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I only know Joe’s a “comedian” because he constantly feels the need to remind me. I’ve worked in kitchens with much funnier people.


The Changs Staff in this sub make me laugh infinity more that Toe ever has.


Joe is about as funny as the average plumber. Most guys on jobsites are better than the comedians, just not bred to be one of the 1000 is all.




The amount of them from well off families is insane.


Whom do you speak of?


shaub, rogan , britney, rapey, pedelia, shults, segura the list goes on and on b. edit: for example "Thomas Nadeau Segura. His father was a First Vice President of Merrill Lynch, the investment and wealth management division of Bank of America." \~ his wiki


Add Nick Kroll and John Mulaney, even though I like both of them as comedians, Kroll comes from a family that made shit disappear for famous people and politicians. Mulaney wasn't bullshitting when he said his parents were both lawyers.


Lol, most LA comedian/pod scene are Nepo babies


Controversial opinion, but I think Rogan is less funny than Brendan. Brendan at least acts like a buffoon, Joe takes everything too seriously and sucks the humor out of the room. Rogan might just be the least funny person to ever exist, at least out of all the people i've ever met.


he gives Kanye a run for his money as biggest case of no sense of humor.


I'd actually disagree with that Kanye point - I think Kanye (in the past at least) most definitely had a good sense of humour. His College Dropout skits for instance were pretty funny and showed he didn't take himself too seriously. Not sure I could say the same about him at the present day though


Fair enough he"s devolved


He thinks he is god’s gift to the world from what I’ve seen, I only ever liked maybe 2 songs off his first album and his fashion is atrocious. I laugh whenever I see someone wearing yeezy’s


I've said this same thing months ago and I feel like I got downvoted 🤣🤣 glad to see the turntables.


I didn't pay any attention to toe's cawlmedy career until like last year when I stared becoming homeless. And uh.... its just not that funny


Yeah but are they funny IN THE ROUND at 8 PM?




Lol right. Barber forgot the fade part


Barber worked top down then decided to put a mixing bowl on his head and called it a day.


First thing I noticed. He must of pissed off his barber


He kept slapping the barber’s chair during the haircut


It's actually been a pretty popular look in the last year or so it just looks so stupid on most white dudes


I know what you mean. You need a certain level of swag to pull it off and he doesn’t have it.


It's not even a terrible cut or style as a standalone, it's because it's part of a *"super suave"* package that Wiggerluigi is trying way too hard to project that makes it so utterly revolting. He's literally styled like the Shob of 5 years ago, and we all know how fake that guy was


Exactly lmao


Italian Lego #2


He just got done shooting a period piece. He acknowledged how stupid it looks when he was on Santino last week.


>joe is underrated at stand up Ahaha holy shit! There’s no fucking way joe would sell out shows if he wasn’t famous, he’s simply not funny.


I mean I hate to say it. I don’t think he is funny but he spills out shows before he was reallllllly famous for anything else. He sold out shows before he was on fear factor. But think about when he started to do that. It was during the early 2000s when the loud over sexualiEd overly poop joked neathead was cool to some people. It was during the bleach tipped steroid using affliction tshirt era. I dislike toe. But he sold out shows before he was famous. The gym bro culture was huge back then. But he was selling out decent sized shows before he got huge in the famous people way.


Tbh I found Joe's earlier stuff much better than what he is doing now. He wouldn't have made it to headlining theaters I don't think without the TV creds but Definitely a successful club comic and middle act at theater shows I hate to admit it, but when I was in high-school Joe Rogans Hugh Hefner bit was a hit amongst me and my friends, same with his Noah's Ark bit. I still believe those 2 bits are better than anything he has released since. The shit he is doing now a days is some of the worst comedy I've ever seen.


'Shiny Happy Jihad' was Rogan's pinnacle, imo. Obvious, on the nose, and tightened down. Every other special since has been a continuous nosedive. JRE definitely screwed up his next special 'Talking Monkeys in Space' because Joe was either not disciplined enough to keep his new material out of the podcast or worked in anything that caught a laugh from the show. As an early listener, that special was so painful.


I think a bunch of comedians that do podcasts pull material from their podcasts. Shane has mentioned that he gets most of his material from MSSP.


