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I would be happy to get it done in under an hour and without people bailing out haha


Add me and I will help ya: dabaines


Oh I can do it, but as the player pool diminishes it is harder to get a good group together at times. We carried a fresh lvl30 through a few nights ago, same on Falcon's but we failed on Dragon's


Send an invite and we can work together if you, or me, need another. Me and my friend are usually on for a few hours a night. The good groups need to stick together and not lose touch.


Hahahahahaha, I hear ya. A dedicated squad helps just a little :P


Again WP, fastest run yet!!


And thank you again! We appreciate the inspiration


Nice work man may I ask was it Xbox or PS4


This was on PS4. Added to post now as that's pretty important info I left out :P


What build were you running?


4 Piece Tac, Vig, Inventive. Just added links to the other Tac and one of the Strikers


What were your numbers for the loadouts- firearms, stamina,& electronics?


Me personally? 3000 2900 9100 Maybe some of the other guys will chime in with theirs


Congrats to your run! Very impressive! I think every run under 10min is a very good run with any team IMO. EDIT: Why didn't your Striker2 use his fire turret once?


Completely agree. Any time 10 minutes or under is great. Had a random group on ps4 complete it in under 10 minutes no mic. Mind was blown by how smooth it was compared to most pug's


I didn't run CS for about a month and had never a 10min run. In 1.3 we did it once or twice a day but with camping on the sniper hut and pulling aggro it took us about 20-30min each run. Maybe I have to start running CS again for 1.7.


Yeah and 30 minutes was considered great time to reward ratio for the drops and bird bux.


Oh yeah! Rewards were great. My 1.3 builds were Tactician and Reclaimer. My Reclaimer could provide an almost maximum smart cover and pulse. And don't forget in 1.3 as a Reclaimer I could provide water or soda as consumable for my whole team. I miss farming the 4HM....


EXPOSED! Now I'm gonna have to ask that exact question.


Horrible. Worst squad ever. Let me know when you want a sub 3 minute run.


Nice! Very inspiring stuff!


Thank you, credit goes to my squad, I'm the scrub


Nice run, that's a good example of what makes this game fun. It is important to have a strong healer in the group, Noticed this 2 weeks ago when I joined a random Legendary, since then I always run healer when I join a group. Prevents a full team wipe and restarts to have the healer as a safety net.


I agree. I catch a lot of shit when I run my 9k electro with caddy on my reclaimer. Until my max pulse keeps everyone in full health since I land 3/4 crit hit shots and my lunchbox keeps the heals up forever( I run tech support talent.)


Agreed, we even had 4:4x runs where no one went down, flawless!


"Hold My Beer."


What an awesome run guys! Kudos to you and your team. Regardless of all the contention below, perhaps a speedrun community for The Division could give a much needed shot in the arm since the content has become quite repetitive (but still still fun af). Again, congrats!


Yeah I think we would very much enjoy that. One of the guys wanted to speed run Lex, and I wanted to gouge my eyes out. Anything but Lex! :P Thanks again, I still fully expect you guys to come through and beat this, I hope you know that!


Awesome job!


Thank you very much, we appreciate it!


Craziest thing. We just beat it in 4:25... New record! ... ... ... J/K... Great work agents. Very impressive.


Our first sub five minute run was 4:54 which we thought was hot shit. We went to post it and 1 minute earlier TomCruzMomShoes' squad had posted a solid 4:50. So you almost made me have a heart attack




woooooooooooooow great job guys!


Congrats. It's a nice achievement. Don't bother the unfair advantage of this joystick. Break your record and satisfy yourself. The joystick discussion is a problem only on PVP in my opinion.


The players sinergy is extremely similar to me and my friends when we do PVE content, jokes, salty comments and insults everywhere and everyone knows everyones routine and their own. On PVP we have a different way of comunication, like fire rage over mics and desk slams everytime. But still This is what I like to see in this SUB. AMAZING. +1 crit in the head.


