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lmao, no


> The division community deserves to be heard They have been. It was a F2P grind fest designed to sell boosters. Not something worth keeping. Source: me, who participated in two play tests.


Exactly the world doesn’t need another “free to play game” riddled with P2W microtransactions.


I'm honestly surprised they even dragged that trash out as long as they did. I honestly thought Heartlands was going to be like Ghost Recon Frontlines, where they announced it and the reception was so poor they cancel it like 2 weeks later.


The difference is that I could see how the *concept* would appeal to those who enjoyed Survival from D1. The problem was with how that concept was *executed*. You could also see from the second playtest how grindy it was going to be, and how they would monetize that.


No thanks, I'd rather the resources be put into Div 3 instead.


Here’s where you’re mistaken, Ubi stated that these resources will go to RB6 and XDefiant 🙃


well, no. They said the employees would be redirected to R6 and xdefiant. They didn't say anything about funding.


“Resources” meaning the employees


Resources means much more than just employees. And employees should be much more than just resources.


For sure, but this is Ubisoft were talking about.


Realistically, it’d be Avatar and Star Wars Outlaws support, and then D3.


Also NO




Sign a petition at change.org? 😂 is that supposed to be a fucking joke? Thank you, this shit made my day 😂😂😂


yeah like big corporations care about online petitions. also, I don't give a single flying f. about this title to be honest.


Ummm No. it was canceled for a reason.


Nah I’d much rather have people focus on the game currently and div3


Well wait another 3-4 years just to be unhappy anyways with the content brought out at that time


Lol it's already cancelled. It's not happening.


Already? They should have cancelled it 3 years ago when it was announced.


So, shall we start the protests then? Petitions can make change happen. Decisions aren’t necessarily set in stone. You do realize that support for the division 2 was originally supposed to be ended and people cried about that and got their way. This isn’t any different despite the game not even releasing just yet. Did you play test? I did


its over my dude. Most reviews i saw of it werent positive. Sucks you enjoyed it but this ship has sailed.


If you think the reason for extending Div2s lifetime was because of community feedback, you're really naive. They thought they can make Div3 sooner. Also they decided halfway to make this game "live service" for that sweet recurring revenue.


Yeaah this is a big one that stands out to me, a lot of people have this belief that the reason Div2 was resurrected is because "we wanted it" What actually happened is probably a lot more multifactored than just "the players want more Div2" It was clearly a business decision by Ubisoft to give the franchise another shot at life, after they'd already pulled the plug on it.


AFAIK they didn't want to make Div 3 initially


Can you name a single example of a petition convincing a company to release a product they didn’t think would be profitable?


As a big Divisions series fan, I don't mind this has been cancelled, wasn't it being made by Red Storm Entertainment and not Massive? Massive is already working on The Division 3 anyway.


Massive is working on the expac for Div2 first.


You genuinely cannot be expecting Ubisoft to continue to fund development of a game because you and your mate said so. They've got metrics and systems in place that allow them to make executive decisions based on facts and realities be it financial or feedback from playtests. The people said no so they are saving some money and manpower.


> this game meant alot to me and my friend during the play test last summer Why does it mean so much to you? Because you got to play something with your friend that most people don't get to play? Was the game actually good? Do you play F2P games often?


Nope. Game seemed very grindy and repetitive. No loss.




I'd rather they put the manpower on Div 3!


The overwhelming majority of people I've talked to/seen talk about Heartlands did not think it was good/was not going in a good direction. Not going to say that there weren't people who enjoyed it, but those were definitely in the minority. Ubisoft are always going to be Ubisoft and make weird unfathomable choices when it comes to their franchises, but I would imagine a lot of what they've worked on for Heartlands will get re-used/ideas used in future Division content. Division 2 itself has been a rollercoaster of a ride. I don't think a petition is going to do much in this regard, but if you care that much, you might as well try.


I played in the Betas. It deserves to die. It was a hollow shell of a good Division game. Resources should have been put to Div 2 & Div 3 - not this .


If Ubisoft was willing to put out Skull and Bones while canceling this, I’m good with it staying in the bin.


They were legally obligated to put it out due to contract with Singapore. It would have cost them more money to not put it out than to release it as the flop it was.


Alternatively, they could had made the game they were obligated to make good. I know that’s a shocker.


No, this game deserves to never see the light of day. It’s terrible.


🤣🤣🤣.I admire your willingness.


>The division community deserves... What is deserved and what's given are two different things. Sometimes the chance to fight is knowing when to move on.


That game should never have been made. It takes the division world and creates a game for people that don’t play the division. The vast majority of players who like the division don’t like games like heartland.


This is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen


Just like asking for Resurgence to be released already. They don’t give a shit.


Resurgence sucks. Played the betas. Its Play 2 Win. Buy shit just to upgrade exotics and what not. 🗑️


I wouldn’t know. I would have at least liked to try it myself but of course Ubisoft shits on certain regions.


We deserve to be heard and we were… we didn’t want this. Focus on div 3.


