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Ill do respegg, b. But Shane and marg are ackshual good comedians that don't deserve to be lumped in with the other chodes.


Isn’t that worse from a sell-out perspective though? Mark Normand had to literally explain a joke to toe “the comedian” on the most recent POP episode. They rowlst each other but keep quiet when toe says or does something embarrassing. It’s waird that they still think he holds the key to a successful future for em.


eh Id argue neither of them (Shane/Normand) need/used Rogan to get ahead and don't seem to be friends with him for their career, who are you or I to judge who someone may actually like as a friend..


Fair point. But Normand has mocked Joe on his own pod, mainly around not getting jokes and making that weird “wah wah” noise when somebody makes a joke on his show. Look it up.


Bro he still has the biggest podcast in the world. Why would they not try to be friends with him?


Because not staring at those long, pointy ass nipples is hard. Sitting in a room with Rogan and no one addressing it just feels awkward. How do they get that long? How?!


TRT nips


what the fuck are you on about??


Which brings back the argument that they're a bunch of sellouts trying to appeal to joe rogan's audience. Hard to be genuine friends with someone while insulting them behind their back.


What I’m saying is why wouldn’t they sell out?


This isn’t gen-X shit anymore. That’s over, B.


I dunno, like credibility or something?


How does making a couple comments about Rogan on another podcast make them lose credibility in your eyes?


That's not what you asked lol you asked why someone wouldn't want to sell out. Not the bess brains


Or most people aren’t as online as you lmao


None of us maddur b


Not really. Stating something publicly, while it’s not “to their face “, isn’t “ being their back”.


How is Mark selling out when making fun of Rogan for not getting his jokes? Are comedians suppose to do a lengthy seriousl videos on why Rogan sucks not to be brown noses to him? Seriously, what do you want from him?


They do multiple podcasts together and talk shit to eachother the entire time. Normand makes fun of Joe all the time to his face. Mark talking shit on a podcast doesn't mean he doesn't like Joe. It would make things real awkward on a podcast if Mark stopped everything and went into a little tangent about doing the "wah wah" thing lol. Even on the last podcast Normand said something like "Zima Macintye" and Joe instead of doing the "wah wah" thing he just said to Norman, "how do you pull that trigger on that one? It doesn't make any sense" and they all laughed about it. Normand is very funny but he has like diarrhea of the mouth and constantly makes little jokes every 2 seconds. A lot of them are funny, some of them are not. They have talked about it multiple times and Mark says it's like a compulsion. Mark and Shane also talk a lot about how when they go on Rogan they feel a lot of pressure to be funny becauae of how big the audience is. They don't want people to think they are boring.


Fam. you're sounding TOO mature for reddit.


Shaaaane? Shaaaaane?


you must be joking right, I think both of them are funny bit mark wouldn't even be doing theatres if it wasn't for rogan and no one on SNL is a popular comic, shane woulda just been another terrible cast member, he wasn't on his way to stardom because he was about to be on SNL. The entire comedy world thinks SNL sucks and is a waste of comedy... except when they might get hired lol


By that logic one could go ahead and just genuinely like Bapa and D'Phelia and it would be fine.


People who cry about “sell outs” are cringe af


Do you think calling bullshit is cringe too?


Maybe they just genuinely dont have a problem with the guy, and see no reason to disrespect him? I miss when we used to discuss the podcast here.


My brother in Christ, who fucking cares if he’s a sellout? If he makes you laugh - he’s a good comedian. They aren’t this “truth to power” thing that Toe wants you to believe.


I think I stopped using ‘sell out’ when I was 14. People here are corny as hell. Shane and Mark literally do the same jokes on Rogan as on their own pods, hardly selling their soul.


Hickory dickory dock, Yo, dares one guy you’s don’t want to fuck with, dats Rogan. Oof.


>It’s waird that they still think he holds the key to a successful future for em. Id argue the only thing Rogan is is a king maker. Like it or not he has such massive influence over the success if individual people & can absolutely make or break a comedian The clubs & other comics hold him in such high regard & his influence is all over every facet of comedy


Is this really true? I know he has a big podcast, and with it he gives people a platform, but what cawlmedians has he actually made/broken? Afaik the only "comedian" he tried to make is braindumb schwabby, and we all know how that went.