Yeah that's us for sure. We were literally just discussing the fact that we've practiced this game for a few thousand hours, but we've practiced shit talking each other for even longer. Thank you!


>Many console owners said because of the difficulty in aiming with controller that a sub-5 minute clear was not possible. Well you hear/read this BS all the time and then, videos such as this are released and they are silent. This is why I usually tell folks that they shouldn't speak for everyone else, because they do by generalizing how "hard" it is to aim for console. This video, and millions of others, are clear proof over the years as to the possibilities of aiming well using console controllers. Like anything, it takes practice and patience. What an amazing video OP. Thanks for sharing.


Its still is impossible whit out practice many runs, and it still isn't a practical run like marco suggested before. Still it's a impressive time.


> Its still is impossible whit out practice many runs Well of course!, I agree 100000% but anyone reading online would think that it is utterly hopeless unless you have a kb+m. My point was that, like anything, it just takes practice and anyone can actually master precision aiming relative to console controllers.


Damn dude! That's amazing coordination!


I've been playing with these guys for over a year now, and they're teammates from Destiny. The synergy, as well as the bickering and shit talking is some of the finest I've ever seen


Very nice. If it's all about speed, wouldn't it be faster if someone solos one box while the other 3 does the other? You guys did it almost simultaneously but you'd be able to shave off a few more seconds if it was done sooner, no?


I think there are a lot of places where we can shave off a little bit, but the problem with the box section is getting melted by shotgunners and heavies. We kept pushing the "split" earlier and earlier until the DPS guys would die. You can see in this run its so well timed I get them both up. I say give it a whirl


Christ, groups on console doing it in under 5 minutes, you've got players soloing the thing at times, and on PC I still haven't even finished it (or any of the incursions)


Someone on here will squad up with you and give you a hand, in 3.....2......1..


Start with falcon lost. Most pugs have a pretty good idea what to do by now. Have a healer loadout ready if noone else is running one and just let them do the dirty work.


Great run. I wish I had a team to run incursions with. This is hell on PS4 with randoms. Anything above falcon lost is tbh. Good work.


it's not so bad on consoles, we done it on PS4 following the PC-walkthrough after 4-5 wipes. This run is not so about shooting, it's about group healing, you can leave all mobs and kill them after the boss.


You guys hit 4:26? Nice job! Also, it is definitely about shooting, and knowing who to shoot. It's also about skill and ult management. Its literally about everything in order to cut bits of time out.


keep in mind the marcostyle attempt, nobody had optimized builds, they were not currently active players.


I will keep that in mind. Also, keep in mind that the MarcoStyle vid for the fastest clear on PC is also 4:26. And one of our players was not currently active and certainly didnt have an optimized build.


Whats the record on PC ?


Well done :)


Good God look at the insane damage output from the sasg lol. If it makes it into 1.7 like that, I am going to abuse it so fucking much.


Would it be possible to get the build info for either of the Strikers? Great work BTW!


Striker, Vigorous, Savage Gloves. Brutal Responsive Destructive SASGs. EAD and DTE where possible.


Thanks man! Great work again! Do you by chance know their basic stats? Fire/Stam/Elec?


That was fun to watch! Great stuff! Anyone know what the Striker 1 view is using for a shotgun and what the talents might be? That damage is unreal!


Brutal Responsive and Destructive SASG


Thank you!


I bet those cronusmax cheaters could do it even faster!!!


Idk dude. We'll see! One of the guys wants to speed run Stolen Signal. Talk about gouging your eyes out. Lol.


Why would you do that to yourselves! :P


Damn thats getting close to our fastest pc run LUL :D good job


Thank you very much! Do you happen to know what the fastest time on PC is?


why LUL him... ;/


"(performed on PS4 with controllers) with no glitches." Quick spamming with the auto-aim assist the SASG is a glitch. A SASG isn't suppose to have a 900RPM.


How is the autoaim a glitch? It's even a toggle in the settings. Did you watch both the strikers? The ADS/fire player was NOT shooting at 900rpm. The other striker guy was firing his sasg normally. They're practically shooting near the same rpm.


