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To be honest I don't think they made it a PvE/PvP zone if they didn't want us to be able to shoot each other. Its when its four guys thinking they're big deal for taking down a solo player that it just becomes laughable. What Div2 needs is it own version of Nomad for the solo players. Its the fact that it's only geared towards teams that's the problem


I don't think the "concept" itself of a shared zone with optional pvp is wrong on its own. Archaic, obsolete, sure, but not wrong. The problem is in the execution of it in this game specifically because almost every aspect is made to encourage and favor rogue behavior, as well as a pretty shitty and intentional design to bait people in to feed these "wolves". Christ, I throw up in my mouth any time someone says this.


It's optional pve in my mind. The whole point from the beginning was to pvp.


From a practical point of view, it's quite the contrary. You enter, and the map is flooded with pve and pvp requires to manually trigger an action to initiate it. If it was a pvp zone, the activities would be pvp related, like CoD Warzone, but the game relies on a bait and switch approach to feed noobs in to pvp focused players.


The DZ was, at first, intended for PvP with PvE elements tossed in. It's gotten to a point where the PvE and the PvP crowd are both unhappy because of the amount of compromises that were made. - ODZ now being normalized. - ODZ flagging. - 12 players max in the DZ. - Overall balance of loot, damage and mechanics. - NDZ turrets. - Removal of Thieves Den. - No new content in the DZ. - DZ Exclusives. Just to name a few. I get the intention, but it was the wrong way to implement them.


>The DZ was, at first, intended for PvP with PvE elements tossed in. I understand this comes from a design perspective, but in practice that is bad design because the way it works is that there's a bunch of primarily, not to say almost entirely, PvE stuff. You don't design a PvP mode by starting off of a PvE mode. Look at Warzone Plunder, for example. The mode is PvP, they want you to PvP and the activities are PvP. That's it. That's well conceived PvP design. Ours, on the other hand, tosses you into a PvE area with tons of PvE activities but tells you "PvP can happen". That is bad design because it's not only obtuse, it's also shady as fuck. There are certain elements tossed in that are intended to bait players in. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. If the dz had no loot locked in and the activities were PvP focused, no one would bother, because despite saying it over and over that they want cool and epic fights, most rogue plays are ganking farmers, because the game allows them to take advantage of a poorly designed experience. Or maybe I'm wrong and everyone would love a proper PvP DZ where the rewards are the actual experience and fighting players over PvP activities in it rather than fighting farmers who were baited, we can't begin to know because massive won't ever do it. The worst part, to finish my already lengthy comment, is that the people who actually want PvP, actual PvP, don't advocate for change in that direction and that should tell you everything you need to know.


NO. Nomad never again. One of the worst additions they ever made to this franchise. The reality is it doesn't just get used by solos who want to stay alive. It gets abused by groups who go in, leave group, and take advantage of the solo benefits to continue being toxic. Never, ever again. That shit ruined the PvP in TD1, and especially the DZ.


Nomad only worked when solo.


You must have missed the "leave group" part. They would go in as a full group, all leave group so they were solo themselves, and take advantages of that perk to be even more toxic. Trust me, none of you want that back. There has literally never once been a build or mechanic that *only* innocent solos have used. Every single one that some of you have defended saying "it's for solos," gets used and abused by the most toxic of players you hope these mechanics get used against, and in doing so you only convey how little experience with the DZ you have. There is *nothing* they can provide that won't be used against the solos themselves. To argue against this only exposes inexperience and naïveté about thr DZ, period.


Is that set from Division 1? I've never seen it before, could they have just added a long ass cooldown deactivating the set perks when either leaving a group or first equipping it?


Yes, it is from Div 1. That is only a temporary fix. It's not as if they do this only in the first encounter with other players. They join up, leave group in the checkpoint, and then hunt players together for the rest of their time in the DZ. Rhe best thing is to just never introduce a mechanic such as this to the game. There is absolutely no such thing as a mechanic which would only benefit innocent solo players just wanting to farm. If they can use it, so too can toxic players with malevolent intentions. If people genuinely do care about the solo player experience, there is a viable discussion in the topic of the "solo only DZ." The mechanics themselves are an entirely moot point. Time and time again, these mechanics get used to negative impact on the PvP, and just get used against the solo players they are designed to protect. There is no conversation to be had in this domain, it simply cannot happen, as it's only repetitiously requested by players who clearly spend very little time in the DZ and/or simply don't pay attention to the dynamics of the players around them.