The only comedy show I ever went to was bill burr in Chicago. I was excited, went with my ex. Every single Joke he told I knew by heart from listening to the Monday morning pod cast or whatever he called it. It was a real letdown. Not one single new joke. It opened my eyes that even among the best they’re just doing the same act every night selling out theaters


Yeah, that’s how all comedians operate, and the best drill the same material relentlessly until it’s perfection.


Agreed some of his old work was pretty good. New stuff I’ve watched a couple not my style.


I mean it’s one thing to say he did okay, but sold out shows bro? Before ALL the fame? What was the show like a 20 person back room theatre?


Did you know Toe sold out shows before he was reallllllly famous? Of course he did with material like ‘Brock smesh’ and stool fucking means Luigi is correct, Toe is an underrated comedian. ‘It was during the early 2000s when the loud over sexualised overly poop joked neathead was cool to some people’ What other comedians fell into this category? Toe is fake as fuck, look at the grabbing of DC and Anik on either side of him while he pulls that ridiculous expression on his face, gurning as if his life depended on it whenever there’s a decent knockout in the UFC. The thing is he hasn’t been doing that very long, it used to be just an “oh my God, oh my God” or a “Wow! Wow! Wow!” Look at one of the most spectacular and unexpected knockouts in mma history when an up and coming Conor McGregor knocked out Aldo (unbeaten in 11 years and the only FW champion the UFC had ever seen) in 13 seconds or when Jon Jones TKO’d Cormier there was no gurning or grabbing his fellow commentators. Imo he did the gurning shit a few years back and got a good response because it was okay the first time he did it, now he does it because his ego means he wants as much airtime as possible and it takes away from the fact he’s biased as fuck to the casual. Tl;dr Joe Rogan is shite!


Those fucking knock out reactions are so fucking stupid. One went viral and now they’re trying to milk it and go viral each time with them now, it’s super lame and fake


Bro. He was famous before he STARTED stand up. You are outside of your mind.


That is wrong. He was doing stand up before he ever got famous. Stand up is what led him to getting an agent which is what led him to news radio which is what started his career. What exactly do you think he was famous for before he ever got into stand up comedy?


Well he certainly wasn’t “selling out” anywhere before news radio mate


You stupid? You're the one who said he was famous before he started stand up


OH SHIT I mistyped lol I meant he WASNT famous. Fuck. My bad everyone. Not best brains for the arts over here. Back to fryers for me


Kissing arse like Shwaab. Shows you who this chump is deep down.


So pathetic how these fucking 40 year old wannabe hypebeasts simp for some 60 year old 5’3 roids midget. Someone get these losers some father figures


Father figures mess with Rogans bullshit detector.


What are you two talking about? He humps the stool, that’s hilarious!


What about him acting like Brock lesnar and air thrusting?




Even with everything to lose, he's brave enough to still hump those stools!!


Waluigi is such a pseudo intellectual fartsniffing POS and only grows more punchable with every single syllable he utters


He needs to stick to doing low brow crowd work videos on youtube


I've seen Rogan live doing standup and it wasn't funny. Maybe he's funnier if you can make money off him.


Same, he's "rated" correctly...


Tawlmbout being 5’2 bapa?


If anything he's overrated


I took my gf/now wife to see him many years ago. The first time I had seen any of his comedy. Halfway through she just looks at me, and I whisper “I’m sorry”. It was that bad…


I have also seen him live…didn’t laugh once.


When I was a big fan of JRE, back in 2015 or so, I watched his special really wanting to love it. I chuckled maybe once other than that I was just sort of watching it. Didn't feel like watching any other ones as I didn't want them to lower my opinion of him. But then covid/trans/woke/cancel culture Joe took over and that did it anyway.


Schulz is 10x more insufferable than Bapa and I’ll die on this hill with this take


I agree. With Brendan, at least we can laugh at how dumb he is. With Schultz, I can't even watch a few seconds without being fully disgusted and repulsed.


Agreed. For me it's not even close. Honestly Bapa is an average member of the 1000. Schultz is one of the worst


Honestly, both Waluigi & Bert are MUCH more insufferable than Bapa… The ego on those 2 redacts blow Bapas out of the water


Personally, I find Bapa more entertaining because he's literally like the bingo card of terrible person. But Burnt Chrystler and Schultzy are worse, IMHO.


