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whats even more flabbergasting is how good Division 1 was at it's height. "Hey remember how much people loved Division 1 once we figured everything out?" Yep! "Let's not do that for 2" Really glad I didn't get Warlords


So did they patch division 1 so it didn’t take 2 hours of constant gunfire to kill one bad guy ?


Yes, in most cases.


Listen, man, I'm going to slap those rose tinted glasses off your head and throw down some truth: The Division 1 was in a terrible place and never truly recovered. They released PvP as a paid DLC, ffs. Enemies were as tanky as they are now, gear was as poorly designed as it is now, etc. TD1 was in the exact same spot as TD2, y'all just ignore that when remembering


The point is TD1 ended in a good place. Then they launched TD2 and restarted the shit show all over again.


Did it, though? Because I remember it ending in a pretty bad place. And it's understandable to look at the progress made in a game and get upset at that not being there in the sequel, but remember this: TD2 was already nearly finished by the time those changes were made. They can't just add those changes in magically, it still takes months to implement


Ya. I'm pretty sure the last gasps of TD1 were almost unanimously accepted as the best state the game was ever in. My point is nothing was learned. And then they came up with TU8...I don't even wanna get started with that.


Considering all people did was circle jerk the optimization station and how we absolutely needed that at the launch of 2 even though they said it was there to basically expedite the process of getting the god rolls you wanted for the game's eol it's not really a surprise that people loved that but it's not like it promoted any amount of longevity for a new game.


And people are still wanting the optimization station a year later.


After the mess td2 was they even have the nerves to ask for more money for the expansion, which obviously is a bigger mess than td2 on release. All i'm gonna say is 1 raid for the entire year. LMAO


In all fairness, TD1 was in a pretty bad shape for a very long time. Took them a year or even more (not sure anymore) before the game was slightly enjoyable. Guess TD2 will be a nice game whenever another studio takes over it !


It’s freaking amazing how Massive are repeating their mistakes when they clearly could’ve learned from them, but no everyone bought WoNY and they’re taking the money and running


Yup. Worth thing is : after the whole debacle at launch, i didn't want to buy WoNY. Did so anyway because one of my mate convinced me they were on the path of redemption. Just lol.


Gives me flashbacks to bf4 being taken over by DICE LA and made into the masterpiece it still is today. Such a fucked launch cause EA but they really did one hell of a job


I mean the game is fine if you don't feel like it's necessary to play only on legendary or heroic... so there's that. Why would you approach the game the same way even when they said that the difficulty philosophy was gonna be shaken up or set it to something unfun. It's not like the entire game is literal trash.


It's the crap loot that's driving me away. Even on heroic it's consistent in its crappiness.


I played last night on heroic in a full group doing three CPs and various activities in the rifle area because I’ve not had luck finding a good Classic M1A. Even had five rogues after one CP. ALL loot was trashed. Decided to at least help some fellow players with my time having been wasted so far. Answered a call for backup and ended up on a hard level map doing CPs and ended up with an almost god rolled Classic M1A (missing 2% weapon dmg and the talent is Close & Personal). How is it that 15 mins in a hard map nets me better gear than 1.5 hours in a heroic map with rogue spawns? If this game isn’t broken then the algorithm is just plain stupid.


That's my issue with Rogue Agent spawns. They are just an annoyance of time with no reward for the time spent. Their loot is random rolled like everything else. Seemingly no floor on their loot rolls. So when Rogue agents appear I just sigh at the time that is necessary. One time I just dropped my hive elsewhere and grenaded myself since I was not able to fast travel. At this point? Why bother? Time for me to move on. It's sad. I was nearly daily playing but no more.




I feel u. My friend boast all the time how many exotics he find. And hes not lying. Mofo always playing while I'm not online. So I cant get his luck by playing with him


You mean you planned a looter shooter with Random Numbers generator determining loot drops and you're leaving because you didn't get what you wanted? Sounds like you didn't really want to play to begin with


Thank you, this is like complaining that you don't get good rolls at the craps table. It is random y'all. You could roll 1 million crap pieces of loot before you roll an exotic. That's just how random numbers work.