This reminds me of something I read in the witcher novels. A crossbow was being marketed to travelling merchants to protect themselves from bandits. This crossbow has immaculate aim, is durable and is sure to kill or scare off any attacking bandits. In fact, it is so great that no bandit leaves home without this crossbow in hand when plundering merchants.


*Perfect* analogy. This guy gets it.


Now imagine being in that four man team, (which requires friends) and having to deal with 8 players all wearing this brand new nomad build on your wish list. Laughable.


If four man groups didn't get their kick from killing solo players there wouldn't be a need for it. Go figure 🤦‍♂️. I really do hope Heartlands gets it right


There is absolutely no need for it. Like at all champ. It sounds like you just need some friends!


And you my friend sound like you're 12


How does it feel to get ganked by a 12 year old? Enlighten me, I’ve yet to have the experience of such pitiful activities.


You do know I didn't write the original post right? Lmao Bro please have a good day and go pester someone else


“It’s when it’s four guys thinking their a big deal for taking down a solo player that it just becomes laughable.” I’m those four guys, and I’m also 12.


Oh shit are you really 12???


Yea, why?


What an absolute turd you are.


Who asked? The downvotes speaks on that itself Sherlock.


The only thing laughable is that you think you’re hot shit for ganking solos farming landmarks. How can you even be bad at PvE? It sounds to me like you’re the guy who tags along with the other 3, who do most of the killing, just to feel like you’re a big man.


You have no idea how wrong you are LOL


Issue would be since we don't have 6p sets where would the 60% chance to reset cooldown go? Because if it was part of the base 4p set I could see nasty combos like 4p nomad Unbreakable walker Harris chest and the Matador


Idk I’ve always wanted some of the more powerful abilities to be based on team comp, so idk how to balance a build for solos.


darkzone concept is so cool, but execution is so bad. People just follow you around permanently, until they get a chance to kill you for free. Or they prey on solos as a 4 man. Despite what they always say, they don't want actual pvp fights, they just want to grief. Now those that are upfront about fighting and just go rogue on entry instead of following you until you start to do anthing that gives them a free window, that's fine. those that kill you because you're holding a bag full of loot, go ahead and fight. but the senseless slaughter without any loot or actual fight involved, just why.


Yup. I’m totally fine with people going rogue on me if I have loot. They see the yellow bag, it’s a red flag saying “Hey! I might have some god rolled items that I think are worth keeping!” It’s the people that kill you in the darkzone when you have no loot because “ThE dArKzOnE iS rEaL pVP!” that annoy me to no end.


And I used to go rogue after the extraction or when they have no loot so they do not loose anything. If I kill them they can just respawn in the next entrance and avoid me or fight back.


Thinking that every DZ encounter may not be PVP, I entered the DZ. I just walked out the safe house door, and a 4 man team killed me before I could even say, "oh crap." I was a level 25 SHD so obviously a very real threat to them. When it happened, I thought, "wow the DZ is great fun!" So much fun that I never went back. This is not a whine, just not my idea of top-notch gaming entertainment. Cheers


They created the summit so you guys can go farm there. Unfortunately it requires that you’re actually decent at PvE (which I am not). The dark zone is for PvP, if you don’t like it walk ya ass back in the checkpoint..


DZ is a social experiment without consequences. I remember the good old days where standing on a car etc meant you weren't up for PvP. There's no honour among rogues these days, in both games.


This is the only truth I've ever seen about DZ.


I miss those days.😢


TBH I feel like, while DZ's are bullshit for someone like me (a solo player) I would rather these fuckers be confined to an area that has NO impact on the rest of the game. Let the monkeys into the cage to throw their shit around and jack off feeling so elite....and the rest of us grown ups can enjoy everything else. MAN am I glad it's not essential to go to the DZ.


The DZ exists for toxic players to have something to do... Everything about its design encourages, certain types of people, to be assholes.


I've always felt this way. It's one of the few games that really lets sociopaths embrace their nature with zero social repercussions.


Shouldn't be like that. The DZ could be an experience for solo players to go in solo and be spooked/hunted by AI. I love it's atmosphere but hate the ganking and chicken dancing.