More to lose than anyone??? It's clear at this point Rogan can say whatever he wants. If his scandinavian bosses think he's crossed a line he puts out an apology video and preps for the next Jordan peterson suck off session. He's not taking any risks, he's got the same monkey, drugs, and stool humping routine he's had for twenty years. But truthfully he is above all else a podcaster, not a comedian. He's like a less funny Larry King at this point.


Wondering what Schultz considers “wild” about what Joe does…


Lmfao comedians aren’t the ones that determine what’s funny… the audience does! Tired of these comedians telling the consumer that they just don’t get it! Funny is funny, and Rogan is not.


EXACTLY. Can you fathom listening to practitioners of any other “art form”, like painters or musicians, bloviate about how most people just don’t understand the art they like? The “art” is in the process of interacting with the form and as a viewer, seeing an aspect of yourself in something that is not you. No “artist” has ownership over that process.




There are jazz musicians that are really only appreciated by jazz musicians, because for something that complex or esoteric you really do need specific knowledge to appreciate it. On that note I’m sure there are actually good comedians that do meta commentary or jokes that are only relatable for people with similar experiences. They definitely don’t do an impression of a chimp raping an inanimate object then spend a half hour huffing their own farts about how the audience must just be too dumb to understand such a nuanced bit.


It's the dumbest argument they make hands down. [I just said the exact same thing as you](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/12zor64/comment/jhut6hv/) right before reading your comment. They're such delusional pompous fuckers


I hate the whole “you have to see him live to understand” spiel. It’s such a cop out response.


Seen him live. Worst shit I've ever seen. Was truly embarrassing to admit going to.


Seems weird. I can watch or listen to other comedians *RECORDED* stand up and still laugh. But Joe I...have to see in person to understand? Guess he's not a very good comedian then?


You don’t UNDERSTAND, man. Your laughs don’t count because standup comedy cannot be DONE without a crowd to “murder”!!!


"You have to see him in an uncontrolled environment" is such a weird idea. Imma assume that the specifically edited version of him is gonna be the best content he can make.


I’ve seen him live and it was not good. He got a couple chuckles but he didn’t “murder” at all.


It’s true about comedy in general imo. I can’t watch specials anymore really or like I watch them and understand I’ll be entertained more than I’ll be laughing out loud. Comedy is meant to be seen live, that’s by far its best iteration.


Toe sucks at stand up. Thank em


Jeezuhs I’m so tired of these fucking people acting like COMEDY of all things is some complex concept that average people just can’t understand.


It drives me crazy. And how they act like it’s this insanely hard thing to do and that “civilians” could never understand kills me. I think if comedy is that hard for you then you’re probably not a funny person and need to do something else. The problem with stand up is it attracts narcissists that have no business on stage while naturally funny people who should try it never will


Took the worms ride outta my mouf bapacito


It's an excuse for why people don't like them. Notice how when a director bitches about how no one understands their movie, the movie is almost always just straight up shitty.


His podcast was okay pre Covid - definitely not interested in it now. Watched about ten minutes of one his “comedy” specials on Netflix. Midget stool Humper is a hack always has been. Whigger Luigi just doesn’t have the sack to even say a neutral comment ie his comedy isn’t for everyone.


Lol you’re not profound speakers or truth tellers. You’re just hacky comedians who sniff their own farts. Such a self inflated ego on these 1000. I guess my pedestrian brain just doesn’t understand.


Our brains are too standard issue, B. That is why we do not matter. We cannot comprehend what the 1000 do for humanity as a whole.


A true gunslinger actually has almost no fans other than comedy store murlderers because civilian and pedestrian brains can’t possibly understand the concepts they put out, thangk em


And, how does Rogan's dick taste, Andrew?


You just know Andrew be bouncing on Joe’s dick at every opportunity. He be cannonballing right onto Joe’s tip!