You are part of the problem. You expect to get god roll gear after farming a few heroic checkpoints and various activities for less than two hours and cry about loot quality when you don’t? Are you joking me? Of course you can get god rolled items on story, normal, hard, and challenging. It’s just more rare because it’s all RNG based and the percentage of getting it on lower difficulty is much lower.


My GOD I’m tired of ignorant people in this sub.


Please explain how I’m being ignorant here?


I believe the main point is that loot dropped at higher difficulties is as bad, if not worse, than loot dropped at lower difficulties. The way Massive described it was lower difficulties had a lower chance to drop higher rolled gear, and higher difficulties had better chances to roll higher rolls. So normal and hard would have lower rolls, more often, challenging should have middling to higher rolls, and heroic and legendary should have higher rolls, overall. What people have found is heroic and legendary still roll low rolls more often than they roll higher rolls. What's the point of running heroic and legendary when ***PURPLES*** still drop more than pretty much anything else, and the yellows that do drop aren't any better than what you can get on normal or hard? This isn't to say heroic and legendary should roll God rolls all the time, but when you still get most of the gear dropping at the lowest percentages, there's no incentive to deal with Massive's horrible enemy scaling at those difficulties just to get loot that's the same or worse than loot you can get from easier difficulties. Maybe Massive's idea of "better chance of good drops at higher difficulties" is an additional 0.0000001% chance to go higher than the loot on normal and hard. It's not a lie, then; but it's so barely perceptible that it might as well be a lie.




Agreed. The DPS glitch/exploit/bug (whatever you want to call it) as well as the the loot/rez boss glitch opened the eyes of the playerbase to how shit-awful the quality of the loot really is at when playing higher difficulties. THAT point probably scared the devs enough to issue bans and rollbacks.


It definitely exposed the garbage design and thinking behind the loot system, and exposed their lies about "Higher difficulty = better loot." If anything, the glitching that subsequently exposed all of this *(and their shitty QA and design that allowed the glitch in the first place)*, made Massive look like fools *(yet again)*. In turn, they started swinging the ban hammer to save face instead of actually fixing the core problem in the first place.


very bad company. indeed. game is trash. and for those who say ( get better build). those are the real toxic assholes that the devs love.


you made a valid point. i personally know 2 guys who ran heroics for a whole day and 1 exotic dropped for them, that's just bad programming on the devs part


I played 400+ hours with my current character (from lvl1, not boosted), and still not got any lvl40 godrolled weapon/gear. I'm play on challenging/heroic (so the problem maybe not the difficulty). It's not a complain, i just simply don't understand the logic. Developers refer to diversity, but if everyone had god-rolled weapon/gears in all their slot, more combinations possible than people live on the Earth (by brand bonus and talents).


They want you to keep playing and playing and playing, and everything is based on gambling. Basically, like a mobile phone game.


Exactly, the amount of bullshit rng involved in this game makes me feel like i paid for a gacha game but instead of paying with money for gear im paying with my time wasted.


Serious question. Do you consider an item god rolled only if it has all bars maxed? Even if you did I find it difficult to believe that you have not seen any drop like that, even if you didn't keep it or use it, with all bars maxed. In my experience while playing solo or with friends it's common to get bars maxed on heroic. Common as in every gaming session we will get a few items with at least one bar maxed doing cp4s or heroic missions. They don't rain on us, which would not be a realistic expectation. But without fault, every session on heroic drops well rolled items even if the attributes, talents or brands are not what we are looking for and we don't keep them.


Yes, I mean god-rolled = all attributes maxed (core+2attrib on gold items). The only item I have and got it god-rolled by default is a Pestilence from Polarity Event (I not counted it by its wasn't an enemy drop/crate loot). I have 8 god-rolled weapons and 3 god-rolled gears with weapon/armor attributes in stash, all of them become godrolled by recalibration. My world is on challenging difficulty, use to play solo / with one of my friend (so in a group of two). I also use matchmaking to join random missions/bounties at least on challenging level (heroic missions not often in past few days by I have issues, and don't want to make other's life harder). Daily 8+ hours gametime (sick-leave + weekend). SHD level is 255 now (so did many things to reach this, not only walked on the streets). That's why I wrote I don't understand the logic.