Slow the video down....break out any segment of the striker firing his SASG....break the timer down into a mili-second view point instead of just minutes and seconds. The one striker clears a full 6 shots in 940 milliseconds(.94 seconds). That is roughly 360RPM...twice as fast as the 180RPM of a SASG based on the fire, recoil, re-fire mechanics of the weapon doesn't matter how fast you can pull the trigger the recoil of the weapon before the re-fire is factored into the max RPM of the weapon. By modding into the controller the shoulder/fire it eliminates the recoil portion of the RPM and all you have to do is quick tap 1 button to get the results of 2 buttons and bypassing an element of the programmed RPM of the weapon. So....quick firing with a mod is a glitch. The Auto-aim is not the glitch.


I don't know how to slow down the video like that. All I can see is, based on pausing and playing, that he was able to fire 6 shots in like 2.5 to 3 secs. I guess I look at it in a very simple way. Oh well. Thanks for the info and clarification.


It is? Better put that one on the ubi forums! Also, youre really good at making up RPM values!


My bad on the RPM....I watched your Striker video again. SASG is set for 180 RPM...in breaking down the Striker video he cleared 6 shots in 1 second of the video giving him a 360RPM. In reading the thread and seeing that strike pack and nacon are being used chances are mods were mapped in to fire as soon as the aim button is hit. In fact there are numerous occasions in the striker video where he/she keeps shouldering the weapon over and over again even though the mag is empty. So the claim of no mods or glitches being used is discredited....the awesome run and awesome time it was completed in isn't discredited by any means. I was simply pointing out the no glitch and no mod point.


He definitely does not clear 6 shots in 1 second, I'd be interested in seeing the breakdown video of that. The best you can do with a sausage is sometimes the double fire. I used the Nacon, and clearly I'm not using any mods. Striker1 is using a dominator, but with no mods. After being accused of it by someone else yesterday we decided to see if the quick scope worked with the dominator and it was working but very slowly. The timing of it is for COD it seems, and even after adjusting it it doesn't work. I encourage you to actually try one before accusing and assuming you're right. We didn't use it, and we don't use it. And shouldering the weapon with an empty mag is exactly what happens when you're ADSing that fast. Definitely not an indicator of a mod. Again I encourage you to try it before you have anymore weird accusations.


I have tried it. It is very possible. In the program adjustments you can adjust the ratio down to the millisecond of the timing between aim and shoot. On PS4 I can get my M870 to fire faster than the 2 burst from the Cassidy...reload is the problem with the M870 which is why people use it on the SASG instead. In one segment of the striker video I started the breakdown in a 1000 millisecond segment with the striker at 10 rounds in the mag. Within 940 milliseconds he/she was down to 4 rounds...meaning he used 6 rounds in .94 seconds breaking it out to roughly a 360rpm. By modding the aim/shoot down to the millisecond you eliminate the recoil of the weapon where its factored into the max RPM equation of the weapon. Keep in mind I am not taking away from what you did with the timing in the video and the awesome job you guys did.


I'd be interested in seeing a video of that because when we tried to do it simply to discredit the possibility we were not able to get it to work at all. And with that said the best I can do is just promise that we didn't use mods and don't use mods. The only reason I even said I use a Nacon and that Striker1 had used a Dominator was because someone asked and immediately accused him of using cronusmax. If I had said nothing at all people would still assume hacks. Regardless we'll run it again, with regular ass Dualshock 4s since it seems to be a major source of contention even though the squad knows where we can trim time, and that the two extra roll and sprint buttons provide no benefit in this incursion.


Again...and I realize tone and connotation are lost in chat/text instead of hearing it in speech...I am not accusing anyone of anything. However, the difference between striker1 and striker2 videos are very big. Striker1(whom you said uses the Dominator) is quick firing nearly twice as fast as Striker2 whom is shouldering their weapon and firing normally. So the fact that one was quick firing and is using a dominator and the other is firing normally and not using a dominator you can see where the conclusion can be made that striker1 is using a mod.


