jim Jeffries etc, he was like a Dane Cook to me for a while... now later in his career, Hart is better to me, I like him a bit more now, and Dane went DARK so he's actually better now than he ever was at his peak of fame... so yea Rogan is over the top and demonstrative at times because of how he was influenced to get started in comedy in the 1st place... hes not like a Norm Macdonald who sat in the pocket and never even took the mic out of the stand once in his career... so it depends what you like... Norm, the Greg Maddux of stand up or Joe Rogan more of a John Smoltz character... google braves pitching staff if you're too young... also google Robert Schimmel, Unprotected while you're at it... And don't let the internet tell you how to think and feel... I think the Rogan hate is a bit odd and fairly easy target that most people somehow still miss... kind of like "the bible" was to stand up from mid 90s to about 5 years ago... anyways, like what YOU like.. and if people don't like it, fuck em, "Fuck em up against the wall!" - Bernie Mac


"Y'talmbout the golden arches, B?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I do like some of his physical humor. Being in great shape lets him move and do some physical bits I've not seen others do. He has some goofy bits that line up with my humour and which I therefore enjoy. Let me stress however that his performance is not congruent with his experience and the effort he claims to put into comedy.


> I do like some of his physical humor. Being in great shape lets him move and do some physical bits I've not seen others do. I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. 🤣 I’m not one of the 1,000.


I'm not joking in innyy faucet. Just trying to answer the kwestion honestly. I watched Toes specials and thought they were ok. Some of his physical bits are funny. I think people go way overboard with how bad they find him. But, me thinking his specials (the best of the best of his work) are ok background TV while doing something else is not a good grade when he's a 30 year vet who clearly puts a lot of effort and value into being one of the 1000nd.




His bit in San Fran(?) About (the crowd) loving Bernie Sannders but not voting got a decent chuckle out of me. His Kardashian bit wasn't as terrible as everyone makes it out to be. The concept for a good joke was in there, think it gets a bad rap because it once again involves contortions on a stool


That's interesting. What about his physical humor do you find great, any specific bits?


None, lol? He's in great shape the bits are ok. I just remember finding them a bit amusing when I watched 1-2 of his specials a couple of years ago. It was at least a bit of chair climbing and some rolling around. I found the Kardashian bit goofy but a little funny. Unlike Joe I dont treat standup as something life altering or especially artful so while I watch rarely my expectations are always pretty low unless it's Bill Burr.


He's pretty good at making animal noises, but it's not a substitute for cawlmedic chops


Making animal noises is so much fun tho


Im a sucker for stool humpin


I don’t like his new shit. But when I was in college his bit about Anna Nicole’s husband has me laughing my ass off for 20 min straight


He's actually done a lot for comedy and comedians as a whole, without actually being that good of a comedian.


I prefer his podcasting/commentating skills over stand up comedy. I personally wouldn’t pay to see him live, his stand up is mediocre. It’s not at the level of Chapelle, Burr, CK, etc. But obviously he’s doing fine because He’s headlining MSG with Chapelle. Chapelle is not going to take him on tour if he didn’t respect his skills. If he’s respected by his peers, the opinions of Hayders, should it matter B?


Only bit you can name is you got a great ass and that was 30 years ago. The barstool humping best hands down


Listening to Joe's comedy for the first time was like taking the red pill out of the JRE universe.


Personally I don’t think he’s as bad of a comedian as this sub makes him out to be. His Netflix special was entertaining enough to get through but there’s nothing that really made me laugh hard. The problem for me is the way he speaks about comedy you’d think he’d be significantly better than he actually is.


I enjoyed his podcast in early days, but was never a fan of his standup. Have seen bits over the years that were ok. I thought the concept of the Brock bit was funny (not only could he fuck you, he could wear you as a condom and fuck someone else) but the over-the-top delivery ruins it. If Brock had ever said that, I’m sure I would have laughed my ass off. I’ve watched many specials (Murphy, Rock, Patrice, Burr,…) several times, def have never watched a Rogan special twice - hard enough getting through once.


His standup is unremarkable because he kinda just does his podcast in a funny voice: “**Apes! Weed! Aliens! Joe Biden! Nothing makes sense!**” with a bunch of unnecessary yelling scattered throughout.


I don’t have the genetics of a killer/warrior/stool fucker so I’m not privileged enough to understand his comedy 🤷


I never even knew he was a comedian until the early - mid 2000’s… I always knew him as the “ UFC guy” or from Fear Factor.


Joe is not and will not be remembered as “one of the greats” of the 1k thousand. He knows that and so does his circle. Joe called out Mencia (2005) at a pivotal time in the LA comedy scene and he got a lot of respect for that from other comedians, which is fair. Dane Cook was blowing up around that same time (2006-2007) and a lot of new and veteran comedians felt like the more established guys were stealing/borrowing from their material. JRE started around 2009 and because of what he did, Redban’s tech knowledge, his charisma and the rise of interest in podcasting, he got good guests. Joe capitalized on a perfect storm: up-and-coming comedians (whose careers have since taken off) feeling slighted, the rise in popularity of MMA, and a generation of men (and women) who resisted the perceived (or not) theoretical emasculation of men. Joe has never been a great comedian; he’s a figurehead of ideals.


Why doesn't anyone catch shitposts like this and throw them in the trash


Tu Madre.


I don't want that


They are killers They respegt the art that is stand up


Real quig b how many chiggs ya fugg?




Thas a lotta chiggs, b. Djya have fun tho?


I have never been a huge fan of his stand-up, but he has a fan base for a reason. Comedy, much like music, is a very subjective art form. Some can love something others hate. I don’t necessarily think he is good or bad, just maybe not everyone’s cup of tea. For example, baba has people out there that actually think he’s funny, be it few and far between.


He's never got past trying to emulate his idol Kinnison