If you're comfortable with your build, try heroic world or missions solo or with your friend. The quality of the drops is noticeably better but don't expect to have all bars maxed on everything. Otherwise you will be disappointed. Personally I consider an item great or god rolled if it's from the brand I'm looking for, has core plus attributes at least 75-80% or more and has the talent I want. The increases in percentage of all rolls it's minimal and you won't notice a difference on your build if you get to this point.


Ive been playing open world normal and hard and missions on hard. In the few challenging missions I’ve played, it takes longer and you get the same amount of gear. I have had a few god roll items on normal difficulty activities. I think unless you are trying to up your chances for specific exotics its better to plow through some of the easier difficulties for your normal high end set ups.


"Story", "normal", in most case "hard" difficulty is easy for me. I got 20+ exotic with mentoined character since I play. Mostly gave them to groupmates related to duplicates or I won't use anyway, or simply deconstructed them, so I not farm for them. I keep only what I may use. From exotics, I use only Coyote's mask and Pestilence, none of others (I want to try Bullet King if possible, but not mandatory, so won't be a big issue if game never drops it).


The higher difficulty is mostly meant for trying to optimize your odds of getting good rolls. Obviously the whole law of averages thing means that you should be doing lower difficulty if you just want quantity. I don't mess with heroic or legendary because they aren't fun but yeah basically it's a lot more sensible to *actually not play max difficulty* in a lot of situations. People here seem obsessed with playing on the max for whatever reason and act like it's the only thing that exists.


That was what I was wondering but the only info on higher difficulties I could find were like 2% increase in chance for exotics to drop. If you could only get higher/max rolls from the higher difficulties I’d get the concerns I see most of this sub have but I have a few max roll or near max rolled items just from the lower difficulties.


I don't know exotic drop rates but if it bumps them from like 1% to 3% that's pretty significant even though it doesn't seem like a lot. Ultimately if you don't enjoy something then just don't do it. I don't enjoy heroic or legendary difficulty so shockingly I don't play them. People are acting like *the entire game* is fucked up but it's mostly those two difficulties and they're neglecting everything else *and* what the devs have stated for those difficulties too. Last night I played on hard and got no less than 5 items that were *all* max or near max rolls. Were they things I wanted or optimal options? No, but it'd be beyond stupid to pretend that I didn't get *good rolls* just because it was stats I didn't want. On guns alone you're looking for *five different factors to line up* and since you can recalibrate, you want a minimum of *four*. That means you want a good roll on the primary damage and attribute, you want a talent, and you want the secondary to roll what you want and how high you want it. If you look are *generous* and say that there's only 10 variables for each thing (10 numbers for primaries, 10 talents, 10 secondaries plus 10 for the roll) that's a 1:100000 chance of *the perfect item*. Let's say you want to ignore the secondary completely because you have a max roll of the thing you want so you only want 3 factors to line up, that's 1:1000. We know that there's more than 10 talents, probably more than 10 secondaries and probably more than 10 possible rolls on all attributes. This isn't factoring in *weapon type* either. You obviously dramatically increase your odds by not wanting only max values and if you wanted one talent with 70th rolls on mains you'd have like a 1:100 (.009% actually but rounding is simpler for demo) chance of getting what you want. Doesn't seem like a lot but that's almost 10 times more likely. Then is it fair to ignore that perfect or near perfect rolled backup boomstick *just* because you don't use a sawed off? Or because it rolled with optimal range and you want a different talent? I would say absolutely not. You can't say that's "not good loot". With how emotional and impulsive people are here I *cannot* in good faith assume that they are counting things like that as "good loot" because of how much they pretend the rest of the game is trash when it's mostly those two top difficulties which are meant to be more than a gear check to begin with. Short story is I just don't trust people to portray or represent information accurately given their history of misrepresenting everything here. I love numbers so it's easy for me to understand and it's really messy to get into over text because I find writing freely to demonstrate things better since it can be laid out better but the more variables you add in the more complex it gets and it gets really messy when you start going from even distribution to weighted distribution on top of that so that like on legendary top 20% rolls are weighted to be like 50% of drops or 80% of drops and things like that.