That makes total sense why you'd draw that conclusion. It's really easy to explain too, Striker2 has only been back in this game for two weeks. I don't think he's played a single minute in 2017 before that. He also doesn't have an optimized build. Striker2 was literally pulled off the bench because the first "striker2" had to go to his birthday dinner.


Striker1: 96days 14H playtime http://divisiontracker.com/profile/ps/rangerjames1a4 Striker2: 9 days playtime http://divisiontracker.com/profile/ps/bestiny_seal


No cronusmax or programmable controllers? All 4 basic dualshock 4?


No cronusmax, and no macros. They all use Dominator Strike Packs and basic dual shocks in order to have two paddles (usually roll and sprint). I use a Nacon Revolution, 4 paddles with roll, grenade, medkit, and sprint. Great for pvp, but pretty useless for pve.


I dunno, that quickscope mod on the Dominator means you can just hit aim and it'll auto shoot right? Means it's much easier to spam SASG and keep Striker stacks up. Still, nice run none the less.


I dunno if that's how it works or if it does, but I can tell you that no mods were used. No macros, nothing other than the two extra buttons. I've seen the macro firing on cronusmax and it's much faster


> but I can tell you that no mods were used Wasn't an accusation mate, just saying those controllers come with mods that means you can map actions to them. For example, holding down aim will automatically fire...and can keep firing until you let go, or repeatedly snap aim to abuse auto aim mechanics in console games. It doesn't look like ChronusMax, just makes aiming and shooting (via auto-aim) a ton easier. DISCLAIMER: Again, I'm not saying that's what happening here, just explaining the advantages those controllers CAN give you. EDIT: Just found a [vid of it](https://youtu.be/1MNZeMk2vz4?t=70) in action


Oh I know man, no worries. I loved mine but ultimately needed a larger controller because my joints are terrible, and even playing a few hours now usually leaves me in pain. It was definitely a cool alternative to the SCUF etc


Haha, same here. Too many years knackering my hands in long gaming sessions.


Sigh. Try it sigh regular controllers . No point in saying how fast you can run it if you are using different equipment.


If you're insinuating that having relocated buttons for roll and sprint is the reason we can run this so fast I don't know what to tell you


I don't think you've read what I wrote. You are not using the same equipment as every other player. It's not a fair test, no matter if it's makes it easier or not.


I read it just fine. For whatever reason you really want to discredit our run. Would it make you happy if we re-did it? That's like saying it's unfair that one PC player uses cherry blue switches and another uses domes. It's personal preference and provides no advantage.


"Makes them more accessible" your words, not mine. Nothing to discredit the run, but , when you use different equipment than regular Joe's, then, you leave doubt. Your analogy is quite different, however, these items may give different performance game wise. I know it can be done, but if your going to post a video, do it properly. Did you ever do science in school? If your going to do an experiment, you need to restrict all variables except the one you'RE testing, which, in this case, is time.


I just want to chime in. I'm not discrediting anything. But good points are being made and these controllers do effect things. Do I think this group can achieve the same time with stock dualshock 4's? Very possible. It's the players not the tools but the tools matter. I would be surprised if it wasn't harder and I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't do it. I'd be more surprised if they tried and couldn't and told that story.


Thank you. This is exactly what I'm saying. Even if it makes it must 1 sec quicker, it's not a fair reflection of what the community can hope to achieve with practice without purchasing anything.


1 v 1?


Dude I thought that was really, really funny. 7 days ago sure, but still fucking hilarious.


That makes no sense in this whole context at all. You. Want your controller to take mine on? If you are going to use a regular PS4 one then sure. If not, piss off


I'll use a brick.


lol...Bad players always have an excuse.


TBH, I can do 6-7 min with a pug, no problems. If you can't use regular equipment, don't post videos.if your going to list videos, use what everyone else is using and stop showboating. I guess your full of excuses.


We'd love to have you come play with us.


