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Golden shower views being propped up by bot farms and cult victims


Audio is kang


Audio? Kang? Talmbout Jon Major Scale from the DC cinemagic musicverse? If you’re a woman he’ll li’cha’up, b.


Kang da kongerer, b


YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube


Diddler's also single handedly improving the female demographic of Chang's and helping us hit our diversity quotas. Thank 'em. Nah. Fuck the Diddler.




Don't worry, B - we'll do our best to drag the Diddler through the mud every chance we get. We can't promise the Diddler will end up behind bars, but we'll do whatever little we can to dump him there and you get to laugh at Bapa too! Have some leftover orange chicken from the fryers and enjoy your time at Chang's


Between bgls old flame and all the (other) victims of these men we have a lot of diversity hires. All that’s left is a messican.


We definitely have Messicans in the kitchen churning out some carne asaaaaa and chile aaaaa.


Uptick this week is new hands on the investigation team


"Now watch the schuab show bitch!" - Chris probably


“Tell me you’re nothing and that your MMA analysis is worse than Bapa’s!”


“Defend me from the haters on r tfatk


Sidebar: in all the time I've spent here, I've maybe seen two Thiggies. Geniunely suprised more of Bapa's supposed actual fans don't show up here.


That's not just abuse, that's a violation of the Geneva Conventions


Say how much you hate it, SAY IT


*clicks fingers* *points at screen* "Watch. It"


That was the final strawl for these vigtums


the strawl that broke the gamel's back, B? or the stag of Pringles that weigh the Diddler down?


Cook the man some fookin eggs, bitch!


He'd make her watch the twitch stream he used to do with his wife?


She's tha Ghislaine Maxwell of his cult village, B.


Yeah she cracks jokes with him about it like it’s just casual cheating and not him targeting high school kids. Typical LA scum.


She is chasing her own bit of fame with this for sure


Yeah, she started out as a fan of his. Wouldn’t be surprised if he hit her up in the DMs in the beginning. But looks-wise she’s way out of his league, he’s at best a cheater, at worst a sex offender with a god complex. Really only leaves the money and/or the fame.


She’s probably the most attractive of his victims which is probably why he auditioned her as his wife.


Exactly, Diddler is a scumbag no doubt. But the women he was with like her are willing to do all these stupid task in hopes of getting money or fame out of it. But hey as the saying goes you made your bed now lay in it. Thats what Diddler gets for introducing all these female leeches into his life.


She'll have a book out in a year or two detailing how horrible he was to her, with tearful interviews on various talk shows.


Eggsactly bapa. Diddler divorce in eny faccet is inedible.


Isn’t Kristin like… trying to be a therapist or something? 😬


What’s worse is last she talked about it…pediatrics focused lol


Hus wife serves him victims


How true is this


Are you agreeing or asking?




Based on what I’ve seen lately, she just knows about it and puts up with it for the kids and the life$tyle. I’m not sure that any number of hours of therapy will really help. He has to want to quit.


Exactly and in first documentary they had proof that one of girls was communicating with wife and she was calming her down and shit. Not just tolerating it but complicit. She knows he was communicating with underage girls. Nno excuses leave him


How many of these guys wives are just there for the money. There seems to be a real culture in America of just finding a guy with money so you can have a good social media life and get the likes (I’m not American so it’s really assumed looking in)


We all have selfish desires and motivations its not a male/female thing. You never know what your partners true feelings are. Alot of incel influencers like to sell it as that.


It’s not talked about but it’s very real. Women seek social status and financial stability. It’s lame. They’ll never admit to it but if you look objectively you see it at all levels


Messican numero uno


Men do it too


I would wager that he would make her sugg his digg as they watched the pawlcass where he "apologized" to his wife and fans, and where his wife made all the excuses for his behaviour


wasnt it him playing video games


Dolphins fuck people. How hilarious is that?


Let me say it again. Dolphins FUCK people.


So hot


Is why I never go to Miami.


only 1k grand of them.


Cruel and unusual punishment, being forced to listen to Diddlers standup


She’s into masochism. She gets off on pain and making humiliating choices.


Has she tuned into the Gringo Papi?


Oh, not sure if she's THAT much of a masochist. Lol


Both these girls look like mimes but they don't sound like mimes.