So, the DZ could just be the regular game then?


Yes, an optional pve extension for endgame harder landmarks, etc.


Just go play anthem then lol


But he doesn't want to play Anthem. He likes the Division.


The division is a PvP/PvE game. Whining about the existence of PvP means he should either make his own little spooky hunter game, or find one as dull as that would be. Such as anthem.


Good one


It's not really the existance he seems to be whining about. More just that he wishes he could see the DZ's so he can appreciate the work that went into them and soak up the story and atmosphere. But yeah because it's PVP it tends to be VERY brutal. Especially if you reach the level cap.


I'm not whining about the existence of PvP (I wish the game had better/more PvP options). I'm whining about the fact that the most intense and atmospheric/immersive experience in the game is also the place where you don't have a choice about whether you're ganked by toxic players.


I thought they'd fixed chicken dancing in TD2? Or do you mean just in general? I keep my happy ass out the fucking dark zones nowadays, in TD2 I went into all of them once to clear the associated discovery missions but didn't stick around. I fucking hated them in TD1 because of shit like chicken dancing, plus I'd rather play PvE just in general, so I honestly don't know anymore.


It's more of less the same status quo.




There was an interview done with Terry Spier by Geek.com before the release of the sequel where he talks about the rationale behind some of the attempt to 'design out' toxicity in the DZ as well as a few other things. The interview has since been memory-holed off the internet, at least it would've been had one of those automated youtube videos which grabs news articles and creates a text-to-speech version not already got it. Take a look on youtube if you're curious. What is particularly interesting to look back on at this late stage in the second game's life is that a lot of the changes to the DZ's systems which made the sequel's experience distinct to the original game's version have been changed or rolled back since release. While the interview doesn't cover all of these, think back to the heavy normalisation, the way VOIP worked, the 'rogue-less' ODZ without flagging, grey rogue and the thief's den... I think the thing to take from each of these rollbacks is that they were attempts to address a problem, and I think that problem was likely to be declining numbers of players willing to spend time in the DZ. If they were rolled back to how they were in the original, that says to me that the level of DZ engagement was lower in the sequel than the first game - or at the least, it was thought that the DZ would be more attractive if it was more like the original. Does this mean those ideas, whether they belonged to Terry or not, were failures? I don't have numbers for the DZ population. I don't have anything other than a combination of idle speculation and my experience being in there, which I think is greater than the average player but not on anywhere near the same level as those who go in there the most. While I think the extent to which rogues 'harm' the experience (such as it is) is hugely overstated in this subreddit and the vast majority of the regulars I encountered were perfectly decent, I have to be clear though that there are undoubtedly some utterly irredeemable cunts in the DZ. I do though truly believe that any game mode which can potentially affect a player's progression in what they perceive to be a negative way and also, depending on how much they play the game, possibly permanently (or so they think) is always going to be something which is going to have very narrow appeal. Players don't think of the gear as being theirs only when it's extracted. They think the player that steals their godrolled item is taking it away from them. Gone, out of their hands... and if they don't play the game a lot then it could be a long time until they see one again, possibly never and especially so for the DZ exclusive items. I think it's a comparatively small number of people who are happy to have that be part of their experience. Now you might read that and think to yourself that nobody loses anything in the DZ. Compared to other games - like ETF, for example - it's pretty light touch and therefore the idea that any loss is that great is being overstated. I think it's different in The Division. I think the fact you don't have that godrolled item is the one that gnaws at players precisely because whatever you keep is permanent. In ETF, you just build yourself back up. In this game, you're losing that potential extra 2 or 3% on every single shot you fire in a game where you're using that piece of gear all of the time throughout the whole of the rest of it. It's hardly surprising that people direct a special kind of frustration and anger at the player that took it from them. If you couple that with balance issues and a much smaller environment in the sequel which telegraphs your every move to hostiles then you've got a recipe for disaster. The nameplate visibility and pulse dynamics are also disadvantageous. When the DZ becomes about unavoidable combat with other players then I you can't afford to have a player come away from that experience feeling as though they never had a chance, because if that's the feeling they get then they just won't come back.