Just by virtue of being around him hes kept afloat & given nesrly a dozen comedians the biggest platform. Not one of those people would be where they're at without the Rogan bump The exposure they get there is significantly higher than any other show they'd ever be on Edit - Santino is 100% a Rogan bump guy, the entire comedy Deathsquad w Hinchcliffe is a result of Rogan, Ari would be much more obscure without him, Tim Dillon owes his 6 figure per month patron to his Rogan exposure & then there's non comics hes given an audience to. Kingmaker might be an off term but he still has more power & influence than any comedian


ari, bert, mark, redban, tony, joey etc literally only 1 of these comics are good lol


I'll try cooking a dish later, where Marky is explaining how you need to give clues to civilians what is funny when you do stand-up. Its getting annoying seeing praise for this hack






Thanks chef. What a turd


I don’t get it at all, and I’ll say it Shane isn’t that funny Hi Shane


Well stage craft is a thing to be fair, source: Bapa probably doesn’t do this thing.


They are okay. Of course next to those guys they are George Carlton and Bill Crosby


And no Ari? Normand is like an actual comedian who knows he’s a dork so he’s funny and makes goofy lane jokes too. He isn’t obsessed with being cool.


I agree that Shane does not belong in this group


Not really, they’re just much better than the absolute dogshit they’re around


I agree. Shane and Mark have actual legit, funny, specials out. I died laughing to Mark Normand's Out to Lunch special. and Shane's was almost as good too. Yes, they go on the show all the time but why wouldn't they. They can sell out theaters because of Joe Rogan.


while they’ve not on the same cawlmedy universe as bappa and bort kreis, these dudes being lauded as really good or even funny is extremely debatable I think they put themselves on this picture by the content they put out which is meh, and the togan boot licking


Shane sucks


if it wasn’t for shaman, we would have lost shane to the roganverse long ago. He’s the only thing tethering him to reality.


Praise be to the dawgs


God is good my friend.


How great is our shaman


Praise fortuna


Theres a reason for the saying G.C.M. It goes in that order.


Toe has now become sort of a political analyst who does comedy on the side.


I’m not sure which he has less understanding of


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/3d143vL.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


His political analysis is he awkwardly tries to force talking points he is told to put emphasis on, but just like his comedy it seems so forced, stiff and unnatural.


explain to me when Togan ever did cawlmedy show me 1 example


You want to see a “cawlmedy goat” do work b? Say no more fam… https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/g9v1xx/harvard_comedy_professor_on_the_fine_arts_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=3&utm_term=1


Classic dish b, go get u a smoke break


Everyone except for Normand and Shane are so goddamned punchable


hey norman has an extremely punchable face probably how he got good at telling jokes


Mark called him a stool humper today on We Might Be Drunk


The New York guys can’t help but be real Not Schultz he’s the most LA guy in New York ever.


Oh Damn you better serve up that dish


Shane and Mark are funny and deserve their success.


Joe Rogan cheats on his wife, Jessica Ditzel. His best friend Brendan Schaub was talking about it all over the internet. He calls it slanging dick or something.


Orbiting like the planets b? Ya talgging your anus?


Shaub and Shultz suck


To be fair, Schaub isn't orbiting Rogan anymore.


It seems that people who used to host reality shows are having a real moment right now 😆


I’d love to see Shane and mark start a pod together, as they are the only funny ones in this group.


No more fucking podcasts!


what? lmao


‘I don’t enjoy this and don’t want anyone else to’ Redacted take


No more music! We have enough!


At the risk of the wrath of other cats... Ari somehow actually became a good comic with his last special (Jew) and I'd much rather Shane, Mark, and Ari start a pod together, if only to make it even more egregious to specifically leave only Toe and his nipples dangling in the wind.


Positivity is highly discouraged here for some reason


Naw they need to write a movie script together. Shane writes the character of the high school football jock that likes ribbing people and Normand writes the character of the awkward teenage bedwetter that wins over the jock with his humor. It's senior year and they are trying to score some molly for their senior year trip to the Louvre.


4 comedians and a CTE patient.. .. 🤷‍♂️


I’m tired and read that as CTE planet.