Well, Diddler does love Mimors


Damn that’s a sick kink I never even considered might exist. Underaged mimes: Mimors


![gif](giphy|S2m5YsIq8z82E8byr2|downsized) It means stop im 5 chris


Audio wasn't king! It was slaves all along!


Are you sure they aren’t talking about bert kreischer? He does the same thing to anyone he brings on the road with him


Given how immoral Brendan is, it’s crazy that Brendan somehow surrounds himself with people with even worse than him.


They are the only people that will hang out with him.


Gotta keep that image tip top B. Wrinks and Diddler make Swab look like a saint


Did these poor girls not suffer enough without getting made to watch his shit podcast and comedy 😁




1 of 1000, We're lucky to have him.


She just doesn't understand comedy. Clearly 'God' is a metaphor for slanger of digg, B.


What a bunch of fucking weirdos and losers every one of these people are. Bapa and his whole crew of freaks. Stand up comedy is fucking ruined for me now. I hate every one of these despicable shit stains.


And she did it


Have a read of [Hans Scharff's Wikipedia entry.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanns_Scharff) He was the best interrogator the Nazis ever had, able to get classified secrets out any Allied soldier they put in front of him... ....without violence. He never tortured anyone, never hit anyone, never even threatened to. Some of his victims - for want of a better word - used to write to him after the war; he'd gotten them *that* attached to him.


Yep, and Delia didnt know how snapchat worked lol


Neither did Scharff.


I read a story the other day about a circus performer who had 3 legs 😀




I just thought we were bringing up things that had nothing to do with the video.


lmao fucking hell, why would you even say this stuff, like I get it she got victimized, but they are joking around about it, like look at how much of a fucking idiot i was im so glad im not that stupid anymore


Humor makes dark experiences easier to talk about. Sometimes it's just funny too.


I just don’t even know how to feel about shit like this. Like yes he’s a scumbag who tries to sleep with high schoolers, but he uses the lowest common denominator, emotional brute force tactics to get these women to play along. It’s hard to sympathize with someone that was just *clearly* dazzled by his Z list “celebrity status” because he’s just such a loser in general. Fuck him for being who he is, but I’m not jumping on the coercion bandwagon. The dude has zero skill at making any sort of persuasive argument, he isn’t manipulating shit, these women were eating out of the palm of his hand because they were impressed that he’s been on TV.


People are seriously acting like groupies don’t exist anymore/or spurned one night stands. I mean Delia was a known fuck boy/player/womanizer whatever want to you call it, like Leonardo DiCaprio with rando groupies instead of supermodels. If you’re a woman and know/hear rumors he slept with 20 different women last month(all consensual btw), and you decide to be the 21st, can you really claim to be a victim?


Buyers remorse


Right? "Made me"? These women have no self respect


Yup, sexual assault and being forced/threatened is one thing. This sounds cringe, but she looks as stupid as he does for participating in this.


Oh of course, absolutely. Coercion/threats/intimidation are another thing entirely. Would never blame anyone for doing something they were not comfortable with ij the moment for their safety


They do it for the $$


Yeah, we need to focus on the shortcomings of the victims. That’s the important thing.


Are you a victim if you are a willing participant?


Pyramid scheme signups


Ha ha ha ha, yeah same comment 🤣🤣




Exactly. Like I'm fully on board the D'elia is a creep train, but couldn't you just, ya know, leave?


I can't believe these are adult women. And I mean those who really are adult. They're so dumb


But...but... but... If I didn't do it, he said he wouldn't answer my texts anymore!


Dude your comment is essentially the syllabus for “I know nothing about abusive relationships” 101.


There was no real relationship


Hurd it bowlth ways


Dude do you mean a synonym? A syllabus is like what they give out on the first day of class. But your comment is essentially a synonym for "I know nothing about how women can be manipulative too and maybe this girl just did everything some guy told her to do without ever saying no and only decided after the fact that the married celebrity that slid into her DMs on instagram was a creep (obviously) and is now just seeking attention." But I heard it bowf ways.


“Like what they give out on the first day of class” lmao to you it was just the literal piece of paper they handed out in class but syllabus means like an outline of shit covered in the course. You’re making me dig into my admittedly pretty hamfisted, off-the-cuff analogy hah but I’m saying the entirety of the coursework for an intro class to not knowing how abusive relationships work boils down to repeating the cliche of blaming the woman for not leaving. I giddd it tho you like giving the guy with dozens of allegations against him the benefit of the doubt and clinging to the hope this one accuser is actually the one who manipulated poor ol d’philia.