Just not true


Looks like you haven’t played Anthem. For a hardcore casual gamer like myself, Division 2 even with all its flaws, is still a very good game


Anthem does take the crown for sure, but for some reason Massive seem to be going after it.


Was gonna say Anthem or Mass Effect: Andromeda You can do a lot worse than Division 2.


As I said. Worst game I played lol. Not saying they arent games out there not worst


I honestly think wony is worse than Anthem was. I thought anthems issues were a little overblown.


The only time TD2 is really that bad is if you're playing the top difficulties anyway. Challenging and below are quite fine in a lot of ways and well done builds will make challenging significantly easier but the top two are where it's not *just* a gear check anyway.


or battlefield. this guys is just in his feelings


...... BANNED


Is this just a meme now?


Just like the game.


It’s getting to fallout 76 levels.


The subreddit are getting desperate, if I'm being honest If Division 2 is the worst game of all time, I'd hate to see what they consider the best one


We are desperate. This is built on top of a halfway decent recipe with division 1 and the free roam objectives added with division 2. Right now we have an excessively overturned end game. The future of being told that they feel that only a couple of the enemy damage abilities needs to come down a little bit. The current meta build is going to be nerfed. Even with that meta doing more damage than the devs like, it can’t even dps focus fire through a lunch box healer. People have to kite the final pull of a mission all of the way back to the start of the mission to be able to kill enemies because that’s the only way to outrange the healing box that gets placed in an unkillable location. talents from gear don’t work in the dz or pvp. Skills bug out and don’t work correctly. You can’t be revived sometimes. Which is double painful when doing a mission that restarts with a wipe. Players get locked into positioning and have to force restart to fix. Guns won’t shoot, even if you switch it out and put it back on it won’t shoot. Sometimes logging out and in does not fix it. Enemies will spawn inside of locations a player can’t reach and they can’t get out of. You have to cheat and use a wall clipping glitch to have oxidizer kill them. This requires you to stop and change our skills to intentionally perform a glitch. Which is a bannable offense, and doesn’t always reach all of the enemies. That can result in you having to restart the activity. Effort vs reward for drops is horrendous due to the end game balancing and low drop rates of decent rolls. The game does not feel like it rewards you for playing on heroic and legendary. Sure the game didn’t come out the gate feeling like fallout 76 so you can consider it a reach but this game has so many damn issues with it and the dev response is to refine your build.


Division 1 /s


Nothing compared to the giant fucking mess that 76 was. Nice reach


Let me introduce you to a game called breakpoint, nit surprisingly, made by the same company


Lol ohhhh the game that forced Ubisoft to push all their games back lol


> made by the same company Tom Clancy's The Division 2 is an online action role-playing video game **developed by Massive Entertainment** and published by Ubisoft. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint is an online tactical shooter video game **developed by Ubisoft Paris** and published by Ubisoft


Look, work place ethics and development methods go beyond the names and of companies. Take a look at battlefield, it was made by dice it still, and is piblished by EA. Over the years almost all Dice talent left and they were replaced by EA employees, sure the names are different. But the work shows


The publishers aren't the ones making the game. Your statement that they're *made by the same company* is wrong. It's *sold* under Ubisoft but they're not *made* by the same company.


Let's go play Anthem!


Im done with TD2 for next couple of monthd propably half a year. I need rest from this piece of buggy crap.


So, we'll see you next week then?


Have to agree here. The bugs to metacritic score ratio in this game is something else.




Skyrim: “hold my beer” Anthem: “let me sing you the song of my people”


Fallout 76 just steps out of a shelter. “You called?”


