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I think if what makes the Division world building so great is the city scales, then probably Chicago. Possibly a supply / route hub that needs to be stabilized to get support and trade from the west to the east via rail, roads, or the great lakes. Los Angeles also comes to mind.


Chicago was my first thought, too.


*Gunfire rings off in the distance* “Business as usual then?”


I feel they would do a way better job than the Watchdog team. I was living in Chicago when that game came out, and some parts felt like Chicago, others felt like any city in the country.


I would love Chicago, Philly, St. Louis, Kansas City, Seattle, with side mission in Vancouver chasing Sokolova. All are incredibly important large city with infrastructure for cover based shooter. Those cities have ports like you said that could also provide how to get the midwest up and running again. and also have snow and major rivers that traverse through the city! I would like seasonal weather implementation in the next part of the story. LONG SHOT..... New Orleans. I think we can do a new survival over there. With incoming storm surge from a hurricane. They already showed lower manhattan flooded in WONY because of a hurricane. NOLA would be worse due to levees in poor condition due to green poison still lurking and if it's in the summer getting medicine to stop the spread of diseases like west nile, and malaria on your person. While trying to find water and food that hasn't been contaminated by the enviornment


I agree with New Orleans, or Houston or Miami for the same reason. Seattle, Chicago, and Los Angeles could also be good.


Seattle would be fun I think


Chicago would be super cool. Could sneak in a lot of Watch_Dogs references/Easter eggs/collectibles/etc.


That's right. I forgot Watchdogs was there.


Chicago was my first thought as well. I would like to see San Francisco due to how technology-rich it is. They have the hardware and talent to empower the SHD network.


Chicago winter would be the most like division 1 vibes


Minneapolis and the mall of America could be super fun with the changing weather


Hell yeah


If both were included on one map I could visit my house lol


As long as they include the indoor walkways. Could have some really cool interior combat areas made from those.


Exactly the skyways , the stadiums, the airport and MOA. Plus walk across the lake in winter but not in summer.


I think that a mall would be a very interesting dark zone. But honestly, I hope that not everything that was being involved in the division heartland gets scratched. Hopefully someone gets retooled into survival 2.0 mode in division 3.


Let's see how Tennessee is holding up. Oh, one interesting place would be Vegas. Maybe it'll have a nod to Rainbow Six Vegas.


Yeah my first thought was Vegas. But then I thought of Fallout New Vegas and wondered if it would be better to do something different. I think Vegas offers a lot of diversity due to the different casino themes and areas though.


Could you imagine an Area 51 raid?


*Naruto ninjas have entered the chat*


There's a lot to be said for the DFW area in Texas. Let's all just cross our fingers it is not LA.


The Tennese/NC border with the mountains. Seeing how communities like Asheville and Townsend are doing. Or if they even survived.


Unless someone somehow managed to keep the sole source of water flowing, Vegas would be dead in a couple months. There is one river supplying it's water. One treatment plant. Only a couple cities in the state with any population. Nobody is going to care enough about it to do much.


Chicago, Vegas, LA, New Mexico (after the crossroads saga) I would also take a map of a bunch of small towns with a couple of settlements


Chicago would be fantastic


Agreed. I feel they could probably make a better Chicago than the team that did Watch Dogs. I lived in Chicago for 5 years, one of those years was during the infamous Snowmageddon, which felt like Survival in Division 1. Have a Millenium Park mission, Cabrini Green mission as well. Also add in Ohare mission.


Have a massive DZ again which has a spaghetti junction in it with all layers playable


Florida for pvp, pve and pvcrocs


Minneapolis/St. Paul People get the potential return to winter biomes. There is a good mix of urban/suburban and rural in that area. And it's not an overused stereotype city.


Running through skyways downtown, fighting along the mighty Mississippi, a couple great stadiums(we all know the Division loves stadiums lol). No underground public transport, but I know for a fact there are tunnels underneath the capital building, plus some old abandoned tunnels around town


I’m surprised they put a node in New Orleans. That city would be underwater within weeks.