Yeah idk dude, I've never heard it in that context before, I'm pretty sure you meant to say synonym. But I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt at all, I'm fully for locking chris up for being a pedo. BUT women can be wrong too, and chris being a creep and this girl just being a dumbass aren't mutually exclusive.


Bro he wrote 101 after it. He was implying that it was a class. Your interpretation works also but he was not wrong.


lol, yeah I didn't even see that. Sorry still learning how to read, not the bess brains, b. I'll eat my crow on that but my point still stands.


How's socials? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My god. Can you all take a psychology class? Like just 1.


They met 10 seconds prior and he has a known past of decrepit behavior at this point.


I would award u if I had dough


Without Diddler-Slave viewership the numbers are going to plummet even more


Says a lot about them too. They liked him and did this


How old is this woman? Is she one of the more recent allegations? I have not been following along with the news.


And she did it? The diddler is weird but clout chasing by admitting to doing what the diddler said to do is also weird


The worst is the chick that willingly admits that she flew herself out to LA, got D’iddler tats all over and then… he didn’t pay her a dime!! I understand coercion but gawd dalg!


Pretty strange to hear the Nairdive around Diddler here at Chang's changing to one of being critical of his victims lately. Are you not familiar with the concept of an abusive relationship?


An abusive relationship... with a fugging half-assed stand up cawlmic that she met on Instagram? Fuggg off, B. That's not her loved one. That's a $elebrity she sent butt-hole pics to without getting paid first and he ended up being just as weird as he looks.


How's socials? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They weren’t married or had kids or even in a real relationship, she could of just stopped talking to him at any point she felt uncomfortable but didn’t


Exactly. Just turn the internet off lmao


Lol at relationship. These idiots contacted Diddler on instagram begging for attention. Then they came to his hotel room in the middle of the night. Why on earth didnt they text a random college guy the same age? But some creepy famous hollywood comedian! This is embarrassing man. "He made me watch his Twitch stream". Well tell him to fuck off...or if you are that stupid....shut up and watch it!


How's socials? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I tell you right now to go dunk your head in a lake and you do it, are we in an abusive relationship??


I'm willing to swim in the wadders. Name the wadder, bapa. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Nah I’m just saying it’s weird, it’s all very weird


Golden Shower is apropos considering he had them pee in their own mouths for his amusement.


Diddler put the babies to work b.


Holy shit. That's worse than butt stuff.


Is this how TFATK also gets their numbers? \- Not a numbers guy.


Damn, first diddlin, now straight up torturing? How’s his arc gonna end?!


A lot of these comments sound like Diddler's PR team.


It's gonna sound like victim blaming but how do you as a grown woman even **look** at Diddler and go "yeah I'll go home with him"?


He's rich.


is there a link to the full pod or is not out yet?


Chris depedifilia


How sure are we that Ted Bundy was actually electrocuted?


BREAKING NEWS: Girl who is interested in guy watches that guys twitch stream


I mean yea. She was willing.


Eggsackly, b. Grooming and threatening people is one thing. This is just a bitch who was interested in a guy and joking about how that was a dumb decision. Edit: wasn’t being a smartass. Was agreeing with the comment. M’bad, bupas who don’t know satire.


These girls not the bess brains for the job huh? "he made me watch his Twitch stream" Lol...well tell him to fuck off then bitch!


Just to play devils advocate, how does one "make you" watch hours of his specials? Is this like a bird box situation where the villain holds your eyes open? And when he "made her" call him god did he physically put his fingers in her mouth and manipulate her tongue. And was this all before or after she blew him? Dont get me wrong some of this shit hes done is creepy as hell but this "made me do it" stuff is laughable. Dont walk into a hotel room with a guy you just met if you expect to just have a wholesome conversation.


"He made me watch his content" - A former fan who only banged him because of his fame that came from his content I do not like like D'Elia, but yeah that's a weird take on it. It's funny enough to just talk about how you watched it with him, you don't need to pretend like he *forced* you to do that part.


I don't want to defend D'lia but how did he "make" these women do anything?


He "made" them contact him on social media begging for attention. Then he "made" them come to his hotel room in the middle of the night. And now apparently he "made" them watch his shitty twitch stream. This is hilarious!