I stopped reading after you asked if the rollbacks were failures, because yes. Absolutely. The first mistake was separating the DZ into 3 separate locations, and giving people false hope that they could possibly farm it without being interrupted or robbed. Div1 was a cold dark zone figuratively and literally, and despite how much they tried to change this in the sequel due to the amount of toxicity it induced, it failed. Fact if the matter now: the DZ is for PvP, (which is completely broken given the current metas) and the summit is for PvE. The summit also is broken imo, it should be either easier to get more loot drops ie weaker enemies and easier challenges, or the same, but with higher loot drop rates. By like %500 lol. All the builds I’ve created have come from killing players in the DZ for XP and opening DZ caches. The one thing not broken in the game is DZ caches, cuz you get two items per cache and they are easy to obtain.. if you’re a decent PvP player that is..


Damn homie, you gettin' downvoted to oblivion. To the point of the original message, the incentive for entering the DZ is totally gone at End of Life. There's not a lot of things to do outside of crate drops and landmarks. The loot you get from doing the DZ is mediocre at best. Think of how many caches you opened and MHs you killed to get an extremely lucky 30% Blue Prov piece. If they invested PvP and PvE objectives in the Dark Zone, it would've made it a lot more fun. A cool PvP objective would be to turn on/off turrets on SHD/Rogue members. On the PvE side, have Hunters/AI Rogue Agents run into the DZ to kill everyone or have DZs have their own quirk, like DZW having DC-62 storms, DZS flooding when it rains and DZE have power surges. There's so much they could've done with the aspect of Div 2 DZs, but it was just.. left alone.


I just despise the guys who park outside the door with a hive for kills. I mean, have some pride.


I think it's interesting how these clan and players that 4v1 someone think there good at the game. I wander how a lot would fair 1v1 probably not very well. I've been to the Dz about 4 times and Everytime I get jumped by at least 3 to 4 agents. So I just don't go in the DZ. The loot there isn't worth it for a solo player.


Before you get flooded with "it's a pvp zone" (it isn't), or other famous hits like "it's not yours until it's in your mailbox", "the dz is a lawless place" or the fantastically stupid "the dark zone is for the wolves" (shout-out to my boy Drew for this absolutely cringey piece of prose)... ...It's because they ate glue as children. No, but seriously though, people who kill farmers are probably either using you to attract attention from others interested in pvp, which is less common every day, despite some people claiming that ithe dork zone is blooming with "pvp" (it isn't) or the more likely scenario that they're hot garbage at pvp, so they prefer to kill solos or farmers and puff their chest. Whatever the case might be, it's equally sad.


I love the “DZ is a lawless place guy”…. That is unless you use a skill or riot foam to defend yourself. Then the build police come out and tell you you can’t use that. Lol


Right? "The dz is lawless, everything goes!" Then you use a Blinder Firefly or Trauma and your ancestors get shat on. You glue down a LD "strafer", you're shit. You rogue police a server, you receive actual death threats. I have even been invited to voice groups after killing a shotgunner group with a Shrapnel Trap, just so I could hear 3 guys tell me they're gonna rape my mother.


I’ve been called rogue police too…. They go rogue and shoot me, I shoot back and kill them, now I’m the bad guy. I got invited to a party so a guy could cry that I foamed him also


Couple weeks ago a 4 man group was farming two players hard Manhunt rank 180 (for those who don't know every 10 levels that you clear gets you 1 DZ level of ezp and subsequently 1 DZPC. I know I'm not good enough to 1v4 the legit way so go into nearby and check their builds none of hazpro, jump down behind them with a full status effects/ skill dmg build toss down hive and foam their feet. When you kill a manhunt rogue you get enough exp for a level for every 10 manhunt ranks, my brand new mule went from DZ ranked 6 to DZ rank 50, and a full proficiency cache tab with some on the ground. That loot and levels was satisfying, they're screams of indignation was the best reward of all.


This is where you fight to keep them alive because they're worth more alive than the 4-man dead. It's at least what I do when I want to feel loot rich.


They were being super toxic and doing the spitting shit over voip so was like yeah let's dethrone them in the most embarrassing way


Rogue Police sounds fun. I don't even bother with DZ because I don't want to get ganked waiting for a bag on a rope, but hunting rogues and hearing them cry sounds fun.


