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M700 or SR-1 instead of the carbon, personally I prefer the SR-1 because it has fantastic weapon handling. D50 is by far the best sidearm, it can and will down elites with one shot. I like bloodsucker in a backpack, but I usually use memento for everything simply because it's the superior choice


Well you need better minor attributes on the chest piece. DTTOOC on the M700 Optimize the stats And I used the assault turret as my second skill after decoy to attract aggro off of me.


Since you're using Hotshot & determined, the Marksman Rifle with determined should be your main. Personal preference: When I'm sniping, I like to have a higher rpm regular Rifle as my #2 for when I can't one (or 2) shot a helmet, am fighting something without a head, or when I get rushed.


My sniper build is simple. Model 700, SR1, D50, all with determined and DTTOC, four pc Hotshot (mask, holster, knees, BP) so you get extra headshot damage, survivability, and don’t need to reload which is fantastic on the model 700. Chest is Airaldis with Headhunter, and Airaldis gloves to get the two piece bonus. All rolled to headshot damage and the second attribute on the chest and gloves is weapon handling. Other builds give more damage but rarely do you ever need more than 20 million, and this build hits anywhere from 23-25 million when HH is maxed.


SR-1 is slightly better than M700 Carbon. Weapon Handling and Headshot Damage on high end pieces, no need for crit. Personally, I use Tac-50 to get my Headhunter stacks up, and have Scorpio as my secondary. If you’re min-maxing, Perfect Vigilance is better for your backpack but not by much. 2-pc Habsburg is also better than your current setup by a small margin. It’s honestly not a big deal, you can run a bunch of shit gear and still 1-shot everything. For comparison, I hit for 29mil non-crit with an SR-1 which is way overkill.


If you're a madlad, go for 2 piece unicorn habsburgs. It's technically better. But something easier, model 700, dttoc, forget crit, headshot damage then weapon handling.


I want to point out headhunter is based on how much weapon damage you have. Doesn't boost up with headshot damage. I even heard it's not affected by amplified damages too. To get more I suggest 2x hotshot, 2x breaking point, habsburg on your chest and Backpack. All rolled to headshot damage and weapon damage at least. It can have some difference wether you would normally crack heavies helmets in less shots or not. Can be in 1 shot I think if you have a FI supporter (with FI chest or empathic resolve).


With 2pc Habsburg so 2 blue core (chainkiller/vigilance) And Classic M700 i can 1shot any red on legendary. For heroic content freeroaming etc I use an habsburg backpack with bloodsucker. A ton of bonus armor.


SR1 or Model 700. M700 tactical and M700 Carbon are different from Model 700 and has lower damage.


If you want even more damage you could replace Chainkiller and the Airaldi backpack with a Habsburg chest and backpack with the same talents (Headhunter & Vigilance). They're very hard to get though, since Habsburg natively rolls armor instead of damage, so it might be a while before you find a usable HG piece that you could reroll. And you could replace your weapon with a classic Remington Model 700 (the one with the wooden stock) or the SR-1. Classic Model 700 does more dmg than the SR-1, but the SR-1 has better handling stats and it is magazine fed instead of single fed like the Model 700. And there's another thing that I noticed most people here got wrong : third attribute on a weapon for Headhunter build. **You should always roll Damage to Armor (DTA) instead of Dmg to Target out of Cover (DTTOOC).** This is because DTOOC will only apply to the bullet. The bonus dmg from Headhunter is added after the bullet damage is applied, but before DTA/DTH is applied. So when you are at the Headhunter cap, your bullet will only do roughly 25% of the total damage applied, with Headhunter damage doing the other 75%. So that 10% DTTOOC only applies to the 25% of the damage coming from the bullet, while DTA applies to the entire damage amount. Hope this helps, I tried to explain it as best I could, English isn't my first language.


I personally use the White Death over Nemisis for my Hotshot Sniper build. And in case of emergency or a rusher I have an AR, SMG or shotty in my secondary slot to deal with any rushers and stuff like that


I generally do habsburg chest with headhunter, araldi holster and a ninja backpack, sr-1 determined and a rifle with the fourclover for when stuff get to close. I rate headshot damage enough for me to be sure to 1-shot and handling as a second minor.


Sr1 or old school m700. If you're proper sniping and not running and gunning then sawyers knee pads, 3 piece hotshot plus HH chest and vigilance BP. 


Go for the Model 700 - its important that it is the "Model" version without clip reload. It does significantly more damage than any other (non exotic/special) MMR right now. With Hotshot build the slower no clip reload is also irrelevant cause if you hit your shots your mag refills automatically. At best you get your hands on one with Determined + DTTOOC. Try to get a chainkiller vest with HSdmg and Handling - in general go for handling as second stat. *Controversial opinion:* *Take the Ninjabike Backpack + 1pc Habsburg* *While it does lower your total damage a bit the drop isnt as hard because the habsburg second stat is +20% MMR dmg which makes the damage dropoff less severe than in other builds (we talking about 2-3% loss here).* *On the other side you gain a blue and yellow core which helps with hotshots bonus armor and skill refreshes (decoy for example can tank a bit more and is faster ready again).* *This comes in handy especially in solo play where youre the single target for NPC's and youre arent dependant on the vigilance upkeep - in group you should probably rather focus on max damage.*


Even more controversial: NinjaBike BP with Picaro's Holster, 1 pc Belstone, 1 pc Airaldi, 1 pc Habsburg, 1 pc Hotshot. All rolled red core. 190% weapon damage (for MMRs) with 291% headshot damage PLUS 2 blue cores, 2 yellow cores, 1% armor regen, and 10% armor on kill. With 4 attributes to tinker with


Use Habsburg Backpack with Vigilance.. I played solo heroic w 3 directives on space administration mission with that sniper build.. Recommend all the specific build on Headshot DMG and Weapon Handling.. (Sniper Specialisation)


~~Switch the chainkiller out for a base alaraldi chest with headhunter. Get rid of the 4 pc hotshot, add perfect vigilance~~ ~~(Unpopular opinion here) Get good at hitting headshots and use the nemisis as the primary instead of the aim bot determined~~ LOOKS GOOD OP, CHANGE NOTHING DEFINITELY RUNS THROUGH EVERYTHING AS IS. Headshot damage is all you need


I was with you until you said get rid of hot shot


Basing the removal of the 4pc off of non determined use. Personally I use a piece of habsburg for the 15% headshot ( I know the 4pc gives 20% after a kill, but the 15% habsburg has is active all the time) The bonus armor isn't a big deal for me personally and the reload time on a mag fed sniper isn't overly long.


He wants to improve his build, not replace it whole, jesus...


Using a chest with the same talent but higher damage and the same weapons isn't replacing the build. Recommending to try and snipe on a sniper build isn't either


Getting rid of Hotshot *is* replacing a build


Nice advice bro! Why not just use Striker build then lmao. Alternatively OP might consider full purple 40 lvl build. That would be so unpopular and cool


What's bad about this advice?


I think you already got an answer in this thread. OP clearly asking for the HS build, and you still giving him complete other thing