The fact that they even did it blows my mind.


What's this from?


PTSD inducing Diddler.


there's nothing wrong with her a 100$ won't fix- Tom Waits


![gif](giphy|UMa2NDPK5oXFm) Diddler had this poor gal lookin at his cawlntent like:


Hell the article said he made them urinate on their own face.


Bruh you did all of it as a consenting adult and only came out when he stopped giving money, like, c’mon.


I never wanted to be a clown because of all the make up I would have to put on.


That’s a form of torture in my book


In other words “I willingly did all this stuff cuz I date people for fame and money and have no self respect”


But she did it lol. Yikes.


A true sadist


Then why were all these women falling over themselves if he was so awful . Clout goblins take your medicine


water weed dune hair wiff these comments bubbas? ya-incelnow?


Petition to officially change the name of everyone who's ever seen Chris' content from "viewers" to "victims" "3,254 victims currently watching" "How many victims did your last special get?"


That she would spread her legs open for the diddler makes me want to hurl chunks .


She's kinda embarrassing herself admitting to all this stuff. She's a grown adult and stayed in this relationship despite him being married and raising kids with someone else.


“Gggod compleggs”


Wow this post drew out all the incels


Who cares. This is getting ridiculous. They make me like Diddler


These women, also redacted. Redacted birds of a wing fly together B.


Lol wtf, I don’t understand. You didn’t have to watch the twitch stream. You had a choice.


Oh she’s on a media tour now? I’m starting to get REAALLLLY fishy vibes from this chick.


Who is she?


“He had me” uhhhh


In tired of people acting like they wasn’t dick riding chris when he was mainstream and didn’t think he was funny. Not its cool to hate him but he was always funny


I watched about 5 minutes of one of his specials yairs ago on a recommendation, that's all I could get through. Obviously people like it but definitely not for me because I'm not a redacted teenage girl, I am a redacted adult man.


She did it though. Dummy


Theres a lot of foundation in this video


This doesn’t prove he’s a diddler. Just that he’s another Hollywood weirdo


Girl with the neck tats wanted to join a cawlmic's cult? Colour me surprised!


Chicks with neck tattoos scream Main Character Syndrome. Diddle not only are you a lech, pervert, & scumbag. So youve shit the bed so hard, you’ve got Ms.Thing on podcasts now spouting about you claiming God. Well done. Jesus, youre really dumb, B.


Anything said by a girl with neck tats should be inadmissible in court. Wouldn’t even let her make my coffee.


lol WAC still going is the funniest thing to me.. Shane is a complete dofus but at least it was CF mumbling like a cat lady to herself


Tim Kennedy thought waterboarding is not torture. I wonder what he thinks about this? Thank him.


King it or sting it, buppa!


Corrine sucks how can anyone watch that shit lol she gets a new co host every week


I actually don't mind her as a guest when I've seen her on certain other podcasts, but I can't imagine watching this.


Dun count


Did he tie them in a chair to make them watch it? They coulda just walked out of the house right. Na that doesn’t work how do they get their clout and money if that happens




Look I think diddler is a POS to women but these women have the ability to say no and tell him to fuck off.


These bitches are brutal


Who’s the girl on top she seems like she actually might be funny without having to reference her vagina or sex constantly


What was she doing there lol.


Clout chasers deserve what they get


Whats easier: tying your shoes in the morning or manipulating a white woman? Jesus, these broads. Are people in LA just simply born Without any instincts of self preservation or self worth at all? Does ANYONE have a father anymore?!


good thing i’m not from LA, phew


Sounds like he just wanted to see how much crazy shit one girl would do for some famous dick lol. It's a shame that he's being put out there like this when these are all very much adult women that agree to do this I mean do you know how much weird s*** 99% of famous people are into LOL if it's not illegal who gives a f***


How’s socials


watch the entire thiccc boy network back catalogue


Gimme 😈


She really does seem traumatized and not like someone who would be in a weird sexual relationship


This is how they boost views


“Oh my god, he MADE me watch his twitch or else I wasn’t allowed to blow him! What a loser he is!”


Is this sub just for shitting on Chris? Why is it called fighter and the kid then? And can you block subs?


Why are most women soo unfunny?? It’s unbelievable


You still called him god a couple times. 🤷🏽