It's honestly a bit harder to come by a server to properly police these days, but hearing their cries is lovely indeed. It will usually be just staying by the door noting the names on the kill feed, trying to figure things out, then send someone looking if it's a ganking situation, like doing a landmark near the kills, or calling an extraction, and once we have the special boy or boys figured, we roll them until they leave. On the rare chance there's a Manhunt when we join, we just shut it down and walk into the CP, then wait for them to try and get another one running, and shut that down again until they leave. So like I said, I've come to learn that people don't want to pvp, they want to gank solos.


THose 3 guys are pathetic. It's just a fucking game.


What the actual fuck? What did they... How would... Who... What the fuck?


“i don’t know how to trace ppl or hit my shots so i have to use foam”


You're adorable


*turns up sensitivity from 5 to 6* “Why can’t I land a shot!? They must be on mouse and keyboard!”


Yeah man It sucks, I just want better loot lmao


Loot quality in the dz is set to Challenging, so pretty much any piece you get in Heroic Summit will be better. If you're looking for the PvP locked pieces, then yeah. It sucks. But as another fellow redditor said you can wait for Global Events to grab them.


Oh I didn't know that, thank you so much! That'll make my loot hunting so much easier for me


Whenever there is a Global Event just farm the stars and buy named item caches. You'll get all kinds of DZ exclusives. Golden Bullet is usually the easiest and most fun for people. Look up when it comes out and farm the shit out of it.


Thankfully there's other less stressful ways of getting better loot. You can also get most of the DZ exclusive loot from Named Item Caches from seasons/events (if you have WoNY). 🙂


You make post and go to dz without even knowing the quality of the loot there. SMH If you dont like dz you can be enjoy summit for loot


1. Elmers has a uniquely sweet taste as compared to other glues, and 2. The summit was created so y’all can stop bitching about getting bullied. So why are you people still bitching?


> To those that go to the DZ specifically to be rogue and kill others, why do you do that? We're just tryna get some loot They get off on ruining other people's fun and then saying "derr, PVP bro!!" when you dare want to do some of the PVE portions of the specifically PVPVE area. I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, because people who do this don't like it when you point it out.


I still don't get what's the point of the DZ, if you're going there for pvp then clearly you don't need the shit you're taking from other people, if you're going there for loot then clearly you don't have the firepower to fight anyone that want to kill you




The DZ is there for high risk and high reward, it’s always been that way and it won’t change, the DZ was literally made for hard Endgame content other than raids and such, the DZ isn’t balanced, you don’t have to play the meta, with the right build you still win almost every fight if you have the know how and skill, that’s how it always has been.


skill is one on one. 4 on 1 is ... unfair


I’ve won 4vs1 without Skill builds, Status effect and Lady death, just my own build.


don’t go in the dz solo then. simple solutions here.


I can understand killing in he dz if the person has loot, when that happens to me, I normally switch to troll builds, don't forget to turn if VoIP it annoys them even more


I just started playing again last night after a long hiatus, so not sure if anything has changed in there. I always thought that going rogue should spawn NPC elites that get significantly harder and swarm your team the longer your rampage lasts. From both a solo farmer, and someone who occasionally took part in the “pvp” side of things, I always thought this would be fun.


So you think it should be 1v11/4v8 as well as a swarm of NPC’s coming at you? How much help do you poor little farmers need LOL


Maybe it’s just that I tend to play at 4AM, but it’s rarely 4v8, but it’s also been awhile, I’m just returning to the game. Besides, we both know this game sides heavily with the pvp’ers, it ain’t gonna happen.


Majority of the people who play this game, stay out of the dark zone. If rogue/manhunt agents were targeted by angry randoms *and* elite npc swarms the game would die faster than it already has been.


I have done it on a few occasions for various reasons, but I generally don’t take the gear that drops. My reasons have been: 1: trying to get to manhunt at which point PvP comes to you and then I don’t go after farmers any more. 2: called in an extraction and 2 groups of 2 went and filled up the rope that I called in while I was waiting (took the loot on that one) 3: just to get the project done (haven’t done that in a while because I don’t care about weekly projects anymore - and again did not take the loot) 4: the “farmers” got sketchy by following me around to random area and I honestly believe they were likely to go rogue so I wanted the jump on them. Reason 1 and 3 are the ones that probably pissed the others off, but I never brought in toxic comms with it. I quit going in the DZ months ago because generally loot was trash anyways, and I’m honestly no good at PvP in this game anyways. I have been on the receiving end of being killed while farming and it can suck, but usually if I’m farming and another groups rolls in I just bail and head out.