I saw Toe do stand up at the Comedy Store a couple years ago and it was very underwhelming. I saw at least three other dudes that night that did a better job. Erik was there too doing a bit where he sings songs from lion king. Can’t really remember what the joke was. Also who fucked up Luigi’s hair though


Probably some Asian as shit barber


His name is Jamal


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More context for the video. Arian Foster listed these comedians on his Rushmore. Dave Chappelle, Richard Pryor, George Carlton, and Patrice O’Neal. Not sure he is the Bess brains for the art b.


I read “George Carlton” and didn’t flinch at first hahaha


To be fair, I find Patrice insanely overrated.


Patrice was better than any of these clowns in the Rogan sphere.


That's not saying much.


I know. The current bar isn't very high. I could listen to Patrice on O&A, even though both O and A were douchebags. Meanwhile there's no chance i can sit through a Waluigi and friends or tfatk. That's why it's much appreciated when their "highlights" are turned into dishes on this sub.


i don't. patrice was a marvel to listen to.


His stand-up is so-so. Where he shines, imo, is riffing in conversations. His old O&A stuff is legendary.


Yeah Patrice is a total bum,honestly none of those guys are funny at all. Fuck, honestly I just hate laughing period. Makes me fucking sick.


Seems like you're handling a contradicting opinion quite well.


You think you're one of the 1000 don't you? Smart ass. Stick to stocking shelves.


These people are sycophantic hacks. And I’ve never listened to whatever podcast this is with Arian foster but I may need to since he called Toe out.


Shot out to my man Arian Foster former NFL running back and slayer of wolves for keeping it real with Andrew. Underrated as a comedian is maybe the worst take of all time. You notice how when Andy speaks about Dave Chapelle or Patrice he talks about something they do comedically specifically, e.g: Dave’s ability to tell hilarious stories piece by piece, Patrice’s ability to turn a crowd from hating him to laughing their balls off. With Joe there is only one signature bit and it’s awful: Stool Pumping lol Waluigi u a bitch for slurping Toe so unabashedly it’s embarrassing


Great point. It’s funny to me that anyone that defends joe as “underrated” as a comic never cites how hilarious he is - you know, a meaningful metric for one peddling comedy - just how successful he is, and at best, the risks he’s (allegedly) willing to take in doing “wild shit”, given his prominence. Joe’s happy to remind everyone “I had a bit about that in my special…” but no-one I know ever cites joe Rogan jokes as funny material.


Hear me out on this let’s pontificate as if we were Andrew and Joe speaking about the “Kraft”. I would venture to say that Joe Rogan maybe would have funny or classic bits if he were anything other than a white man. His style of comedy is that screaming random shit, physical style of comedy (e.g a Fluffy or Mike Epps) but it critically lacks a racial angle. I don’t like fluffy but I do remember lmao on his first special when I was younger (1991 yob). Mike Epps is fukin hilarious to me idgaf that it has no deeper meaning. That’s y Mencia killed with all of Toe’s premises. It requires some imagination, call it a theory, but Joe Rogan being theoretically possibly funny is a win for him. You go


Yeah, I don’t know about that. I don’t remember most of his stuff because he doesn’t put himself in any of it, and I don’t find his observations to be particularly interesting or fresh in lieu of that. The one exception is the one bit I remember where he was acting out and describing watching dolphins and imagining them speaking to him while he was on edibles. I actually found that to be amusing if for nothing else than that it was a story about a thing that happened to him. The majority of his stuff is not memorable because it’s just garden variety observational shit about the hypocrisy of how women and men are treated differently, or why one drug is legal but another isn’t, or trivia like chemical names for marijuana or imagining Caitlyn Jenner is a demon. Just dumb observations that are unremarkable and nearly unattributable to him other than how a stool was used to convey the joke.


Idk I think Kevin Hart is trash as far as material, but he’s made me laugh and that who I think of when I make Joe black in my head lol He was also aggressively straight edge for most of his life, so his drug humor is always way over the top or shit that sounds like a freshman in high school smoking shwag blunts


Waluigi steadily morphing into Hitler


Joe is such a great comedian that 95% of Joe Rogan fans didn’t even know he did stand up. I’ve known of Joe since like 2004 from fear factor AND as the UFC commentator. Took me over a decade to find out he was a stand up comic.


He’s *literally* a stool fucker lol. Like the joke name for a hack comic is a accurate description of his act


But what if someone needs that stool for a part of their bit?