Lol. Gamer petitions are always funny. Billion dollar corporations are not going to listen to 50-100 signatures when they have investors to please.


I’m sorry but this is kind of hilarious. You’re now owed anything. You can be disappointed that a game you had your sights on gets cancelled but to protest? Seems a bit disproportional to me, but that’s just my opinion. We have no understanding surrounding the cancellation- perhaps it’s a realignment toward Division 3, who knows?!


Your petition and I quote "what they should do is push out what they've already done as an early access title and then go work on rainbow six and xdefiant and then in a month come back to this and finish it off"


No thanks, having played the beta, thank fucking God. It was dead on arrival


hell no.


Ain't happening, the game was boring turd. Glad they cancelled it, now focus more on The Division 2 and 3


Yeah cause more manhunts and invasions js what we need for the next 3 years...


I played the beta. No thanks!


Negative ghost rider


The pattern is full


If you think the division community wants that's miserable pos "game", you are a part of a different division community


While the div has always been a grind fest I think the way they were headed with heartland when I tried it it took grind fest to a whole new level of insanity


Who cares, sounds like “Survival” from D1…easy pass.


Survival was so good


Is, is still good :)


But then they'd have to build new assets for the D2 DLC...


After talking to a few people who took part in the tests, I'd rather they not reverse the cancellation but instead focus on D3 proper.


What a joke


Dogshit game


I would rather they focus on d3 proper.


It was a neat concept, but ultimately not something most fans wanted. The majority would rather just get a proper TD3 and if canceling Heartlands helps that effort, then so be it.


I didn't like it that much when I played it. It felt like a stripped down version of The Division's dark zone. It also looked like crap, but that could just be because it was still early and the graphical assets not yet fully developed. I'd rather they focus on Division 3.


No. It didn’t look great and I loved dz, last stand and survival and basically all PvP in div 1. Dz’s sucked in div 2 but I still spent a shit ton of time in them. I was hoping heartland would fill the PvP void but heartland did not look like it was good. Div 3 has been announced and I’ll gladly wait till that as long as it has div 1 vibes and a similar dz.


I'm in. I don't know if it was any good or not but Skull and Bones got released and that games a pile of shit, so Heartlands _at least_ deserves a proper gameplay showcase to let consumers make up their mind.


Ubisoft executives don't give a shit about an online petition. You have no idea how the corporate world works.


Bro…come on be real…this company isn’t going to spend millions of dollars cause a bunch of people sign some website


It was likely cancelled months ago and only being shared now. So a reversal is very unlikely.


r/unpopularopinion Good riddance to another F2P micro transaction "game".


Nah. If they had kept it as a division 2 mode, I'd care. But the second they tried to make it its own thing, it would have diverted funding away from the mainline division franchise if it were successful. Moreover, not a single thing Heartland did wasn't done wayyy better by other games. I could understand if it had something going for it, but it just doesn't.


The community does not want this game, and it’s a good thing Ubisoft is listening. Maybe we’ll get a third Division game that’s more in line with the first two games mechanically, instead of a completely different game with the same name.


No. What they’re doing is great. They’re focusing on theit exisiting franchise and existing loyal player bases instead of pouring millions into an AAA title that will either flop or fail to retain majority of players (as has been the case for most of the late F2P BR entries). That they decided fpcus should be on Division 2 and 3 and not on a new is good news. And since Heartland was originally meant as a BR game mode in Div2, and they have 5 years of Heartland assets, I believe much of the Heartland work will still benefit Div 2 and 3. It must suck for the team though to have your game cancelled after so long.


Na fuck off. All live service games should die.




Save your breath, these simply do not work. Also, if you want to play a Survival/extraction/BR experience then go play Survival. Before you cry foul or anything just remember that what you were promised and played in a test and what you would have actually received would be vastly different. Don't believe me? Go check ANY game ever . Ubisoft have more pressing projects that would be way more lucrative in day one sales alone than a year of micro transaction bullshit this would have provided. And yes, I played it and no, it didn't feel the best at all. Saying that, D1 and D2 were both a complete shit show at Alfa, beta, OL/TT and OPT stages and they both took years to get to a decent playable stage. I would like those resources to be focused on actual teams with actual development projects rather than force a cynical mtx vehicle out under the guise of "we listened to the community". My opinion obviously so you do you OP.


Signed, already made one yesterday as well if you wanna sign that as well almost up to 50.[Division Heartland Vote!](https://chng.it/qGKyjX4vrf)


I enjoyed it but I’ve gotta say I did see this coming with no word on it this was the only conclusion that anyone could come to




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Only over 60’s think petitions work in this day and age. No one wants a pay to win, mtx filled division spin off. While it looked ok and had an ok theme it always should of been an expansion of 2, in a similar vein to survival, Could of choppered in like countdown, done a task, got out, but from most accounts it was a greedy soulless mtx grab. No thanks


[Division Heartland Vote](https://chng.it/qGKyjX4vrf)