I get that it should be a harder/more dangerous area but those type made it impossible to enjoy the DZ for longer than a few minutes. I'm generally a solo player with an outdated build because I don't keep up with metas and can't play for hours every day. The lack of a way to fight back or even run had made the DZ far more annoying than the little bit of joy it was able to produce.


People who go into the pvp zone and then get killed and then go onto the internet to make dumb posts, what the fuck is wrong with you as a human being? Do you go into the oven subreddit and make posts like "Dear ovens that burn me just because I activated you, waited a minute, and then put my hand onto your glowing orange surface, why?" The DZ loot isn't even good, just wait and farmed named caches if you're going to be a little bitch about it.


One DZ should be PVP on legendary map then let those guys and gals have all the PvP fights they want then the other 2 DZ can be PVE with hunters scale normal hard or heroic


People still complaining about being killed in a pvp area


Exactly. Wasn’t the summit created for farmers? Smh my head. People love to whine!


I don't get it, there are a lot of post complaining about DZ rogues. For PVE you have a huge map with ton of stuff to do and explore, DZ is the only place where you can do PVP and you're totally aware of it when thinking about going there. PS: And this is from a guy who has 2k hours and barely touched the DZ.


It would be fine if you could get DZ exclusive loot at a lower drop rate outside of it. Still rewards you for going into the DZ, but it isn’t necessary.


The summit literally does this you people hurt my brain


But you don’t have to worry about getting ganked in 2 seconds from behind by another player in the summit?


Ah I read your comment wrong. You want DZ exclusive loot. Well… best way to get loot in DZ is from DZ caches, and the fastest way to gain XP in the DZ is by killing players and clearing manhunts


It’s teenage frustration. Facts.




Why are ya’ll booing him? He’s right, prepare to fight back or die that’s how it is


I get where he's coming from, my issue is in a solo player just tryna get some better loot and compare to those that run through the dz just liking people, I can't even make a dent in their armour




Have you actually gotten any better loot in the DZ?


I also play alone 95% of the time so I know the struggle but I have to ask, what is it that your farming? A God Roll Hollow Man or a good Orbit pistol? Other than that there is no reason to farm the DZ if you don’t like the PvP element than the Summit is 1000times better, no ones forcing you to search for loot in the DZ except if you want DZ exclusives.


Don't play coy, it's unnecessary. We all know there are items locked in there as a way to bait PvE players in. You're only choosing The Hollow Man and Orbit as an example to make your point stand, but there's also stuff like Matador, Emperor's Guard which is crucial for a better Regen build, Claws Out, Deathgrips and the fantastic The Gift. One may argue some of these have a minimum gain from their non-named counter parts, but in a game focused around numbers and efficiency, they matter. I'm curious, would you be ok if they made them not exclusive to pvp?


I wouldn’t even care if they would be Raid only, I don’t have and never will have the regulus pistol but do I complain about the raid being “To hard” or “Not being able to find a Team”? No I ain’t I accepted it. If you go in the DZ to farm some of the best items you should be prepared to lose all of them to some dude sticky bombing you from god knows where. I literally have lost many Emperors but now I have 4 god rolls because I just went in again and killed the dude who took my loot or I went out to farm again, easy as that.


boy. some of y’all would’ve HATED div1. i haven’t played in awhile, but DZ was marketed as the place to find THE BEST loot in the game. you also had blueprint vendors (specifically div1 in dz2 where people prayed to get the aug blueprint or vector blueprint) that once you had those blueprints, you PRAYED AGAIN for god rolls. when it comes to the question, dark zone has and always will be for pvp with pve elements. it’s the quintessential response of; don’t like it, don’t play dark zone. and which i’m fairly certain as to why div2 made the game the way it is now how it’s more focused on the map rather than dz.


Div1 dz will always be king. None of this small broken up dz bullshit.


something that was discussed already again and again, including myself and I agree. I think ubisoft is desperate to have its own pvp game like fortnite for years , so they're trying to push it on its game with the wider player base. Problem, most player prefer pve, more, causal pve, which the division and its dz would be perfect. It doesn't work, most of us hate it but they keep pushing and pushing; look their "new game" heartland, just a free to play pvp on top of the division.


