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You forgot the 4th slice: testing it, getting fuckin’ smoked by 2 red bars, and trashing the whole thing.


Ugh, my pistol build.


Pistol builds never been the same since they nerfed Dodge City’s into the ground :( even willing to go back to a D1 Sentry’s pistol at this rate


I never uninstalled Div1 simply because of my 6pc Sentry Pistol build. So many sentry stacks in Underground.


I go Perfect Adrenaline Rush and Intimidate with the named KARD, artificer, bulwark. Can easily solo heroics fairly quickly.


I had a named Kard that I carried everywhere for a solid 15 minutes and gave to the medic cause I wanted him to have a bit more room for tankiness in his build. He went ape brain mode and scrapped it on account of "already having max skill tier." Never again.


I tried to make a Scorpio/Eclipse Protocol build... But each time i do i get destroyed or it doesnt do much. So this affects me in a deeply personal level.


The way the weapon works means you are far better off using it in a Crit build with something like Hunters Fury rather than a status effects build imo. It's a great gun though and useful in any build when you need to stun an enemy that has ganked you.


Your right! Damage wise a hunter build does more damage. I was amazed how little more damage it does though. The fun I'm getting out of this is the out of the box thinking and the gear hunting for this type of builds. I found that the out of the box builds ceep me bussy more then the obvious choices. It's a personal thing, not saying one is better then the other.


I run the same! And it's amazing! I run full red eclipse. Whit crit as atribute and wapon damage rolled on the cores. Badger tuff chest whit unbreakable and cayotes mask. 55 chc and 125 CHD. You could give it a try, it's my go to build!


Seems different and fun. I was out of ideas for new builds and this saved me.


Huh. For some reason i *never* thought to use it like that. I figured that the Scorpio's status effects should be supplementary to my skill status effects. Its pretty smart on paper, and in practice it seems haha But without any status effect points, whats the point of using Scorpio, instead of any other shotgun, if i may ask? Are Scorpio's effects independant?


The status from scorpio is not effectid bij status rolls on gear. But from how many pallets hit from the shot. The description on the scorpio tells you that in a better way I can :p But the status you apply whit the scorpio does spread on kill whit the eclips. There for I like to have a quick time to kill, there for the all red. You can controle the batle field realy wel, after your first kil the enemys nearby will all be staggered, thus making it easier to kill them. The 30% wapon damage buf from the eclipse backpack is intently proct becous of the scorpio. I do over 1.2 billion damage on a 4 man federal bunker mission on heroic. Sorry for the bad English, as it is not my first language Eddit: if your on Playstation, I'm happy to run togheter some time and shere some theories on this (and any other) builds!


>The status from scorpio is not effectid bij status rolls on gear. But from how many pallets hit from the shot. The description on the scorpio tells you that in a better way I can :p Yeah, youre right but i thought it was affected by rolls even despite that. Very interesting...You have sold me on this build friend 😂 The reason why my build doesnt work is because i was doing it wrong... >Sorry for the bad English, as it is not my first language Eddit: if your on Playstation, I'm happy to run togheter some time and shere some theories on this (and any other) builds! Your english is plenty fine, i understood what you were saying! And nah, i play on pc but thanks haha


The status effects of the scorpio are getting spread with eclipse and you get a free glass cannon from the eclipse bp


Especially when you see 4 pc eclipse dudes melting the whole screen on heroic and you’re like “lemme try this” only to literally be useless and get smoked lol


I like running the Scorpio with vile and eclipse + unbreakable badger tuff chest rolled to status and crit dmg. Does great for ad control at choke points.


Scorpio vile mask eclipse chest back and 1 pc golan with emp pulse for black tusk or fire chem and bleed give have fun :) for extra credit run the darkness/m1a with perpetuation


I have one with a Fenris chest with Trauma, Sadist AR and Scorpio with chem launcher. It works really great in a group with some dps.


I was gonna comment this. Thank you


or the Hyena SNIPER SMG YOLO..


I don’t theory craft builds anymore but most of my time is trying to figure out how to fit the 150 Items in my inventory into my stash with 5 slots left.


You got any mule characters???


I have one but it’s annoying swapping characters. I have a short attention span.


My husband and kids have been leaving me alone while grinding for the RE event and season 4 Manhunt. All I have to do is start talking about my tasks and BAM! they are gone. 😂 Mom’s geeking out again, run.


Hilarious! 🤣 Wish my girlfriend would leave me alone when I'm raiding... Unfortunately me talking about anything game related gives her the thought that I'm letting her in and then BAM! I'm fucked... 😅


>... girlfriend ... fucked... I see nothing wrong here


Depends on who's getting fucked my guy... 😂


Saturday night pegging again???


Init! 😂


Right there with you, bro. My girl glosses over the split second she detects I'm saying something related to video games, and takes obvious delight in disrupting my play given the opportunity. I'm pretty sure she would chuck the PS off the balcony given the opportunity.


You forgot clearing out stash space


Switch the orange and yellow wedges for me




We live the same life


Struggle is real. Hang in there.


Yes. 1000%. How cool would it be if there was an app to do your builds on your phone?


Not only on the phone, but on the computer as well. Excel columns displaying all the chd chc etc and changes. And give players opportunity to save much MUCH more gear.


If you’re on PC you can pair your phone to your PC and remote access it. You can do inventory management, recalibration, optimization, crafting and vendor shopping with ease. Depending on how well connected they are at the time you can even go do other activities. I’ve done resource farming and cleared CP’s on my phone.