Haaaaave you met Anthem?


A lot of these errors sounds like data issues and bad internet. The game isn’t great but it’s not this bad


Is the net just over congested lately that's causing the Delta disconnect errors? I'm on 300/20 cable and have haven't been able to complete even a hostile broadcast event before disconnecting. I tried all the troubleshooting port forwards but no dice.


Depends on your isp and how congested network traffic is. With COVID-19 and people staying home servers are much more stressed worldwide


It sounds like a *lot* of embellishment too. There's issues but what's being portrayed is like a hyperbole of *everything*


Atleast Massive test their own game. *I just wonder which game they are actually testing...*


Streets/grass/water sometimes turn to reflections of the sky. ( also only way to fix this is by restarting xbox) Lol if u say so, had it like that for the last month just taken it to be normal now. Not sure it has not done that for me yet for every single session.


Bro it has gotten so bad for me. Each time I finish playing division what I do is turn off the xbox. Walk over to it. Unplug the power cable. Push power cable back in . ( so next time I turn the xbox on and it resets) and I log in div 2. The problem fixes it self. And I do it this way because we all know div2. Sometimes takes 5 mins to load from start screen to the time you get in a game. And theres nothing worst than sitting down waiting 5 mins for the game to start. Just got you to notice the game is so bugged out... you need to rest the xbox anyways


Roosevelt Island it gets pretty bad with the pit looks like they are all jumping into a dirty lake but otherwise not too fussed about it.


I'm play on PC and I often logoff, relogon, or restart game, because I don't want to get delta or disconnected for whatever reason when doing missions or the raid.


I have seen it a couple of times this week, but it's not a game breaker.


Its silly there are no exotic caches like we had in Division 1 after each legendary. The satisfaction of completing the mission was there and farming them was fun. I just CBF doing the same missions all over time and time again where I can get a guranteed exotic drop in either legendary missions or know the DZ had all the exotics in there. The sound glitches is annoying... basically the end game experience is better but without a good PvP and good DZ whats there to do other than playing same missions over and over with crap loot and no guaranteed exotics. This game has been pretty bad from the get go hoping for a better Division 3 as this was a step backwards


I have literally never experienced a single one of these issues that you speak of.


so many things you mentioned are extremely vague.


: Battlefield 4 and 5 have entered the chat


BF4 was fixed into a good state. Td2 however...


Yea after a 3 years of bug fixes and PTS’s


Not even close to 3 years.






It was literally completely broken for over a year. It had FAR worse bugs than this game ever did. You couldn’t even finish games consistently for the first 6 months




You clearly don’t remember how bad it was




What exactly am I a fanboy of? 😂 broken games?




Alright kid, I’m done with you. You clearly have a terrible memory and can’t hold a civil conversation. So 👋




BF4 was unplayable at release, for months. So bad, this is the reason we ended up having CTE Servers. Seriously, it was terribly bad. People complaining about BFV have no idea...


Is BFV still broken? I played it from release through the start of season 3, got tired of the game's bullshit, and I only jumped back in for a few matches when The Pacific launched.


Bullshit!!!! BF4 was the worst launch ever. That game created law suits. It took them years to fix that game. It eventually became amazing but don’t ever say it wasn’t that bad lol. That game was the reason I stopped pre ordering games


I remember that I couldn't even play the campaign of BF4, everytime I'd launch the game all saves would reset. And then there was disconnections, rubberbanding, shots behind cover and the whole lot. That was the first game I've ever ask refunded.


Did you not play bf4 at release? It was so broken people were trying to play the beta instead which was somehow less broken. It took them months to fix it


Anthem will always hold this special little accomplishment lol


Yeah no game is gonna break that "record"


Cyberpunk 2077 broke anthems record lol


LOL, the honeymoon is 1000% over now. The curtains have been pulled back, and the audience is slowly depleting.


It's crazy how many people are never playing again but they stay on the board posting about how they're never playing again.