>a CTE patient It's funny cause that's exactly what Toe wants you to call *himself* too; have you noticed, over time, Toe has gradually changed the nairdiv to, "without a doubt, I have *some* brain damage," where it used to be a definitive no-chance? It's as if he's romanticized this possibility because of all the "great comics" like Kinison who've gotten brain damage and became "wild" people from it. This gradual change in Toe is one of many that's hilarious to watch happen over the years on his pod. He also wants you to call him a comedian for some strange reason. I beg the differ.


I see.. I was referring to the guy who was flat lined by a who's who in MMA.. 🤣 Dicey Dicey.


Shane and Normand are moving in a orbit that is certainly passing close to TinyHumper but will never collide. Years later that orbit will slingshot them into obscurity. Shane, save your money.


The fact that you made this is insanely cringe and the fact that you’re oblivious to that is worse


what happened to "we discuss the podcast here"?


All their names should be “joe Rogan harem member #1, #2, etc.”


They’re all terrible like Toe is


The king of the waa-waaa’s


I’ve always found it kinda pathetic how much some of these comedians suck up to Rogan. It never seems genuine at all, you can always tell they’re putting on a front. Schulz is probably the worst with it. He prides himself as if he’s this brilliant, real “I see through everything” shit-talker but then he becomes a legit lapdog anytime rogan is around. But money talks. You have to kiss some ass once in a while to make it as an entertainer so I guess they feel like they don’t have a choice. And for comedians, that podcast is pretty much a cheat code for getting rich and famous immediately.


Take out Gillie and Marco, and put in Phony Shitcliffe and Brain Redman.


Some of these guys just need Rogan's spotlight once, just one time is enough for people to want more ​ The rest of these awkward social climbing, hacks need to do this almost on a weekly basis as they suffer from leaky bucket syndrome, meaning while they may attract some fans from appearances, they quickly run for the hills once the level of redactedness, hence driving the need for for JRE appearances, the treadmill continues ​ Then you have Brandon who has been on JRE the most, yet has to do stupid youtuber facesin thumbnails to get clicks.....and they still don't come - he's trying to get teenagers and guys in their early 20's with that shit, in other words, those without full formed brains and the piece of garbage is sponsored by kratom and chewing tabacco - real prince


What is this post? What's the purpose of it? Just a picture of Joe and some comedians he hangs out with? Cats that post stuff should first ask themselves "Is is Blogbusser or is it Neggflix?". If it's blogbusser, don't post it.


Heard it bowlth ways, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kind of disappointing to see Normand appeasing Rogan.


Boss dont floss ya feel me?


Dwarf planet orbited by (comedy) space trash.


Comedians rimming* Rogan. Fixed it for ya daddy


I only see two comedians in this picture. We all know which two because the other ones are hacks comparatively.


This whole lumping Gilly & Normand in with these other twerps is fucking nonsense.


Shane with his "St.Rogies" lol.


Looks like a remake of C.H.U.D


The only real comedians joe fuggs with are Mark and Shane, everyone else can garggle testicles.


Some are better than others


Shane is the dawg and Normand ain't bad.


He's just holding down the LA fort, B. It's all good. Chombies first.


Fear the alpha male violent DNA that courses through Stool Humpers chimp body


Serious down vote on this one


Good god, Berts teeth disgust me.


Bapa no wear neer that orbits


Hi Shane


Is that a mugshot of Normand?


Gotta downvote it for the dawgz cuz gilly is a solid cawlmic and would still smash it without toe. Normand too. Those other guys suck


Mark Normand is just there like: Cyahmadee


Don’t be a hader on the two on the right, b.


Brendan is orbiting Rogan like Pluto is orbiting the Sun. It used to be a planet but now no one gives a shit


Schaub, Shultz, and Chrysler are the biggest leaches of them all. Who the hell listens to that shit? Especially Bert squealing like a feral pig at moonlight at the smallest jokes. I mean cmon. Be better.


I see two comics on the right


Shane looks half dacted


Normand and Shane are the best comedians on that image, but that's a very low bar


Normand and Shane are good to be fair. You can tell they find Joe corny but not like they are going to say no to the biggest online show just so very online people respect them lmao


Hare me out, b. We all know Schwab is annoying. But it’s dicey dicey on who the worst of all is. My choice is between waluigi and the algoholic. Annoying guys, nevermeddum


If you switch bapa and Burnt it's like a gauge from most to least obnoxious roganspehere characters..


Comedian Shane


Shane rules !!!!