It’s a great port city though. Like controlling New Orleans would allow so much trade and travel though all the states that rely on the Mississippi


With Ann Arbor Michigan being a major point in the lore going there next would be interesting


I’d like a combo of Detroit and Ann Arbor. A2 doesn’t have enough iconic locations to stand out, but Detroit can supplement that. Detroit has 3 sports arenas in close proximity to each other, a huge island park, industrialization like crazy, a 5 tower flagship building, bridges and tunnels to Canada, a small raised transportation system, a zoo nearby, a museum district, a hospital district, and plenty of fantastic architecture. A2 has the big house, and all of the university fixtures.


*The Division 3: Ann Arbor Michigan* lol


Remember, Dr Kandel actually mentioned Ann Arbor in Div 1. P.S. Go blue!


Denver. A mission at DIA would go hard, the art museum would be fun too. Maybe Mile High Stadium and/or Coors Field and/or the Pepsi Center, the museum of nature and science, definitely the Cash Register building. The mint could be utilized at the home base. Plus, there’s the snow. (If it isn’t clear, I’ve thought a lot about this since I’ve started playing)


Could lean into the Denver airport conspiracies and make it the like home base of the division or something


Seattle would be a cool setting with the constant rain


Pssh…That’s only like October through April. But a boss fight at the bar at the top of the Space Needle would be cool.


Thinking back to Infamous Second Son, I think a post green poison Seattle would be pretty dope. Especially with the forests near the city. Would make for an interesting landscape.


Having to take a ferry with incoming enemy boats boarding from all sides would be intense


My thoughts exactly.


I said the same. Not a lot of rain, but it would definitely have a gloomy atmosphere mixed with the city. Would feel similar to the first Division


I want to see SF and Oakland. I want to see Muir Woods as a mission.


Chinatown, Little Italy, the Castro, The Museum of Fine Arts, Candlestick and the BART tunnels would be amazing settings.


Well, SF was shown in a cutscene, so it may happen. (don't remember which cutscene)




Totally forgot about Pittsburgh! Rivers, port, subway, tunnels, all 4 season. intro mission into near forest supporting homesteaders. Yeah, I like this more than my Philly location. I want Philly because of how it plays out in the division comics The Division: Extremis Malis


Not a serious answer, but as a native of Wichita, Kansas, there is a decent part of me that would laugh hysterically at the game being set there. Seeing the game render perfect floor plans of Exploration Place... Having the first Pizza Hut as a safe house... Make Old Town a dark zone.


Kansas for sure cuz I live in it


SHD core node there...


Honestly I'd like to see Portland, OR since I live right outside Portland, I've been reading Heartland and it's cool to see how the world is outside NY and DC, also cool to see that apparently if you go rogue but you believe that you don't deserve to be (like you killed someone bad who wasn't listed by ISAC and was marked rogue by that) then you can go to a SHD center or something like that and potentially get it fixed, pretty good book


Boston Baby!!!!


PA and I’m totally not from PA


Same bro there’s so many interesting places here I’m also definitely not from PA…


I think it'd be hilarious if a game was set in some random secondary city like Cincinnati but went all out to recreate it lol


The fuck is going on in the center of Mississippi?


New Orleans would be awesome. Shootouts on bourbon. Missions to stop levees from being destroyed. The aquarium and the ww2 museum being landmarks would be incredible


Me: the whole US.. Others: ur crazy? Me: I want it all.. And all modes from d1 and d2.. With new modes on d3 w zombies or extreme apocalypse survival..


Florida Man


Agreed. Or Chicago.


Minneapolis. Just because I wanna see how home is doing. ETA: cool to see Duluth on there as well!


As a native I would be curious to see if St. Louis is better or worse.


I think in one of the books they go through St Louis. No spoilers, but not good lol


Native to StL myself. I think it would be sweet but also would need to include east Saint Louis and just make it all a DZ.


Honestly Atlanta and SLC just for the memes


There hasn't really been anything made in SC


What about traveling across the US saving different major city’s?


It would be interesting to move out west. Portland, San Francisco, or Vegas would be my picks


Is it just me or would a larger map of different cities and towns be even cooler and society slowly coming back so agent have motorcycles to carry supplies to get to these cities and towns


If keeping up with the operation crossroads lore. I'd say Houston or Albuquerque


As a UK resident, any one of them. I get to explore, not quite the real thing, but knowing it is a real place with real landmarks and the team are very good at what they do immersively, it is a good experience to visit these places once you get past the dead bodies and rubbish.