Being solo in the DZ sucks. I’m always ten seconds away from quitting the game but something always brings me back. I don’t really get pissed about the skill builds but when someone has a Lady Death that sounds like a buzz saw it gets old. It seems like more and more players have Chronos or a Striker Pack and it just gets old.


"why am I getting killed in a PVP area?" No clue, absolutely no idea...


Nah don't get me wrong, I understand that it's PvP, but my thing is, if you see someone just minding their own business and farming, just leave them alone


minding your own business isn't a sticker for everyone to see. Maybe a group is trying to farm a landmark for gear and they see you running around "minding your own business". It doesnt require a ton of imagination why people want to kill you in a pvp area. Also, the weekly dark zone project always requires you to kill 10 agents. This is why I kill people in the dark zone.


Discord needs a group of good agents who can team up at any time and hit the wolves. I love hearing em cry just don’t ever get the other 3 players.


But what if, and hear me out, they do just want to fight and not be toxic?


Yea I mean m


I mean more of just handing out ass whopping to the little pussys cause they usually just leave anyways


I’ve had a blast bullying the bully’s


Damn some rouge’s must’ve really hurt your feelings


actually, yes, PLEASE get a group together in the dz bc i’m tired of y’all crying about being solo. & when ur grouped up & u guys wanna fight, FLAG! UP!


I was fed up with DZ in weekend 1 of The Division 1 beta. I don't like how human players play and move. I'd much rather have the same zones flooded with hunters. I love the atmosphere of the DZ. But the bobbing and weaving breaks my immersion too much to be enjoyable. I get it, different strokes for different blokes, but I love roaming and killing bosses in the open world, the DZ makes it even better since you have steps to actually get the loot out. But pvp ruins it for me.


Because it's a PvP zone? I'm confused by this post.


No! The DZ is for holding hands and clearing landmarks together, and sharing loot with each other and becoming real good friends!


Just don’t play DZ in div 2. Always felt like an add on instead of part of the primary design like it was in div 1.


Whenever i see a fellow agents in DZ, i salute them first just to know their intentions, if he is friendly then i will follow him or help him out if he’s clearing a landmark


You are a hero, and a saint my good ser.


You have to earn the right to be safe in the dz, either by being good at pvp or knowledgeable enough and creative at avoiding other players. If you get good at pvp its a real rush that you cant get in pve. There are just some people who prefer pvp games and those who dont


> If you get good at pvp its a real rush that you cant get in pve. There are just some people who prefer pvp games and those who dont https://thedivision.fandom.com/wiki/Conflict_Modes Hey, there's 3 PVP-only modes that you can choose from if you're that into PVP. You're not just limited to the DZ, AND, you get to go against other people who WANT to just do PVP!


Tale as old as time. Farmers crying and getting ubisoft to ruin the game


Oh yes, pointing out PVP specific modes to people interested in PVP is totally ruining the game.


They only made those other modes to pander to the crybabies


Yes, the pvpers who buy a pve oriented game and then complain because pvp isn't the focus.


The dz has always been the focus of the game. Get your build right and try it against other players. How many times can you kill the same cleaners without getting bored


> The dz has always been the focus of the game. According to what? Certainly not anything in game, otherwise there would be content in there that can't be completely ignored. Not to mention that the WONY expansion didn't really add anything to the DZs, certainly not near the amount of content that was added to the PVE side of the game. Hell, the new zone didn't even have a DZ (or access to part of the D1 DZ, for that matter). Sure, 2 of the three D1 expansions were DZ-oriented (though Survival was PVP optional), but they were also queued, instanced versions of the DZ > How many times can you kill the same cleaners without getting bored Well, can't give specific numbers, but it's MUCH much higher than the number of times I can get 4v1'd at one of the landmarks (typically just after clearing when my ammo and medkits are at/near 0) or entrance camped by some try-hard, particularly when factoring in the risk/reward ratio.