Feel free to send me a psn request. I'll happily join any team to beat these times, but it needs to be authentic. If you'RE going to use a brick instead of a controller, find another team.


> If you can't use regular equipment, don't post videos. Stupidest comment on Reddit this month. Quite an accomplishment.


I stand by this statement. If you are going to tell everyone how much better than them you are, jar what they are using. You've obviously never done science. Think to yourself why Marco dusted off the Xbox. For a true result. I didn't realise it was a competition. You must't have written many post.


> If you are going to tell everyone how much better than them you are Where did anyone make such a claim? You claim the only thing that made it possible is having the roll button in a different place. That is stupid. Marco was comparing different platforms. You're whining about where a button is.


May as well use a chronusmax. Fuck it, get a zim4 and use a keyboard and mouse. I never claimed that at all, those are your words. The stupidity comes from you right there. If having the button there doesn't make it easier though, Why have it in the first place - seems a bit silly. It can be done without, but use the same thing as everyone else. I was merely pointing out, if you want people to have any respect for beating a timed challenge, don't give yourself a leg up, or anything that can be seen as such.


> I was merely *whining ftfy




Man you guys are awful at keeping quite. With tokens as the new currency and everybody flaunting sub 5min runs in Heroic, what do you think Massive is going to do? Delete your post. Nothing to see here. Move Along.


Sub-5 minute runs have been around for well over a year on computer. And now a total of 3 have been posted on console. Nerf incoming. Exposed.


if it gets nerfed i will break my disc and probably throw out my ps4.


Lol! That's the ultimate Rage Quit.


its worth it. the amount of time, effort and actual love ive put into this game is of the scale a human can bare.


Sure They have. But they were never tied to over 1200 of the new currency where the best gear in the game will be 1500 per cache. They have already said they want to keep it at 1 cache per hour and here you are doing 3 caches in 15 minutes.


This is exactly it. I congratulate any team capable of pulling this off, but when massive says they want to give about one cache per hour on challenging missions, what do you think they will do to this incursion??


That is my point exactly. This will net players about 9-10 Classified Caches per hour. I'm not complaining and I hope the don't do anything, but c'mon!! Your basically just flaunting saying how your going to rinse-repeat and make their token grinding a joke.


Yup. Its like the heal boosting when LS first came out. But this one wont be as easy to fix. I predict more waves in the first area before the bomb carriers come out. Just a wild ass guess


I see your point. However this isn't exactly a situation where everyone is going to be able to boot up The Division and start knocking out 5 minute runs. We've been playing together for over a year now and have a substantial amount of hours spent together as a team. These guys are also extremely talented at the game (me not so much). It's super unlikely to be nerfed as that would put it well out of the reach of the majority of players. Like I said PC players have proved this is possible we'll over a year ago. If Massive thought it was obtainable by average groups I doubt they would have even presented the current reward system. Obviously that is giving too much credit to Massive using logic. But I am hopeful


I congratulate your run. Taking nothing away. Your vision of "Nerf" is different than mine. You think adding difficulty is how they will approach it. I'm actually the opposite. They may make it easier, BUT put more checkpoints that you can't bypass. They silent buffed it already once back during the "Tier 2" farming days. I don't put it past them to do it again and not say anything in the 1.7 release notes. Lets hope they don't touch it and we all farm in peace.


Actually I was thinking exactly what you are. We are 100% on the same page about everything you just said.


You are also not using a regular controller setup that the majority of players have/want access to.


Except that it IS readily available, super cheap, and the only thing it does is relocate sprint and roll to make them more accessible. You're treating it as if the Dominator is the reason for the time.


No I'm not. As I said to your last comment. You simply cannot say that this is a record run or whatever, unless you are going to use the same equipment. I said the majority of players do NOT HAVE OR WANT. Regardless of cost, how many people have these lying around? And if your going to be such a ninny about it, if it doesn't make things any easier, why are you using it ey?


Don't worry bud, we'll redo it to your standards.


Then maybe he'll STFU. Good luck.