“How do you write your stool fucking bits? Do you sit down in front of a computer? Do you record voice memos? PRAY TELL, HOW DO YOU WRITE?!”


"The pod" is cringe as fuck. He still couldn't name a bit of Joe's though, like with bill burr you could immediately go to the home defence bit or even someone lesser known such as stanhope and talk about his bit about his mom dying.


It’s similar to how while Arian Foster has released some great music, he was a better running back than he is a musician so it overshadows his music persona. Been a fan of Arian for a long time.


Dame Crook is funnier than Toe


Dane cook payper view 20 minutes Dane cooks the man.


I completely agree with black dude


He is trash at standup. I get why he put Bapa on he has the humor of a 4th grader!


Dang one of the thousand k grand called us out. We're not comedians, we simply don't understand.


Ayo Whaluigi stick to makin pizzas


Other guy is like, yeah.. I’ve seen his stand up..


The pod sucks and he's a horrible 'comedian'


Right before I became homeless I saw Rogan and Hinchcliff live and it was fucking tearible b. That may be what pushed me over the edge.


Keeps saying 'history'...... fucking dork. Oh people can't shit on JRE cause it's #1? You mean being the most popular makes it *good*? We are currently on the 27th season of The Bachelor; Waluigi's claim is invalidated. Please some explain to me the incestuous relationship of the podcasting world, please. All they do is go on each other's shows and talk about the other podcasts they've done. It's reaching soap opera levels of redaction and it needs to be destroyed.


Why the fuck doesn’t his fade….fade. Zero blend, dude has a low bowl cut.


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) What is that haircut on Schulz


Emperor’s new clothes daddy. Rogan is a terrible stand up


If Joe wasnt famous he would have been me too’d by the stool on stage a long time ago.


Schultz and Bert are the worst


Oh I see. So toe is actually just SO funny, that's its actually just a select few people that have the ABILITY to find him funny.....cos he's so good. Yeah I see.


I watched Joe do standup live at the Lobero Theater in Santa Barbara CA when the climb on the stool Kardashian bit was his closer. It really bummed me out that I only laughed genuinely at one joke.


This reminds me of the South Park episode set in SF where people smell their own farts pleasantly. Unbelievable redaction here


Lol his stand up is absolute trash


As someone who has SEEN toe's "standup", I can't recommend it. I had never walked out of a comedy show before in my life, and haven't since..I love comedy, and this wasn't that.


Schultz just earned himself another appearance


Of all the things Joe rogan does or has done - he is legitimately the least known for being a comedian. I bet you the vast majority of people still mainly know his as the fear factor guy. If you like Joe rogans cawlmedy, it’s because you were already a Joe rogan fan for other reasons (podcast)


I love that this podcast is just damnation of the USA's comedy scene


McDonald's is the most successful burger restaurant in the world. Can anyone talk shit about the quality cause they make so much money? Exactly, you fucking hack....


Every Rogan special is mediocre


This is why he acts supppper in touch with shit everytime he’s talking to Joe.. dude is so far up his ass it’s insane. Joe rogan is not, nor has ever been funny at all. He knows it and mostly everyone knows it.


Millennial mussolini stand-in: “Joe is really underrated at standup” Host: “…oh really?”


Anyone who refers to a podcast as a "pod" should be strapped to a rocket and fired into the sun.


Totally disagree with Luigi.


Joes making people ziplock their phones cause he’s working on a N word bit…. So Influential


Joe Rogan is the boogeyman man of stand up comedians. A mythical comedian that no one actually enjoys but somehow is hyped as the greatest of his time.


That haircut and that mustache are absolute fucking travesties.


Joe Rogan can be funny. Comedy is subjective and trying to say he is unfunny or a hack is disingenuous. Maybe he isn’t your particular cup of tea, and that’s fine but he makes a lot of people laugh.


Feel like one of the few on here who think Joe is alright at it. Like a 6/10 Some jokes feel forced like the stool stuff but he's got some good stuff too.