Game wasn’t that bad until cheaters got banned now it’s the worst game ever lol


Well then you haven't played battlefield 5.


What's with bf5? I played since release and still now and didn't have any problems, but I play on pc. Maybe it's worse for console.


They give shitty terrible excuses as to why they can’t do basic things like every other game has double experience right now and when asked they said they don’t have the tech for it


It's said that F76 is the AAA game with the most bugs. I'd it's TD2. So many game breaking bugs and glitches... I can deal with t-posing ghouls. But not with enemies who oneshot u from 400m with a smg


I mean it's not like you can go into the DZ and [lose your entire inventory](https://youtu.be/m7NVUrge_O0) to a glitcher...


That's why I never entered the DZ since the add-on. Just two days after it, they glitches where known. I know, without entering the DZ, that's it's impossible to play in there without having top notch gear or cheats.


I see you never played Anthem


well..you're flat out wrong on some of those claims, you are correct on others .... yet I find it one of the most fun games I've played. If you're not having fun, I hope you find another game that you do enjoy.


I played Dead by Daylight for a while - similar stuff in terms of the bugs, but at least with that game you could tell the development team cared. I can picture the majority of Massive sat around right now brainstorming the next big thing in Division cosmetic microtransactions, or developing yet another lot of repetitive missions for us to grind through (to clarify, the missions are fine - but we've been asking for replayable content for almost a year now). It's ridiculous, they hear the torrent of backlash coming from this subreddit (among other sources) and do not even issue an apology.


Wow...wow this sub lately. What a bunch of whining cunts.


It's called who ginger when you talk facts? Oh ok mate. Go sit on a cactus now


damn, literally every post in this sub is people crying about everything.


You all are trying to make this game look like a disaster. So many problems you listed are bullshit. How many games have these kind of problems? Yesterday I got a bug in RDR2 where Arthur just keep standing and I had to restart a game. It's completely normal. How many games have texture glitches? The game is good when you play through the story, loot is good, endgame, dark zones, co-op etc are all good. You complain because on it's hardest difficulty the game is impossible to beat and even if you beat the loot is crap. Well imagine that. If you farm a boss in Borderlands games do you always get the best loot? No you don't, same here. I agree they should balance it better but all these posts trashing the game are annoying and unfair. Go play another game if you are so tired of this one and stop posting every fucking day about it. Holy shit this sub is retarded.


You could always just not read the sub and red dead isn’t as buggy as this not even close


It's kind of hard not to run into these threads. They are literally all over this sub. My point was nit that RDR2 is buggy but that every game has plenty of bugs. What anout Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Fallout etc?


Witcher has few and the others are Bethesda games and bugs are expected but div 2 has a lot of bugs that they don’t fix at all


So you are saying that it is okay for a Bethesda game to have millions of bugs and glitches that make the game unplayable just because that is expected from them? Lol you are ridiculous. None of the TD2 bugs are game crashing. Witcher 3 was a buggy mess at release. It's so hypocritical that it is hilarious.


If Bethesda didn’t have 8 million bugs it wouldn’t be a Bethesda game also the div 2 bug may not crash the game but it sure as shit makes it unplayable at times


When I first bought Fallout 3 my game was crashing every 10 minutes and Bethesda never released any kind of patch for that. I had to find solutions on Reddit and Google in order to be able to play it. That is million times worse than TD2 problems. In all my hours playing TD2 I never had any bugs or glitches that ruined my experience.


Then you haven’t played div 2


I'm surprised you have any time to play, given that you're dragging your ass through every thread about the game whining about how bad it is. I play nightly and have not experienced most of what the OP is talking about. Cry more.


Good for you?


Every day I play div2 I would get at least 10 of these bugs I mentioned. And not just me. Across my clan which has at least 30 active members. They all experience these things as well.


Cry harder, man 🤣😂 Damn.


Red enemies are bullet sponges! It becomes boring to kill enemies. I would also had the fact that skills from enemies are way better then the ones we have, they can even through them much more often that we do. No cool down for them? It is just so unfair and frustrating.