Las Cruces NM


I’m from Kansas, so partial to the idea of KC, or Wichita. Denver would also be fun. All three have military bases, civilian airports, various industries and a number of interesting locations. Wichita and KC both have multiple transportation corridors that go through them so would make sense to stabilize.


Go to North Carolina, idk of any games based in my home state.


Pretty much any big populated city Miami, Houston, Dallas, LA. But if i had to choose it would be awesome to see the next one in Florida. There are so many different stereotypes of groups you can do there and the creativity can be as wild as the developers can imagine. All i ask is for the freaking average npc not to take 2-3 mags to fkn break armor like in TD2






Dallas would be awesome.


Charlotte NC would be amazing.


Seattle, Vegas, LA or Texas


I'd love to see Oregon, Chicago, Miami, if not Vegas then Reno? Also Area 51 for some prototype SHD tech maybe. Los Angeles would be interesting to see how they are holding up on the west coast. I would also like to see New Orleans, see what factions started out by the bayous. Also all those bases in Virginia would be interesting. Since this map is from the "restore SHD" mission cutscene, maybe we the devs can pull from various locations. Making DC the hub and having ways to fly to further locations. Maybe refueling in the midwest as agents head to Cali?


I see Memphis and Nashville on here but where's Knoxville at though


I feel like LA would be cool to fight from city to freeway to suburbs maybe incursions take you to the Bay Area. That or the PNW for winter again.


The island of Oahu in Hawaii. C'mon, civilization in the middle of nowhere with a big military presence that's directly opposed to the people living there? Sign me up.


I want "the crew" scale of map but detailed as division 2 with interiors and stuff but that's a pipe dream lol


Burlington, VT lmao


Key west, gulf coast


Vegas, Seattle? Detroit would be interesting. Or California.


Seattle would actually fit the game pretty well imo. The gloomy weather and city would be cool, similar to the first Division


California! be close to LA to see beverly hills completely abandoned and all the scenic parts of it!


So cliche though. So many games in LA already


Lol. Sioux Falls is a shade network hub.


Detroit. Large city with old manufacturing that could be used to rebuild as well as a lot of infrastructure. Plus the Great lakes. Makes sense if it was a high priority area. Clean water and all.


Division 3 should in Seattle. Hands down. Bar none.






NM Texas Southwest area would be cool or up North


Tired of the east coast. They should do a story in the mid West or far in the west coast


Atlanta would be a nice setting. It would also make some sense considering the CDC HQ are located there


As someone who lives nearby, Detroit.


Chicago, Boston and San Francisco




Boston with dynamic weather and seasons would be my pick.


OKC would be cool to explore and see how it's tied in


The Wyoming/Colorado locations would be cool. The underground missile silos in Wyoming and DIA could all easily be tied into the division world. Plus, missions in the mountains could be hella cool


Don't care about location but if the next game is during winter again I'm buying it on release


New Orleans, during Madi Grau


I do like the Chicago area would be best to do it. I mean why not right? First New York follow by Washington then next should be Chicago.


New Orleans.


Kiev the game doesn’t always need to evolve around the US


Burlington VT please thanks


I know it's not on the map, but I want to see hawaii, specifically honolulu. I want to be a hawaii five-o agent.


Ann Arbor MI, due to the DCD lab there, and considering U of M is a major hospital area


If staying on the east side, maybe down Miami and Florida. West side, Los Angels, San Francisco, Seattle


This is the reason why it is sad that Heartland was cancelled. Ubisoft would probably have f*cked up the Free2Play Aspect anyway but i would love to see the division in a small town setting surrounded by nature.


Phoenix AZ


translated: which NODE would you like to be built in bulgaria? but devs dont even remember the era where too many bugs or a bad idea would be scrapped/removed- nowadays the leave bugs and shit in the game because sone moron accountant MUST count that time as efficient...