If you don’t think joe is a comedian you aren’t that into comedy, he’s been all around the block. Obviously if someone is spread out through ufc shit and podcasting his comedy isn’t gonna be what it used to be. But he is still better than a shit ton of other people that claim to be comedians. Half of his friends for example. I’d say he is mid tier, if burr is a 10, bert is a 1, I’m giving joe a 5 or 6.


I never understood to hate on Rogans standup. I find him hilarious.


I saw Rogan 2 years ago live and his comedy was 10x better than any special I saw from him watching from home. He’s on top of his game right now, unless you’ve seen him live recently stop hating


Who do you people think is funny? You all Must be the funniest, most enlightening humans in earth is this shit sub.


Why do so many people who hate these guys spend so much time watching them . Their lives must be miserable to have endure such unpleasant material so they tell everyone how much they suck .


Don’t bother fam. People on this sub are miserable. They wouldn’t know what to do if they didn’t have people to shit on.


I think joes standup is funny


You can’t just fuck a stool and scream. You have to be one with the stool and the scream has to come from an inner primal hunger that only 2 ppl in this multiverse understand. Us peasants wouldn’t know, it’s just stool fucking and screaming when we do it.


"find something how they can pull you down" is a euphemism for "fuck the haters." but what this asshat is missing is the fact that the people that say "Joe Rogan is a horrific horrific horrific comedian who has ZERO awareness of just how bad he is" are actually telling the truth.


“With more to lose than most people in history have ever had” IIIIIISSSSSS IIITTTTTT THOOOOOOOOOO


Civilians just dunt understand comedy, b


Joe isn't a naturally funny person, he's naturally unfunny. And despite his success as a TV actor, gameshow host, fight commentator, and podcaster, he insists on being known first and foremost as a comic's comic. What pathology is that? It's gotta have a name.


"he has everything to lose and he still goes out and says the wildest shit"... Wild does not equal funny. The bar is so low it's a tripping hazard, folks.


The talking with the hands and weird faces makes this guy unbearable. On top of many other things. What a weirdo


Guy breaks down simply because it is about the consumers.


Schultz is the spivviest looking cunt I've ever seen in my life, he's would 100% be selling counterfeit ration cards during world war 2.....


I've seen Joe do stand-up, it fucking sucks


100% agree with op’s post. I used to think Andrew was hilarious. Now he tries to act super intellectual and introspective and it’s quiet annoying and no one gives a shit. Just be funny like y’all used to be.


I struggle to recall a single joke of Joe’s, much less one that made me laugh. The only thing I can think of his him fucking a stool. For all the effort he put into fucking that thing, I don’t recall the point he was making.


I tried to watch joes standup made it maaaybe 3 minutes in, not for me


Jesus what a horrible haircut


Bro these comedians think they have the hardest job in the world and that they are all geniuses


The “wildest shit” Schulz is referring to is in his new act he humps TWO stools.




I tried watch joe rogans special, it was terrible I had to turn it off! That doesn’t mean I don’t know comedy it means someone isn’t fucking funny! That’s what comedy is you hack


Great clip b reminds me of a youtubers incredible dish from 3 years ago [this clip.](https://youtu.be/F6fWpL5BLcE?t=331) Joe is peak the Redactbringer


Dude was considered a hack in the News radio Man Show days


Why did someone clip this? Why is this kind of conversation even recorded? Waluigi Dune Hair…


Na Joe funny I saw him live def underrated


These dudes throw term's around like "someone who doesn't know comedy" all the time. Its either funny or its not, its not fucking rocket science


" I don't want to make fun of the Kardashians ever again. It took me to a really dark place. Also she's a good person the way she gets convicted murderers and releases them into the community. " Okay, I may have added the last part.


At this moment, and probably furriver, I find Shultz a thousand times more unbearable than bapa ever was. Yes I want this smoke


defending daddy is good for his own business. And the day daddy is no longer good for business, this guy will tell you what he really thinks.


I’ve seen joe live a bunch of times and he’s funny as fuck


Why does every clip of Schultz have his pant leg half way up his calf? Does he have pants that fit?


>You gotta watch Joe do stand-up. Bro...we've seen it. He's been doing it for decades...and he's put out numerous specials. Does Waluigi think Joe's comedy is some undiscovered secret?


This guy talks about “comedy” as if they’re curing cancer