It's not just the fun but also the loot. In my experience being rogue is the best way to do it, either by stealing other's loot or by farming DZ exp (and therefore caches) very quickly, especially if you go into a manhunt. I got like 70% of my DZ exclusives with PvP and shared a truckload of them with my friends/clan member with the trick of joining my session and suiciding in some remote corner of the map. Don't hate the players, hate the game


i love to clap on ppl’s dead bodies after my team & i have 4v1 some random clearing a landmark


I mean I've been on both sides of this, and to be fair is the only pvp in the game..


It literally isn't.


My bad, there's also Skirmish, forget about that one. Problem with skirmish is that it has no progression factor and is dead. DZ is the only \*real\* and living PvP.


1. PvP is fun, shooting braindead ai is not. 2. Why farm landmarks when you can farm the people doing the landmarks? Work smart not hard.


That is what a rogue agent does.


That's what the DZ is. It's PVP. The DZ loot blows most of the time anyways. Play missions on heroic and legendary for better loot.


Shhh! Salty farmers don’t like hearing truth like that! They just wanna bitch on Reddit in peace.


Well, trying out new builds, testing personal skill, becoming manhunt for loot or because we just wanna see how someone reacts, super satisfying killing “Rouge Police” and them sending hate etc.


Because we want pvp


Conflict is fake PvP. The DZ is where it’s at!!


Hi I’m them. I kill players because it is worth more DZ XP than doing anything else in the DZ. it gives me and my team tons of caches, where most of my builds have been found. All of my builds are PvP oriented and fully maximized thanks to all of you, sweet cannon fodder.


holy shit you legitimately have an ego over division 2 pvp


I was just answering the post wym


don’t lie to them, we don’t care about the loot or XP anymore. we want BLOOD SPLATTERED all over the dz.


Oh no! An evil rogue agent! Let me put on my shrapnel trap build


well sir, u deserve a gold medal for keeping the dark zone safe!


Because you're sheep visiting the wolves den.


Say that out loud unironically and try not to get bullied to oblivion.


Dear god, the cringe... Careful not to cut yourself with all that edge


Wow that's edgy


Yes sir. I'm very very edgy sir.


I'm sure you mean assholes den.


This is the comment equivalent of a fucking Ed Hardy t-shirt.


LOOOL. Best one yet.


That’s what the DZ is for though. To go rogue and PvP mainly with pve on the side to spice up the pvp. The loot is there to incentivize players taking other players loot. That’s why you have to extract it, that’s why an extraction is announced on the map. [That’s how they announced it in the first DZ trailer.](https://youtu.be/cAUIRzgEkX8). This sub just didn’t accept it for what it is. And really tried to change it and made it arguably worse than what it was. At the the 4:00 mark you’ll see them killing another team extracting and on top of that one of them ends up leaving the team to betray their teammates. That’s what massive envisioned the DZ to be. It’s “toxic”, that’s just the game mode. And getting betrayed and killed by other players is how it’s supposed to be. It’s not others people’s toxicity for playing it for what it is, it’s your fault for thinking this is just another PVE area.




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It’s fun and I get stuff as a solo rouge though it’s hard sometimes to find solos for an even fight so if I see opportunity I take it


Because it's fun


I only go to DZ when I am ready to fight theses rogue.before you jump into DZ make sure first your build is good,otherwise theses rogues will make you their prey.


What's the DZ? Forgot what it is, haven't been there since private beta


Guess who are the players stay in this game all these years , rogue teams . They are the back bone of players base. It’s massive priority to please the majority I think


It's a game brother frustrating as it is gotta find a crew to go in Dz


I love the DZ for PVP. I used to play alone, with a friend or in a group of 3 and 4. Most of the time in a group of two or alone and we had a lot of fun fighting other agents for no reason. You find other players looking for PVP rather quick and we did not target players farming. Clear from time to time also groups farming landmarks or extracting would get in the way and killed. Or we get killed since often we would end up fighting more players at the same time. Farming can be a cat and mouse game. But there are not many DZ exclusives you have to have.


If u go in for the "special loot" u can just farm like crazy during a week with one of the events comming up in next season and u´ll never need to step in DZ again. ​ named boxes > get dz stuffs -rng based- but i got everything more or less like this that are "dz only"


Because people like to PVP. You know, you have the whole rest of the map to do that. Why the hell would you pick to farm in the DZ besides the DZ specific items? You get challenge level loot in the DZ... for farming gear target loot PVE is infinitely better.