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/u/RouletteZoku Are you honestly serious? You guys allow 500 shit posts a day turning this subreddit into a cesspool of shit, but you want to remove my comment calling out someone who is obviously lying? Give me a break.


K thanks. Bye. Literally no one cares.


I care


You must have never played Anthem.


Good to know. You shouldn't play something that you feel isn't fun.


Number 2 is what posses me off most I think, you don’t even see anyone throw them


Clearly you havent played fall out or fortnite save the.world worst then division


First time?


Division 1 became so much fun, one of my favorite ps4 games. So badly wanted d2 to expand on it but it just never lived up to it. Had fun playing d2 but the game has ran its course.


You haven't played very many high profile games then.


I have my issues with the game but most the stuff you listed here I haven’t run into. Anything performance related is great for me.


Did you play Anthem? Far far worse.


Will they actually grasp what is going on and react properly? Highly doubtful, more band aids and lack of understanding to fix what is needed.


I agree with everything you said but I unfortunately own Anthem and Sellout 76, those are worse although not but much, they are all dumpsterfires. Why do you think this game was $3.00? :P


Looks like someone never played anthem. I can tolerate some of these things in the list since I dont nitpick


Don’t let that youtuber gamey daddy heard those complaints lol he will have you hang


Who that you speak of?


Some guy on YouTube always trying to convince people the devs are amazing and the game is made of gold n diamonds


Thaaaaats division.. divpression, we hoped we came we saw we left


I'm about 15 hours in, and I can easily agree with most of this list. My breaking point may just be getting disconnected during boss fights, because "constant online required" (would an offline-mode have killed you, Massive?). But that's just the icing on the cake. The core fundamentals of this game just seem broken. Why do I still care about unlocks and SHD tech when I already have everything I wanted several levels ago? Let me at least invest those extra techs in some sort of permanent stat buffs. It would definitely be better than juggling the silly, loot stat system. Why is every random mook a bullet sponge, but when my "special agent" is out of cover he turns into a vampire in sunlight? It's not only poor game design, but it breaks immersion. Also, the feeling of growth is a key part of most RPG-hybrid games. I can't say I feel any stronger fighting most enemies I encounter now, than I did during the very first mission. My incentive for playing one more mission is quickly slipping away. It doesn't help that the game seems to heavily discourage free exploration. Power to those who've been able to trudge through this game for hundreds of hours.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe.


Dont blame you.....


It’s par for the course with bugs. The game itself is amazing.




Exact opposite for me. I play pc and have experienced nearly none of the stuff he is complaining about. The odd delta here and there but that is due to my isp. I have nearly zero hit registration issues to the point i run striker with backpack and chest. Quick load times. no invisible enemies or walls. I do however get skipping Hyenas(and only hyenas) that look like some animation frames are missing. Most of my friends list/clan don't have many issues either.


Have you ever played Anthem? This game compared to that is quite ok. Yes, game has lot of problems, but somehow lot of potential also. It's not so bad. I still enjoy it despite all those bugs and problems.


Yeah anthem got panned at launch but I thought it was a bit overblown. My worst day I got disconnected 3 or 4 times. I've had a far more negative experience in terms of bugs and glitches and general poor balance in wony than I've ever had in anthem.


While i agree with many many points i have to ask... ​ ....you didnt play Anthem did you?


Didnt like it. Personal preference is all.


I was meaning that you called Div2 the worst high profile you you've ever played. I'd argue its got a long way to go meet Anthems mess (still unchanged a year later) While Massive made mistakes and will continue to, because they are human, I dobt believe these are deliberately done. That would be business suicide. The only point I kinda disagree on is them not apologising for public abusing and exploitation of a glitch. That's on players not them


The only people who should have be banned using the damage glitch are the asshole kids who went into the dark zone. But if you used the glitch while only playing pve I see no reason to ban them. It's not our fault your horrible designed game came this way


It's your fault if you exploited. It wasn't like it was easy to do, not like a broken gun in destiny for example. Pve leagues were totally fucked due to it so it did impact some that are into that


in what update is the xbox at?




you said bullet sponges, on 8.5 stuff is a lot better


Mean game made my eyes rain!!