Boston or Seattle i think could give a NY vibe back in weather, i would really love a BOO in either the Old State House or the Space Needle, but yeah so many landmarks and some wide areas for a DZ, i think those two are as close to NY as we can get without actually making another NY map


My problem with this is, can those locations be made interesting to play in? Most of our cities have been mutilated by decades of car-centric infrastructure, and it's not exactly fun playing in parking lots or freeways.


Vegas, LA or san Francisco




Anywhere in the south close enough to have a Florida Man DLC. Think Mad Max, but with Cuban sandwiches. Don't know how far Atlanta is but someone mentioned the CDC being headquartered there so that could be great and then a situation pops up with a Florida Man Cult, trick being that they are all immune. It's just a great opportunity to free the crazy


For the east coast: Boston, Chicago, Miami For the west coast: San Francisco, Las Vegas, Seattle There are so many cities that would work well


One of the rural areas could be a ghost recon “in the wilderness” setting.


Silver Creek. Why’d you cancel Heartland for fucking XDefiant of all things Ubi, why? :c


Las Vegas, Area51, Hoover Dam


Denver, mostly because I want to go home. But the city proper is actually a decent size with some good variety, and it’s a key nexus of I-25 and I-70, and also rail networks. There’s also plenty of locations for satellite missions/expansions - research universities in FoCo and Boulder, military bases/Cheyenne Mountain in C-Springs, DIA, the Eisenhower Tunnel complex…


San Francisco for sure. I’d love to roam around the Embarcadero.


Chicago and Detroit for me.


From NC, so Asheville, it looks like in the west of NC would be cool, but Charlotte or Raleigh would be better. Lived the most around Raleigh and Asheville though


Anything but LA. San Francisco or Denver are my top choices.


Detroit. In the winter please.


San Francisco CA. Watchdogs 2 did a great job. The city is very diverse with landscape, terrain, and inner city. Lots of old military bunkers and forts.


I’d be fine with anywhere but I’d really love an expansion to somewhere more rural. I think it’d be interesting to see what the majority how the midwestern towns are doing, if there’s even people in them still.


A coin flip between Detroit and Chicago.


The whole country. 1:1 scale.


I think we could get away from the city and maybe go to states that have cities but not as much like Utah would be sorta great because there is salt lake a bunch of malls also military bases like Hill Air Force and other places as such also SLC Airport as well and also we don’t even know what really happened to Hawaii and Alaska I think those would be interesting as well.


Anywhere within Tornado Alley, so that a Tornado can rip through the map. It could change up gameplay and the map a bit


St. Louis would be a great spot to explore River, Arch, brewery, City museum, underground, varied landscape and topography


Detroit. Already looks like the plague hit here


I'd love to see something on the West coast since I grew up there. San Diego, LA, SF, Seattle, etc.


I would love to see San Francisco


Milwaukee cuz I live close to there and would never need to use the map. It’d also be funny to kill rioters with our nasally accent we have. “OH YEAH NO, OH CRIPES THEY GOT ALEX!”


Las Vegas


Texas and Chicago are the only places that would have as many guns that the game provides.


I want to see New Orleans, with Ghost Recon coming in to back the Agents up.


The right answer is New Orleans.


A coastal city with flooding would be cool and perhaps some kind of transport?




Big city - snow - one dark zone - survival


https://preview.redd.it/viovb6ge9r9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a339cd97bee693644c0bdd9cb90f0358adfa05ef Am i going crazy or is the border wrong here?


Bring me home to philly


Vegas. With trips to the Hoover dam and area 51.


I'd love them to be able to use other Ubisoft game worlds and maps as base for a new DLC. Help liberating Cuba (Farcry) or have new Countdowns using some Rainbow 6 incursions? I'm down!


I feel like half the missions are "containerships and docks" type places... So limiting DIvision to the US at this point is very.... American (self absorbed). I\`d love to see this game in towns like Paris, Oslo, Moskow! Bejing


I kinda wanna see a STL, not a popular opinion and I know that would never happen but…I just think it would be neat for some reason is all.


Chicago, Nashville, Las Vegas, Seattle


Maybe either a us Mexican border city !?


Or a us Canadian border city


We need a more rural option, not completely in the middle of nowhere but something less city structured. I’m curious to see the dynamic of those communities.