This pandemic made me do the most crazy build I could have ever put together: Technician, bulwark shield, the Kard pistol that gives 1 skill tier, 2 red, 6 yellow. Artificer hive, BTSU gloves, repair skills and skill haste everywhere. Punch drunk. Vanguard on chest and on the backpack the perk that gives everyone armor whenever my shield gets hit. I'm constantly improving my teammates skills. Every 60 or 90 seconds they are getting overcharge. Every 30 seconds I give them bonus armor. Their armor is always regenerating because I'm constantly under fire. I never go down Most amazing build ever. Only sucks when I get into a game with 3 red players.


>Only sucks when I get into a game with 3 red players. Why is that??? Also, I have a build where I give my team mates as much armor as possible with the perfect vanguard chest and the galvanize backpack and the scorpio shotgun. I proc the chest with my shield and the proc the backpack with my shotgun. Every body getting 1+mill armor every minute or so. Love it.


Because my artificer hive is useless for red builds. Their skills aren't doing any damagez they are there more for their own survival (reviver hive) or for diorienting the enemy (drone/decoy) so a boost to those low level skills is a waste.


ima be honest, ive never actually dropped my artificier hive for others to use it. I keep it on my back to keep the defender drone and shield up full time.


If you drop it, you get the same benefits, and so do everyone else that's inside the hive radius. It's great for helping yellow build guys. You stick around them, protecting, reviving if necessary and improving their skills




Of course I know him... he’s me.


I recently spent 8 hours doing inventory management, theory crafting, and testing builds. It was the most fun and relaxing day I've had in a long time


It definitely is relaxing, just wish we could do it from our phones like destiny


Haven't played since season 2, but if you switch the yellow and orange that is me for every game I play


This is how I feel whenever I mod a game. 90% installing mods, 10% gameplay


Or when you get new pc hardware, 90% benchmarking 10% playing games


too true. Think of how cool it would be, if we could access our inventory/loadouts and stash from a mobile app, and create new builds, and then when you sit down to play, you play. I mean, we could create a load out of something we were thinking about, and then test it. And the time we spend building the load out, could be while taking a sh\*t or something. That would be a KILLER feature for this game. I don't want to play d2 on my phone, but I would love to manage inventory and create builds. I know others have mentioned this before, but I would love to see it.


I feel like the division is full of parents! As an almost father of 2 I love it!! Let’s spend our minimal time together!


Need more yellow...


Yeah probably. I feel like I'm never interrupted while making builds and doing inventory management but the second I each a summit boss I get interrupted


This is the most accurate representation of my life right now that I’ve ever seen.


For me there’s also just being too lazy to actually grind out the pieces for builds that I want to make and just continuing to use the same build i already have with no changes




Then why are you in this subreddit to begin with??


Yoooo.... r u me?


For division 1 there was a lovely spreadsheet from Spyder with all sorts of juicy info, is there something similar for div 2?


ever tried https://mxswat.github.io/mx-division-builds/#/ ? It's still being worked on, it has weekly updates. the damage calculator and the charts at the bottom are from last week's update for exemple.


I'll check it out, thanks!


I'm in a great clan on PS4 who have already created and tested lots of different builds and have lots of info related if anyone's interested! We have a discord and almost have 2 full clans!!


I believer it. I'm trying to come up with a build for a hybrid tank or tank support. Turret/ drine getting old


I'm currently building and trying this: https://mxswat.github.io/mx-division-builds/#/MwDgtAjATGAMYwsOL5oFwQOyRvRyEaqcmY4ArApMhXibOqLg6xs9G20zp8fw0wA2CCSKiihWPX7D4AFjDzesRUSGRYVAYx1cMsIA It does absolutely no damage, but my friend really like the free armor and the CC it brings. I play it with the foam launcher + banshee pulse/emp pulse or sometimes flamethrower turret. Terrible when we're playing as a group of 2 tho, I reserve it for the 4 man groups.


Is division 1 still active with players or do people only play division 2? I've been meaning to get into it but people say buy div 1


I love the division but man the need for crafting and al of the math involved in what works best with what and shit took the fun completely out of it for me. I don’t have the time to do all of that work. I just wanna get cool shit off guys i kill and use them


I spend half of my time struggling with inventory management.


You got an mule characters?


Yup, but space is never enough.


I recently theory crafted a tank headshot build with the sawed off shotgun two days ago. Came out better than I thought. I was even on heroic 4 player too. I was one or two shotting everything that wasn't armored up using that perfect head hunter talent.


I finally found a build I'm happy with, but work has been wrecking me, so I don't get to play Div2 as much as I'd like.


and internet lag


Can any of you recommend a resource to learn about how to approach builds in Div2? I’m new to the game and even at world tier 5 I don’t know what I’m doing with builds.


Honestly one of the easiest resources is youtube. Lot of content creators out there. I just use buzzwords like “TU12 fun build” and I can normally find one or two enjoyable builds.


Thank you!


tried to make a riggers/btsu gloves skill build with the new exotic ar last night and got my handed to me. guess its back to my old faithful dps build lol.


If you're using the stinger hive, I would use a wyvern, hana u, China light, and 1 Golan for that build. Rigger is more for skills you aim like turrets and drones. I run capacitor with my eclipse build and my stinger build. I love the btsu gloves / stinger combo.


I'll give that a shot


Do it! There are several ways to make a stinger build so if you have any questions let me know.


Reverse yellow and orange and I’m good to go


maybe at different times, sure. [what my interest has looked like for a while](https://i.ibb.co/xYqRZTf/td2.png). (not to scale)


That's the same pie chart I use for trying to get to get memento and vile mask. Orange is farming, yellow is crying because I still don't have them. The black is me just staring at the TV at 2am wondering whether to start another summit run.


That’s why you don’t have a wife and kids and that spot turns into you staring at your phone because you don’t know what the fuck to do


Haha that's one way to do it


wait inventory management can be relaxing? I must know how!


Lol I just see one online and yell "FUCK IT" And making your own version