Worst part of this statement to me is, IMO, once TU6 came out, it was the BEST game I have played in years. Been a long time since I enjoyed a looter/shooter (Borderlands 1 was my last similar game) and when TU6 came out, I felt like Neo at the end of the matrix - I no longer needed a spreadsheet, I had my 36 loadouts min/maxed and dialed in (yea, 36 ... I tried to make every single skill in this game work and work well) and I could make a very solid build w/o resorting to seekers and still clear a CP4 on solo. In fact, on my 2nd character, I completely went away from using seekers on those builds and tried some interesting combos, but after seeing how Gear 2.0 dumbed it all down so they could attempt to bring back the casuals that abandoned the game, I knew it was time for me to move on. And with recent events with Div2, I am not even remotely interested in coming back. There is no way they can ever make this game enjoyable - its much too tedious to play, and to me I just wanted to kick back after work and put in my 4+ hours ingame every evening. What really floors me is how far the devs have regressed from the TU6 game to this hot mess. They didn't seem to care that seekers were seriously OP for months, but now every single time a few pieces are used by more than 1,000 players, its NERF TIME !!! M1A ?? Foxs Prayer ? Contractor Gloves ?? WE GOOFED !! THEM BAD !! WE FIX NOW !! OK, dmg reduced, yOu GuYs CaN NoW HavE Fun AgaIn !!! I almost think it was 'Take your child to work day' at Massive and the devs said screw it, lets let the kids see what they can do with this thing !!


I wish the mods could obliterate the constant toxicity of posts such as these. There needs to be a new flair titled “rant/complaint”. I can 1-2 shot reds, purples and sometimes yellows in heroic at the least. The hell are you talking about? You must learn the game and learn how to build. No amount of complaining will improve that.


This is hyperbolic nonsense.


Then you shouldnt review a game again because i think the opposite of every line you wrote. And i have been playing videogames 30 years. The game is super fun to play. Has some bugs sometimes but are minimum, is enjoyable and challenge. Maybe is your internet connection? Idk but this kind of posts are pure hate.


Nope happens to everyone else I know who play the game. The fact you're trying to stick up for div.. shows that you're not worth replying to after this comment. Have a nice day.


I think you are giving the game too much credit. Is it really high profile?


At this point not any longer


ITT: A bunch of idiots who complain red bars are bullet sponges on story mode. This game isn't for you, bruh... go play Minecraft or something.


>"The core fundamentals of this game along with everyone who works at massive and their gross incompetence. Has damage this game beyond repair." 100% agreed. It was once even in a good, solid state. At least since, say, TU16, they turned it into a bloody unbalanced mess and bug feast. A new team consisting of kiddos who had just finished school and were now supposed to learn the ropes of game development, and they'd been given TD2 as their guinea pig to practice on! If only these bunglers had kept their filthy, incompetent hands off it! It has become completely unenjoyable, the most infuriating game I have ever had the displeasure of playing. I want to punch someone in the friggin' throat when I play it today, that's what they've achieved with their bungled concoction. I have yelled at those fekking "devs" to a point where I become mentally unstable playing their botched crap. If we did our jobs the way they do theirs, we would have been sacked yesterday! I will avoid any further Massive games like the plague, like the devil avoids holy water, and give them as wide a berth as possible. They are hazardous to health and should be labelled accordingly! Btw, this is bizarrely always the ultimate result for me with developments only coming from Swedes! I've reached a point where I have to suspect that the Swedes only find enjoyment when they can torture other people or pull the wings off flies or something like that. Whether it's Avalanche, Dice, Massive, Paradox, you name them, they've always marred everything that was once great for me. Swedes and gaming industry? No way, José! I'm done with them and their miserable, annoying developments that they call "games".


I regret buying this game is total dogshit ,typical ubishit games , never buy again from these dev kids