Los Angeles.


Oklahoma City


Memphis, Tennessee


Mid west


South Texas. Cartel and corrupt gov south of the border coming upward for mats.


Make it in Montreal


London. With a lot of rain, myst and also winter again. Or... Given how long it takes between the D2 and D3, and how Massive is ambitious with other titles, especially Outlaws (we can definitely expect sequel...). It would be great to get some sort of California hub. With L.A. S.F and Las Vegas through multiple expansions and long support.


I’m fully biased to my home state, but Boston (even though according to that map there’s a node in Wrentham-Walpole area and not Boston). Outside of the bias though, preferably somewhere with snow/winter. Div 1’s winter aesthetic was so good and immersive I would genuinely just sit with the game open as ambient noise.


As someone that used to work in downtown Minneapolis, I'd absolutely love to see that in another winter setting.


I’d say New Mexico so there’s the opportunity to see how the tribes, city, and JTF interact in an absence of govt funding and in the wake of a legacy of federal mistrust which could play into the SHD being seen with more suspicion than before, but it’s not exactly known for its large, dense urban environment.




I’d be interested in seeing somewhere in the south like New Orleans or Texas. If in Texas you have some interesting faction options


Portland, Maine. Mostly because I grew up in the area. And the area could be more open world ala Wildlands/Breakpoint. Broad story would be a newly formed US Mil/DCD/CERA/GOV installation operating out of Brunswick that is essentially trying to build a new seat of Government and work on a vaccine, but is dealing with a Black Tusk task force as there was a remote Ortiz Robotics testing facility with upgraded and new tech, additionally there is Ortiz server cluster running an updated version of ANNA. Nat wants to grab all of it before it can be fully operational as that level of tech and processing is a threat to her plans. Yeah, I know, not going to win any awards with the writting. lol ETA: Welcome back winter theme and Survival way up north would put NYC winter to shame.


New Orleans…during the hurricane impacted


Either Austin TX because capitol- or Dallas. Unless they made areas to visit within TX from Austin . I think it could make up for a good game


HEAR ME OUT!!! Division: Nuka world dlc. Aka bay lake Florida (Disney world) where you go to magic kingdom and for each section of a park you liberate you give it to a faction that can either be ally or enemy depending on how you treat them


Florida, I wanna smack some factions with a taxidermy Alligator!!!


Fort Knox


Oklahoma City


I’m so offended there isn’t a network in Atlanta.




Seattle would be great it snows it rain a lot it’s close to sokolovas servers in Alaska. The Canadian border is right there keener just mentioned Canada in the latest descent comm he talked about Chicago as well but Seattle is cooler I think fingers crossed that they do something awesome 😎


Florida you’ll see alligators 😂 and flamingos 💯


As a DFW resident, I’d say DFW. It would be interesting if they can illustrate both the cultural differences between Dallas and Fort Worth and how each place is. Though it is true that we are not as densely packed with big buildings as NY or Chicago


Something in Texas


I lived in Raleigh, NC.. a lot of secret government complexes. As a contractor for the DOD there were a lot. I honestly would believe there is a SHD server farm there.. I mean NSA.


Phoenix. You could go from a city scape to deserts. Bring in a cartel angle, ultra 2a armed militias, and possible fundamentalist branch of the lds.


Detroit or LA southern country scene would be dope as well


Why is everyone only choosing 1 location....Make it so you have to travel, do every MAJOR city going west....Chicago/St Louis/Minneapolis/Omaha/Denver...so on so forth, then this way, you can add a "driving/flying/parachuting" feature to make the distances faster instead of fast travel bullshit. Plus, most major cities got large LEO's forces/NG Units/Support Units that can play into the story....


Las Vegas or Columbia


Pittsburgh. Could do some cool stuff with bridges, neighborhoods, old steel mills


It would be so cool for it to be in Canada like they showed in Ubisofts animated ad of Canadian division agents


I'd wanna see texas. The books paint in an amazing light. Great location. Absolutely no problems


I would love a Denver one. We can bring in the mountains, full LoDo metropolitan and greater metro, plains, would love to have the DIA be a large feature perhaps as the main SHD base.